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Consultancy report for the Senior Management

Team (SMT) of AD Pharmaceuticals

Name of Student
Name of Teacher

University Name
University Address

APRIL 21, 2020

Table of Contents

Major Theories:.......................................................................................................................................2

1. Stage Theory:.....................................................................................................................................2

2. OD Theory:........................................................................................................................................2

3. Inter-organizational Relationships (IOR) Theory..............................................................................3

4. Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT...................................................................................3

5. Social Learning Theory:....................................................................................................................3

DETAILED ORGANIZATION PROBLEM............................................................................................5

Identification Process:.............................................................................................................................5

Detailed Process:......................................................................................................................................6

Recommendation of Strategies:..............................................................................................................7

Human Process (Leadership Management) Interventions.....................................................................7

Techno-structural Interventions.............................................................................................................8

Human Resource Management Interventions........................................................................................8

Strategic Change Interventions..............................................................................................................9



Consultancy report for the Senior Management Team (SMT) of
AD Pharmaceuticals

Organizational Development is a basic and science-based procedure that assists organizations with
building their ability to change and accomplish more noteworthy capability by creating, improving, and
emphasizing strategies, structures, and procedures (Vulpen, n.d.).

The analysis of organizational change reflects the phenomenon of hierarchical change. In organizations
today, change is common happening at a quick speed and to overcome difficulties (Yammarino, 2015).
Specialists need to walk through the bunch of theories of organizational change, similarly as experts need
to walk through the dark waters of change (Vulpen, n.d.).

(Silvers, 1991) proposed that the organizational development land "is so undeveloped, it is the expectation
that an expanding measure of incredible theory development and research will show up sooner rather than
later”. According to (Burke, 1987), we locate no genuine dependability among the theoretical
contributions that would lead us to feel that the field of organizational development is moving toward a
theoretical synthesis. However, (Nohria, 2000) was more serious than they indicated “An incorporated
hypothesis or structure for understanding change doesn't exist”. (Lundberg, 2000) likewise, corresponded
that "It appears to be protected to state that neither the essence nor the nuances of change have so far been
completely clarified. While plenty of cases, definitions, and regularizing and expressive models of change
and advancement exist, each appears to catch just a piece of the certainty of change".

During the most recent decade, an expanding dissatisfaction with traditional Organizational development
(OD) has raised (Mariann Jelinek, 1995). Conversely, (Quinn, 1999) presumed that OD has gotten
immaterial. The interest for better methods for overseeing change is extremely high, yet Quinn claimed
that the field is invisible to most of the executives, that OD specialists don't understand the business, that
there is little development in OD departments and that OD has neglected to produce any enthusiasm
among MBA students. He portrayed a dream that an individual who ought to understand both the world
of business and the world of human relationships (Nicolay A. M. Worren, 1999).

Although According to (Nicolay A. M. Worren, 1999) there is no requirement for making another work,
the real change operator is as of nowhere. OD standards and systems are facing a rebirth, because of the
development of the field of change management, which is committed to handling the sort of huge scope
change that (Quinn, 1999) described.

The field of OD has advanced after some time since its beginnings during the 1930s. Indeed, even today,
a wide range of notions of OD exist in the literature. In the business world, many change exertions have
been calmly labeled as "OD" even though they may have stood little similarity to the sort of programs
recommended in the literature. By and by, it is accepted that there is enough shared characteristic to make
comparison possible (Thomas G. Cummings, 2009)

Major Theories:
As far as Organizational development scope, the term change management is as of now utilized in a way
that incorporates theory and intervention strategies related with what is referred to in the scholarly
literature as OD, human resource management (HRM), project management and strategic change
(Thomas G. Cummings, 2009)

This report illustrates the value of organizational change for strength promotion and offers ideas on how
to successfully facilitate theory-informed organizational change. As a Business consultant, here we
present Five theories of organizational change that will help AD Pharmaceuticals to cope up with their
organization difficulties; Stage Theory, Organizational Development (OD) Theory, Inter-organizational
Relationships (IOR) Theory, Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT) and Social Learning Theory.

