Theology and Doctrine Answers

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Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

Section I. Multiple Choice ( Select  all that apply ) (97 possible points)

1. What are some biblical truths about angels?

a. Angels are messengers from God to man. b. Angels are emissaries sent on specific missions.
c. Angels are able to respond to man's requests/directions. d. Angels can be male or female.
e. Angels were created when Adam and Eve were created. f. Man will rule angels in eternity.
g. Angels have never been able to usurp their created place. h. Angels have ranks and duties.
i. All of the above j. None of the above

2. What are some biblical truths about evil, the Devil and demons?

a. The Deceiver can take away someone's salvation. b. Hell was created for the devil, not man.
c. Only as God allows, can Satan harm us. d. The Holy Spirit and the devil cannot cohabit.
e. Quoting the Word doesn't always fend off evil. f. Evil works increase at the end of this Age.
g. At our birth, the Adversary is our father. h. Satan & sin will be destroyed as eternity begins
i. The devil is actually a deposed demiurge. j. Satan is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient.
k. All of these l. None of these

3. What are some biblical truths about salvation from hell?

a. God causes which souls will be lost. b. After Adam and Eve sinned God devised salvation.
c. It is possible by sinning to 'fall from grace'. d. Water baptism saves us if we believe it does.
e. Christ's shed blood is necessary to save. f. Salvation may be granted to a soul after death.
g. The symbol of salvation is the cross h. Spiritual fruit evidences abiding faith in Christ.
i. God judges all men according to how each one individually measures up to other good men.
j. We are saved if we study and apply divine truth. k. Self improvement leads to eternal life.
l. Sanctification and salvation are the same things. m. All of the above n. None of the above

4. What are some biblical truths about the "Translation of the Saints"?

a. This is the same as Jesus' transfiguration b. This will affect only part of Christ's Body
c. This is another name for "the gathering" d. This coincides with Jesus Christ's return to earth.
e. This is the next event on the prophetic calendar f. Believers receive new bodies at this event
g. This event fulfills resurrection texts 1Thess 4:17 & 1 Cor 15:52 h. Another name is 'Rapture'
i. A crown is promised those who listen for the Bridegroom to call them to the Lamb's Supper.
j. All of these k. None of these

5. What are some biblical truths about the Godhead?

a. God's foreknowledge does not include knowledge of those who will be lost in hell.
b. "I AM that I AM" means that God always exists, before time, and for all eternity.
c. God judges all mankind according to how we individually measure up, comparing men to men.
d. God lives in every person who has ever been created; All possess a part of 'divine nature.'
e. God cannot change; His perfect attributes of justice, mercy and love are always operative.
f. God's omnipotence means He is all powerful, but never able to change wrong to right.
g. God is omnipresent because He is in everything and everything is Him.
h. God can be understood; therefore we may relate to God as we individually understand Him.
i. All of the above j. None of the above
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

6. What are some biblical truths about the Holy Spirit?

a. The Spirit is a neutral force, an energy, and related in the same way to all people.
b. The Spirit is subordinate in divinity and authority as compared to God the Father and the Son.
c. The Spirit visits some people to give them gifts and others to anoint their ministry.
d. The Spirit always does the work of the Father, bringing honor and glory to the Son.
e. The Spirit can be obeyed, resisted, blasphemed, lied to, grieved, or quenched.
f. The Spirit breathed the very Words of God into the men selected to write the Bible.
g. The Spirit transforms a soul into a child of God, by washing them in the water of the Word.
h. The Spirit relates equally to all persons, and for the same reasons, whether saved or lost.
i. All of the above j. None of the above.

7. What are some biblical truths about Israel?

a. Not all Israel are of God. b. The God of Israel has replaced the Jews with the Church.
c. All Covenants starting with Abraham are made with Israel. d. There are no saved Jews.
e. It is possible to be both a Jew and a Christian. f. The nation Israel will inherit the earth.
g. All the people of earth are blessed through Israel. h. God revealed His Word through Israel.
 i. God cannot break His Covenant with His People, Israel. j. Jesus is a Jew, the Lion of Judah
k. All of the above. l. None of the above.

