Le Petit Prince FINAL

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Script (Rough Draft)


Dramatis personae

Pilot… Eryn Puhawan

Little Prince…. JR Opitan
Rose… Stephanie Garcia
Fox… Shane Cabacaba
Snake… Eiderf Marr
King… Aeus Pascual
Conceited Man… Harvey Lagunoy
Business Man… Efren Cinco
Geographer… Frankie Aquino
Lamplighter… Vhon Jazer Daño
Grown-up 1…. Gelle Galasinao
Grown-up 2… LeiOne Abaca
Grown-up 3… Johncen Ras
Turkish Astronomer… Aisha Mira-ato

Color Codes

Blue - Song

Green - Lights

Purple - Sound System

Red - Actor’s Blockings/Actions

Pink - Props/Scene/Place description

Part 1: First Meeting

Scene 1: (Pilot/Grown-ups)

The lights are OFF.

Only the sound of engines malfunctioning and whirring are heard.

Radio sounds and digital calls for help are there too.

At the end of the chaos, a loud BOOM! resounds in the

background, followed by a long beep.

PILOT, casual: Now that didn’t go so well.

The sound of a malfunctioning flashlight comes.

Then the lights slowly turn on, casting over PILOT.

PILOT opens the flashlight, showing her position of lying ON HER

STOMACH on the ground.

The PLANE is on the right side of the stage. There is a symbol

on the front of the plane: it’s the drawing of a boa constrictor
eating an elephant.

PILOT wordlessly grabs a tiny notebook and a pen from her breast
She writes and speaks absent-mindedly.

PILOT: Accident… motor damaged… airplane in the sand…

Strong night breeze in the desert

PILOT: There is no mechanic in sight, no useful people
in the night and...

PILOT looks up from the notebook.

PILOT, casual: And nowhere in the desert am I.

PILOT slowly stands up. She walks over and examines the plane.

PILOT then continues to walk around the stage with an air of

casualness. She looks around, searching...

PILOT: Perhaps there is civilization past my eyes, but

water is scarce so I shall not try.

PILOT looks down at the notebook and writes again.

PILOT: Repair will take days, if not weeks, since I know

nothing of being a mechanic...

PILOT: Who said that flying means I would crash

into a desolated desert anyway?

PILOT pockets the notebook and walks over to the broken plane.

PILOT: Well, to be a pilot is what you wanted,

and to die a pilot is what you got. At least
drawing boa constrictors don’t lead you to be
stranded in the middle of nowhere.
PILOT examines the boa constrictor drawing in the plane.

Beginning of the SONG: Immature Child, starts here.

PILOT: (to be added)

Verse 1
Verse 2
Verse 3

Music Stop.

Scene 2: (Little Prince)

The mirage of the grown-ups disappear. The only thing left in

the stage should be the plane, a small tent, and a lamplight
near PILOT.

PILOT covers up the Boa Constrictor drawing on the plane with a

dirty cloth.

PILOT: Well, that’s one matter of consequence done.

PILOT takes a moment to look at the covered drawing.

PILOT: Even though I am ‘wasting precious time’ as the
adults might say, I can only do so much at night so I
must rest.

PILOT lies down on the floor with her sleeping materials.

She is humming the tune of the previous song as a lullaby.
Then she turns quiet.

The lights dim and turn blue, signifying the deep night.

Sounds of steps walking on the sand and the breeze.

A sweet music plays in the background.

On the side of the stage, LITTLE PRINCE enters.

LITTLE PRINCE is looking around, slowly exploring the stage.

Then his eyes land on the PILOT.

LITTLE PRINCE approaches in little and slow steps.

When LITTLE PRINCE hovers near PILOT, he nudges her awake.

LITTLE PRINCE: Draw me a sheep, s’il vous plaît. (tone soft

but not quiet)

PILOT stirs awake, still groggy.

LITTLE PRINCE steps back, and the PILOT finally jolts into

PILOT, stuttering: What? Wha- why- who–?

LITTLE PRINCE interrupts.

LITTLE PRINCE: If you please, draw me a sheep.

PILOT stands up, and LITTLE PRINCE scoots away alongside her

PILOT: A Sheep…? But- but what are you doing here?

The desert is not a place for someone small as

LITTLE PRINCE has an orange scarf wrapped loosely on his neck.

LITTLE PRINCE holds the scarf on his neck with both hands.

LITTLE PRINCE: S'il vous plait, dessine-moi un mouton.

PILOT, confused: Ah... but I don’t know how to draw a sheep.