1. Stage Theory: Stage theory depends on the possibility that components in systems travel through a
pattern of particular stages after some time and that these stages can be represented dependent on their
distinctive attributes. It is contended that the different types of information, dimensions, strategies, and so
forth that characterize participation in a Piagetian kind stage:

(1) represent to certified subjective innovations increasingly quantitative-looking sorts of changes

(2) may advance towards their full practical development considerably more gradually and step by step
than is generally assumed

(3) need not (hypothetically) and frequently don't (observationally) advance in strict development
synchrony or simultaneousness, one with another

(4) ordinarily become practically interlocked to frame networks of psychological structures, once
adequately develop (Flavell, 1971)

2. OD Theory: Organizational Development (OD) is a field of research, theory, and practice

committed to growing the information and adequacy of individuals to achieve increasingly fruitful
organizational change and execution. OD is a procedure of persistent analysis, action planning,

performance, and assessment, with the objective of moving information and aptitudes to organizations to
improve their ability for tackling issues and overseeing future change (Achilles A. Armenakis, 1999).

Stage Theory and OD Theory suggest that various strategies are required at various stages and have the
best potential to create positive changes in organizations when they are merged (Butterfoss, Kegler, &
Francisco, 2008).

3. Inter-organizational Relationships (IOR) Theory: IOR theory tends to change across

organizations, Focuses on how organizations cooperate, Based on the reason that joint effort among
community organizations prompts an increasingly thorough coordinated approach to deal with a
complicated issue that can be accomplished by one organization and gives a valuable formation for
understanding and improving community utilization to address a scope of general health problems, for
example, tobacco control (Ferguson, 2018).

4. Community Coalition Action Theory (CCAT): As an activity situated organization, an

agreement ordinarily focuses around expecting or enhancing a community issue by examining the issue,
gathering information and evaluating need, building up an action plan with distinguished solutions,
implementing solutions, accomplishing results and making social change (Osmond, 2009).

However, IOR Theory and CCAT theory highlighting how organizations cooperate and support their
relationships (Butterfoss, Kegler, & Francisco, 2008).

5. Social Learning Theory: (McLeod, 2016) Social Learning Theory, hypothesized by Albert
Bandura, places that individuals gain from each other, through perception, impression, and demonstrating.
The theory has regularly been known as a platform among behaviorist and intellectual learning theories
since it incorporates consideration, memory, and motivation.

In this theory, behavior change is fundamentally identified with three classes of individual desires. To
start with, people are not liable to take part in a given course of behavior If they don't anticipate that it
should prompt to desired results. Further, people have differencing values for a specific result. A
profoundly esteemed result gives a lot stronger incentive to act than does one of the low value. As
significant as result expectations and valences are in determining action, only they won't represent
behavioral choices. (Marks, 2002)

These cognitive procedures are affected by information increased through involvement in the
environment (Burke M. S., 1987).

Researchers concur that the theory development of organizational change pauses the practice of
organization development practices (PETER J. ROBERTSON, 1993).

This paper tries to react to the calls made for improved theory advancement by making two commitments.
To accomplish the commitments represented. First, a working definition of organizational change will be
offered, working off the investigation of other social and physical science studies. Second, another
arrangement plan of organizational interventions or strategies for the issues confronting ADP in the field
of organizational change will be justified.


Identification Process:
AD Pharmaceuticals (ADP) is a developing manufacturer of professionally prescribed medications
providing drug stores over the UK. In September 2003, it had transformed into a bigger organization and
Charter's plans for ADP were to grow to manufacture, but more vitally to move ADP into the further
costly and likely activity of research and development into new drugs. By 2009, R&D came to utilize a
group of exceptionally qualified and skilled people including 15 biotechnologists, 8 molecular biologists
and 5 biochemists who had effectively planned a structure for a new drug, Xiaphenaprine ('Xph').

By November 2019 further venture into R&D, was made arrangements for the following five years. In
belief, the Board utilized the services of a Business Consultant, Karl Robbins, to make a business report
on ADP.

