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R: Concise Reviews

in Food Science

Analytical Methods for Gelatin

Differentiation from Bovine and Porcine
Origins and Food Products
Raja Mohd Hafidz Raja Nhari, Amin Ismail, and Yaakob B. Che Man

Abstract: Usage of gelatin in food products has been widely debated for several years, which is about the source of gelatin
that has been used, religion, and health. As an impact, various analytical methods have been introduced and developed to
differentiate gelatin whether it is made from porcine or bovine sources. The analytical methods comprise a diverse range
of equipment and techniques including spectroscopy, chemical precipitation, chromatography, and immunochemical.
Each technique can differentiate gelatins for certain extent with advantages and limitations. This review is focused on
overview of the analytical methods available for differentiation of bovine and porcine gelatin and gelatin in food products
so that new method development can be established.
Keywords: analytical methods, food products, gelatin

Introduction range of 8 to 9 while for type B, its IEP is in the between pH 4.8
Gelatin is a heterogeneous mixture of polypeptides obtained and 5.5. The functional properties of gelatin are associated with
through partial hydrolysis of collagens from animal connective tis- gelling (bloom strength, gelling time, setting and melting temper-
sues by acidic or alkaline treatments (Zhang and others 2009). ature, viscosity) and surface behavior (formation and stabilization
The transformation of collagen to gelatin is interpreted as disin- of foams and emulsions, adhesive properties, and dissolution be-
tegration of the helical structures of collagen into random coils. havior) (Schrieber and Gareis 2007).
Upon cooling, the random coils undergo a coil-to-helix transi- This well-known food hydrocolloid has been applied in food
tion during which they attempt to reform the original structure products as agents for gel formation in jellies and fruit gummies,
(Karim and Bhat 2009). When collagen is subjected to mild acid foam formation and stabilizer in ice creams, marshmallows, emul-
or alkaline treatment or heating in water, the fibrous structure sifier and foam stabilizer in caramels, syneresis stabilizer in yo-
of collagen is broken down irreversibly and gelatin is formed. gurt, foam formation in foamed milk dessert, gel formation in
During the transformation, the breakdown of cross-linkages be- jellied milk dessert, emulsion stabilizer in meat and sausages, bind-
tween polypeptide chains of collagen occurs (Yang and others ing agent in broths and canned meats, pharmaceuticals (soft and
2007). The gelatin manufacturing processes involve general steps hard capsules, gel-forming component in dental pharmaceuticals,
including pretreatment of the raw material, extraction, purifica- thickener in liquid dosage forms, tablets, ointments for mucosal
tion, and drying to produce desired gelatin. The most common membranes of the mouth, vitamin coating, pastilles, globules),
raw materials for industrial-scale gelatin are obtained from slaugh- photography (ink jet printing), cosmetic and medical products
ter byproducts due to its availability in sufficient quantities at an (blood plasma substitutes, gelatin sponges) (Hidaka and Liu 2003;
economical price. The gelatins derived from porcine skins are Venien and Levieux 2005a, 2005b; Schrieber and Gareis 2007).
treated with acidic treatments (type A) to avoid saponification due There is high demand for gelatin especially in Europe, North
to high fat content in this skin. Generally, the acidic treatment America, South America, and certain countries in Asia Pacific
is limited to the tissue of younger animals that have lesser degree due to its unique properties that suit its application in a wide
of covalent bonding in collagen that ensures a good yield and range of products (GMIA 2001; SAGMA 2004; GMAP 2005;
quality of gelatin. The alkaline treatment (type B) is applied to GME 2011).
chopped split material and ossein prepared from bones (Schrieber Due to the various sources of gelatins that have been con-
and Gareis 2007). The central layer of cattle hide contains native sumed, the gelatin authentication has become a major concern
collagen that is suitable as raw material in gelatin manufacturing among communities including Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and veg-
process. The physicochemical properties of gelatin are determined etarians. For instance, gelatin from slaughtered cow that has not
by amino acid sequence, the resulting 3-dimensional structure, followed Islamic law and the usage of porcine origin are forbidden
the molecular mass distribution, pH, ionic strength, and reaction for Muslims. Hindus also prohibits the usage of cow while the
with other components. Type A and B gelatins are different in animal-based food is banned by vegetarian. In health aspects, the
terms of isoelectric point (IEP) where IEP of type A is in the pH outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or com-
monly known as mad cow disease in Europe has caused restriction
on the usage of bovine gelatin in food products (Hidaka and Liu
MS 20110838 Submitted 7/12/2011, Accepted 10/20/2011. Authors are with 2003; Venien and Levieux 2005a, 2005b). The bovine and porcine
Halal Products Research Inst., Putra Infoport, Univ. Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM gelatins also would give risks to gelatin-allergic patients (Doi and
Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia. Direct inquiries to author Nhari (E-mail: raja_hafidz@ others 2009). Thus, the gelatin authentication is very crucial so
that the gelatin is confirmed to abide with its label description

