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September 16th, 2022 Sub Plan

Thank you so much for coming in for me! My laptop code is Regina17252! (I will need you to play the
audio on sora for Macbeth. It is open in a tab on the internet!).

Period 1 & 3

My grade 11’s are working on their personal essays. We have the laptop cart booked and you will need
to send two students at the beginning of class to get the orange cart and to take it back at the end of
each class.

I will give them more time to work on their action plan. They need to focus on their essays today.
Phones need to go into the pouches on the back of the door. They are able to listen to music while
working! Essay’s are due Tuesday.

Period 4 &5

We are working through Macbeth. I have my own copy with sticky notes in it. They are labeled per
period! This is where we left off yesterday! The audio is already open on Sora and ready for you to use
on my internet tab! We left off at 12:47 for period 4 and 20:25 for period 5!. **Please play the audio for
them and pause to go over the questions if you can! The questions are in my binder under act 1 tab. (If
you can’t I will go over them on Monday!) Please mark the time where the audio was left off so I can
pick it up on Monday!) You will need to connect to the smart board through settings and Bluetooth. Click
the gear, click devices, Bluetooth, monitors displays, and it is LEBO 180 and itll prompt you to write the
code in that’s projected.

There is also quotes to analyze but do not feel bad if you cannot get to them. I would like both periods
to try and finish ACT 1 but period 4 should catch up to ACT 6 with Period 5 too. If you happen to get to
Act 2 with time left please do not start it yet! They can work on their action plan if you finish the first act
early! If you could mark with the labeled sticky notes as to where each period ends off that would be

If you struggle to play the audio or help them with the questions etc they can read in partners and
answer the questions too!

*Remind them that they need to study the Quizziz link for next week!

Thank you so much for coming in!

-Cassie McCallum

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