I never draw anything, really. Drawings can
barely give me what I need to get by, so I
only focused on matters of consequence.

PILOT: Geography, History, Arithmetic, grammar——

LITTLE PRINCE: That doesn’t matter. If you

please, draw me a sheep.

PILOT looks at LITTLE PRINCE in silence.

PILOT: But truly can’t draw anything...

PILOT: Ah! Now that I think about it, I can draw
something! You can see it right over here!

PILOT walks over to the plane.

LITTLE PRINCE peers innocently but doesn’t follow her.

PILOT beckons to him, and when he follows, she hesitantly takes

off the blanket to show the boa constrictor drawing.

PILOT: Here it is. It’s something I can draw. You

must think that this is a hat or—

LITTLE PRINCE: No, no no! No! I do not want an elephant inside a

boa constrictor! A boa constrictor is very
dangerous, and an elephant is very heavy. Where I
live, everything is very small. I do not need
anything as big as this drawing.

LITTLE PRINCE: So if you please, draw me a sheep!

PILOT looks stunned for a moment, until she hastens to bring out
her notebook.

PILOT scribbles on it, glancing a few times at LITTLE PRINCE who

curiously hovers over her while she draws.

PILOT raises the notebook, showing a sheep drawing to LITTLE

PRINCE and the audience.

LITTLE PRINCE: This one looks very sick. Make me another!

PILOT looks down on the notebook and scribbles again.

PILOT: This?

LITTLE PRINCE: (stares and then laughs) You see yourself!

That is not a sheep. That is a ram. Look at here.

LITTLE PRINCE gestures on the drawing

LITTLE PRINCE: It has horns, and so it is a ram!

PILOT: How about this one?

LITTLE PRINCE, awed: This one is an old sheep! It will not

live very long, and I need a sheep that
will live for a loooong time!

At this point, PILOT is showing exasperation so she pauses for a

moment and hurriedly scribbles something on the paper.

PILOT tears the paper off the notebook and hands it to LITTLE

PILOT: Here. I drew you your sheep. He's inside the

box, and as long as he’s in the box then he
will live a long time there with you.

LITTLE PRINCE examines the paper.

Then he hugs the paper close to his chest.
LITTLE PRINCE: Yes! This is exactly the way I wanted it! A
sheep who can live for a long time!

LITTLE PRINCE: (examines the paper again) Do you think this

sheep might need a lot of grass?

PILOT: Why do you ask?

LITTLE PRINCE: Because at my place, everything is small.

The grass is small too.

PILOT: I’m sure there will be enough grass for him in

your place. I drew you a very small sheep so you
don't have to worry.

LITTLE PRINCE, huffs: He is not that small. Look.

LITTLE PRINCE shows the paper to PILOT.

LITTLE PRINCE, whispering: Shh. He's falling asleep now.

LITTLE PRINCE sits on the ground, enamored by the paper.

He is making himself comfortable lying on the ground.


The previous song sequence’s verse will start again. (to be


Music stops.

A calm BGM starts.

LITTLE PRINCE is still lying on the ground.
He looks up and sees the plane, and he will jump to a start.

LITTLE PRINCE: Ah! What is that object?!

PILOT: Object? That is not an object. It’s an

airplane. You sit on it and it takes you
into the sky.

LITTLE PRINCE: What! You dropped down from the sky?


Everything turns silent. The LITTLE PRINCE is just looking at


LITTLE PRINCE: (bursts out giggling) That is very funny.

PILOT, annoyed: How is that funny? It is a misfortune of

mine, and I like to take it seriously, not

LITTLE PRINCE: You are very funny, madame. That means we

both dropped down from the sky! In which
planet are you from?

PILOT: (pauses) Planet? Are you from another planet?

LITTLE PRINCE looks down at the paper in his hand, then scoots
closer to examine the plane.
He is ignoring PILOT.

PILOT: (persistent) But you can’t have come from a far away
place. This is the farthest anyone can go

LITTLE PRINCE: (still ignoring PILOT)

PILOT: My little man, where do you come from? What is

this 'where I live,' in which you speak of? Where
do you intend to take your sheep?

While LITTLE PRINCE tries to ignore the questions, PILOT

persistently walks nearby his view.

LITTLE PRINCE turns and meets PILOT’s eyes. He goes silent,

exaggeratedly thinking.

LITTLE PRINCE: Do you know why this box is the perfect

companion that I so wanted? It's like a house for
my sheep. It can rest there when it’s night or
when it feels tired after a long journey.

