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BOS BEE Science: Grade5 | Second Terw 2022 - 2023 | oo | Fina Revis On Mr. Ahmed ElBasha Science Second Term 2022/2023 Final Revision Grade 5 1) They are huge spheres of superhot gases most of them are hydrogen and helium. 2) A dark object that revolves around Earth and reflects the sunlight falling on its surface 3) Animaginary line that passes through the two poles of Earth/ 4) A type of water which represents 3% of water area gn the Earth's surface. 5) The Sun and eight planets revolving aroundgé. 6) It is a pull or push that affects an object. 7 The dark celestial bodies that revolve@rotind the Sun in fixed orbits. 8) It is a medium-sized star that.proyides Earth with heat and light. 9) Tiny plastic particles tha Fégult from the breakdown of larger plastics. 10) The water bodies that sutround the continents. 11) An invisible force that attracts metal objects to the magnet. 12) It's aqyater body at which the fresh water of the river meets the saltyvater of a sea or an ocean. 1B) It's\a system that includes all water on the Earth, under and above Earth. 14) It is a land area which is partially covered with water. 15) It's a large region of the world that has similar soil, climate, ~) plants and animals 16) If force that opposes the movement of an object as it passes through air Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob : 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 17) It's the system that includes all the gases that surround the Earth Grade 5 18) 19) The water body that flows from a high altitude to a low altitude. They're plastic pieces whose lengths are less than 5 millimeters 20) A force that pulls object down toward the Earth's surface. 21) A celestial body that orbits the Earth 22) The force that is found between two magnets or between the magnet and an object. 23 The tool that is used by sky diver to slow his drop. 24 A water body that is surrounded by land. 25) A type of water which is suitable for drinking. 26) Water that is stored in the cracks and,spaces between underground rocks. 27) The system that includes humans, animals and plants on Earth. 28) The system of Earth which contains all different landforms. 29) Earth's system which cohsists of 4 mixture of gases surrounding Earth. 30) The phenomenon that o@curs due to the rotation of Earth on its axis 31 The time takew by Earth to complete one rotation on its axis 32) A phenomenon occurs due to Earth's revolution around the Sun 33) ‘Yeis'& medium-sized star that provides us with heat and light 34) They are giant spheres of superhot gases most of them are hydrogen and helium Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 #(2) Choose the right answer: . Which of the following is a part of the biosphere ? a. Ice, b. Clouds. c. Animals. d. Water. 2. All the following are from sources of water on the Earth, except ... a. aquifers. . ponds. c. glaciers. a sand. 3._We can see thousands of the sky at night that give off heat and light. a, moons b. stars ¢. planets 4, satelite 4. Presence of dolphins in oceans represents an interaction between a, biosphere - hydrosphere. b. biosphere - geospher c. hydrosphere - atmosphere. d. hydrosphere - geo: 5. Which of the following is found between pores of rocks below rface? .. a. Ie. b. Groundwater. ©. Ocea ater vapor. 6. We cannot send astronauts to study stars because a. so cold. b. faraway. d. too large. 7._All the following are saltwater lakes, except .... a. Lake Assal. b. Lake Idku. Nasser. d. Lake Bardawil. 8. In Egypt the cities in see the si efore the cities in .. a. east - west b. west - east, c. north - south —_d. south — west locate(s) at the center of system. b. The moon and the Earth d. The Earth only a, The moon and the Sun ¢. The Sun only 10.Rocks are broken i aller particles during . . process, a. photosynthesi . weathering . erosion d. respiration 11.Most of fresh ‘omEarth is found in the form Of... a, groundwater b. rivers c. glaciers d. streams 12.Th t attfacts paper clips due to b. magnetism c. friction d. air resistance 13. tates once on its axis every . - hours, a. b. 12 c. 16 d.24 14.As the mass of the object increases, .. . increases. a, its movement b. its force c. its gravity d. its illumination 15,The Sun is considered a medium-sized ... a. planet b. star c. galaxy d. moon’ 3 Mr.Ahmed EIBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 16.Planets of the solar system revolve in fixed orbits under