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Folia Primatologica 93 (2022) 97-105 brill.


Brief Report

A case of polygyny in the Bornean white-bearded

gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis)
Carolyn Thompsona,b,c,∗ , Eka Cahyaningruma , Hélène Birota , Abdul Aziza,d and
Susan M. Cheynea,e
The Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF), Jalan Bukit Raya, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan,
74874, Indonesia
Genetics Evolution and Environment, University College London, Gower St, Bloomsbury, London
Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London, Regent’s Park, London, NW1 4RY, UK
Centre for International Cooperation in the Management of Tropical Peatlands (CIMTROP),
University of Palangka Raya, Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, 74874, Indonesia
Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Road,
Headington, Oxford, OX3 0BP, UK
* Corresponding author; e-mail:
Received 8 October 2020; accepted 27 November 2021; published online 1 March 2022;
published in print 12 May 2022

Abstract – Gibbons (family Hylobatidae) typically form groups that encompass a single breeding pair. Here,
we present the first evidence of polygyny (where a single male has more than one female mate) in the Bornean
white-bearded gibbon (Hylobates albibarbis). In July 2014, an adult female yet to have emigrated from her
natal group gave birth to an infant, bringing the total group size to six individuals (one adult male, two adult
females, one subadult female, and two infant females). Forty months later in November 2017, the same female
gave birth to a second infant. Between July 2014 and April 2018, the two breeding females within the group
remained mutually tolerant of each other, often singing the characteristic female vocalisation, the great call,
in unison, until the eldest adult female dispersed in November 2018. We explore possible reasons behind this
group’s mating system flexibility by examining dispersal limitation due to environmental constraints, factors
associated with a large home range size, mutual tolerance between females, and a lack of mating opportunities.
Keywords – extra-pair copulations, Indonesia, mating system, monogamy, multi-female group, social system.

Introduction between conspecifics), social organisation (i.e.,

size, composition and cohesion), and mating
Primate social systems vary between species,
system (i.e., how individuals mate and breed
within-species and even on a population level
within their social system) (Dunbar, 1988; Kap-
(Fleagle, 2013; Koenig et al., 2013). These
peler and van Schaik, 2002; Kappeler, 2019).
variations are the result of specific ecological
characteristics relating to access to resources Four main mating systems have been identi-
(e.g., food and mates) and potential risks (e.g., fied in primate species: monogamy (exclusive
predators) (Koenig et al., 2013). Different social mating relationship between one male and one
systems are defined by looking at associated female until disrupted, e.g., death, intruder, part-
components, such as social structure (i.e., dis- ner disperses etc.), polygyny (a single male
persal patterns and quality of relationships has more than one female mate), polyandry (a
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© CAROLYN THOMPSON ET AL., 2022 DOI 10.1163/14219980-20200801
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This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license.
C. Thompson et al.