PILOT: Okay... If that’s how you think...

PILOT: But do answer my question. If you answer, then I

can give you a string and a post, too, so that
you can tie him during the day.

LITTLE PRINCE, gasp: Tie him?! What a queer idea!

PILOT: But if you don’t tie him, he might wander off
until you lose sight of him...

LITTLE PRINCE: But where do you think he would go?

PILOT: Anywhere. He can go straight ahead from where he



LITTLE PRINCE: You are very funny, madame. That is not possible.

LITTLE PRINCE looks down on the paper in nostalgia.

The music is somber.

LITTLE PRINCE: Where I live, everything is so small, you can’t

go very far away. The sheep will not have
anything straight ahead of him because he would
find his way back in the end anyway.

PILOT: It can’t possibly be too small.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh, but it is! It is twice the size of your

object over there!

LITTLE PRINCE points at the plane.

PILOT: My airplane? Hm... but that is not larger than a


PILOT walks to the plane and starts examining it.

LITTLE PRINCE follows curiously.

LITTLE PRINCE: You must have a very big house then. Whatever
do you need for?

PILOT: Well I need it to study, to work, to eat, to

sleep, and to have a place where I can hide from

PILOT starts to bring out her bag of equipment. She is preparing

to fix the plane.

LITTLE PRINCE: But why would you need to hide? From where I
live, you will always get a glimpse of your
neighbor whether you like it or not!

PILOT, absent-mindedly: You have a neighbor?

LITTLE PRINCE: She is not a neighbor or some sort.

LITTLE PRINCE, pause: She is more of a beautiful flower in

which the world adores.

LITTLE PRINCE turns silent as he thinks of nostalgia.

Then he turns on his heels to face PILOT.

LITTLE PRINCE, panicked: That’s right! Flowers! It’s true

that a sheep eats grass, right?

PILOT: Yes, it is true.

LITTLE PRINCE: Does that mean he will eat flowers too?

PILOT: Yes, it will.

LITTLE PRINCE: Will he eat flowers once I bring him to where I


PILOT: A sheep can eat anything that it wants as long as

it’s near them.

LITTLE PRINCE: How about a flower with thorns? Four prickly

thorns! Will he be able to eat that kind of
flower too?

PILOT, sighs: Yes, it can eat even flowers that have


LITTLE PRINCE: But- but...

LITTLE PRINCE: Being pricked by a thorn is painful. I

imagine it would feel even more so when you
eat it.

LITTLE PRINCE: But... Why do the thorns exist if they can’t

protect their flowers?

PILOT accidentally slips her hand from the tool, hurting her
finger in the process.

PILOT: (Hissing in pain)

LITTLE PRINCE: Why do the thorns exist if they can’t
protect their flowers?

PILOT: (sighs) The thorns exist because they just do. They have
no use. Flowers are spiteful like that.


LITTLE PRINCE, angry: I don't believe you! Flowers are weak

creatures. They are naïve. They reassure
themselves as best as they can even if it
hurts the other. They believe that their
thorns are frightening!

LITTLE PRINCE, unsure: They are very naive . . .

PILOT is fixing the plane and speaking to herself


PILOT: If this bolt still won't turn, I am going to

knock it out with the hammer.

LITTLE PRINCE: You draw so beautifully yet you believe that

the flowers–

PILOT interrupts.

PILOT: Oh, no! No, no, no! I don't believe

PILOT drops her condescending attitude and turns it into pure

PILOT: I just answered you with the first thing that

came into my head. Don't you see– (motioning to
the plane) I am very busy with matters of
consequence, that’s why I can’t focus on your

LITTLE PRINCE, gasps: Matters of consequence! You talk just like

the grown-ups!
Somber music starts.

LITTLE PRINCE turns away and sulks with the paper.

PILOT: I talk... like the grown-ups?

LITTLE PRINCE: (still sulking)

PILOT looks guilty, so she stands up and approaches LITTLE


LITTLE PRINCE doesn’t look at the PILOT.

PILOT: Listen... repairing my plane is very important to


LITTLE PRINCE: A flower’s thorn is very important to me, too.

LITTLE PRINCE gets very angry

LITTLE PRINCE: You say that what you do is a matter of
consequence, but why is it not a matter of
consequence if I try to understand a flower’s

LITTLE PRINCE: If what you said is true, then that means

flowers have been growing thorns for millions of
years, yet they still get eaten by sheeps for
millions of years too!