the effect of gra Earth b. Sun ¢. moon d. Jupiter 17.Seas and oceans water meet rivers water at the .. a, watershed b. estuary ¢. surface canal d. underground 18.The moon revolves around Earth under the effect of .. a, Sun gravity b. Earth gravity ¢, rotation of Earth on its axis d, movement of the moon around Earth, 19.Water covers about of the Earth. a. half b. three-quarters c. one-quarter d. two-guarter® 20.Ponds and swamps are from a. watersheds b. estuaries ¢. underground aqui dAvetlands 21. is a part of the hydrosphere. Air b. Water: c. Animal ad Rock 22.The Sun always rises in the a. east b. wes.t cc. nggth d. south 23. is an invisible force that pulls objects towards/the ground. a. A magnet b. Gravity c. Wind d. Friction 24.Day and night phenomenon occurs due ¢ the Potation of Earth around .. a. the Sun. b. its axis. ‘the moon. d. the 25.The Earth rotates around itselfoncelevery a. 24 hours. b. 365\days! . 365 hours. d. 24 days. 26. The Sun appears as it movesifront . to. a. south - north. b.@ast= west. c. West - east. d. north - south. during the early morning. 27.The Sun appears imthe . east ‘b. west ¢. north d. south 28, Orbiting 6f Earthvaround the Sun causes the .. : a. o¥ele oPWay and night. b. cycle of seasons. aincttasthg the speed of Earth, d. decreasing the speed of Earth. 29.THe number of stars in the solar system i: a. one. b. eight. c.nine, d. two. 30. The shortest shadow of an object happens ... a. in morning. b. in afternoon. ¢. at noon. dat night. 31. The group of stars that make a certain shape in the sky is called .. a. solar system. b. universe. c. constellation. —_d. ecosystem. 4 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 32.All the following are from the properties of constellations, except a. they consist of stars and planets. b. they change positions throughout year. c. they seem to move across night sky. d. they can form certain shapes in the sky. 33.The Sun and other stars are made up of... 7 a, hot solids. b. cold solids. c, hot gases. d. cold liquids 34... are celestial bodies that revolve around the Sun in fixed paths. a. Stars and the moon b. The eight planets c. The Sun and Earth d. The Sun and Jupiter 35... a celestial body that revolves around Earth and reflects the sunlight a. Planet b. The Sun c. The moon d. teHation 36.We see the moon shining in the sky, because it a, absorbs sunlight. ¢. lets light pass through. 37.The moon takes one lunar .... a. year b. week 38.The star that presents in our solar system j is a, the moon. b, the Sun. 39.The Sun is a star that gives out a very bil a. heat only. b. light only, 40.Which of the following statem: a. Earth orbits the moon. b. the moon orbits Earth. c. Earth orbits two stars. d. the Sun orbits Earth. . in the sky at night that give off heat and light. 41.We can observe thousand: ‘a. Moons. sti c. planets d. satellites 42.Most of heat ani ht energy of the Sun are produced due to the reaction between .... a. hydroggn and roeks. helium and sand. . gon. d. rocks and sand, nal Space Station is considered as a type of a s. b. stars. ¢. binoculars. d. satellites 44.1f the distance between the moon and Earth is doubled, the force of gravity between a. increases b. vanishes c. decreases d. doesn’t change 45,When throwing an object up, i a: returns again to Earth under effect of gravity. b. floats in space ¢. suspends in air d. moves fast towards space. s Mr.Ahmed EIBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 46.Magnet has the force of attracting metals such as : a. iron and nickel. b. aluminum and copper. c. silver and gold. d. aluminum and silver. 47,At midday, the Sun is perpendicular to you a. from your right side. b. from your left side. c. above your head. d. in front of you. 48.Heat and light energies of the Sun result from a. explosion of the extremely hot gases inside the Sun. --- b. the apparent of the Sun motion daily. c, revolution of Earth in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. > d. revolution of the moon around Earth in front of the Sun. 49.Gravity keeps the moon in orbit around a. Sun, b. Earth. d, another moon. 50.Gravitational force of Earth is affected by a, mass and time. c. mass only. 51.If there is no Earth's gravity, the moon a. revolve faster around Earth. ¢. attract to Earth. \d. float off into space. 52. Earth attracts objects towards... Ma... a, its center. b. the sh c, the moon. d. the Sun. 53.The level of water y increase causing flooding, when there is more a. rainfall. b. wind. c. sunlight. d. sediments. 