single female has more than one male mate) Srikosamatara and Brockelman, 1987; black
and polygynandry (both males and females crested gibbon, Nomascus concolor: Fan et
have multiple mates) (Strier, 2016; Huck et al., al., 2006, Huang et al., 2013; Hainan gibbon,
2020). It is important to note that mating sys- Nomascus hainanus: Liu et al, 1989; Zhou et al.,
tems can be genetic (i.e., related to breeding, 2005; 2008; Cao vit gibbon, Nomascus nasu-
where an infant is conceived) or social (i.e., tus: Fan et al., 2010) and polyandrous mating
related to mating, which does not necessarily systems (H. lar: Barelli et al., 2008; Reichard
lead to conception). Terms associated with mat- et al., 2012; siamang, Symphalangus syndacty-
ing systems are often used inconsistently in the lus: Lappan, 2007; western hoolock, Hoolock
literature (Kappeler, 2019; Huck et al., 2020). hoolock: Siddiqi, 1986; Ahsan, 1995).
For clarity, when discussing different “mating Observations of polygyny in gibbons were
systems” in this paper, we are referring to mat- first published in 1987 (H. pileatus: Skrikosa-
ing and reproductive behaviour and not group- matara and Brockelman, 1987). Of the four gen-
ing patterns. era of gibbons, Nomascus species have the high-
Gibbons (family Hylobatidae) are small arbo- est incidence of polygyny (Malone and Fuentes,
real apes found in east and southeast Asia. 2009; N. nasutus: Fan et al. 2010; N. concolor:
They typically live in small family units con- Fan and Jiang, 2009; N. hainanus: Zhou et al.,
sisting of a single breeding pair and their off- 2005, 2008). Interestingly, some species of gib-
spring (O’Brien and Kinnaird, 2011). Both bon have flexibly adopted both monogamous
sexes of offspring usually emigrate from their and polygamous (i.e., polygyny or polyandry)
natal group, often being pushed out by the
mating systems, possibly as a response to exter-
same-sex parent once they have reached sex-
nal ecological and social factors (e.g., food and
ual maturity around eight years (Brockelman et
mate availability) (Kappeler et al., 2013; Som-
al., 1998; Bartlett, 2011; Kappeler et al., 2013;
mer and Reichard, 2000). Polygyny has been
Guan et al., 2013). Emigrating offspring move
hypothesised to be caused by either a lack of
to a new home range to mate with a lone individ-
available habitat to disperse into upon reaching
ual or displace a previously-mated individual in
sexual maturity (Liu et al., 1989; Huang et al.,
a “takeover” event (Mackinnon and Mackinnon,
2013), larger home ranges requiring more indi-
1977; Brockelman et al., 1998). By dispersing,
individuals avoid the risk of inbreeding (Wolff, viduals to defend (Rutberg, 1983; Jiang et al.,
1993; Perrin and Mazalov, 2000), reduce local 1999; Fan et al., 2015), and/or a mutual toler-
resource competition (Greenwood, 1980) and ance between sexually mature females within
intra-group competition between same-sexed the same group (Srikosamatara and Brockel-
individuals (Dobson, 1982; Moore and Ali, man, 1987; Liu et al., 1989; Jiang et al., 1999).
1984). Polygyny in many gibbon groups has been
Monogamy is evident in only 14% of pri- reported as being short-lived (i.e., lasting less
mates (Rutberg, 1983; Clutton-Brock, 2016) than two years) (Fuentes, 1998; Fan et al.,
and can have associated benefits such as extra 2010). Gibbon groups exhibiting this mating
paternal investment (Borries et al., 2011). Early system for longer have only been documented
research suggested gibbons were strictly monog- in Nomascus species (Zhou et al., 2005; Fan and
amous (Carpenter, 1940; Chivers, 1974; Jiang, 2009; Fan et al., 2010).
Srikosamatara, 1980). However, long-term stud- This brief report presents the first evidence
ies have reported partner changes and extra-pair of polygyny recorded in Bornean white-bearded
copulation events (EPCs) (a mating behaviour gibbons (Hylobates albibarbis). With current,
where an individual copulates furtively with long-term gibbon field studies running beyond
a group outsider) (e.g., white-handed gibbon, 15 years, more reliable observations of group
Hylobates lar: Sommer and Reichard, 2000; dynamics can now be made. Herein we give
Reichard, 2009), as well as polygynous mating possible explanations for this rare occurrence
