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Storytelling Is an Art For Everyone

Social and Intergenerational Programming

As most of you know, I have a passion for storytelling and have been practicing the art for the
last seventeen years. I have attended Storytelling courses with Dr. Caren Niele and many other
master storytellers. Coincidentally I was introduced to the art through a PBCLS professional
development day. I want to take this opportunity for a SPARK to share my passion and
encourage other staff to consider more storytelling programs but also offer the opportunity to our

There are many benefits to storytelling. Let us reconnect families, heal loneliness, and create
friendships. The art can increase vocabulary, improve communication, listening and social skills,
develop debate and public speaking skills, entertain, and educate.

Everyone is a storyteller, some sing, some dance, some are public speakers, and some traditional
storytelling. There is a quote by Margaret Atwood, "You're never going to kill storytelling
because it's built in the human plan. We come with it." Maybe you have considered including
storytelling in your program but aren't sure how and public speaking or performing isn't your
thing. Let me assure you it wasn't mine at first either. It is fun, entertaining, and can be easy.

Yes, I said easy, have a fun conversation with the whole room. Storytelling doesn't need to be
perfection. The stories should be you, you sharing words, feelings, ideas, and information, what
we do each day in the library creates a story. Dr. Caren Niele told me to choose something you
love, hate, or feel, I say take that and give it to the room. Stories can be personal, traditional
tales, anecdotes, jokes, or poems. One of my favorite quotes by Margaret Atwood says it best,
"You're never going to kill storytelling because it's built in the human plan. We come with it."

Offering a storytelling social or table talk is an opportunity for PBCLS to offer an

Intergenerational program open to everyone, all ages. In this time of Social Media and the miles
between family connections are lost.

Storytelling Socials would be an opportunity for seniors to share stories with young adults and

Offering children who do not have grandparents locally and opportunity to connect with another
generation. What happens in a storytelling social or table talk?

Healing, many seniors are alone and would love to share their vast experiences with someone.
Connecting, parents and children share their days, how many times do we hear there is no talking
at the dinner table anymore? Everyone is rushing to get back to their phones, well, that is if it
isn't already in their hand while they eat. Maybe you remember a story your grandmother told
you, and you hope it isn't lost and you want to give it to someone, after all, "it is better to give
than to receive." Acts 20:35

I would like to see PBCLS offer more of these programs and hope that I have inspired you.
There are many resources, and I would be willing to help my friends and work-family that are
interested in learning more.
Smiles make friends, friends make memories, and memories make great stories, let's all share a
smile and a story at PBCLS.

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