54. Plastic cup is ... products. a. plant . animal c.oil human &... in belused to recycle wastewater to be used again in human activities. b. Filters c, Dams d, Generators . the movement of objects. wsdown _b. increases . speeds up d. doesn't affect. 57.Magnetism is a force that attracts objects made of the following materials, except ...... a. iron. b. nickel. c. wood. d. cobalt. '58.Force that opposes the movement of objects as they pass through air is known as .. a.magnetism. __b. gravity. c. electric. d. air resistance. 6 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 59... is considered as a type of friction force. a. Airresistance _ b. Magnetism ¢. Gravity d. Electric force 60... are formed when water collects in low-lying areas. a. Seas b, Lakes c. Rivers d. Oceans 61.A person can exert a weak force to move a.abigtruck. _b.a toy car. d.a very big rock. 62.Wind turbine blades move by the effect of ... ‘a.magnetism. _b. wind. c. electricity. od. water vj 63.In contact force, the two objects need to .... .. each other. a, attract b. repel , touch 64... force acts on all objects on Earth. a. Gravity b. Speed ¢. Electric gnetism 65.Gravity depends on the . of a body. a. speed ‘b, mass c. lengt! E 66.The force of keeps the planets on theif’ path® around the Sun. a.airresistance __b. friction c. gral d. electricity 67.The planets revolve around the Sun in fix a. oval b. irregular angular 4. triangular water and fresh water is the .... c. river. d. lake. 68.The water body which contains mi: a. estuary. b. ocean. 69.A group of pants and ani climate is called ... a. atmosphere. line together in a large area characterized by its . biome. d. geosphere. 70.All the followii a. oxygen gas. e components of the atmosphere, except = . nitrogen gas. ¢. molten rocks. d. water vapor. ing is a part of the hydrosphere? Sd b. Air. c. Rocks. d, Plants. nearly, of the Earth planet. z Z be a5. 73.By Heating of water it changes from wc . state a. solid - liquid. b. liquid - solid. c. liquid = gas. _d. gas - liquid. 74.At the beginning of water cycle in nature, water ... forming .. and goes into the air a, freezes - snow. b. evaporates - clouds. ¢. freezes - clouds. d. evaporates - snow. 7 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob : 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 75.Rainwater is a part Of sawn a. biosphere. b. hydrosphere. . geosphere. atmosphere. 76.Nitrogen and oxygen are gases that make most of the . a, biosphere. b. geosphere. ¢. hydrosphere. __d. atmosphere. 77.97% of Earth's water is a. salt water. b. ar water. c. fresh water. d. frozen water. 78. Which of the following is found between pores of rocks below Earth's surface? O a. Ice, b. Groundwater. c. Oceans. 79.Cats and grass are parts of the ‘a. atmosphere. b. hydrosphere. ¢. biosphere. a, Oceans. b. Rivers. 81.Estuaries have a mixture of. a. groundwater- rainwater. c. groundwater - fresh water. 82. Among the ways of conserving fresh wat a. taking a quick shower. c. drinking more water instead of juic king a long shower. 83.Among the sources of water whi can use for drinking a. seas. b. oF c. saltwater lakes. d. rivers. 84.The floor of mountains and plateaus. a. wetland. IS ¢. rivers d. lakes 85.People obtain .. that is found in lakes, rivers, streams and groundwater. a, oxygen gas b. seaweed c. saltwater d. fresh water 86.Th ‘s system which contains mountains is .. b. geosphere. ¢. biosphere. ___d. hydrosphere. f the following is a part of atmosphere? gen b. rocks . fish a. dogs 8 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 #*(3) Complete the following: 1. To conserve water, we can .. time of washing our hands. 2. Objects move down from high place toward the ground because of ... 3. ‘The moon moves around .... . due to gravity. 4, If the mass of the moon increases than its real mass, its gravitational attraction wil 5. The object at rest needs .. ... to move. 6. Force that arises between two objects when they touch each other is calle 7. Force may push or . the object to make it move. 8. Magnet can attract some objects by a force called 9. The force that arises between the bicycle brake and a. slows down the movement of the bicycle. 10. The Sun locates at the center of 11. Motion is the change of an object’ 12. Paper clips are attracted to the mash gore called .. 13. When a river meets a sea, an fig. is formed. 