LITTLE PRINCE: They go through so much trouble to grow thorns

that are never of use to them, and you say this
is not a matter of consequence?!

LITTLE PRINCE: If someone loves a flower, which is the only

one in the world, and one little sheep can
destroy it in a single bite one day — oh! You
think it is not important!


He slowly sits on the ground, his voice losing its vigor

LITTLE PRINCE: If I love a flower that surpasses my love for

the stars, and she is destroyed in just one
bite... is it not a matter of consequence, too?

LITTLE PRINCE hugs his knees to his chest.

PILOT hesitates before kneeling beside him and hugging him. He

should look and make himself small, since this is a vulnerable
moment for LITTLE PRINCE.
The lights slowly turn dark

The second song sequence starts.

Actors will transition to PART 2.

Characters in PART 2:
Little Prince…. JR Opitan
Turkish Astronomer… Aisha Mira-ato
Grown-up 1…. Gelle Galasinao
Grown-up 2… LeiOne Abaca
Grown-up 3… Johncen Ras
Rose… Stephanie Garcia
King… Aeus Pascual
Conceited Man… Harvey Lagunoy
Business Man… Efren Cinco
Geographer… Frankie Aquino
Lamplighter… Vhon Jazer Daño
Part 2: Different Planets

Scene 1 (Turkish Astronomer)


PILOT will be narrating behind the stage

PILOT: It took me a few moments alone with the little prince

before I realized: he really was telling the truth.
From where he lived, everything was truly small. It
wasn’t even larger than a normal house!

PILOT: The more I thought about it, the more it made sense.

PILOT: You see, when I was but a young child, I remember

hearing about a demonstration done by a Turkish

TURKISH ASTRONOMER appears on the side.

PILOT: She was, what you’d call, eccentric. Unique. Her

aren’t really what we consider conventional, but her
charisma is also not to be trifled with.


Wearing a Turkish Costume (try to design it so it doesn’t look

like we’re appropriating Turkish culture),

TURKISH ASTRONOMER walks over in the middle of the stage.

TURKISH ASTRONOMER: Listen and look and listen and learn!

This is asteroid B-612! You can only
it once if you look deep enough into

A hanging IMAGE of Asteroid B-612 will be placed beside the


TURKISH ASTRONOMER: Why? Because it’s too small for our eyes
to see!

The 3 GROWN-UPS appear on the left side of the stage.


PILOT: You see? Even when the Astronomer gave such a

mind-blowing discovery, they didn’t accept her. In
their eyes, she wasn’t normal to be treated with any
respect and regard.

PILOT, disappointed: Grown-ups are just like that.

The spotlight disappears from the TURKISH ASTRONOMER.

It focuses on the GROWN-UPS instead

GROWN-UPS are huffing and puffing to each other.

GROWN-UP #1: I can’t believe they would invite such a person.

GROWN-UP #2: I know, I know!

GROWN-UP #3: I can’t believe it either!

The spotlight disappears from the GROWN-UPS.

PILOT walks to the stage as if presenting a report.

Light focuses on PILOT

PILOT: It’s a shame that the great discovery of the Turkish
Astronomer wasn’t celebrated well. Maybe it’s because
of her outfit, or it’s because of something else...

PILOT: But fortunately, a Turkish dictator made a law that

every single one of his subjects should change to a
European costume.

PILOT: And do you know what happened next?

Light disappears on PILOT.

It appears on TURKISH ASTRONOMER again

Magical SFX starts.

TURKISH ASTRONOMER is dressed the same as the GROWN-UPS

TURKISH ASTRONOMER stands in the middle of the stage.

PILOT: Once again, draped in an outfit far away from what she
once was, the astronomer demonstrated her findings.

PILOT: This time, everybody accepted it.


TURKISH ASTRONOMER bows to the audience.

Spotlight turns off.

Scene 2: (Rose)

The scene starts with the LITTLE PRINCE on his planet.

The planet is rocky, and there are two small volcanoes on the
ground. The volcano is not higher than the ankles.
LITTLE PRINCE is poking through one of the volcanoes.
He raises his head to watch the PAINTED SKY.


LITTLE PRINCE hums the tune of the ballad.


Verse 1: LITTLE PRINCE is singing about the repeated routine in

his small planet.

There are three volcanoes on the stage. They are very small.
They don’t reach past the ankles.

Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE is singing about the sweetness of the sun.

Verse 2: LITTLE PRINCE sings about the new seed that gets
planted on the soil.

Some extras should act out the seed getting planted on the soil.
This leads to a small, fake rose slowly growing from the ground.

Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE is singing about the sweetness of the sun.

LITTLE PRINCE is watering the plant.

Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE is singing about the sweetness of the


The scene ends with the fake rose being replaced by ROSE

The ROSE will slowly emerge just before the LITTLE PRINCE
finishes singing the chorus

ROSE reaches for the sky with her hands, and will look around

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh! How beautiful!

ROSE doesn’t pay much attention to him.

ROSE: I am, aren't I? I'm born at the same time as

sun shone.

LITTLE PRINCE pauses, then addresses the audience.

LITTLE PRINCE: She is very beautiful, but she is a bit


LITTLE PRINCE walks over to ROSE and examines her.

LITTLE PRINCE: You are one beautiful flower.

ROSE puffs out her petals and finally takes one long look at

ROSE: Oh, you.

ROSE: I think it’s time for my breakfast. If

you just have the kindness to fetch me my needs,
that would be wonderful!

LITTLE PRINCE: Your needs...?

ROSE: Do I need to repeat it? Quickly fetch it to

little prince!

LITTLE PRINCE looks annoyed.

He’ll say the next lines in a mocking tone.
LITTLE PRINCE: She is very beautiful but very demanding too.

LITTLE PRINCE still goes and grabs a water bucket anyway.

ROSE pauses and looks at him in a judging way.

ROSE: This will do. For a flower such as I, the

grandest and
freshest water would have been given. In fact, I often
had it offered by everything around me!

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh, what a beautiful liar. Didn’t she grow

out of her seed just now?

ROSE will hear the last line and act embarrassed

ROSE, stuttering: Well, let’s not focus on such a trivial

thing. If you must think that I am
beautiful, then you must know that my thorns
are like tigers in ferocity too!

LITTLE PRINCE: There are no tigers in my place.

And for starters, tigers do not eat weeds.

ROSE gasps and looks scandalized.

ROSE: I am not a weed, am I?

ROSE: And even if they do eat me, I am not

of tigers!

ROSE, nervous: But... drafts don't go well with someone as

beautiful as moi. So if you can, find me a
glass dome.

LITTLE PRINCE sighs and walks over to find a glass dome.

The glass dome is something similar to “Beauty and the Beast’s”
rose protector.

ROSE, calling out: And oh! I want a scarf too. I don't want my
beauty to perish because I got too cold.

LITTLE PRINCE: But it is not cold on this planet. And

if it is cold, it will take only a few hours
for the sun to appear.

ROSE, horrified: A few hours! That is too much time! A

flower such as I can’t afford to be out in
the cold for a few hours!

ROSE, haughtily: Now go and fetch me my glass dome!

LITTLE PRINCE acts annoyed, and makes faces.

LITTLE PRINCE: “Now go and fetch me my glass dome!”

ROSE gasps, offended.

ROSE crosses her arms and turns her back away from LITTLE

LITTLE PRINCE sighs when he sees her pout.

LITTLE PRINCE walks toward ROSE, and wraps the scarf around her

LITTLE PRINCE: I won’t take long.

LITTLE PRINCE walks to the side and takes his time searching for
the glass dome.

BALLAD will play

LITTLE PRINCE: It isn’t cold, but she may be cold.
Should I
listen to her?

LITTLE PRINCE: Ah, what do I know? I shouldn’t listen

to her
anymore. I know nothing about how to care
my flower.

ROSE’s anger disappears when she overhears LITTLE PRINCE.

She looks at LITTLE PRINCE who’s taking care of her.

LITTLE PRINCE walks back to her side.

ROSE huffs and turns away, acting tough.

LITTLE PRINCE looks at ROSE with sad smile

LITTLE PRINCE: I... am leaving the planet. I don't think

that I can see you again.

ROSE: You- you will go? Do you have to?

LITTLE PRINCE: (nods) Before I go, I want to say goodbye.

ROSE tries to appease LITTLE PRINCE by smiling at him.

ROSE: I have been very silly, my prince. I ask for

forgiveness. Please, try to be happy.

LITTLE PRINCE sounds unsure.

LITTLE PRINCE: Still, I have to go.

ROSE: But who will stay here and cater to me when

I am
cold? Who will stay here and repeat my ridiculous
words when I am too demanding?

ROSE, sad: Who will stay here and care for me when you

ROSE hugs herself and turns away. She makes exaggerated crying
noises while covering her face.

LITTLE PRINCE hesitates, but he goes near her.

