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Approaches and Strategies for Reducing the Adverse Environmental Effects of

Construction and Urbanization

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Hala Abdelmoez Mohamed , Ibrahim Mohamed Badwi , Ahmed Salah Eldin Shiba , Zakarea Ahmed Abd Elfattah

Department of Architecture, Higher Technological Institute in the 10th of Ramadan, 6 October City Branch, Egypt
Department of Architecture, Faculty of Engineering, Beni-Suef University, Egypt
Department of Architecture, October High Institute for Engineering and Technology, Egypt


This research introduces the architectural and planning strategies that are supposed to be followed
in the future to reduce the adverse impact of the construction industry on the environment today,
especially in developing countries, which contribute not more than 5% of the gases emission, but which
gain most of the downsides due to climate change. Currently, construction strategies are responsible
for 33% of the emissions that cause global warming. As a result, new strategies need to be developed
at all levels of the construction industry, including transportation, waste disposal, and energy
conservation, to minimize the impacts on the environment. Urban planning and management must
balance people and the environment to achieve sustainable urban development. It is essential to ensure
the sustainability of the urban ecosystem to protect and improve future generations' environmental
situations. Therefore, ecological planning (Eco-Planning) becomes necessary for attaining a
sustainable built environment. Eco-Planning is a powerful instrument for creating urban growth in
harmony with ecological, social, and economic values. This study concludes that several
recommendations must be considered in future architecture and planning contexts to reduce
environmental damage, such as the ability to produce food and the recycling of remaining construction
materials, as well as a set of laws and policies that countries must implement to shift to an industry that
has a lower environmental impact.

Keywords: Environmental Pollution; Construction; Industry Effects; Eco-planning; Eco-urban

1. Introduction

The mid-19th century represents the beginning of environmental degradation. The Industrial Revolution
and its associated changes in human activities, from manual advancements to industries and machinery,
necessitated the use of fossil fuels. Parallel with rapid urbanization and deforestation. This change resulted in
emissions exceeding the capacity of the environment, resulting in vast amounts of greenhouse gases. Carbon
dioxide levels have risen from 280 ppm (parts per million) in the preindustrial era to 430 ppm (parts per million)
at the turn of the twenty-first century due to pollution. Carbon dioxide concentrations will reach roughly 550
parts per million by 2035 due to these factors, [1] [18] resulting in a two-degree increase in global temperature.
Furthermore, environmental degradation accelerated with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) in the mid-twentieth
century. CFCs primarily cause a hole in the ozone layer over the South Pole. The American Aviation and Space
Agency (NASA) reported in 1985 that this area had grown to the size of the Australian continent. The
temperature could rise by 5 degrees Celsius if existing industrial strategies, increased use of fossil fuels, and
excessive use of chlorofluorocarbon gas (CFC) persist. The fact that the current temperature is 5 degrees warmer
than the most recent Ice Age, which lasted over ten thousand years, can bring this disastrous increase closer to
people's thoughts. [2] [19]

According to the International Government reports concerned with the changes in climate in 2007, the melting
of ice causes the ocean levels to rise by 59 cm by 2100 as the temperature of the oceans rises. If the ice sheet of
the South Pole continent melts, the increase might reach five meters, which will lead to a worse rise in sea levels
than expected. Especially the ice sheet reached its highest level in 1980 and then decreased by 53% in 2009. [3]

Therefore, humanity must confront the causes of environmental pollution. Even though most experts and
scientists are aware of the dangers of environmental pollution, the forecast data are still confusing to no
specialists. As a result of developing countries' suspicious and ignorant actions, the probability of temperature
increases of more than 5 degrees Celsius in the coming decades has increased to at least 50%. Although all
studies have concluded that burning fossil fuels for energy is the primary source of greenhouse gas emissions,
developing nations are still slowly moving toward clean energy without the financial and technological
assistance of industrialized countries. [4] [6]

