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The torrent of information and knowledge flowing into our mobile devices – and the global
network delivering it – is rapidly changing our lives, says Gerd Leonhard.

e live in exciting times as horses to trains. The key issues here will of machines are being invented and deployed
the very definition of course be our ethics, and our social in every sector of our society, whether it's
information and knowledge contracts that will govern how, when and for maps, mobile apps, search engines,
is rapidly rewritten by why we employ these technologies. automotive products, utilities, climate
technology and by how we as humans controls and smart meters, or social care
change because of it. I often use this Certainly, all this external data and distilled and services for the disabled or elderly.
theme in my keynote speeches, and it rings knowledge that is not actually embodied
within us (i.e. that exists without context Intelligent software can now show us the
truer every day. Mobile devices have
and is only an adjunct, after all) is not way to our next meeting (even if we didn't
already become our external brains, the
the same true realisation and ask for it – see Google Now), predict traffic
'extensions of man' (as Marshall McLuhan
comprehensive physical understanding jams (see Waze), suggest other books to
famously said), and this will only become
that we are really after when developing read, find worthy investment opportunities
more dramatic as they move 'onto' us
meaningful new ideas, projects and or rate the likelihood of finding a good
(Google Glass and iris overlays) and 'into'
products. match on a dating platform.
us (implants and new nano-tech products).
In my view, external knowledge is Soon, many jobs requiring some kind of
The oceans of information and knowledge
interesting and indeed often extremely human attention will be automated and
(and some occasional wisdom) that flows
useful, but in many ways it is probably as taken over by 'smart machines': taxi-drivers
into our mobile devices; and the global
(think Google's self-driving car), check-out
network that it connects to, is rapidly real as a Facebook friend (which is to say,
clerks (think RFID and NFC), low-level
changing the way live, buy, sell, consume… it may be real, or it may not – it depends).
instructors (think MOOC and online learning
and learn.
Intelligent software engines, artificial platforms), basic financial analysts (witness
This is as inevitable as the switch from intelligence services and ultra-smart what Google already did in the travel
December 2013 Inside Learning Technologies & Skills 7

business) and assembly line workers (think

cheap industrial robots such as Baxter).
Many of these newly intelligent and hyper-
networked machines will not actually be
'intelligent' enough to be considered
anywhere close to human capacity but
they will do just fine with limited tasks
that require a lot of processing power and
connectivity (such as cracking numbers in
global financial forecasts). The bottom line
is that simply 'knowing things', having
information and data available, will be
commoditised to such a degree that
humans will eventually (soon, really) not
be able to compete on the mere 'data &
information' level – we just can't beat
machines for having better and faster
memory. We may be looking at significant
job losses here; my futurist colleague
Thomas Frey predicts a loss of up to
2bn jobs (I would not be quite as
dramatic as that).
Therefore, human activities are already
'naturally' shifting to the next level after
data, information and knowledge:
understanding, imagination, design and efficient, most accurate, most productive retrieval will be completely commoditised
'wisdom'. We may soon entirely yield all the worker or employee was often the most just like hearing music online is 'like water'
heavy data-lifting to our digital (and cherished one. Whatever increased profit or electricity, but actually internalised
physical) butlers, helpers, agents and other and growth is what was most highly rated. knowledge and wisdom is another thing
electronic team members, and focus on altogether.
Going forward, we will need to focus on
what we can do, and used to do, best:
creativity, ingenuity, imagination, plasticity, A word of caution when facing the
pattern recognition, connecting the dots,
playfulness, co-operation, and exponentially that singularity guru Ray
creating context, designing things, debating
interdependence – and how will people Kurzweil always talks about: we may never
and negotiating, sense-making and re-
actually learn all that? beat the soon-to-come 'thinking machines'
mixing. Creativity. Story-Telling.
but that does not mean we should
Contextualisation. This may become the In many ways, these skills and traits seem
succumb to 'machine thinking' either.
ultimate triumph of the right brain as it like the opposite of what used to matter,
takes over as the dominant human force (if and therefore I think it will require an In my view, a truly human future is not
we can even use that somewhat stale entirely new approach to education, to one where we change who we are because
distinction between left and right brain training, and to learning and development, technology and its algorithms demand it
thinking). and of course to the job of the HR but where technology becomes truly
humanised. Many issues will challenge us
in this quest, no doubt, and it is very likely
Going forward, we will need to focus on creativity, ingenuity, that those engaged in learning
environments will contribute very
imagination, plasticity, playfulness, co-operation, and significantly to this discussion.
interdependence – and how will people actually learn all that? A final thought: when capitalism as we
know it is being reinvented and business
becomes more like a biosphere – as is
For learning and development, this already department. TED guru Ken Robinson talks inevitable, globally – right-brain thinking
has pretty obvious consequences: while about this frequently, and he's spot on: we becomes extremely valuable, once again,
the rapid advancement of exponentially will need to recover what we once could as empathy, improvisation and
smarter, faster and cheaper technology do very well as children so that we can interdependent thinking become the new
cannot and to a large extend should not be achieve the levels of understanding and standard.
stopped, and while 100s of new, cheap and 'wisdom' that machines will never reach
Knowledge, then, becomes not an asset
powerful products and services will enter (at least until that scary moment where
used for control or dominance, but for
the market place for 'knowledge work' they, too, may become 'sentient').
contribution and co-creation.
(imagine a hub for
The future of knowledge isn't to merely
human resource management), we will
copy and paste information and data, or to
need to completely rethink the way we use
store the maximum amount of facts for Gerd Leonhard is a futurist, keynote
and train people a.k.a. 'human resources'
later – the future is to let 'the machines' speaker, author and CEO of The
in the past.
do the heavy lifting and for us humans to Futures Agency
In a way, one could argue that we in fact focus on connecting the dots, discovering
treated humans as 'better machines' in context, meaning and relevance, and to
many ways, in the past: the fastest, most make human sense of it all. Information

8 Inside Learning Technologies & Skills December 2013

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