14.During the water ¢ water evaporates forming . then it returns back to the E: 15.The groundwater found in soil and rocks is an example of interaction between two spheres ® . and ... unt of fresh water on Earth is than the amount of salt water. is Known as .. 17. The Barth's sphere that contains rocks, sand and soi 18. When plastic waste materials are subjected to sunlight, wind or water waves, they are broken down into small particles known as ... 19.Rivers contain water, while oceans contain . water. 7 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mol 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 20.The land that is partially covered with water is called ... 21.A constellation consists of a group of .. that form a pattern. 22.Ancient Greeks gave constellation ... its name relative to a mythical hunter. 23.Planets and .. ... can't make their own light. 24,Solar system includes .. 25.Cycle of . happens due to Earth's rotation on its axis 26.The moon reflects the light of .... > x fixed orbits. and ... .. at its center and eight .. 27.All moon phases are repeated every ... 28.The Sun is the star that locates in the center of .... 29.The great gravity force of .. keeps the eigl 30.The Sun is made up of superhot gases most of th @ 10 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 #*(4) Put (V) or(X): 1. Rivers and streams are freshwater moving bodies. ( ) 2. Earth revolves around the Sun in a fixed path, ) .. Microplastics are large plastic pieces which can harm oceans and aquatic life. (+) |. We can observe the Sun and the moon at night, ( ._ At the beginning of the day, the Sun appears in the west direction, o> 3 4. 5. 6. Our solar system contains eight planets. : 8. 9. . Placing cows in many small grass areas is considered as a sustainable ae ) . The scientist Copernicus proved that the Earth is the center of the cD . Magnetism is the force that attracts metals, Cc) 10.Earth's system don't interact with each other. “S ( ) 11, Water makes about two-thirds of human body. > cD) 12.Some human activities are responsible for water po Cc) 13.All people in different countries see the st e sky at the same time. (_) 14. Building factories is from human str; ntrol and conserve fresh water. ( ) ar. 15. Without water, all forms of life, 16.Superhot gases of the Sun ding heat and light energies. Cc.) 17.Microplastics don't s that live in this water body. c) 18.There are no I isms live in the hydrosphere. c) 19.Earth’s revolutionaround the Sun causes day and night phenomenon. Ga) 20.0 kes and rivers are included in the hydrosphere. Cc ) ‘cessary for continuity of life on Earth. c) ways flows from an area of low place to an area with higher place. c 23. The cycle of day and night occurs when the Sun rotates around the Earth. Cc) 24.Gravity pushes objects towards the center of the Earth. Cc) 25.The solar system includes one star and eight planets. ( ) 26.Plants are one of the components of the atmosphere. ( ) rT Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 27.Heavy objects have less gravity than light objects. c ) 28. Water is considered a non-renewable natural resource. c ) 29.Paper is made from oil products. c 30.All sources of water are suitable for drinking. Cc) 31.The magnet can attract paper clips by its friction force. ( ) 32. The gravity of the moon causes the ocean tides. & 33.All living organisms are part of the biosphere. ) 34.Fresh water is represented by rain, some lakes and rivers. () 38.Gravity is an invisible force that pulls objects upward. as? cD 36,Rivers surround continents. ~~ cD Gecretises causing flood. (_) 37.We must conserve fresh water because it is limited 38.When there is more rainfall, the level of water i 44.Magnet must touch c ) 45.Magnet has a ce called magnetism. (7) 46.Planets revolve atound the Sun in fixed orbits because of gravity. () 478 ets have bigger gravity than big planets, cD) are pulled toward the ground because of gravity. (a 49. is not affected by the mass of an object. Cc) 50.Friction force opposes the movement of an object. () 51.Air resistance slows down the speed of parachutes. c) 52.Magnetism is the force that attracts some metals. () 12 Mr.Ahmed EIBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 53. The Earth’s gravity keeps all planets in their orbits. Cc) 54.The scientist Nicolaus Copernicus stated that Earth revolves around the Sun, (__+) 55. Water on the Earth is divided into fresh water and salt water. (a) 56.The system that includes rocks and heavy metals is called hydrosphere. Cc) 