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Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks

1 (a) all 3 for both marks;; each incorrect tick = -1 2

any two for 1 mark ;

item Tick if needed

steel spring
retort stand and clamp
rubber band given
mass hanger
mass given
Chapter - 2

(b) I 5.5 (in the table) 1

ii suitable scale for axes; 5

axes labelled with units;
points plotted to nearest mm square (minus one for each
plotting, up to max 2 marks);; -1 for each incorrect plot
Line (curve) of best fit acceptable; Allow (ecf) a balanced straight line of best fit that
takes account of any plotting errors and indicated

iii No / yes (no mark ) 2

Idea that Hooke’s law should show (direct) proportionality;

Use of data (from the table or graph) to explain that the results do Allow (ecf) - converse from straight drawn line, using
not show this; data from their graph (not the table)
e.g. ‘line is a curve’, ‘(table shows) rubber band extends unevenly’ e.g. ‘Yes’ AND ‘line is a straigh
Total 10
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks

2 (a) (i) Weight = mass x g; allow in accepted symbols 1

ignore units, triangle eqns

(ii) 700; 1

N / newton(s); ignore kg m/s2 1

(b) EXPANATIONS ( not descriptions) 4

Any four from:

MP1. Weight / resultant force downwards; allow suitable labels on graph

MP2. so at first (skydiver) accelerates;

MP3. but drag increases with speed;

MP4. hence resultant force decreases;

MP5. so acceleration then decreases;

MP6. so forces eventually balanced; drag = weight

MP7. causing terminal velocity; allow constant speed for terminal velocity but
not maximum speed
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks

(c) Arrow up labelled drag / air resistance/air independent marks 3

Judged by eye throughout
Arrow down labelled weight;
No requirement for arrows to be attached to
arrows approximately equal length; centre of mass

(d)) mooth reduction in velocity; any line or curve except along the t = 40 s line 2

to a new lower terminal/constant positive velocity; Ignore attempts to show effects of opening the
parachute or reaching the ground

Total 12 marks
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks

3 (a) Clip Any five from: 5

diagram Basic plan – allow suitable labelled additions to diagram

MP1. Add (known value) masses one at a time;

MP2. Measure length of the spring;

MP3. Find extension;

Results –
Force or load or mass against extension or
MP4. Draw graph with suitable named axes; length

Accuracy –

MP5. Detail of spring measurement, e.g. measure

from same part each time/ fiducial marker;

MP6. Make sure spring stationary before reading;

MP7. repeat readings by taking off masses;

MP8. Check value of masses on a balance;

MP9. Check ruler vertical or parallel to spring/ hold

ruler in clamp / avoid parallax errors;
3 (b) MP1. straight line only; 3

MP2. axes labelled force/weight and extension; units not needed, any orientation
allow for 2 marks max:
MP3. DOP line through origin; graph of force and length, st line with intercept
(c) returns to original length / shape; 2
when (stretching) force is removed;
Total 10 marks
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
4 (a) Any two of - Ignore 2
(more) accurate ruler
MP1. mention of no zero error;
MP2. Mention that ruler is
should be vertical;
MP3. use of a fiducial marker; e.g. a pin
MP4. use of ruler with finer Allow
calibrations;  more detailed ruler
 smaller intervals
MP5. means to reduce parallax; ignore
MP6. use of calliper;

(b) (i) Distance 1

(ii) Any two of - 2

MP1. Idea of weight is the force in any form including
on the mass / W=mg ; numerical

MP2. change grams to kilogram; Accept ÷ 1000

MP3. 1N of force for every Ignore ÷ 100 without

100g; further explanation

MP4. g is 10 (N/kg); Allow idea of gravitational

field strength
Accept x 10
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
4 (b) (iii) Suitable linear scale chosen (>50% no awkward scale 5
of grid used);
(iv) Axes labelled with quantities and Orientation unimportant
Plotting correct to nearest half square i.e. two plotting errors = no
(minus one for each plotting error);; marks for plotting
Line of best fit acceptable; i.e. straight line

(iv) straight line seen extended to the 2

force axis; F value to 3 SF unless line
1.40 ≤ F ≤1.46 (N); goes through 1.40 accept
force = 1.4
Answer in range = two
(v) NO mark for Yes/No answer Allow 2
Any two of -
MP1. Correct statement of Hooke’s extension is (directly)
law; proportional to force

MP2. graph shows equal decrements  equal steps

for distance with force  the line is straight
ignore graph is
 directly proportional
 inversely proportional
 negative correlation

MP3. (line goes down because)  the “wrong” distance is

different distance has been measured
measured;  extension can be worked
out from data
 more force = larger

MP4. graph does not pass through

the origin;

Total 14 marks
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
5 (a) (i) MP1. means of securing one end of (3)
elastic band;

MP2. ruler;

MP3. weights;
(ii) extension linked to dependent (2)
force linked to independent
temperature linked to control

all three correct;;

any one correct;