LITTLE PRINCE: It might be a bit too cold for you. Do you

still need your glass dome to make you warm?

ROSE stops crying. She looks at LITTLE PRINCE and feels guilty.

ROSE, sad: You would fetch it for me even when I’m like

LITTLE PRINCE: I would, even if you must look at me in that way.

ROSE turns away and wraps the scarf tightly around her.

ROSE: ... Then I do not need my glass dome. Leave it


LITTLE PRINCE, stepping closer: But the wind—

ROSE, interrupting: My cold is not so bad after all. . .

cool night air will do me good. I am a
flower who lives in such an

LITTLE PRINCE: But your company—

ROSE, interrupting: The caterpillars will do. They aren't

memorable as you and I, but I should
up with them so I could see the
butterfly that they will soon become.

LITTLE PRINCE looks at her sadly.

LITTLE PRINCE: But will you really not miss my

company? Have
you ever cared for me?

ROSE faces LITTLE PRINCE and walks closer to him.

She wraps his scarf back on him.

ROSE: Of course I care for you deeply. It's

fault that you couldn’t know about it. I was
too silly of a flower. I wanted to hide our
feelings throughout it all.

ROSE: But that d oesn't matter anymore.

I’ve run out
of time. You already decided to go away, so


ROSE holds LITTLE PRINCE’s hand.

ROSE: I will learn how to handle myself. So
must do what you want to, my prince.

LITTLE PRINCE reaches and hugs ROSE.

LITTLE PRINCE, whisper: I won’t be too long.

Spotlight will turn off

Music will be cut off

Scene 3: (King)

The next scene starts in the THRONE ROOM.

Spotlight will focus on the KING.

KING’s theme song will play.

The KING is boredly playing with something (either a scepter or

a snow globe).

From the other side of the KING, the LITTLE PRINCE will come

KING notices LITTLE PRINCE, and almost drops whatever he is


KING, excited: Ah! Here is a subject!

LITTLE PRINCE walks but not enough (middle of the stage) to meet
the KING in his throne.

LITTLE PRINCE blatantly stares at what the KING is holding.

LITTLE PRINCE: What is that object?

KING clears his throat and tries to hide the item.

KING is trying to act professional, but it should be obvious

that he is not.

KING: It is nothing! It is an insignificant thing,

similar to you and incomparable to me, your king!
LITTLE PRINCE, surprised: My king? But I do not have a

KING: Yes you do. It is I!

LITTLE PRINCE: How could you be my king if you had never

seen me

KING: Then come over here so that I may see you much

LITTLE PRINCE approaches cautiously.

KING is trying too hard not to show any excitement.

KING: You know, it’s been such a long time since

I’ve seen someone in this place! Not that
there is no one in this kingdom, no. Of
course there is. They’re just... out there,
tending to their duties of serving me as
their king!

LITTLE PRINCE yawns tiredly.

KING, stern: You know? To yawn in the presence of a king

is a bad etiquette, little man. I forbid you
to do so!

LITTLE PRINCE looks at KING weirdly.

LITTLE PRINCE: But I can't help it. I came from a long

so I haven't shut my eyes for a while now.

KING: O- oh. Is that so? (clearing throat) Then I

order you to yawn. It's been a very long time
since I saw someone yawn. Now do it again!
Yawn again. It's my order this time!
LITTLE PRINCE: But I can’t force myself to yawn

KING stutters.

KING: Then I order you to... sometimes yawn and

sometimes not yawn! How does that sound? I am
emitting my power as the greatest king in
this kingdom! All you have to do is follow
through my orders!

KING looks like he’s pleased with himself.

LITTLE PRINCE ignores him and looks around.

LITTLE PRINCE gestures at his feet.

LITTLE PRINCE: May I sit down?

KING: Of course you may. In fact, I order you to

sit down!

LITTLE PRINCE sits Indian style and looks up to the KING

LITTLE PRINCE: Monsieur, do you mind if I ask you a


KING, hastily: I order you to ask me a question!

LITTLE PRINCE fidgets with his fingers and look around the

LITTLE PRINCE: Just what exactly do you rule over,


KING: I rule over everything! Over every planet,

stars, and a lot more.

LITTLE PRINCE gasps and looks excited.

LITTLE PRINCE: And every planet, stars, and a lot more will
obey you?!

KING looks momentarily surprised but he recovers.

KING: Exactly! If I say an order, they have no

choice but to follow my words!

LITTLE PRINCE: Then... can you do me a favor and order a

to come down? I would really love to see one now!