8. What are some biblical truths about the Bible?

a. Because fallible men penned the Bible, other men's opinions are equal to the Bible's authority.
b. The Bible is authoritative, but not infallible. c. The DaVinci Code proves the Bible has errors.
d. The Bible is only one of many divine revelations. e. The Bible was written over 1000 years.
f. The New Test. is more important than the Old Test. g. The Bible Canon is 66 books.
h. God will destroy the Bible when Christ Returns. i. The Bible was written in Latin and Greek.
j. The Bible is God-breathed, meaning it is inspired.  k. Jesus Christ is the Living Word.
l. The Bible records the revelation of God's glorious plan, progressively unfolding over time.
m. Holy Spirit-guided, systematic study is the best way to learn biblical history and doctrine.
n. After thousands of years of copying, the Bible's truth & message is not changed.
o. Not all scholars agree which manuscripts are valid texts for use in translating the Bible.
p. Complete, exact fulfillment of prophecy is the primary proof the Bible is divinely inspired.
q. The Bible will judge men in eternity. r. All of these. s. None of these.
 t. Early Hebrew Bibles had 63 books, with both books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles in one.

9. What are some biblical truths about sin?

a. "Man is not as bad as he can be, but is as bad off as he can be." b. Children are born sinful.
c. Many ways of atoning for sin, if honest, are effective. d. Faith and prayer cleanse our sin.
e. There are 8 aspects of sin taught in the Old Testament and 12 taught in the New Testament.
f. The Bible declares pride is the fountain of sin. g. It is possible to neutralize sin by ignoring it.
h. Leaven and leprosy are symbols used in the Bible to typify sin. i. Sin will be destroyed.
j. Only vicarious atonement for sin is effective. k. All of these. l. None of these.

10. What are some biblical truths about the existence and attributes of the God of the Bible?
a. Sound, systematic theology offers the best way to organize and present the Bible's message.
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

10. (continued)
b. The Bible documents the revelation of God's glorious plan, progressively revealed over time.
c. The ordered existence of all life is one proof that the only, personal, intelligent God is real.
d. God first created Himself e. We can know God through clairvoyance and yoga meditation.
f. God ordained cyclical time g. God only accepts worship of Him in Spirit and in Truth.
h. God's omniscience means He knows everything.  i. Tri-unity means God exists in 3 persons.
j. God is independent of His creation, endlessly self-existent k. All of these l. None of these

11. What are some biblical truths about Jesus Christ?

a. Jesus is the Angel of Jehovah in the Old Testament. b. Jesus' power is subordinate to God.
c. Jesus is the Righteous Branch, a Son of David. d. Jesus is the eternal Creator of all things.
e. Messiah ben (son of) David is yet to return. f. Messiah ben (son of) Joseph as already come.
g. Christ's death, not His resurrection, assure the Christian eternal life. h. Jesus was not a Jew.
i. You must believe Jesus is God in order to be saved. j. Jesus is honored by the Holy Spirit.
k. Jesus cannot be both God and man. l. Jesus will Judge His Bride at the Judgment Seat.
m. All of these n. None of these

12. What are some biblical truths about prophecy?

a. Waging Armageddon war is prophecy's main theme. b. Most prophecy has already occurred.
c. It is necessary to know prophecy to be saved. d. Prophets are still receiving new prophecies.
e. The 1,000 year reign of Christ is only an approximate. f. Prophecies have no exact meaning.
g. All first coming prophecies about Christ were fulfilled. h. God will purge the earth by fire.
i. 144,000 Jewish missionaries will evangelize a great harvest of souls during the Tribulation.
j. Prophecy ends with a new heaven and earth. k. Jesus now reigns on David's throne in heaven.
l. We are being prepared for our place in eternity now. m. All of these n. None of these

13. What are some biblical truths about the true Church, the Body of Christ?

a. The year 2007 is in the Dispensation of the Church; that Age will end when the Bride has left.
b. The church called "catholic" with a small 'c' is the universal Body of all believers in Christ.
c. The Apostle Peter founded the church. d. The church will eternally exist with Christ.
e. The professing church is the same as the confessing church. f. The church is a building.
g. The Bride of Christ is the Body of Christ. h. The church is a royal priesthood of all saints
i. The church has replaced Israel as God's chosen vessel. j. The church was born at Pentecost.
k. The church, a mystery, was hidden in the Old Testament. l. None of these. m. All of these.

14. What are some biblical truths about Dispensations of time and God's Covenants?

a. The next dispensation will be the Kingdom Age.  b. Dispensation is a stewardship by man.
c. Adam and Eve lived in the Age of Innocence. d. Man's history covers seven dispensations.
e. Abraham's faith ushered in the Age of Promise. f. Christ's death ended the Mosaic Covenant.
g. The land called Palestine is promised to Israel.  h. The New Covenant is yet future for Israel.
i. In all dispensations God's deals graciously with men. j. There are only three Covenants.
k. The teaching that there are only 3 covenants is false. l. All of these m. None of these
n. Covenant theologians and some Baptists do not agree the Bible teaches dispensational eras.
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

15. Which of these statements correctly describe some naturalistic anti-theistic beliefs?

a. Atheists publicly deny that God exists. b. Marcionists deny that the Old Testament is valid.
c. Agnostics privately deny that God exists. d. Dualists believe good and evil are equal.
e. Both Theistic Evolutionists and anti-theistic evolutionists deny that God is the Creator.
f. Materialists deny that any reality is spiritual. g. Polytheists deny there is One God.
h. Pantheists assume matter is eternal and can self-generate both physical and spiritual life.
i. All of these j. None of these (Suggestion: look up definitions; they are simple ideas.)