As of Karl's analysis, he noticed that with the success of new drug strategy implementation, there were a
lot of issues at ADP, neglected by the senior management, which might be damage for the company in the
Following the time back in November when Julie caught the remarks made to Harry by the beverages
machine, she had stated it to Rob and Eileen who at that point mentioned that Karen is approached to sort
out an employee engagement survey so as to get further understanding into how employees in the
organization were feeling. Two or three groups at that point followed up the survey, based on a
questionnaire. The outcomes were uncovering with staff disturbed about many of things:

 Inconsistent treatment among general and 'Xph' manufacturing concerning reward, acknowledgment,
and training
 Jobs in general manufacturing being dull and exhausting
 People feeling ‘micro-managed’, especially in ‘Xph’
 No-one feeling what ought to be going on with appraisals
 Some managers doing a great deal of ‘telling’ and hardly listening.
 High levels of workload and stress in Marketing and ‘Xph’, although the more interesting work being
 Problems with levels of commitment and motivation, especially in general manufacturing and sales.
 Almost everybody hated Emma, especially those she managed directly.
 There was a power struggle that nobody discussed flexibly at all operational levels.
 Concerning training, there was an obsession with being shown content in a classroom with no e-
learning, no training, and no acknowledgment or experiential learning.
 There was a solid preference that an HR function was expected to empower and drive business change,
innovation as well as creative vitality.
 Many felt ADP be a decent workplace however professional success, particularly for women, was not
actually top of senior management requirements and subsequently good employees were leaving for
somewhere else.

Every one of these issues was attached to Karl's investigation for his business report, was expected for
presentation to the Charter Board and ADP Directors in April 2020. Nonetheless, the senior leadership of
ADP accepts that Karl had gotten excessively close to workers in the time he was leading the

organizational investigation. Senior management of ADP is now questioning his professionalism and
morals as a business specialist.

Detailed Process:
Numerous scholars accept that the organizational conflict negatively affects organizational effectiveness
and should be executed from the organization, for instance, by creating formal and formalized
methodology. While neo-classical or human relation scholars likewise held a similar view that conflict on
gender discrimination has injurious affects organizational performance, yet recommended that it may be
disposed of by giving more consideration to employee’s needs (Sogra, 2014).
Aside from the impact of the sex differences in conflict management, organizational analysts are likewise
keen because of other logical factors on the choice of the conflict management styles at the working
place. (Sogra, 2014). (Wilson, 1982) proposed that the choice of style isn't just impacted by close to
personal factors, for example, sex and individual character yet additionally by situational factors, for
example, organizational design and structure, issues and framework and the tasks and relationship
coordination of managers.
In OD issues, numerous scholars accept that Leadership Management is likewise a significant viewpoint
in organizational effectiveness. If Leadership Management is taken care of thoughtfully, it will then shape
the ability to change and accomplish more prominent effectiveness (Ao, 2016). Leadership development
has various (business) results. These can vary between organizations, however, generally, they do
combine financial performance, consumer loyalty, organization member engagement, and an expanded
ability to adjust and re-establish the organization. These are not always definite. Now and again it is tied
in with building a competitive advantage, in however that is characterized (Baporikar, 2016)
Organizational design has gotten increasingly critical after some time. The present world is portrayed by
Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity (VUCA). This VUCA world requires new quickness
from organizations, and organizational development is the way of keeping that in mind (Vulpen, n.d.).

Recommendation of Strategies:

The eagerness for the issue of managerial choice for a conflict management style isn't new. As a business
consultant, we suggest some of the necessary organizational development interventions and strategies
which are required to settle the issues standing up to AD Pharmaceuticals. Here we list 12 OD

Human Process (Leadership Management) Interventions

Human process interventions are change programs that identify with interpersonal relations, group
abilities, and organizational dynamics. These are the absolute soonest and most popular interventions
utilized in OD (Silvers, 1991).
1. Individual interventions. These interventions are focused on the individual, regularly planned for
improving communication with others. The individual is trained in behaviors that are counterproductive.
(Vulpen, n.d.). This intervention is troubled with stressor reduction, stress management and remedial
support (Cartwright, 1997).
2. Group interventions. These group interventions are focused on the procedure, content, or structure
of the group. The procedure identifies with the group's inside procedures. Content identifies with what the
group takes a shot at. The structure identifies with repeating techniques it uses to arrive at the task and
deal with outer issues. These can be improved. The group or individual members (whoever is being
focused on the intervention) will expand their responsibility for the issue, and assume liability for creating
change. The group will figure out how to analyze and understand "process" issues and will have the
option to move and apply these abilities to future situations (Allen).
3. Third-party interventions. Third-party interventions are frequently utilized when there are conflicts.
Not all conflicts are dreadful, yet bad conflicts ought to be settled rapidly. The third-party intervention
assists in controlling and resolve the conflict. In many cases, the third party is the OD consultant
(S.Nugent, 2002).
4. Team building. Team building is the most popular OD intervention. It indicates to a room of
activities that assist groups with improving how they achieve projects. For the intervention to be
operative, there must be a continuous follow-up to integrate the lessons figured out how to the group's day
by day work (Chinn, 2019).
5. Organizational confrontation meeting. The confrontation meeting is planned for recognizing
issues, setting needs and action targets, and start taking a shot at distinguished issues organization-wide
(R. Wayne Boss, 2010).