C 2011 Institute of Food Technologists


R42 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 71, Nr. 1, 2012 doi: 10.1111/j.1750-3841.2011.02514.x
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R: Concise Reviews
Analytical methods for gelatin differentiation . . .

in Food Science
whether it is made from bovine or porcine. However, the trans- Venien and Levieux 2005a, 2005b; Zhang and others 2008, 2009;
parency of food ingredients is not always readily noticeable. Im- Doi and others 2009; Hashim and others 2010). To the best of
proper labeling of gelatin origin is the most common case occurred our knowledge, no review related to differentiation of gelatins has
in food industry. Thus, the reliable methods to detect the source of been published. Thus, this paper reviews summarization of the
animal utilized in food products are needed and usable to identify related studies about analytical methods including advantages and
the food components so that the adulteration can be identified limitations (Table 1). With this review, it can be used as a quick
(Murugaiah and others 2009). reference so that new analytical methods can be tested.
Eight studies have been published since 2003 until 2010 to dif-
ferentiate gelatins especially involving bovine and porcine gelatins.
Analytical Methods
They have claimed that differentiation of both gelatins can be
made using analytical methods including the applications of spec- Spectroscopic technique
troscopic, chemical, liquid chromatography, and immunochemi- Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy has been used
cal techniques (Hidaka and Liu 2003; Nemati and others 2004; as a detection tool in food adulteration (Van de Voort 1992;

Table 1–Differentiation of gelatins using various analytical methods.

Method Advantages Limitations References
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) Rapid analysis; Require high purity of sample; Hashim and others (2010)
spectroscopy able to differentiate between raw unable to differentiate a mixture of
bovine and porcine gelatins based raw gelatins
on spectra’s intensity using
discriminant analysis
Chemical precipitation Differentiation can be made at Unable to differentiate the origin of Hidaka and Liu (2003)
concentrations of 0.5 mg/mL gelatin in food products
(bovine bone gelatin) and
4.0 mg/mL (porcine skin gelatin)
that stimulate HAP transformation
High performance liquid Utilizing PCA to differentiate both Unable to differentiate a mixture of Nemati and others (2004)
chromatography (HPLC) raw gelatin of bovine and porcine gelatins because their same
chemical properties; amount of
amino acids is different and
inconsistent in each analysis
HPLC coupled with mass Hydroxylation of proline and lysine Zhang and others (2008, 2009)
spectrometry (HPLC/MS): could increase the difficulties in
Differentiation of raw gelatin can differentiation of marker peptides
be based on marker peptides in for both gelatins;
collagen sequences marker peptides might be destroyed
during manufacturing
ELISA Indirect competitive ELISA: Less sensitive to species specific due Venien and Levieux (2005a)
Sensitive technique to differentiate to high homology of animal’s
the origin of gelatin; collagen sequence;
certain antibodies can detect the antibodies raised against bovine
presence of gelatin in food (not tyrosylated gelatin could not
species or process sensitive); differentiate from porcine bone
several antibodies are highly gelatin prepared from alkaline
sensitive to acid or alkaline process process.
of bovine and porcine gelatin;
antibodies raised against porcine
tyrosylated gelatin more sensitive to
porcine gelatin except for porcine
alkaline bone gelatin
Indirect competitive ELISA: Only specific to bovine gelatin Venien and Levieux (2005b)
More species-specific to bovine
detection of high bloom bovine
gelatin in high bloom porcine
gelatin was more sensitive;
efficient control of gelatin batches
can be applied for pharmaceutical
and food manufacturers to secure
supply chain
Sandwich ELISA: established ELISAs Production of false positive for Doi and others (2009)
method could be used to gelatinized heated meat
determine bovine and porcine
gelatin in commercial processed
foods ;
The goat pAb3-pAb3 ELISA has
weaker reactivity to cooked meat,
less cross-reactivity for boiled squid
and no false positives or negatives