Despite the dangerous effects of environmental pollution in Arab countries, efforts in these regions to limit the
effects of environmental pollution at various levels, such as waste management, industry, infrastructure, and
sustainable construction and design, are still in the early stages of development. Architectural models exported
from the West have marked the Arab World's urbanization model in recent decades, particularly in the Golf
areas. [5] These models are incompatible with the social, geographical, and climate characteristics of Arab
countries. Glass-covered skyscrapers became the defining characteristics of new metropolitan centers such as
Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Doha, which demand massive electricity for air conditioning, resulting in increased
energy combustion and greenhouse gas emissions. [1]

According to the accelerating tense of the political-economic growth race and the effects of burning cheaper
fossil fuels, to provide the essential energy for production and the necessity to reduce costs in order to attain
future benefits, environmental degradation is exacerbated, and the severity of its negative impacts increases. The
research controversy exists to maintain each nation's right to develop and achieve the required economic growth
by creating strategic solutions, especially for developing countries. Gleichzeitig, protect the natural environment
from degradation by limiting or reducing the intensity and speed of environmental pollution. [7] [10] [44]
According to the study, stimulation approaches produce better effects than banning or enforcing penalties. This
simulation method encompasses urban planners, architects, the civil community, decision makers, and
policymakers at all levels involved in planning and architectural areas.
2. Effects of Environmental Pollution on Developing Countries

Environmental pollution endangers humanity's survival in various ways, including human health, food
production, the natural environment, the built environment, and the economy. Economists and opponents alike
sought development rights in methods that respect both the environment and the economy while engaging in
comprehensive socioeconomic development. According to studies, the costs of environmental degradation
outweigh economic growth rates, contradicting the rulers' widely held notion that procedures to reduce
environmental pollution impede progress and economic growth. According to statistics, every one degree
Celsius increase in global temperature reduces economic growth by 2 to 3%. [8] [11]

The United States' World Economic and Social Survey from 2009 forecasts that reducing the effects of
environmental pollution will cost only 1% of global production, which is considered a modest rate compared to
the costs and dangers of environmental pollution. Furthermore, the studies claimed that ignoring warnings about
the hazards of environmental pollution consequences could result in global economic losses of up to 20%.
Furthermore, environmental pollution would be more severe in developing countries with less technological and
financial resources to address problems and adapt to change. [9] [19] Furthermore, most developing countries
are lacked of water (Figure 1). This means that rising temperatures have terrible consequences. The Arab
countries most affected are those located in areas of high drought, which requires immediate action to reduce
the severity of environmental pollution. [18]

Figure (1) Average of annual rain the map reveals that the Arab World exists in severe drought area. [24]

Although emerging countries contribute little to environmental pollution, they are most vulnerable to pollution
hazards. For example, the emissions produced by Arab countries - most of which are classified as developing
countries – do not exceed the development activities of all Arab countries; These emissions account for 5% of
global emissions (Figure 2). Despite this, the Arab world suffers the brunt of the catastrophic consequences of
environmental pollution; this is because water resources are scarce in the Arab world and temperatures are quite
high. [18] [41]
Figure (2) The territorial distribution of greenhouse gas emissions in 2000 [19]

According to current studies, the Arab world

experienced a temperature increase of 0.2 to 2
degrees Celsius between 1970 and 2004. The rate of
evaporation is exactly proportional to the
proportionate increase in temperature. This
temperature rise aggravates the fact that the Arab
world has limited water resources; the scenario
threatens natural and physical systems. African
countries are in the same predicament as Arab
countries with regard to destination. African
countries account for 4% of overall emissions, while
Central American and Caribbean countries account
for 2.5 %. [19]
Furthermore, rising sea levels would destroy coastal
cities in several underdeveloped countries,
especially the Arab world, which lack the financial
and technical resources to address these threats. In
Arab countries, the coastal lines stretch for 34
thousand kilometers, with 18 thousand kilometers of
habitable land. Furthermore, the agricultural sector
will be affected, particularly humid lands. If sea
levels rise by one meter, Egypt will lose
approximately 12 percent of its most fertile
agricultural land in the Nile Delta, while this rate
could rise to 22 percent if the worst-case scenario
occurs, which is a five-meter increase in sea level.
Furthermore, Qatar will lose 22% of its humid lands
if the first scenario occurs, and this rate could reach
75% in the second scenario. For example, Tunisia
and the United Arab Emirates will lose entire cities.
Mauritania will lose roughly 6% of its metropolitan
areas in the first scenario and 30% in the second. Figure (3) Expectations of
[18] [42] Figure (3) illustrates the increase in sea the rise of sea level [18]
level predictions.
3. Contribution of Architecture to Environmental Pollution:

One of the most contributing industries in pollution emissions and energy, water, and many environmental
problems are the result of dust and noise generated, raw materials used, and energy consumed during the
construction process. [9] It should be noted that the design, construction, maintenance, and use of structures
have direct and indirect impacts on the environment, including energy, environmental impact, visual impact,
and physical impact. Determining potential environmental impacts in risk order is a task that must be performed
to minimize the impact of construction projects on the environment. [10] Environmentally harmful activities
vary from industry to industry, but the built environment contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. The
cumulative environmental impacts of a building during its life cycle can be the same as during the construction
phase. The construction sector is responsible for a large proportion of the environmental impacts produced by
developed countries. [12] [30] in addition to raw materials, consumption is the construction industry.

The building industry emits 33% of CO2, utilizes 50% of raw materials, and consumes 40% of energy. This
industry pollutes the environment by using 25% of wood and 17% of water. Construction accounts for 33% of
CO2 emissions and consumes 50% of raw materials and 40% of energy. This industry pollutes the environment
the most, using 25% of wood and 17% of water. [10] As a result, architects must develop more practical
alternatives capable of restoring the lost balance; motivation alternatives could do so and reduce greenhouse
emissions gases, which are difficult to regulate but can be eliminated and their impacts reduced.

4. Future Architecture under Environmental Pollution:

Environmental pollution and its implications on humanity's future are all influenced by the architecture
and building sector, prompting architects to conduct more research in this area. Also, to experiment with a more
environmentally friendly architecture. One of the most well-known trials is Masdar Metropolis in the United
Arab Emirates, the first city free of carbon emissions, waste, and automobiles. The aim is for Masdar City to
hold 40 thousand people and receive another 50 thousand during work periods in the Free Technological Zone,
which may accommodate 1500 research facilities. [7] [17]

Fast and public transit networks are linked to railway lines that connect the city's interior and exterior.
Because there are no cars, small roadways with shade can be built to reduce air temperature and save energy
instead of using air conditioners to chill the air. Besides using solar cell sheets to provide sustainable energy for
buildings and water treatment plants, greywater may also be recycled, [26] making Masdar City a unique and
leadership experiment.

Despite the benefits and advantages of establishing Masdar City, architects and planners created a deceptive
perception resulting from a misunderstanding of sustainable design. There is a widespread misconception that
environmentally friendly technology and natural raw materials result in environmentally friendly architecture,
although the facts are far from that. [7] [17]

The environmental impact of construction materials is defined by their last contact with the environment,
ignoring the environmental impact of production phases or the consequences of extracting, shipping, and
producing the raw materials from which these materials are made. Many architects believe that creating a house
out of wood is environmentally benign because the raw materials used in the construction process are natural
elements that do not affect the environment instead of cement and iron. However, constructing this home
necessitated the removal of numerous trees, which act as the planet's lungs, absorbing carbon dioxide and
producing oxygen. [7] [13] The final interaction of construction materials with the environment is ignored, as
are the impacts of obtaining, transporting, and manufacturing the raw materials from which these products are
made. Many architects believe that creating a house out of wood is environmentally benign because the raw
materials used in the construction process are natural elements that do not affect the environment, like cement
and iron. However, constructing this home necessitated the removal of numerous trees, which act as the planet's
lungs, reducing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. [6] [14]
This study work aims to illuminate the most important criterion for assessing the environmental compatibility
of urban and architectural projects. Collecting building raw materials, manufacture, shipping, final assembly,
operation, and demolition should all be evaluated. Furthermore, one of the major contemporary architecture
concerns that should be limited is resource use without replacement by sustainable use.