57.Some animals and plants live in water. c ) 58.A river always flows from an area of low place to an area with higher place. &> 59,Earth's systems don't interact with each other. NO ) 60.Oceans, lakes and rivers are included in the hydrosphere. mS () 61.Most of the salt water on Earth is found in the form of frozen =f) ( 7 62.Living organisms are parts of geosphere. c ) 63. There are no living organisms live in the hydrosphe ‘ c.) 64.Gases which surround the Earth represents the 65. The place where two oceans meet is calledan estua Cc.) 66.Among the sources of fresh water are rail ( ) 67.Oceans are considered as saltwater ae () 68.Ocean’s floor may have mount and plateaus. Cc) 69. The Sun plays an importai 70.The Earth revolves aygtindthe Sun once every 24 hours, Cc) 71.At the beginni . the Sun appears in the west direction. (5) 72.The spinning of Barth on its axis is called revolution. ( ) 73.The ifthe east and sets in the west. ( ) ves around the Sun once every one day. ( ) 75.P ‘evolution around the Sun causes day and night phenomenon. (8) 76.Earth rotates on its axis in clockwise direction. GC ) 77.The solar system includes the Sun and Earth only. (on) 78.Earth's rotation on its axis causes the cycle of day and night. Cc) 13 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 79.Constellations have similar shapes in the sky. Cc) 80.Earth can make its own light, (a) 81.Sunlight falls on the moon's surface so, it seems bright at night. (a) 82. The Sun is a medium sized star, (oD) 83.Stars are made up of hot liquids. c ) 84. The Sun is the biggest star in the universe. &> 85. The Sun sets at the same time in all cities of Egypt. ) 86.Earth rotates on its axis at low speed. ) 87.We can feel the movement of Earth easily. ase C) 88. The Sun appears to move throughout the day. Cc) 89. The moon seems shiny because it absorbs sunlight, NS c.) 90.Earth rotates on its axis and also orbits around tH@ Si (2) 91.Our solar system contains eight planets. ( ) 92. The size of the Sun is greater than the siz ; a) 93.The Sun is bigger than the moon. --- () 94, The Sun is necessary for conti n Earth, cD) 95. The Sun is located in the cefiter Sigur galaxy. ( ) ~ <- 14 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 #(5) Cross out the odd wor «Rivers - Rainwater - Sea - Groundwater. . Nile River - Ocean - Lake Assal - Sea. . Water - Oxygen - Nitrogen - Carbon dioxide. }. Ponds - Glaciers - Rains - Oceans. . Glacier - groundwater - sea - rain water 1 2 3 4, 5. Air resistance - Friction - Magnetism - The Sun. 6. 7. Carbon dioxide - nitrogen - rocks — Oxygen 8 . Magnetism - gravity - friction force — moon #(6) 1, The Sun appears larger and brighter than other st fe reasons fo 2. We should turn off water during washing dish 3. Our planet looks like a blue marble fro }. Occurrence of seasons on E; Scientists tend shwater sources on Earth. it in the sky at night. lescdpes cannot observe very distant celestial objects. stronaut's body floats when he gets out of the Earth. 9, Although Earth rotates on its axis, we don't feel its movement. 15 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 * (7) Correct the underlined words : 1. The center of the solar system is the Earth. ( The phenomenon of four seasons occurs due to rotation of earth on its axis. 3. Plastic is made from wood of trees. a) ‘The Earth spins around its axis once every 20 hours. Nitrogen in the air is a part of geosphere 6. Planets orbit Earth due to the gravity between them 7. Earth attracts the Sun to move around it. If the mass of the moon decreases its gravity { The planets revolve around the Sun in fixe . When the mass of an object increases, it jon force decreases. ae : As water covers = of the Earth's su r planet appears in white * color from space. When the fresh water of: ycets the salt water of a sea, runoff 12, is formed. : 13. The system includes oceans, rivers and seas is called biosphere (.-crmeeeneene) 14. The watgr body that is surrounded by land is known by estuary bom ir eggs in running water, so the eggs will not move 16. in is a planet that can gives out light (aercomenenenen te) 17. The moon seems bright as it absorbs sunlight A eeanenene ennai Both Earth and the moon complete one cycle around the Sun every * 24 hours 16 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science #*(10) Matching: E Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 Column (A) Column (B) 1. Geosphere a. contains oxygen and nitrogen gases. l2, Atmosphere b. contains rocks and heavy metals. |3, Biosphere ¢. contains fresh water and salt water. & l4. Hydrosphere d. contains animals and plants. SO 1 2 YD 2 Column (A) 1. Cotton i2. Oil products 13. Trees lu. d. sed in making cans, 1 2. 