Vol. 71, Nr. 1, 2012 r Journal of Food Science R43

R: Concise Reviews Analytical methods for gelatin differentiation . . .
in Food Science

Rodriguez-Saona and Allendorf 2011). For instance, it was used High performance liquid chromatography with principal
in detection of food hydrocolloids in confectionary and food component analysis (PCA) or mass spectrometry technique
supplements (Čopı́ková and others 2001). In infrared (IR) spec- High performance liquid chromatography coupled
troscopy, IR radiation is passed through a sample with some of with PCA. Nemati and others (2004) have differentiated bovine
the IR radiation is absorbed and transmitted. The resulting spec- and porcine gelatins using PCA based on the results of individual
trum represents the molecular absorption and transmission, cre- amino acids. Amino acid analysis was performed using a reversed
ating a molecular fingerprint of the sample. Each sample from phase-high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC).
different sources produces different IR spectrum that represent Amino acid analysis can be used to quantify the amount of protein
its unique molecular structures. This makes IR spectroscopy and peptides, to identity proteins or peptides based on their
suitable for gelatin analysis because it shows the information amino acid composition, to evaluate fragmentation strategies for
on functional group especially chemical composition of specific peptide mapping, and to detect unusual amino acids that might be
substances. present in a protein or peptide. The chromatograms of bovine and
Hashim and others (2010) studied the utilization of FTIR as a porcine gelatins, which are represented by individual amino acids,
rapid method to differentiate the source of raw gelatin. A FTIR are almost the same but they had an extra amino acid for bovine
spectroscopy in combination with attenuated total reflectance gelatin compared to porcine ones. However, it cannot be used
(ATR) and discriminant analysis is useful to compare bovine and for differentiation of both gelatins due to their same chemical
porcine gelatin spectra. ATR is a technique whereby the sample is properties. Thus, PCA was applied since it involves overall peaks
placed in contact with ATR element and a spectrum is recorded of amino acids. PCA was utilized in processing of amino acid
based on that contact. The spectra for both gelatins are closely sim- parameters (height, area, area percentage, and width) to obtain
ilar between wavelengths of 4000 and 650 cm−1 . The major differ- the significant variables and classification of bovine and porcine
ences among gelatins spectra can be found in 3290 to 3280 cm−1 gelatin. All gelatins can be differentiated using 2-dimensional
and 1660 to 1200 cm−1 of the complete IR spectra range (4000 graphs. However, this method is not suitable to analyze mixture of
to 650 cm−1 ). The 3290 to 3280 cm−1 region is donated by N- gelatins because gelatins contain similar type of amino acids and the
H bond-stretching mode of hydrogen bonded amide group. The concentration of amino acids is different and inconsistent in each
discriminant analysis for deformation of N-H bonds in the range analysis.
3290 to 3280 cm−1 and 1660 to 1200 cm−1 can determine the High performance liquid chromatography coupled with
unknown gelatin sources. These 2 spectra are specified through mass spectrometry. The development of high performance liq-
analysis using difference of variance between spectrum of bovine uid chromatography/mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) method was
and porcine gelatin. The comparison was made based on the in- based on the theory that gelatin contains polypeptides from de-
tensity of spectra that is slightly different between both gelatins. By graded collagen type I and amino acid sequence of collagens from
