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Cover sheet: technical report

or academic papers
Please complete and submit with your technical report or academic papers at the time of
application in order to assist IChemE with assessment.
Complete the page reference column to refer the assessors to the corresponding elements
in your work and supporting document(s). Where possible, please use this structure as a
nb: You must also refer to the relevant IChemE guidance document on writing a technical report.

Family name: ............................................................................................................................................

Given name: ............................................................................................................................................

Affiliation (company/university or other organisation): ………………………………………………….................................

Membership no.: ......................................................................................................................................

Title of work: ............................................................................................................................................

You may submit as your technical evidence one of the following – please tick the appropriate box below:

1. a report written specifically for the application, which addresses the objectives of the technical

2. a pre-existing technical report, accompanied by a narrative which details how the report
demonstrates that your knowledge and understanding is at the required academic level;

3. a collection of published academic papers along a common theme, accompanied by a

narrative which details how the papers demonstrate that your knowledge and understanding
is at the required academic level.

You should state on the report’s title page which option you have chosen and identify the narrative if it is required.

1. Introduction Page reference(s)
Provide a clear introduction to the activity, giving an explanation of the methodologies used and/or
background information.
2. Main content
Required elements
nb: Outputs from computer programmes used during the described work should not be included without
explanation of the chemical engineering principles and equations used within those programmes.
Objectives or problems addressed by your work.
Evidence of your knowledge and understanding of chemical engineering principles as applied in the
described work.
nb: Not all of the principles below need to be included, but are listed as examples which may be used. A range of
applications of chemical engineering should be included from this list:
Conservation laws for mass and energy
Fluid flow
Heat and mass transfer
Thermodynamics of chemical and power systems
Reactor design
Analysis of process systems
Safety and environmental aspects
Other (please specify)
Analytical and quantitative processes used in reaching and evaluating the described solution.
Key calculations, to include:
How the basis of the calculation was selected and validated
How the calculation inputs were selected and validated
Relevant equations

3. Summary
Provide a summary and discussion of results
Provide conclusion(s)

4. Attestation
Please sign as the author:
Job title:
This report is a true account of my professional activities:
5. Confirmation
Please also obtain the signature of someone familiar with your work at the time of activity and ideally a chemical
Family name: Given Name: Title:
Job title:
Affiliation (company/university or other organisation):
Relation to applicant:
To the best of my knowledge, this is a true account of the applicant’s activities
6. Appendices
Provide inputs to computations and adequate explanation of background or supporting theory to worksheets or
Flowsheets, for example, process flow diagram (PFD), process and instrumentation diagrams (P&ID)
Engineering drawings
References to published texts, standards or papers which were used during the work described
Safety and environmental aspects
Other (please specify):

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