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English IV

(AC-S15) Week 15 - Task: Assignment - Health problems


Stephanie Chavez Joshy Jireh Antay

Caynicela Solis
Code U22242230 Code U21224892
INTRODUCTION: Nowadays our health is very important since we must take care of ourselves to

avoid different diseases that put our human body at risk.

BODY - I remember once I went to an Italian pizzeria with my boyfriend and brother, I ate a piece of

pasta and my tooth hurt terribly. My boyfriend asked me, what happened? I told him that I had a

toothache, my brother told me that I should go to the dentist to relieve the pain. My dentist detected

two cavities, which had to be cured and gave me a dental cleaning. He recommended me not to eat

too many sweets because it can cause more cavities in my teeth and to brush my teeth after every


CONCLUSION: In summary I should know the importance of having a good oral hygiene to

maintain good health and I should eat healthy such as: vegetables, fruits and take vitamins.

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