Techno-structural Interventions

Techno-structural interventions suggest changing programs focused on the technology and structure of
the organization. These are getting progressively appropriate to today's quickly changing markets and
technological landscape (Vulpen, n.d.).
6. Organizational (structural) design. The practical structure of the organization is key to how it will
work. This is mentioned as a practical structure. Different structures include are divisional, matrix.
process, customer-centric, and network structure. Key exercises in the basic structure are reengineering

and scaling back. This includes reexamining the manner in which work is done, setting up the
organization, and rebuilding it around the new business forms with the thought of old and new sales or
marketing patterns (Torremans, 1999).
7. Total quality management. (Vulpen, n.d.) Total quality management is otherwise called constant
procedure improvement, lean, and six-sigma. It became out of a manufacturing emphasis on quality
control and speaks to a long-term exertion to place all of an organization's actions around the concept of

Human Resource Management Interventions

These are organizational development procedures that emphasize the way the individual is managed. A
considerable lot of these are utilized by the HR division too. (Burke, 1987).
8. Performance management. Good performance management incorporates methods, for example,
objective setting, performance appraisal, and reward systems. (Burke W. N., 2015). This is a very
important intervention which was highly ignored by ADP.
9. Developing talent. This incorporates talent management practices like training and coaching, career
planning, improvement interventions, and management and leadership development. (Vulpen, n.d.).
10. Diversity interventions. Diversity is the origin of development. This incorporates age, sex, race,
sexual coordination, disabilities, and culture, and value orientation. These interventions are planned for
expanding diversity reported in (Jonny Gifford, 2019). Organizations that have more prominent
workplace diversity overtake their rivals and accomplish higher benefits (Zojceska, 2018).

Strategic Change Interventions

These intervention center around the change procedures that shake the organization to its midpoint. The
OD division has a significant influence in executing on this change. (Thomas G. Cummings, 2009).
11. Transformational change. This is a change procedure that includes changing the essential
character of the organization, including how it is organized and how it works. To appropriately
characterize the change, you have to recognize the behavior gap between the present state and the future
state (Alsher, 2018).
12. Trans-organizational change. Trans-organizational change includes change interventions that
move away from a particular organization. This incorporates mergers, allying, acquisitions, and strategic
interacting (Vulpen, n.d.). However, trans-organizational strategies let organizations perform
assignments that are excessively expensive and complicated for single organizations to perform.
These tasks incorporate the full scope of organizational activities, including purchasing raw

materials, employing and remunerating employees for their specific tasks, manufacturing,
training, and development, obtaining capital, marketing, and distribution, and strategic planning
(Rosile, 2003).
As you've found in the list of Organizational Development interventions above, there are numerous OD
interventions that identify with Human Resource Management. Strategies like performance management
goals, objective setting, appraisals, and talent management practices are most vital to effective
organizational development.

These interventions revealed here and were structured not exclusively to improve supervisory abilities,
which is required in the stages of engagement and motivation, however, to guarantee that these capacities
were utilized on the shop floor where the senior management of ADP could significantly effect on
employees’ behavior and organizational performance.
The necessity for integrative and comprehensive strategies to managing change is presently recognized by
many individuals in various fields. OD experts, who have intended individuals from the beginning,
presently acknowledge that they overlooked markets, procedures, and computers. In the field of arranged
organizational change, one of the few things we know with some assurance is that change programs are
infrequently effective in the event that they are aimed at only one component in isolation from others.
However, Change management guarantees to be a mechanism that will incorporate the thought worlds
that distinct OD from strategies and technology, in this manner empowering the organized efforts
important to achieve key strategic change. Generally, the difference in the strategies in the present
management crisis of ADP will be acquired in the target skills and competencies as well as in the
organizational atmosphere, effectiveness, and indices of labor relations.

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