3. 4. & Column (B) a. water b. Earth . life d. vapor 3. 4. 17 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 4. (A) (B) 1, Motion a, is the force between two objects that touch each other 2. Contact force b. isa pull or push that affects an object. 3. non-contact force ¢. is the change of an object location due to force. 4. Force d. is the force between two objects that don't touch each =f L 2. 3. NN f S (A) (B) 1. Geosphere a. contains oxygen and nitrogen gas --- 2. Atmosphere b. contains rocks and heavy meta 3. Biosphere ¢. contains fresh water an 4. Hydrosphere | d. contains animals and plants. 1. 2. . 4, : g (A) (B) 1. Oceans a. cofitain fresh water or salt water. 2. Lakes contain salt water only. 3. Rivers mntain mixture of fresh water and salt water. 4. d. contain fresh water only. 4 Estuat + ter e. is the water found under the Earth's surface. 2 3. 4. Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 #(11) Try to answer 1 The opposi igure illustrate one of the famous constellations : 1. The name of this constellation is... (Orion - Leo) and it looks like (horse - hunter) \ 2. This constellation consists of a group of (planets - star) 1D mnnnom has the hargest mass. (The moon - The Sun - The Ear 2 ccsnsnnsensnnm has the smallest mass. (The Sun - The Earth - T] Ba .... has the lowest gravity force. (The Earth - The ragon - Th 3 ‘The following figure represents “PF at present in our solar system, answer the questions below : - Number (1) represents . that locate at @ Sere < @ & -owg that is the (the Sun - the moon - the Earth - oval orbit) a, Body number (1) is called b. Body number (2) is called naam Which revolves around number (1) in ¢. Body number (3) is called. 19 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 5 Look at the following picture, then choose the correct answel 1. The water that enters this devi (polluted water - filtered water) 2. The water that comes out from this device is (polluted water - filtered water) 3. This device is used to filter the water to become .......... (drinkable - undrinkable) 6 Complete the follo sentences using the words below : oe (wetland - geosphere - gravity- center) 1. A rat that digs a barrow in the soil is an example of the interactio biosphere and : 2. The direction of Earth's gravity is always toward , NN of Earth. 4. Any object has .ocnmnmnnne dependit - (wastewater - bi ~ constellation - motion) 1. The Earth's system that inclu organisms is called ... 2. When the object changesdfs poBition so, it is in a state of 3. The group of star Weertain shape in the sky is called . 4. Water treat cycle the 7 by removing harmful materials from it to reuse again. (groundwater - hydrosphere - electricity - atmosphere) yam, water is bedito generate causes wells to become dry. 3. The protective layer around the Earth that allows some light waves to pass and block Others, IS KNOWN aS weenie 4. Water runs across the land is an example of an interaction between'6. and geosphere. 20 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 9 Complete the following sentences using these words : (pulling - fresh water - lunar month - floods) 1. We must take a quick shower to COMSCIVE enn 2. Wastewater engineers design ways to protect communities from 3. The moon's phases are repeated eVeFY aun nnno 4. The force of gravity is alWay$ ono force > 10 Complete the following sentences using these words below : (decrease - glacier - air resistance - friction) 1. The large sheet of ice or snow that moves slowly over Earth pyr a8 2. The force that opposes the movement of objects as they air is called 3. To conserve Water, WE CAM ceecerenmenennnenne the ti he ur hands. 4. The force that slows down the movement of oBfectseross 861 ids, liquids or gases are called ... i (orbit - - gravity - float) 1, Among the sources of freshwater Wy Earth are . 2. When a girl moves do ide.tthis is due the Force OF wn 3. Without the fi re OF gravitwe the MOON WoUIA ..emenn off into space. 4, Earth is pulli n, Keeping it iN it neenennnenenenee around Earth, (vertical - Orion - Earth - the Sun) center of the solar system is... Oi The ans ot ple ig 3. The constellation that look likes a hunter is called ummm 21 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 13 Look at the following figure, then answer the questions belo A. Label the figure using the following words: (Charcoal - Wastewater - Cotton - Filtered water- Sand). 