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1.Explain the significance of glorious Quran?

The Holy Qur'an contains Allah's message to all people. It tells people how to act correctly. It
guides us to a correct way of life in this world. The Book of Allah also talks about life after
death. It tells us that Allah has prepared Paradise for good people and Hell for bad people.
The Qur'an encourages the worship of only one God Who creates and provides for them. The
Book forbids people from evil and condemns those who do wrong. It contains stories of the past
Prophets and the examples of bad and good people. People are advised in the Qur'an to be good
to others and respect them.

2. Describe the characteristics of language of the Holy Quran?

a) The language of the Quran combines both poetic and prose form e.g. Surah Naas, Lahab
are in poetic form and Surah Baqarah, Nisa are in prose form.
b) It’s rhythmic and harmonious e.g. Surah Naas, Lahab, Ikhlas.
c) The verses are in pure classical Arabic and in the dialect of the Quraysh of Makkah.
d) It is precise and to the point doesn’t contain extra words that do not add value.
e) It is easy to comprehend.
f) There is repetition of words and sentences in various Surah’s for affirmation and
emphasis e.g. Surah A1-Qariyah.
g) It contains vocabularies that are difficult to understand and interpret which Allah uses to
challenge Muslims e.g. Alif-lam-mim.
h) The verses that express the fear of Allah are fiery and those that express the mercy of
Allah are in soft language.

3. Discuss Makkan and medinan surahs?

Scholars agreed that the Qur'an is divided into Makkan and Madinan surahs: Makkan surahs:
surahs revealed before the emigration even if revealed at a place other than Makkah. Madinan
Surahs: surahs revealed after the emigration of the Prophet, peace be upon him, (Hijrah), even if
revealed at Makkah.
The Makki Surahs generally consist of subjects pertaining to Tawheed, Prophet hood, the
Hereafter, and words of comfort for the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬by narrating incidents from the past.
Madani Surahs generally consist of family and social laws, injunctions of Jihad and details of

4. State the methods of Quran revelation?

Man, therefore, could be exalted through converse with God Almighty in three ways:
(I) By direct revelation.
(ii) Direct but behind a veil, that is to say through a dream or vision.
(iii) By direct Wahee, that is to say that an angel of God comes down with a message for His
beloved servants.
5.Highlight the rationale of Quran revelations into portions?

To address the immediate needs of the community: The Quran was revealed in response to the
needs and questions of the early Muslim community, providing guidance and answers to specific
situations and challenges they faced. To strengthen the faith of the believers: The gradual
revelation of the Quran.
The Quran was revealed in stages to the Prophet Mohammed to coincide with relevant events
going on at the time, worshippers will hear in the sermon on Friday. It was named the Quran
because its chapters were gathered side by side. As its verses say: “Stir not thy tongue herewith
to hasten it.

6. What role did Angel Jibril played in the revelation of the Quran?

a. Jibril brought the Qur’an from Lauhil Mahfudh to the Prophet (p.b.u.h.).
b. He came to the Prophet in a vision and spoke to him in a clear voice to deliver the
c. He recited the Qur’an to the Prophet (p.b.u.h) many times and the first occasion was at
the cave of Hira.
d. He bought the Qur’an in bits as commanded by Allah in order to make it easily
understood and applied accordingly, this continued for 23 years.
e. In the last days of the Prophet’s life, Jibril came during Ramadhan to read the Qur’an
with the Prophet (p.b.u.h.) as ordered by Allah.
f. He was a teacher of the Prophet, he taught his how to read and pronounce the words of
the Qur’an.
g. He was a friend and comforter to the Prophet, he comforted the Prophet when he faced
opposition from his own family and tribe.
h. He advised the Prophet (p.b.u.h) on the arrangement of surahs and verses in the Qur’an.

7. Give reasons why Hadith was fabricated?

a. To induce other Muslims to perform good deeds.

b. Some people had weak memories hence unintentionally transmitted false Hadith.
c. To support innovation/bid’a in religion which could not be supported by Sahih Hadith.
d. For economic and political gains.
e. Hypocrites wanted to discredit Islam and the Prophet (p.b.u.h).
f. To create confusion among Muslims.
g. To please leaders of the time.

8. State five qualities of a muhadith?

a. Sound/retentive memory.
b. Thorough knowledge of the holy Qur’an.
c. Knowledge of the biographies of hadith narrators.
d. Ability to differentiate between sound and weak hadith.
e. Scholar of hadith.
f. Trustworthy.
g. Knowledge of historical development of Sharia.
h. Mastery of Arabic language.
i. Truthfulness/sincerity.
j. A practicing Muslim.

9. Outline reasons Hadith was criticized by western scholars?

a. Historical concerns: some Western scholars have questioned the authenticity and
historical accuracy of hadith. They argue that the Hadith literature was compiled and
transmitted many years after the time of prophet Muhammad.
b. Rationality and reasoning: certain western scholars have criticized hadith for the
perceived lack of rationality and the emphasis on blind faith.
c. Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: Hadith has often been a subject of criticism in
discussions about women’s rights and gender equality. Some western scholars claim that
certain Hadith traditions perpetuate patriarchal norms and restrict the right and agency of

10. Describe the significance of six mother books of Hadith?

a. Source of Guidance.
b. Compulsory for Understanding Quran.
c. Hadith includes Solutions to Social Issues.
d. Know the Rights of Neighbors, Family, and other relations.
e. Unseen News Mentioned by Prophet Muhammad.
f. The Path of Paradise is eased.
g. Increase the Muslim's Iman.

11. Suggest reasons why Hadith was not recorded during prophet’s time?

a. The prophet (saw) was alive and could be referred to

b. The revelation of the Quran was still going on and there was fear of mixing them up
c. Only a few people knew how to read and write were engaged in writing the Quran
d. The prophet (saw) did not order the companions to do so.
e. Fear of confusing Quran and hadith
f. Hadith was meant to be implemented.

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