using Cooman’s plot obtained from Mahalanobis distance (formu- different animals is not identical. Thus, it leads to the identification
late a distance between clusters) to visualize discriminant analysis, of marker peptides in digested gelatins using HPLC/MS (Zhang
IR spectrum of bovine and porcine gelatin can be classified ac- and others 2008). Bovine and porcine gelatins were digested with
cording to their respective group. This technique required simple trypsin, producing peptides that have specific sequences. By com-
sample preparation with rapid time analysis. However, this tech- paring the MS/MS data with collagen database, most of peptide
nique requires high purity of sample and problems may occur sequences of bovine and porcine collagen type I were similar but
when analyzing the mixture of raw gelatins from different animal some partial sequences were specific. They indicated that more
sources. marker peptides were found in α2 chain because the difference of
total amino acid residues was 1.1% between α1 chain of bovine
and porcine collagen type I while in α2 chain, the difference was
Chemical precipitation 2.3% of total amino acid residues. The specific peptides identi-
The effects of gelatin from bovine bone and porcine skin on fied in the digested bovine and porcine gelatins showed that more
calcium phosphate precipitation could be distinguished (Hidaka markers for peptides were found in α2 chain than those found in
and Liu 2003). The study was conducted to detect the presence of α1 chain. Thus, 2 peptides have been identified in α2 chain as
bovine bone gelatin in food products as a concern due to the out- marker peptides including TGPPGPSGISGPPGPPGPAGK that
break of BSE. The molecular weight of bovine bone and porcine was found in digested bovine gelatin (α2 (I) chain of bovine col-
skin gelatins used in the study was ranged from 40000 to 50000 lagen type I) while for porcine gelatin, the specific peptide was
Da. Gelatin promotes the formation of hydroxyapatite (HAP) and IGPPGPSGISGPPGPPGPAGK (α2 (I) chain of porcine colla-
enhances amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) formation. The gen type I). The same studies by Zhang and others (2009) in-
interaction of gelatin and calcium phosphate precipitation is used volved bovine gelatins with different molecular weight using high
to determine the source of gelatins. The concentrations of 0.5 and performance liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry
4.0 mg/mL for bovine bone and porcine skin gelatins, respectively, (HPLC-MS/MS). The more marker peptides can be detected
achieved the maximum stimulation of the HAP transformation. when higher molecular weight of gelatin is used. Both studies are
The peak concentration for the stimulation of the HAP trans- successful to differentiate the bovine and porcine gelatins but the
formation may be used to differentiate between them. However, hydroxylation of proline and lysine that is not uniform and not
the rate of ACP formation is not affected by both gelatins. This identical therefore can increase difficulty to differentiate marker
method is limited to analyze gelatin from bovine bone and porcine peptides for both gelatins. The marker peptides might also be
skin. It may not be suitable to differentiate gelatins in food prod- degraded during product manufacturing.
ucts because HAP transformation is easily interfered by variable
components such as sugars, lipids, salts, coloring agent, and other ELISA
food additives that are added in food products and subsequently, it Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is the most com-
will give difficulty to confirm the origin of gelatin. mon technique used in determination of food authenticity because

R44 Journal of Food Science r Vol. 71, Nr. 1, 2012

R: Concise Reviews
Analytical methods for gelatin differentiation . . .

