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Name :Mr.

SIVASUBRAMANIAM DURAIVELU GUGAN Performed On : 02-06-2022 15:16

MR No :UD0800000086110 Age/Sex :56 Y /M
:Dr. Parameswaran
Referred By :Dr. Vinodhkumar Manoharan Performed By
Medical Report :ULTRA SOUND SCAN
Remarks :

Test Name: Us Kub Region

Conduction Start Date & Time : 02-06-2022 15:02

Conduction End Date & Time : 02-06-2022 15:16

Alert Category: Alert Category 3

Clinical Data: k/c/o BPH,on regular medications

Right Kidney:
Size- Normal
Outline- Uniform
Cortical echogenicity- Normal
Cortico-medullary differentiation- Maintained
Calculus- None
Hydronephrosis- None.

Left Kidney:
Size- Normal
Outline- Uniform
Cortical echogenicity- Normal
Cortico-medullary differentiation- Maintained
Calculus- None
Hydronephrosis- None.

Urinary bladder:
Abnormal internal echoes - None
Urinary bladder wall thickness- normal.
The pre-void volume measures 317 mL.
The post void residue measures 35 mL.(Significant)
Vesical calculus-None

Prostate Gland:
Size- enlarged
Echotexture-mild heterogenous echotexture
Volume- 29 ml.

Impression :
Prostatomegaly with mild heterogenous echotexture and mild significant postvoid residue, as described above.

Other findings are as mentioned.

Clinico-pathological correlation and further imaging, as clinically indicated, are recommended for further

Disclaimer :

Signed and approved electronically on 02-06-2022 16:38. For further information please contact your doctor.
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Name :Mr. SIVASUBRAMANIAM DURAIVELU GUGAN Performed On : 02-06-2022 15:16
MR No :UD0800000086110 Age/Sex :56 Y /M
:Dr. Parameswaran
Referred By :Dr. Vinodhkumar Manoharan Performed By
Medical Report :ULTRA SOUND SCAN
Remarks :
Please note, This report has been generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors related to
that system software, including errors in grammar, punctuation, spellings as well as words and phrases that may be
inappropriate. If there are any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the reporting physician for

Reported by :

Dr. Parameswaran Subramanian

Signed and approved electronically on 02-06-2022 16:38. For further information please contact your doctor.
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