systems (pileated gibbons, Hylobates pileatus: observed in this species.
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98 Folia Primatologica
A case of polygyny in the Bornean white-bearded gibbon

Materials and methods Individuals were identified through detailed

physical cues (e.g., eyebrows, beards, develop-
ment of genitalia, body size) and behavioural
These observations were documented by the criteria (e.g., singing, foraging dynamics, rela-
Borneo Nature Foundation (BNF) in the Natu- tive proximity to other group members). Indi-
ral Laboratory of Peat Swamp Forest (NLPSF), vidual identification guides (with photographs)
Central Kalimantan, Indonesia (2°19 S and were created to aid field researchers.
113°54 E). The NLPSF is located 20 km south-
west of the provincial capital, Palangka Raya, Results
and is operated by the Centre for the Interna-
tional Cooperation in the Management of Trop- Group K has been observed since 2005,
ical Peatlands (CIMTROP). enabling us to monitor life histories, changes in
demographics, dispersal events, and the death
and arrival of new infants. In 2005, group K
consisted of an adult mated pair (a female called
H. albibarbis is endemic to south-west Kali- CL and a male called BL), the formation of
mantan between the Kapuas and Barito Rivers which was before the study period, and two
(Buckley et al., 2006). The species is found in female offspring (ZZ and JL) (fig. 1). We esti-
primary and disturbed secondary tropical forest, mated that ZZ was born in 2000 and dispersed
as well as montane and lowland habitats, includ- from the group in 2011. JL was estimated to
ing peat-swamp forest (Nijman et al., 2008). be born in 2003 and remained within her natal
H. albibarbis is currently listed as Endangered group despite being more than 10 years old.
on the International Union for Conservation of Between 2005 and 2012, CL gave birth to three
Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species due other infants (KK, BRL and an unnamed infant).
to illegal trade, hunting and deforestation (Nij- KK and the unnamed infant died of unknown
man et al., 2008; Cheyne et al., 2019). Previous causes in 2007 and 2012, respectively, whilst
research suggests this species displays a monog- BRL dispersed from her natal group in 2016.
amous mating system (Gittins and Raemaek- In 2014, the adult females within group K,
ers, 1980; Cheyne and Chivers, 2006) with no CL and JL, each gave birth to a female infant;
records of polygamy to date. The average group CL to EL, and CRL to JL (figs 1 and 2). EL
size is 4.45 individuals (range: 3-5 individu- was CL’s fourth infant, born in April 2014. CRL
als) (Cheyne et al., 2008; Cheyne, 2010). The was JL’s first infant, born in July 2014. There
inter-birth interval is 2.4 years and the gestation were numerous copulations recorded between
period lasts for ca. 210-270 days (7-9 months) CL and BL in the run-up to the births between
(Cheyne, 2010). December 2012 and January 2014 (fig. 2). An
EPC involving CL was also recorded between
BEHAVIOUR MONITORING an adult male (CA) in neighbouring group C
in July 2013. No copulation attempts were
Since 2005, BNF has been monitoring four observed between JL and any outside males.
habituated H. albibarbis groups with overlap- The arrival of the two infants, EL and CRL,
ping home ranges. More than 4449 h (1898 increased the family group size to six individ-
follow days on 44 individuals) have been col- uals: one adult male, two adult females, one
lected (usually between 04:00 and 14:00). Of subadult female and two infant females (fig. 1).
the groups studied, 2065 h (608 days) were Between the births in 2014 and 2015, both adult
spent observing group K between May 2005 females duetted with BL, singing their great
and July 2019. The group was followed for calls in unison (fig. 2; see supplementary video
up to eight days every month. We monitored S1).
group composition (including dispersal pat- In May 2016, a copulation was observed
terns, births and deaths) and copulation events, between JL and BL. In November 2017, JL gave
and recorded these observations ad libitum. birth to her second infant female, JNL (figs 1
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Vol. 93(1), 2022 99
C. Thompson et al.