KING, stuttering: Well...

KING’s theme song starts playing.

The KING starts to look everywhere but LITTLE PRINCE.

KING: If I ordered a general to fly from one flower to

another like a butterfly, or to change himself
into a sea bird, and if the general couldn’t
carry out my order, which one of us would be
wrong? The general, or myself?


KING: Exactly! A king must order from his subject a

duty that they can perform.

LITTLE PRINCE: How about my sunset then?

KING: I can order it but I need to wait until the

conditions are favorable.

LITTLE PRINCE: And when will it be?

KING: 30 minutes from now.

LITTLE PRINCE, disappointed: Oh.

KING, hastily: But once 30 minutes had passed, you will see
how well I am obeyed by my subjects!

LITTLE PRINCE yawns again and boredom appears on his face.

LITTLE PRINCE slowly stands up, while the KING visibly panics.

LITTLE PRINCE: I'm sorry, monsieur, but there's nothing for

me to do here anymore. I already rested so I
must continue my journey.

LITTLE PRINCE dusts his pants and tries to turn around.

The KING hurriedly blocks his path.

KING: Don't go! I will make you my minister!

LITTLE PRINCE: But... I don’t have anyone to judge here.

Your planet is empty!

KING: You can... judge an old rat! I’m sure there's

an old rat here. I always hear him at night

KING: From time to time you will condemn him to

death. And his life will depend on your

KING: Oh but you have to make sure that you will

forgive him every time. He must be treated
greatly. Since he is the only rat that we have

LITTLE PRINCE tries to walk away but the KING is still blocking

LITTLE PRINCE: But I don’t like condemning anyone to death.

And if your Majesty really wishes to be
obeyed, he should be able to give me a
reasonable order.

KING: A reasonable order! Um!

LITTLE PRINCE sighs but still waits for the KING to start

KING: I’ll make you my ambassador! How does that


LITTLE PRINCE looks at the audience with an exasperated gesture


KING: If not an ambassador, then the treasurer of my

kingdom! You will have all the money in the

LITTLE PRINCE finally walks away.

KING: I order you to come back, little man! Don’t go!

Spotlights will slowly turn OFF.

Scene 4: (Conceited Man)

The light turns ON to a different scene.

The scene starts in a forest.

CONCEITED MAN is on the left side of the stage.

CONCEITED MAN is holding an overly sparkly binoculars (decorated

in sequins).
His outfit consists of an all-white long-sleeves and pants.
There’s a lot of golden jewelry on him, and he dons a very huge

LITTLE PRINCE appears from the right side of the stage.

CONCEITED MAN notices him and starts to clap in delight.

CONCEITED MAN: Ah! Looks like my beauty isn’t fading

at all.
I am about to receive a visit again from my


LITTLE PRINCE: Bonjour! What a queer hat you’re


CONCEITED MAN: I know, I know. You are very lucky to

seen this hat of mine. It is my hat that
doesn’t salute, but when people praise me, I
can try to make it salute.

LITTLE PRINCE, puzzled: What?


CONCEITED MAN: Clap your hand, one against the other

LITTLE PRINCE claps his hand, slow and unsure.

CONCEITED MAN raises his hat and tips it in an obnoxious and

flamboyant way.

LITTLE PRINCE: That’s very nice!

CONCEITED MAN: I know, I know. Now do it again. This

say that I am a very beautiful man.

LITTLE PRINCE: (claps again) You are a very beautiful


CONCEITED MAN: (tips his hat again) I know, I know! Do

once more. Make yourself sound even more

LITTLE PRINCE: (claps again) You are a very beautiful


CONCEITED MAN tips his hat even more obnoxiously.

CONCEITED MAN: I know, I know! I am beginning to enjoy

admiration for me, little man. Do it once
more and I will give you a show of a

LITTLE PRINCE looks tired when CONCEITED MAN tells him that

LITTLE PRINCE: But I have been doing it a lot now. Do

really need to hear it many times?

CONCEITED MAN takes out a mini mirror and fixes his hat.

CONCEITED MAN ignores LITTLE PRINCE and talks to himself in the


CONCEITED MAN: Do you really admire me very much?

LITTLE PRINCE: Maybe? But what does admire mean?

CONCEITED MAN smiles smugly

CONCEITED MAN: Well, to be admired means to be
regarded as
the best-dressed, the richest, and the most
intelligent man on this planet.

LITTLE PRINCE: But you are the only man on your planet!

CONCEITED MAN shushes him.

