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Comprehensive Test 2023

PAPER: Pre. 1st Year TIME: 1:30 Minutes
NAME:__________________________SECTION:_________ ROLL NO:_______
Q # 01. You have four choices for each objective type question as A, B, C and D. The option which you think is
correct; fill the relevant bubble in front of that question. Use marker or pen to fill the bubbles. In case of Cutting,
filling two or more options the result will be zero. (1x10=10)
1. Solvent extraction method is a particularly useful technique for separation when the
product to be separated is:
(a) non-volatile or thermally unstable (b) volatile or thermally stable.
(c) non-volatile or thermally stable (d) volatile or thermally unstable
2. The comparative rates at which the solutes move in paper chromatography depends upon:
(a) the size of paper (b) Rf values of solutes
(c) temperature of the experiment (d) size of the chromatographic tank used
3. Solvent extraction is an equilibrium process and it is controlled by:
(a) law of mass action (b) amount of solvent used
(c) distribution law (d) amount of solute used
4. Isotopes differ in:
(a) properties which depend upon mass (b) arrangement of electrons in orbitals
(c) chemical properties
(d) the extent to which they may be affected in electromagnetic field.
5. The largest number of molecules are present in:
(a) 3.6g of H2O (b) 4.8g of C2H5OH (c) 2.8g of CO (d) 5.4g of NO2O5
6. One mole of SO2 contains:
(a) 6.02 x 1023 atoms of oxygen (b) 18.1x1023 molecules of SO2
(c) 6.02x1023 atoms of sulphur (d) 4gram atoms of SO2
7. The volume occupied by 14 g of N2 at S.TP is:
(a) 2.24 dm3 (b) 22.4 dm3 (c) 1.12 dm3 (d) 112 cm3
8. A limiting reactant is the one which:
(a) is taken in lesser quantity in grams as compared to other reactants
(b) is taken in lesser quantity in volume as compared to the other
(c) reactants gives the maximum amount of the product which is required
(d) gives the minimum amount of the product under consideration
9. The number of moles of CO2 which contains 8g of oxygen:
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.50 (c) 1.0 (d) 1.50
10. Which one is the definition of Boyle's law?
(a) PK=V (b) P/K=V (c) PV=K (d) K=P/V

Q # 02: Write the Short Answer of the following questions. (2x12=24)
1. What is molecular ion? How it is produced?
2. Give the principle of mass spectrometry.
3. Justify that CO and N2 have same number of electron, proton and neutron.
4. How actual yield of a chemical reaction is always less than theoretical yield?
5. Define molar volume with example.
6. Give four steps of quantitative analysis.
7. Give the uses of chromatography.
8. Why Gooch crucible is not used for the filtration of KMnO4 and HCl solution?
9. Define distribution law.
10. Give any four possible units of pressure. Also explain atmosphere.
11. Give quantitative definition of Charles law.
12. Explain Kelvin and Celsius scales to measure temperature.
Write a Detail note on the following questions. (2x8=16)
Q. No. 3:
(a) Define empirical formula with example. Explain all the possible steps to calculate empirical formula of a
compound. (4)
(b) Explain graphical explanation of Boyle's law. (4)
Q. No. 4:
(a) A well ideal gas is enclosed in a container having volume 500cm3. Its mass comes to be 0.72g. What is the
molar mass of this gas? (4)
(b) Calculate the values and units of ideal gas constant R in standard and S.I units. (4)

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