Section II. True or False (60 possible points)

1. Christ's Body will be removed from the earth just before the middle of the Tribulation. False

2. The Triune nature of the Godhead means the Father existed first, created the Son next and then
the Holy Spirit. False

3. 'Israel' in the Bible means Jews in the Old Testament and means followers of Christ in the New
Testament. False

4. All theological systems are correct; Even if they teach contradictory points, they are true for
those who believe that way; We should not try and educate anyone to believe differently. False

5. The church is a 'hidden mystery' in the Old Testament; The Apostle Paul was called by Christ to
specifically unveil this mystery, teaching the church's unique place in dispensations. True

6. The Apostle Paul founded the Church; He was commissioned by Christ to do this. False

7. While on earth, Jesus Christ had two separate natures; He was divine and human; each nature
was individually in effect depending on whether He was operating as Priest or Prophet. False

8. It is possible to receive a 'second touch' of blessing from the Holy Spirit, thereby receiving or
possessing greater gifts than or different gifts from another Christian. False

9. Paul and Peter were at odds with each other, as evidenced by some scriptures. Paul had to make
sure his followers understood Peter was not a teacher of the Gentiles, but Paul was. False

10. Man's nature is such that he cannot overcome his sin even if he learns to obey, the best he can,
both of Christ's Commands. True

11. The teachings of the church are equal in authority to the teachings of the Bible. False

12. The study of the Church, or the Body of Christ, is called "Ecclesiology." True

13. Dispensational Theology was not known or taught until the 1800's. False

14. For the Protestant believer, Martin Luther's teachings are equally important to Paul's. False

15. The study of "Eschatology" means the study of 'things to come'. True
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

16. No one is able to know for certain if they will go to heaven or hell after they die. False

17. Any musical offering or song in Worship is acceptable to God if we sincerely offer it. False

18. The "Angel of the Lord," referred to in the Old Testament, is Jesus Christ, pre-incarnate. True

19. The Mercy Seat of the Ark was a type and shadow of Cross of Christ. True

20. We control the direction and quality of our life by 'speaking into reality' that which the Holy
Spirit leads us to desire, according to our faith in the Word of God. False

21. 144,000 souls will be saved in the Tribulation, including any who did not respond before. False

22. All souls living before the death of Jesus Christ were damned. False

23. It is possible to avoid falling into apostasy by applying Acts 17:11 "search the scriptures". True

24. The Church can be redefined or undefined by changing her purpose to be man's purpose. False

25. The divine nature of God is perfected in us when we yield to His nature within us. False

26. The most 'spiritual' gift of all is that of speaking in tongues, followed by interpretation. False

27. A "minister of the gospel" means those trained to go into foreign mission fields. False

28. One English Bible version is inspired, the same as the original writings are inspired. False

29. There are 65 books in the canon of the Bible. False

30. Evidence for Jesus' life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension is more extensive and credible
than evidence for the lives of many of the world's historical leaders. True

31. Hell is a real place and a real existence, eternally experienced by all who die without the benefit
of saving faith in Jesus Christ. True

32. Philosophy, Psychology, Science, and the Bible are all equally accurate sources for explaining
man's existence, his nature, his needs, and his final disposition. False

33. The perfect Law, outlined in the book of Leviticus, is a mini portrait of Jesus Christ's perfect,
sacrificial life, offered as the final sin offering to take away the sins of the world. True

34. There are 28 books in the canon of the New Testament. False

35. In John 1:1 "The Word" (Logos) does not have the same meaning as in Greek Philosophy. True

36. Isaiah 53 is the recounting of the suffering of God's Chosen People, the Jews. False

37. Romans 13 teaches a Christian how he is to live "in the world but not be of it." True
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

38. God has always existed in 3 persons, but was not incarnate in human form until Jesus was
conceived in his mother, Mary. True

39. The true canon of the Old Testament also includes the books of the Apocrypha. False

40. Syncretism and not separatism is the pattern taught in the New Testament for the church. False

41. The Sect of the Sadducees did not believe in life after death, but the Pharisees Sect did. True

42. Jesus' religious practice was most closely identified with the Sect of the Pharisees. True

43. Correctly interpreted and applied teaching on predestination means that some people cannot be
saved, since God did not die for the whole world, but only for whom He died. False