As a result, architects and urban planners should include considerations in their designs, and politicians
should make policy decisions to ensure the sustainable use of resources while limiting the negative effects of
the production processes. Additionally, the ability to self-produce energy and food and reuse construction
materials with environmentally friendly treatments contribute to the direction of a competent architecture
capable of adapting to environmental pollution and future issues. The following points should be reviewed:

3-1 Recycling Construction Materials:

Construction recycling materials is one of the most vital approaches to limiting manufacturing. [15] It
represents the most prominent entrance to sustainable consumption of the natural resources endangered by
depletion. It also helps to maintain the environment by limiting the exhaustion of more natural resources and
decreasing the costs and the burden of disposing of wastes that have adverse effects on the environment (Figure
4). That motivates architects to postulate more effective concepts which can find creative alternatives and
maximize the economic income of recycling processes by decreasing the stages of manufacturing processes for
reuse. [13] [26]

Figure (4) Remnants of the demolition process represent a burden on the environment because of the difficulty
of getting rid of them [22]
3-2 Points of Evaluation according to the Manufacturing Stages:
The international evaluation programs for the construction projects, such as the American Evaluation
(LEED) and the British Evaluation (BREM) or the evaluation programs in some developing countries like the
Egyptian Evaluation Program (Green Pyramid), are one of the tools to evaluate the level of the projects'
adherence to the basics of architecture that is compatible with the environment. The evaluation process is
performed according to determined points for different aspects of designing, execution, operation, maintenance,
or even demolition stages. Nevertheless, all the evaluation programs neglect a vital part of the evaluation points:
the stages of manufacturing the materials used in construction. Although many construction materials are eco-
friendly in the stages of execution or operation, they are very harmful to the environment in the manufacturing
stages or the consequences of extraction. For example, [13] wood is one of the eco-friendly materials, but cutting
the trees down has a destructive effect on the environment if there is no guarantee for planting alternative spaces;
hence, the evaluation programs should put points for the manufacturing stages to ensure not to have adverse
effects on the environment and to limit the Environmental Pollution.

3-3 Planning and food production:

With the increase of world population at high rates, food security became a principal demand that
countries initiate policies that contribute to achieving this food security, enhance the strategies supporting it, and
encourage the projects oriented towards what guarantees to provide the people's vital needs. These demands are
maximized in the developing countries that most suffer from food shortages and malnutrition. Failure of the
required measures to face the adverse effects of Environmental Pollution on food is a severe matter, especially
after the Food and Agriculture Organization warns that about 870 million persons suffered from chronic
malnutrition in 2010 – 2012. This represents 12.5 % of the world population, one of every eight persons. The
developing countries have the highest rates as 852 million persons (about 10 % of the population) suffer from
chronic malnutrition. [14] [19]

Future planning strategies should accomplish food security for the increasing city population under the
adverse effects of transportation; therefore, the main requirements should be planted near the inhabitants,
whether inside the city or the dwelling neighborhood, or the dwelling buildings themselves [15] [31] (Figure 5).
That is to limit transportation and leads to the decrease of carbon emissions resulting from transportation and
the contribution of plants to filtrate the atmosphere and get rid of the pollution related to the cities'

Figure (5) Trials of plant buildings. [16]

3-4 Using Nanotechnology in Construction Materials:

The importance of nanotechnology has been maximized by the beginning of the twenty-first century
and significantly broke into the field of architecture and the production of construction materials. These
construction materials are characterized by hardness, durability, and flexibility. The most important construction
materials are cement, glass, insulating, and coating materials. All the materials produced by nanotechnology are
less effective on the environment and less energy consumption; this makes it enviable to use and limit carbon
dioxide emissions. [17] [43]

Nanotechnology managed to improve the characteristics of several materials and convert them from being
harmful materials to the environment to eco-friendly materials. [13] For example, glass characteristics have been
improved from a material that acquires heat to a material used to decrease heat tension, consequently decreasing
the energy wasted in cooling. That represents a revolution in construction materials that needs support for doing
more research in this field that represents the future of architecture and promises high capabilities of the
structures and treatments of architecture to be compatible with its surrounding environment. [20] [27]
5. Cities' Challenges in Light of Environmental Pollution
Cities today have to be competitive. They compete for investment in a global marketplace with
other cities and urban communities. Smart urban planning is climate-informed, strategic, integrated,
and supported across multiple sectors. A modern city can only be truly successful if it can convincingly
demonstrate its green credentials by recognizing its natural assets, creating efficient water, energy, and
transport infrastructure, and protecting its citizens in the face of present and future impacts of climate
change. [7]

No city can provide these elements without incorporating environmental issues into its planning
and management strategies. City sprawl dominates the scene by tripling space requirements for every
doubling of the city population. With good environmental management, we can prevent informal
growth and urban sprawl by building denser and more energy and transporting efficient cities. [21] [32]
to curb the negative trend of the city's natural resources.