Figure 1. Family tree of group K. Males are represented by a rectangle, females by an oval. Offspring that
dispersed or died during the study period are highlighted in grey. The dotted line indicates the unknown mate
of JL.

Figure 2. Timeline of events for group K between December 2012 and November 2018, highlighting
copulations, shared singing behaviour and births.

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100 Folia Primatologica
A case of polygyny in the Bornean white-bearded gibbon

and 2). Between 2016 and 2017, CL appeared in November 2018 resulted in JL eventually
to travel further away from the rest of her group, replacing her mother. Our long-term observa-
but still joined the duet and great call with tional study of a H. albibarbis group verifies
BL and JL. In September 2018, there was an that they exhibited a polygynous mating sys-
aggressive encounter between BL and CL, when tem for approximately four years, making it the
he attacked her. The context was unknown. longest observation in Hylobates. Reasons for
No aggressive or displacement behaviours have its occurrence are not fully understood, but we
ever been recorded between CL and JL. On explore several possible explanations below: (1)
25 November 2018, CL was observed travel- lack of optimal quality habitat to disperse to; (2)
ling farther away from the group before being mutual tolerance between females and/or short-
chased away by her own group. CL then disap- age of mating opportunities; and (3) home range
peared and was not observed up until July 2019. size indicators.
Based on anecdotal evidence since this publi-
cation, we believe that CL was forced out of LACK OF OPTIMAL QUALITY HABITAT
the group permanently while her youngest off-
spring, EL, remained. Polygyny in gibbons has previously believed
to have occurred in response to a lack of opti-
mal quality habitat for individuals to disperse
Discussion/conclusion to and find mates (Liu et al., 1989; Huang
Monogamy was thought to occur in about 14 et al., 2013). Group K resided in a degraded
to 15% of primates (Rutberg, 1983; Clutton- peat-swamp forest which, although protected
Brock, 2016), but our definition of monogamy since 2004, has faced many years of distur-
has more recently been subject to reassessment, bance from illegal logging and forest fires (Har-
owing to more detailed observations and the rison et al., 2007; Cheyne et al., 2019). Fur-
availability of genetic information. With numer- thermore, the peat-swamp forest is recognised
ous observations of partner changes and EPCs as a low-productivity habitat (Morrogh-Bernard
occurring in many “monogamous” mammals et al., 2003) with important seasonal fluctua-
(Hughes, 1998) including gibbons (Palombit, tions of fruit availability (Cheyne, 2010; Har-
1994; Reichard, 1995; Barelli et al., 2013), the rison et al., 2016). In 2015, forest fires devas-
traditional definition of “monogamy” has since tated 53.8 km2 of habitat in NLPSF (Cheyne et
been challenged (Tecot et al., 2016). As evi- al., 2019). Although this forest loss has reduced
dent in this study, an EPC involving the adult available gibbon habitat in the region, group
female, CL, was observed during an intergroup K’s home range did not appear to be directly
encounter. Although no EPCs were recorded impacted. In fact, group K maintained a large
for JL, it is possible that these events occurred home range of 154 ha (Cheyne et al., 2019).
but were not recorded due to the difficulty of Although the peat-swamp forest is considered to
identifying individuals during brief intergroup be a low-productivity habitat, food is available
encounters, or occurred on non-follow days. year round (Harrison et al., 2010). We, there-
In the genus of Hylobates, cases of polyg- fore, discount a lack of available habitat as a
yny are rare (Malone and Fuentes, 2009) and possible enabler for the observed polygyny.
have been short-lived (i.e., lasting less than two
years) (Fuentes, 1998; Sommer and Reichard, MUTUAL TOLERANCE AND MATING
2000). Even Nomascus species which demon- OPPORTUNITIES
strate a higher incidence of polygyny (Zhou et
al., 2005; Fan and Jiang, 2009; Fan et al., 2010), Although not necessarily a driver of polyg-
have cases of mature subadult gibbons eventu- yny, mutual tolerance between breeding female
ally replacing the adult male or female in their gibbons would support it, and also benefit group
natal groups (N. concolor: Huang et al., 2013). cohesion when defending food resources and
Although we recorded no aggressive encoun- reducing predation risk. Nevertheless, subadult
ters between CL and JL, the departure of CL female gibbons approaching sexual maturity
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would not normally be tolerated by the adult patchily distributed across a large area so a
female within the same group (Jiang et al., group of animals will share the same space
1999). During a 20-month study on N. con- with little to no feeding competition) (Macdon-
color, no displacement or aggressive encounters ald, 1983; Kruuk and Macdonald, 1985; Carr
were recorded between two adult females how- and Macdonald, 1986). Whilst some groups in
ever, suggesting that mutual tolerance allowed NLPSF are limited by their home range abut-
more than one breeding female to reside in ting the forest edge and therefore are unable
the group (Jiang et al., 1999). Similar observa- to expand, group K have few neighbours to
tions have been recorded in N. hainanus (Liu the west (possibly due to a population decline
et al., 1989) where the females fed amicably, in the early 2000’s associated with logging in
and in H. pileatus where the great call was the region) (Cheyne, pers. obs.). The “Resource
sung in unison (Srikosamatara and Brockelman, Dispersion Hypothesis” can be discounted in
1987). No bouts of aggression or displacement the NLPSF, however, as food is available
were observed between JL and CL, and they throughout the year (Harrison et al., 2010) and
were recorded regularly singing the great call the gibbons have little variation in their home
together, often in proximity with BL, thus sug- range use (Singh et al., 2018; Cheyne et al.,
gesting a mutual tolerance between the adult 2019).
females. In summary, we suggest that a lack of neigh-
Mutual tolerance alone does not explain bouring groups and competition for food and
polygyny, however. Although dispersal patterns space could have facilitated group K’s large
of gibbons in NLPSF are still poorly under- home range size. This, coupled with delayed
stood, there does appear to be a limited number male dispersal and a female skew in the pop-
of available breeding males in the region (for ulation, as well as intragroup female tolerance,
reasons unknown). Furthermore, other groups could have enabled the polygyny observed in
that are followed regularly have subadult males group K. Genetic testing would confirm pater-
who are more than 12 years of age and yet to nity of all offspring and help to explain some
emigrate from their natal group, indicating a of the intragroup relationships. It would also
delayed dispersal. improve our knowledge of gibbon dispersal pat-
terns, an area of research that is still understud-
In this brief report, we have not only high-
Generally, home ranges across gibbon species lighted the first recorded observation of polyg-
vary between 7 and 58 ha (Leighton, 1987). yny in this species, but also the value of long-
Gibbon groups exhibiting polygynous mating term monitoring to improve our understand-
systems have been known to occupy up to ing of gibbon mating systems. The implica-
500 ha however, demonstrating a possible rela- tions of a polygynous mating system in this
tionship between mating system, group size and region (e.g., inbreeding and overcrowding) are
habitat area (N. hainanus: Liu et al., 1989). unknown and therefore there is huge benefit in
Larger home ranges have the resources to sus- continued long-term monitoring. Furthermore,
tain two or more breeding females and their with anthropogenic activities and habitat loss
offspring (Jiang et al., 1999; Fan et al., 2015). increasing in this region, we may see more inter-
Females have been speculated to benefit from group interactions and conflicts, EPCs, and less
these larger home ranges by having greater available optimal habitat for the formation of
access to resources, therefore improving their new gibbon groups, thus impacting mating sys-
overall chances of reproductive success and fit- tems with unknown consequences.
ness (Guan et al., 2017).
Drivers behind group K’s large home range
size could be due to a lack of intergroup com-
petition in the NLPSF, and/or the “Resource We wish to thank RISTEK for supporting this
Dispersion Hypothesis” (where resources are research, as well as our partners, CIMTROP,
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102 Folia Primatologica
A case of polygyny in the Bornean white-bearded gibbon

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