(iii) any two from: (2)

determine length without weights;
determine length with 12 N; allow
subtraction to get extension; find difference in
5 (b)(i) any two suggestions from:- ignore (2)
MP1. unloading and loading at same repeat and average
MP2. filling in the (large) gap in the allow
unloading data; ‘go up in ones’
MP3. more readings (where curve is
most pronounced);
MP4. increase the range of loads;
(ii) best fit curve; (1)
Chapter - 2

5 (b)(iii) 4 points plotted correctly;; (2)

-1 for each incorrect point

(iv) best fit curve; (1)

(v) a discussion to include any three points: (3)

MP1. does not obey Hooke’s law; MP1 should only be

MP2. because graph is not linear awarded if there is an
throughout; attempt at an
MP3. Hooke’s law requires extension explanation
directly proportional to force;
MP4. it does show elastic behavior;
MP5. because it returns to its original
MP6. data points quoted to support
other MP;

Total for Question 5 = 16 marks

Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
6 (a) 9100 (N) 1

(b) (i) F = m x a; accept standard 1

symbols or in words or

(ii) substitution and rearrangement; 2

evaluation; -1 for POT error

(a =) 400/910 allow
(a =) 0.44 0.4, 0.43956044

0.43 gains 1 mark only

(c) any three from: ignore references to 3

the initial acceleration

award 1 mark for

mention of terminal
velocity if no other
mark awarded
MP1. speed increases;
MP2. so drag {starts to act / allow air resistance /
increases}; friction increases
MP3. downward forces increase; allow unbalanced force
MP4. (hence) acceleration decreases;

(d) acceleration increases; 2

with any one from:

 weight decreases / downward
force reduces;
 unbalanced force increases;
 mass decreases;

total marks = 9
Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
7 (a) B – energy; 1

(b) (i) (resultant force =) 6750 (N); 1

(ii) (resultant) force = mass x acceleration; allow in standard 1

symbols and

(iii) substitution OR rearrangement; allow ecf from 3

unit; unit mark is

acceleration = 6750/2500
(acceleration =) 2.7
m/s2 allow m s-2

(c) any 5 of: allow 5

MP1. there is a resultant force (to the idea that driving
right); force is greater
than air resistance
and friction

MP2. (so) it accelerates (0 to 50 s); the speed/velocity


MP3. air resistance (and friction) increase

as speed increases;

MP4. so acceleration decreases;

MP5. eventually air resistance (+ friction) forces are equal /

= driving force; balanced

MP6. (hence) resultant force is zero (after

50 s);

MP7. (hence) car travels at a constant no acceleration /

speed (after 50 s); terminal velocity

Total for question = 11 marks

Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
8 a 1 mark for each word this order only 4


b (i) any three from: 3

MP1. measure an initial length; e.g.
 original length of spring
 distance from bottom of
spring to bench
MP2. measure an extended length;

MP3. extension is the difference

between extended length and
initial length;

MP4. use of a ruler; allow use of a caliper

MP5. detail to improve quality of e.g.

measurements taken;  take measurements from
the same points on the
spring each time
 described use of a
fiducial marker
 placing ruler with 0 at
bottom of spring

b (ii) straight line of positive gradient reject curve at end of line 2

throughout; unless straight section
clearly identified as
Hooke’s Law region
line passes through origin;

Total for question 8 = 9 marks

Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
9 (a) (i) (unbalanced) force = mass  allow in standard symbols and 1
acceleration; rearrangements
e.g. F = m  a

(ii) substitution; 2
evaluation; -1 for POT error
e.g. changing kg to g

(F =) 7.9  0.87
(F =) 6.9 (N) allow 7, 6.87, 6.873 (N)

(iii) to oppose its movement / to the allow backwards 1


(iv) any two from: 2

between {wheels / trolley} and allow table/floor/ground for
bench; bench
allow tyres for wheels
between string and pulley;
drag/air resistance (on the front of
trolley / falling mass);
the axle(s) (of the trolley / pulley);

(b) (i) GPE = mass x g x height; allow in standard symbols and 1

e.g. GPE = m  g  h
reject ‘gravity’ for g

(ii) substitution; allow g = 9.8 / 9.81 (N/kg) 2

evaluation; -1 for POT error
e.g. changing kg to g

(GPE =) 5  10  0.65
(GPE =) 33 (J) allow
31.85, 31.89, 31.9, 32, 32.5

(iii) 33 (J) / same answer as in (b)(ii); 1

Total for question 9 = 10 marks

Chapter - 2

Answer Notes Marks
10 (a) (i) cross drawn on line in region shown; cross cannot be drawn 1
at the extreme upper
end of the curved line

(ii) any line drawn above and starting at the end of the 2
original that shows a reduction in extension as the force is
line drawn is straight and returns to the extension axis DOP
above the origin; judge straightness by

(b) (i) elastic (potential); 1

(ii) C (mechanically); 1

A is incorrect because there is no electrical circuit

B is incorrect because there is no temperature difference
D is incorrect because transfers by radiation do not involve forces

Total for Question 10 = 5 marks

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