Urbanization itself is not responsible for the current environmental threats, but informal growth
is one of the roots of this problem. Many articles explain why informal settlements emerge in less
developed countries (LDCs), causing environmental degradation. For example, Greater Cairo Region
(GCR), Egypt is one of the most polluted cities in the Middle East; it contains more than 81 informal
settlements characterized by high density, unstructured roads, inadequate infrastructure, and services.
Such settlements typically occur on privately owned agricultural land. [25] [32]

To achieve the goal of a livable

city, a wide range of economic, social,
and environmental needs must be
satisfied. [34] Recently, social factors
such as education, employment, and
safety have been given much attention
in developing indicators of urban
livability. In addition, environmental
aspects, such as clean air, green spaces,
a calm neighborhood, and an appealing
street scene, are becoming increasingly
important (Fig. 6). Natural spaces
improve people's quality of life by
providing environmental and
ecological services. [35]
Figure (6) Comfort planning of cities and environmental

The amount and quality of green spaces and water bodies affect citizens' activities and increase
the living quality; on the other hand, walkable and bikeable cities lower emissions and energy
consumption. Cities with living shorelines and wetlands can enhance their water quality and protect
against storms and flooding. When done properly, Planners can adjust their decisions toward more
sustainable urban planning.
5.1. Urban Ecosystems and Environmental Management

Urban Ecological development is the integration of human activities into natural systems to
ensure the long-term sustainability of these systems. Human activities such as urbanization,
transportation, and industry cause pollution and degradation of natural resources. Urban ecosystems
represent complex layers of land uses, socioeconomic, climates, and biophysical variables. There is a
conflict between urban ecosystems, urban growth, and socioeconomic systems. [32]

Green Infrastructure can provide healthy environments and psychological benefits to the people
who live in them. Ecosystem quality tends to decline continuously as urban density increases. There
should be an appropriate consideration between the proportion and spatial distribution of green space
and tree cover to maximize ecological performance. [36] [45] When key ecological services, such as
clean air and water, [26] drought and flood protection, soil generation and preservation, and
detoxification of wastes are disrupted, the health and welfare of society are put at risk. Understanding
ecosystem responses to urbanization is necessary to evaluate and balance short-term needs with long-
term sustainability goals. [37]

Landscaping may support environmental purposes such as water conservation and wildlife
habitat. For health, social, and environmental reasons, landscape planning must increasingly be
included in traditional and neo-traditional urban contexts. [38] Geographical information systems
(GIS) are excellent tools for landscape modeling and three-dimensional analysis. [33] GIS allows easy
digitalization of spatial information and a graphical representation; for example, trend analysis
visualizes the loss of urban green space over time. In addition, combining GIS with remote sensing
data may help us recognize land-cover change patterns resulting from changes in land use. [31]
Understanding and quantifying the ecological impacts of urbanization requires analyzing the Spatio-
temporal characteristics of land-use change and incorporating them into urban models to assist the
management of natural resources. [39] [40]

The proposed Environmental

Planning management System
(EPS) is based on setting an
environmental policy that
clarifies the organizations'
environmental concerns. So the
planner can determine the
measures that will be taken to
control these policies to achieve
the planning objectives. EPS
defines the procedures for
communication, documentation,
and operations, as well as
emergency preparedness to
protect against any potential risk,
As shown in Figure (7)

Figure (7) The hierarchical process of the proposed EPS

Measuring and monitoring the environmental impact represents a set of procedures to identify
the inconsistency and correct the negative environmental impact. Finally, it is necessary to conduct
periodic administrative reviews of the Environmental Planning Management System (EPS) activities.

