LAB Report N 2 S2

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BJT AC Analysis (Common-Base configuration)

First name: ……………………………. Last name: …………………………………. Group: ………

The aim is to determine the parameters of a Common-Base amplifier (Small signal-AC analysis)
Component: NPN silicon transistor 2N2222
1. The values
VCEQ = ……………… … . ; ICQ = …………………..; IBQ = ……………….; β = …………….. .

2. Plot vi(t) and VL(t)

3. Measures
vi = ……………………. , VL = ……………………. .
a) Av = VL / vi = …………………+……………………………...

b) Ai = iL/ii = …………………………………………………………

4. Remove RL.
vi = ……………………. , VL = ……………………. .
Av = VL/vi = …………………………………………………………………………….

Find Zi and Z0
Zi = …………………………………; Z0 = ………………………………..

5. Distortion
Plot signal obtained

Why there is a distortion : ……………………………………………………………………..

Note the values :

…………………… ……………………………………………………………;
…………………… ……………………………………………………………;

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