44. One reason each book of the Bible is included in the Canon is that each agrees with the
truth in the other books of the Bible, contributing to the whole revelation of God's glory. True

45. Belief in approved Creeds or Statements is the same as belief in the truth of the Bible. False

46. At the Shrine of the Book in Jerusalem an exact copy of the Book of Isaiah from the caves in
Qumran is displayed. It matches, word for word, the Book of Isaiah in the Bible. True

47. Being justified by grace alone, through faith alone, in Jesus Christ alone, marks the funda-
mental difference between the faith of most Protestant Christians and Roman Catholics. True

48. The "Israel of God" refers to those with true faith like Abraham, described in Rom 4:12. True

49. It is possible to perfectly obey God's command to live righteously by placing one's saving faith
in Jesus Christ. True

50. The "Morning Star" in Isaiah 14:12 is not the same "Morning Star" in Revelation 22:16. True

51. There are lost 'inspired or divine' books of the Bible that have been rediscovered. False

52. The study of Pneumatics is the study of the Holy Spirit. False

53. Gap Theory incorrectly teaches that there was a race of men that lived before Adam. True

54. The earth was created in six twenty-four hour (solar) days. True

55. The flood experienced by Noah was a regional catastrophe, not a global deluge. False

56. God created the earth and all life by the causing the event called The Big Bang. False

57. Today is the day of salvation. True

58. The study of Hamartiology is the study of evil and sin. True

59. Noah, Moses and Joseph are not members of the Church. True
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

60. It makes no difference for our eternal soul what we believe; all belief is subjective. False

Section III. Fill in the Blank (each blank contains one word.) (129 possible points)

1. The Pope is the head of the (Catholic) Church, not the (Body) of Christ.

2. New converts to Jesus Christ become so by hearing and believing the (gospel) of (grace).

3. Atheists actually believe in (themselves) as the final source of (truth) and (authority).

4. Salvation is by (faith) (alone) in Christ (alone), provided by God's (grace) alone.

5. The sovereignty of God is demonstrated in that all things are (in) (His) (control).

6. After the new birth, a man or woman's (new) nature continues to war with their (old) nature.

7. The (Gospel) (of) (Grace) means saving faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus.

8. The Law of Non-(contradiction) proves that Biblical Creation and (evolution) cannot both be

9. Man has free choice; He can either respond to the (convicting) work of the Holy Spirit and
be saved, or he can (reject) Christ's offer of salvation and be (damned) for his unrepentance.

10. The grace of God means (unmerited)(favor) bestowed on man, independent of man's (effort)

11. Repentance is (turning)(from) (idols) to God, obeying the (indwelling) (Holy) (Spirit's) work
of (sanctification), maturing as a (spiritual) believer, forsaking one's prior (carnal) walk.

12. He who is (guilty) of violating one point of the (Law) is guilty of violating (all) points of the
Law, this transgression earning eternity in (Hell), changed only by being (born) (again).

13. Saved Gentiles are (grafted) into the rich (Olive) tree of Israel, God's Chosen people. Gentile
followers of Christ are (wild) branches (grafted) in among the (natural) Jewish branches.

14. Romans 9 teaches Israel's past (history). (Secondary teaching applies to believers in Christ.)

15. Romans 10 teaches Israel's (present) rebellion. (Secondary teaching applies to Jesus' Bride.)

16. Romans 11 teaches Israel's (future) glory. (Secondary teaching applies to Christ's Church.)

17. God provides all men (general)(revelation) of Himself through His created (universe). He
(specifically) reveals Himself to man through His (Holy)(Word), revelation man must accept.

18. Sealed to the day of redemption by the (Holy)(Spirit) takes place at the (moment) of salvation.

19. Observing the ordinances of the Lord's (Supper) and (water) (baptism) are marks of
obedient church members; These rites are (efficacious) only for true believers in Christ.
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

20. All history and (science) included in the Bible are accurate, but not all truth about (history)
and (science) are included in the Bible.

21. The Bible is (one) Revelation, divided into (66) books, based on (progressive) revelation,
given by the (One)(true) God, demonstrating His (glory) from Genesis through Revelation.

22. Bible canon includes all the individual books, in their given order, that were (recognized) as
divinely (inspired) by early Christian fathers. Other books may teach (truth) but are not divine

23. Idolatrous (worship) is sourced to idolatrous beliefs; Idolatrous beliefs are sourced to incorrect
(interpretations) of the Bible. No one can decide their (private) interpretation is correct.