Traditional planning and management approach often focus on forecasting predicted futures
based on historical trends. [32] Strategies decisions about urban infrastructure and growth management
are based on our assessment of the past and our expectations for the future. Planners and managers
need to rely on a much broader and more diverse knowledge of the past to build a view of the long-
term prediction. Figure (8) illustrates the conceptual framework for a hopeful urban future. In this
context, modern planning methodologies are required to protect and improve the environmental
conditions for future generations.

Figure (8) the Proposed sustainable urban future framework

6. The most important fields that should be supported:

In the future, architecture will not only have to consider the efficiency of the architectural or urban
designs of the cities or even their ability to implement them. The issue is also related to economic and political
decisions made by developing and developed countries. It is crucial to overcome the obstacles to limiting
Environmental Pollution, and most of these obstacles are caused by political beliefs, which are the primary cause
of its inability to be decreased. Developing countries want to be free of agreements that limit greenhouse gas
emissions, and developing countries also do not want economic restrictions. Developed countries refuse to bear
the cost of reducing greenhouse gas emissions alone. [7] [24]
The most challenging obstacle is getting rid of environmental pollution or reducing its effects. Despite
the small contribution of developing countries to environmental pollution and their incapability to decrease their
effects, they are among the most affected by its effects. Furthermore, the inequality of living standards and
income rates strongly contributes to the harm caused by the excessive consumption of resources. This calls for
developing countries to make these political and economic decisions with a clear vision that addresses all fields
responsible for environmental pollution. Start with using clean energy, which does not exceed 7 % of what the
Arab World can produce, to encourage the manufacture of energy-saving devices like light lambs, which
consume 19 % of the world's production of electricity and emit 1.9 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year. [3]
[23] Furthermore, encouraging the conversion to fossil fuel alternatives has a significant effect on changing the
referential scenarios. The switch from petroleum products to natural gas in some Arab countries reduced carbon
dioxide emissions by 900 thousand tons. In response, the Rome Club report (Limits of Growth) points out that
the disastrous expectation could be adjusted "if conversion and rationalization strategies were followed".[7] [19]
Transportation, industry, energy, and waste management are the most important fields where it is possible to
limit Environmental Pollution and avoid harm. Improving these fields can reduce Environmental Pollution. The
following improvements in the following fields to limit Environmental Pollution and improve their efficiency
to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, all of these are directly related to planning:

6.1 Urban transportation

Transportation is one of the most significant causes of carbon emissions inside cities; therefore,
establishing sustainable transportation systems that include technological procedures that use fuel alternatives
that contain less carbon is one of the main points of limiting Environmental Pollution. That is directly related to
human urbanization, land usage planning, infrastructure, facilities, and the distribution of human activities on
territory, city, district, and neighborhood levels. Therefore, there was necessary to merge two vital principles:
sustainable transportation planning and sustainable and urban planning. [2] [28]

6.2. Industry

The industrial sector is the largest field that consumes energy, and the construction industry is one of
the most contributing industries to the emissions of greenhouse gases. That makes creating improvements to this
field inevitable to limit the gas emissions, especially since most of the construction industries that cause
pollution, like cement, iron, and ceramics, exist in developing countries. [10]

It became clear that the most realistic solution is that the heaviest industries should be committed to following
the procedures of disposing of the gases resulting from manufacturing because prohibition did not provide any
positive results in the past decades. Therefore, safe disposal is the most viable application under the adherence
of the developing countries to the aspirations of development. [15] [29] In addition to developed countries' lack
of commitment to executing the financial and technical commitments to help the developing countries.

One of the most prominent examples of the effectiveness of gas disposal is the experiment of the Petroleum
Company Statoil, as it removes carbon dioxide from natural gas and pumps it into a big basin that exists under
a depth of 800 – 1000 meters under the North Sea. This experiment is considered the first project to retain
carbon, executed in 1996. [19]

6.3. Energy

Generating or using energy increase Earth's temperature. Releasing energy results in heat, whether in
the generating phases or use, especially in the energy sources generated from fossil fuels. [1] Therefore,
generating energy and consumption come first among the inclusive fields to limit Environmental Pollution,
directly related to architecture. The production and rationalization of the energy consumed in houses are
considered the most important principles of green architecture. [25] The conversion of the developing countries
to producing clean energy policies represents one of the most critical points through which the adverse effects
of energy consumption can be decreased to meet humanity's needs. [21] [44]
5-4 Wastes:

Waste disposal contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. Methane is produced because of the anaerobic
decomposition, while open combustion leads to the production of carbon dioxide gas. Therefore, waste
sustainability management is considered one of the fields to limit Environmental Pollution. That could happen
by separating the organic materials and converting them to organic fertilizers, [30] [13] [46] which represent 50
% of the components of solid wastes in most Arab countries. Moreover, Methane gas can be recovered to
produce electricity; this contributes to decreasing the rates of greenhouse gases. [20] [26]

7. Discussion:

One of the most prominent causes of not executing the effective precautionary measures to decrease
Environmental Pollution is that the respondents are not convinced to spend the prompt costs and wait
for future benefits. According to the international experience, green architecture has no benefits while
adopting urbanization systems like transportation, industry, energy, and wastes that pollute the
environment. Community is a practical part and has great importance in supporting the orientation
towards a more compatible architecture with its environment. Therefore, it is essential to teach the
community about recycling wastes that represent great importance in limiting the acceleration of
Environmental Pollution. Adopting food production within the urban plans of the cities contributes to
limiting the adverse effects of transportation. In addition, encouraging the investors to establish clean
energy projects represents the main aim of limiting the adverse effects of using fossil fuels.
The manufacturing process of the raw materials should be classified as counted points and policies to
be addressed within the criteria of sustainable green architecture evaluation and considered a necessity
and a motivation to limit the negative impacts of the construction material industry. While the
construction industry causes 33% of CO2 emissions, 50% of raw materials, 40% of energy, 25% of
timber drain, and 17% of water, the developing fifty countries did not exceed the percentage of
emissions of 1% of the total emissions, which are considered the first to be affected by climate change
impacts. The Arab countries' share of emissions does not exceed 5% of the total international
emissions, the largest share of consequences of the disastrous effects of climate change. That is one of
the regions with the most scarcity of water resources and a high temperature. Most people who suffered
from chronic malnutrition in 2010-2012 were from developing countries with 12.5 percent of the
World's population - nearly 870 million people.
Egypt will lose almost 12% of the El-Nile Delta's most fertile agricultural lands in the case of a sea-
level rise of one meter. At the same time, the percentage may reach 22% in the worst-case scenario
materializes, the sea-level rise five meters. On the other hand, Qatar will lose 22% of its wetlands if
the first scenario is achieved and may reach 75% if the second scenario is achieved, other than countries
like Tunisia and the United Arab Emirates will be influenced by losing the whole cities. In contrast,
Mauritania will lose about 6% of urbanism in the first scenario and may reach 30% in the second
In some Arab countries, the transition from petroleum products to natural gas has helped avoid 900,000
tons of CO2 emissions, which shows that we can adjust the disastrous expectations.

8. Conclusion

It has become necessary to do more research considering the Environmental Pollution expectation. As
more knowledge about the future changes in the climate risks increases, the measure that can be done
is more specific. The construction industry should encourage recycling systems to merge in the new
urban centers by stating and deciding on urban and architectural plans. Using the materials and goods
whose manufacturers are committed to the process helps to limit Environmental Pollution by providing
a package of facilitations like decreasing customs and facilitating the custom procedures if compared
to the same materials and goods that are not eco-friendly.
Decision-makers should encourage clean energy insertion in the new urban centers in their urban and
architectural plans, also encouraging the new urban centers with clarified rates of green tree spaces to
get rid of the carbon dioxide emissions. They are building a system that encourages business people to
share their profits to improve the environment and support green technology. Politicians should
contribute to climate change mitigation actions by developing strategies that encourage civil society,
architects, and investors to adopt the themes of future architecture.
In addition, policies of developing transportation, industry, energy, and waste management systems to
be more compatible with their surrounding environment. This will establish an organization of
developing countries for uniting reduction efforts and avoiding the expected damages to developing
countries from the impacts of climate change.
Support projects that adopt the themes of future architecture, from recycling building materials, using
nanomaterials, producing food, and quality of manufacturing stages, by granting advantages and
facilities to these projects, whether financial or procedural.

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