1 2. 3. 4, a B. The tool above shows IMP enennnrnnnnenes ANA it is used to remove, eee materials from wastewater. (Complete) > 14 Complete the following sentences using the words below: Oo (Electricity - quality - rains ~ 1. Building sonoma A€OSS a tributary can junt of water in it. 2. The extinction of some species that live in fres} of water. 3. In High Dam, water is used to generate 4, Groundwater is replaced by .... 15, Complete the following sente ces Ui g the words below: Orbit - gravity - float) 1. When a boy moveddbwiMasiitle this is due to the force OF su nmnmnenenon 2. Without the ity, the moon WOUIA ..sene-nen-nene OFF into space. 3. Earth is pulling the moon, keeping it in it. oeuenenenen around Barth, e between the two magnets is called b. magnetism. ¢. contact force. d. wind force. 2. If there is a repulsion force between these two magnets so, they will MOVE .cecennennn a. away from each other. b. toward each other. ¢. to the Earth's surface. d. to the space. 22 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 17 Look at the opposite figure, which illustrates a part of the solar system then answer the following questions: (8) 1. The body (A) is called aan e) a.the Sun. b. the Earth. ¢. the moon. d.a magnet. 2. The shape of the path (B) i$ ....-.00.0m0m a. ellipse. b. circular. c.rectangular. —_d. triangular. Q> 3. The body (C) may be...... : a. the Sun. b. the moon. c. a planet, d.a magnet. 4. The body (C) revolves around the body (A) because of... G&: a. electric b. gravity c.air resistance — d. re if 18 Complete the follo sentences using the words b (Geosphere - decrease 1. To conserve fresh water, we can .... f washing our hands. 2. The Earth's sphere that contains rocks, s soil is known as... 3. The type of water that is found “Gj of lakes and streams is a_____ water. 4. UMN CAN oecennen swat? to recycle wastewater to be used again. 19 The opposite s two similar air ‘Airplane planes, choose tHé correct answer : = ®) (A), Sew etween Earth and Ss Airplane 1e (A) is (smaller than — f er than — equal to) the attraction between rth and airplane (B). (B) The gravity of Earth ....... ... (increases — decreases — doesn't change) when the distance between Earth and the airplane increases. 23 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 20 The opposite figure shows a swimmer that jumps from a stand into a swimming pool. Choose the correct answer : . The force that attracts the swimmer towards the water surface is KNOWN aS .......0000 force. a. pushing b. gravity c, magnetism d. repulsion This force changes the a. direction of movement of swimmer. b. mass of ne c. depth of swimming pool. d. length of the si Nv 21 Look at this graph that shows the percentage of bo in Earth's hydrosphere, then put (v’) or (x) in fro “ee fer af d fresh water ing sentences : 1. Area (A) represents salt water. 2. Seas and oceans are examples of water Bodies that belong to area (B). B 3. During water cycle, water “—Oj areas (A) and (B). ) 4. The type of water in river area * (7) Correct the underlined words : 1. Sun 6 Sun 11, Blue 6. Star 2. Day and night 7. Moon 12. Esty 17. Reflect 3. Oil 8. Increase 13, 18, One year 44 9. Elliptical 14. age 5. Atmosphere 10, Increase 1568: #(8) Matching: 0 I-b 2-a 3d +e lee 2-a 3b § I-b 2a 3d © 2-a co b b 2-a +e b 2 3-d +e Se Bd 27 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547 Science #(9) Try to answer Second Term 2022/2023 Grade 5 1 [1. Orion — hunter 2. Stars 4 dam quality Electricity Rains The Sun 2. The moon 3,_The moon 15 Gravity float Orbit ‘Sun 2. Earth 3._Moon 16 >w ‘Sun 2. Earth — oval orbit 3. Moon polluted water 2. filtered water 3. drinkable ‘geosphere 2. center 3. wetland 4._gravity biosphere 2. motion 3. constellation 4._wastewater electricity 2. groundwater 3. atmosphere 4._hydrosphere fresh water 2. floods: 3. lunar month 4._pulling aoe - itis limited amount 10 |1. glacier 2. air resistance 3. decrease 4. friction 3 TW |i. strea 2. gravity 3. float 4. gorbit or Sones sense the Sung 2. “Rayrth - vertical 0 co day time night time Earth's axis Rotation east to west one day 13° | 1. Wastewater 2. Sand 3. Charcoal 4. Cotton 5, filtered water Bi fitter - waste 28 Mr.Ahmed ElBasha Mob: 01153233911 Whatsapp : 01003494547

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