24. Universalism is the false teaching that (all) persons ever born will eventually be with God in
eternity; Annihilation is the false teaching that even though there is suffering in hell, the
suffering is only (temporary).

25. (Ecumenism) is the false system that teaches the church is obeying God by ignoring doctrinal
disagreements, so that there are no (barriers) that exclude those with divergent beliefs.

26. Hermeneutics is the study of the (principles) of how to correctly (interpret) the Bible.

27. The Bible teaches a distinct and chosen earthly nation (Israel); a distinct, heavenly Body, the
(Church), and both of them are distinct from the unsaved (Gentiles). The church is a body
of redeemed (Jews) and Gentiles.

28. God has been testing man since Creation. In every (test), in every (Age), man has (failed),
even though God has dealt graciously with man in every age. There are (seven) dispensations
or Ages. We live in the dispensation of the (Church). During the Millennium the resurrected
(Bride) of (Christ) will rule and reign with King (Jesus) on the earth for (1,000) years.

29. (Jesus)(Christ) ascended to (heaven) after He was (crucified), died, buried and (resurrected).
He promised that He will (return) as King and reign on the throne of (David), from Jerusalem.

30. The resurrection of the dead in (Christ) occurs at the Rapture; The O. T. and (martyred)
tribulational saints at Tribulation's (end); and all other (souls) at the end of the 1000 years.

31. There are (five) judgments. The judgment of collective (sin) at the Cross; the judgment of
personal sin in the life of the (believer); the judgment of each believer's (work) in heaven; the
judgment of the (nations) in the valley of Jehoshaphat during the Tribulation ; and the
judgment of the wicked dead at the Great (White) Throne.

32. The greatest distinction taught in the Bible is between the effect of (Law) and the effect of
Grace. The lost are damned to hell, failing to (receive) Christ. These are condemned by
the Law. Those who are saved enjoy present and eternal salvation from the penalty of their sins
because of the (Grace) of God. This Grace (justifies), (redeems), (forgives), and provides
eternal life to those who (freely) accept His gracious (gift) of Christ's (substitute)(sacrifice).
Answers: Theology and Doctrine Quiz © 2006 M. J. Greene, Paraclete Press Research Service, Inc.

33. One of the most misunderstood (truths) taught in the (Bible) is the struggle of the two
(natures) in the regenerated, redeemed soul. These natures are in conflict, and will remain so
either until the soul dies or is (translated) at the Rapture.

Section IV. Matching Write the number in the second column that correctly matches the word
with its correct meaning from the first column. (31 possible points)

1. Mankind's natural, lost condition is Justification (10)

2. God's unmerited favor bestowed on man is Sanctification (11)
3. The process of a man receiving eternal life is Propitiation (9)
4. The act of God charging our debts to Him is Security (12)
5. God serving in our place to atone for sin is Resurrection (14)
6. The act of turning from idols to God is Reconciliation (8)
7. God purchasing us out of the slave market is Depraved (1)
8. God making peace with sinful man is Predestination (13)
9. The 'satisfaction of the mortgage of sin' is Imputation (4)
10. God's judgment that we are accepted in Christ is Grace (2)
11. Continuing conformance to Jesus Christ is Regeneration (3)
12. Being irrevocably accepted in Christ is Substitution (5)
13. The glorious assurance of eternal destiny is Repentance (6)
14. The blessed hope and promise of eternal life is Redemption (7)
15. The 'called out ones' who are Jesus Christ's Body Romans (18)
16. False teaching that the Kingdom of God has come Leviticus (21)
17. The place where Christ first performed a miracle Hebron (22)
18. The Bible book that teaches the road to heaven is The Church (15)
19. The Apostle sent specifically to teach Gentiles is Paul (19)
20. A future time when God will judge the nations is Day of the Lord (31)
21. The Bible book that teaches about Christ's sacrifice Postmillennialism (16)
22. A Hebrew city now barred to Jews is Cana (17)
23. A time of reward for a believer's works is the Tribulation (20)
24. The day when Jesus will physically return to earth Arianism (28)
25. The absolute certainty of the Bible's truth is its Kenosis (29)
26. Describing the struggle to obey in the Christian is His Deity (30)
27. False teaching that Christ's death was not for all is Inerrancy (25)
28. The heresy that Jesus was created by God is Two Natures (26)
29. Jesus' self-denial for man, as described in Phil 2:7 Judgment Seat of Christ (23)
30. The most important truth denied about Christ is Second Coming (24)
31. "Terrible Day" taught by the Prophets & Apostles Limited Atonement (27)

Section V. Essay (See directions on Pages 1, 10 and 11 of Quiz) (78 possible points)
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