in Food Science
of its specificity and sensitivity. It is an immunological technique gelatin (alkaline process). Both ELISAs were successful to detect
that involves an enzyme to detect the presence of an antibody or an the existence of gelatin in all commercial foods that have been de-
antigen in sample. The 2 most used ELISA for food authentication clared to contain gelatin. The established sandwich ELISA meth-
are the indirect and the sandwich ELISA. The indirect ELISA uti- ods produced no false positives, except for heated meat products
lizes 2 antibodies, one of which is specific to the antigen and or false negatives when various commercial foods were analyzed
the other of which is coupled to an enzyme. This 2nd antibody for their gelatin content. However, the rabbit pAb2-pAb1 ELISA
will cause a chromogenic or fluorogenic substrate to produce a cross-reacted with boiled squid, while the goat pAb3-pAb3 ELISA
signal. In the sandwich ELISA, the antigen is bound between 2 did not. Thus, the proposed goat pAb3-pAb3 ELISA method is a
antibodies that consist of the capture antibody and the detection reliable tool for the detection of gelatin contaminants present in
antibody. The detection antibody can be coupled to an enzyme processed foods because it has weaker reactivity to cooked meat,
or can bind the conjugate (enzyme-linked antibody) that will pro- less cross-reactivity with boiled squid, and produced no false pos-
duce the biochemical reaction (Asensio and others 2008). Venien itives or negatives. However, the limitation of ELISA method is
and Levieux (2005a) can differentiate bovine and porcine gelatins the resulting of false positive for gelatinized heated meat. The
using polyclonal antibodies raised against tyrosylated bovine and factors affecting the effectiveness of ELISA method are the pro-
porcine gelatin. The tyrosylation of gelatins with tyrosine is to cess involved in gelatin production where the alkaline process
increase the weak immunogenicity of its parent collagen and con- of gelatin was sensitive than acidic process ones. This method is
vert gelatin into powerful antigen. By using indirect ELISA, the also slightly affected by cross-reactivity with meat (pork, beef,
developed antibodies have large differences in their sensitivity on chicken), seafood (fish, squid, octopus, prawn, crab, shellfish,
species and manufacturing process. Certain antibodies can detect and roe), and various commercial foods. However, this method
the presence of gelatin in food and some were highly sensitive was quite difficult to distinguish between gelatin and cooked
to acid or alkaline process of bovine and porcine gelatins. Anti- meat.
bodies raised against porcine tyrosylated gelatin are more sensitive
to porcine gelatin except alkaline-treated porcine bone gelatin (as Conclusion
a control the presence of porcine acid gelatin in bovine gelatin). Gelatin from bovine and porcine origins could be differen-
However, in ELISA technique, some antibodies have low species tiated using various analytical methods with certain limitations.
specificity because of high homology of collagen sequences be- Most of the previous studies were focused on distinguishing of
tween different species. raw gelatins and detection of gelatins in food products. The most
In order to obtain more bovine-specific antibodies with lower reliable method to differentiate gelatins could be ELISA methods
process sensitivity, Venien and Levieux (2005b) raised antibod- due to its ability to differentiate gelatins in raw form and incorpo-
ies against putative specific sequences of bovine collagen α1 (I) rated in processed foods. For future research, fundamental studies
chain that show amino acid changes between bovine and unre- involving the extraction and purification of gelatin from gelatin-
lated species. They have selected one recognized species-specific based products are needed to assure the gelatin authenticity in
sequence from the N-terminal sequence of telopeptide of bovine gelatin-based products and give satisfaction to consumers about
α2 (I) chain as peptide 1 (Glu-Phe-Asp-Ala-Lys-Gly-Gly-Gly- the sources of gelatin that are used in the commercial products.
Pro-Gly) and peptide 2 (Gly-Pro-Ala-Gly-Ala-Pro-Gly-Pro-Pro-
Gly) from the central region of bovine α1 (I) chain. Antipeptide Acknowledgments
1 antibodies have low reactivity as compared with antipeptide The research (Project Nr: 05–02-10–0935RU) funded by Univ.
2 antibodies when tested against collagen and gelatin. Antipeptide Putra Malaysia through Research Univ. Grant Scheme is gratefully
2 antibodies are strongly reactive when react with bovine gelatins acknowledged.
rather than porcine gelatin. When the same mixture of gelatins
was analyzed by indirect competitive ELISA, high sensitivity is
obtained for the detection of bovine gelatins in porcine gelatins. Asensio L, González I, Garcı́a T, Martı́n R. 2008. Determination of food authenticity by
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