CONCEITED MAN: Why does that matter? Admire me just

same. Between the two of us...

CONCEITED MAN looks up and down condescendingly at LITTLE


CONCEITED MAN: You know I deserve more applause simply

because I exist, right?

LITTLE PRINCE shrugs slightly

LITTLE PRINCE: I admire you but why do you wish to be

admired so badly?

CONCEITED MAN is too focused on his mirror now. He’s talking to


CONCEITED MAN: Oh, you certainly deserve to be

admired. You
certainly do!

LITTLE PRINCE sighs then looks in front of the audience

LITTLE PRINCE: The grown ups are certainly odd.

LITTLE PRINCE walks off.

Lights will turn OFF.

Scene 5: (Businessman)

The scene starts with the BUSINESSMAN in a place similar to the

THRONE ROOM, but there is a table and a chair in the middle of
the stage instead.

There are papers, MAGNIFYING GLASS, and ABACUS on the table.

The lights should look dim and slightly blue here.

BUSINESSMAN scribbles something on his paper.

From the left side of the stage, LITTLE PRINCE approaches


BUSINESSMAN: Trois and deux makes cinq, cinq and sept

makes douze. Douze and trois.. makes...

LITTLE PRINCE steps behind the BUSINESSMAN and interrupts



BUSINESSMAN: Fifteen and seven makes twenty two,

Twenty-two and six makes twenty eight...

LITTLE PRINCE: What are you doing?

BUSINESSMAN takes the magnifying glass and looks at the ceiling

with it.

BUSINESSMAN: Twenty-eight and twenty-two makes fifty...

LITTLE PRINCE: What are you doing?

BUSINESSMAN counts with the abacus.

LITTLE PRINCE: Excusez moi, monsieur. What are you doing?

BUSINESSMAN counts with the abacus.

BUSINESSMAN: During the fifty-four years that I have

inhabited this planet, I have been disturbed
only three times. Three times, I tell you.
BUSINESSMAN: The first time was twenty-two years ago, when
giddy goose fell from goodness knows where. He
made the most frightful noise ever, and then I
made four mistakes.

BUSINESSMAN: The second time was eleven years ago. I was

disturbed by an attack of rheumatism.

BUSINESSMAN looks at his hand then shakes it off.

BUSINESSMAN: I don't get enough exercise. I have no time for


BUSINESSMAN: And the third time I was interrupted—

BUSINESSMAN points and glares at LITTLE PRINCE.

BUSINESSMAN: It is you who has interrupted me!

BUSINESSMAN starts sifting through the papers and making hasty,

hurried movements.

BUSINESSMAN: Oh god! What am I even doing! You know what? I am

concerned with matters of consequences, so do not
disturb me any longer! Unless you want to help me
count then do not disturb me!

BUSINESSMAN starts counting with the abacus again.

LITTLE PRINCE starts walking around him to peek at what the

LITTLE PRINCE: What are you counting?

BUSINESSMAN: The- the thing. The little objects

you see in the sky. The white thing— one
hundred, two hundred fifty-seven...

LITTLE PRINCE looks up at the sky.

LITTLE PRINCE: You mean the stars?

BUSINESSMAN, eureka: Drats! The stars!

LITTLE PRINCE: And what do you do with the stars?

BUSINESSMAN answers a bit hysterically, as if he can't believe

someone will ask him a stupid question

BUSINESSMAN: What do I do with them? I own them!

LITTLE PRINCE: And what good does it do for you to own

the stars?

BUSINESSMAN: It does me the good of making me rich! And

when I’m rich, I am able to buy more stars
make me more rich.

LITTLE PRINCE: How is it possible to own the stars?

BUSINESSMAN: Let's put it in this way: to whom do the

stars belong?

LITTLE PRINCE: I don't know! To nobody?

BUSINESSMAN: They belong to me! Because I was the first

person to think of owning them.

BUSINESSMAN: When you find a diamond that belongs to

nobody, it’s yours. When you discover an
island that belongs to nobody, it’s yours.
When you get an idea before anyone else,

BUSINESSMAN: So with that logic, I own the stars, because

nobody else before me has ever thought of
owning them.
LITTLE PRINCE: Well, that's true. But what do you do

BUSINESSMAN: I administer them. I count them and recount

them. It’s difficult. But I’m a man who’s
naturally interested in matters of

LITTLE PRINCE makes a thoughtful but dissatisfied noise.

LITTLE PRINCE: If I owned a silk scarf, I could put it

around my neck and take it with me to make
myself warm. If I owned a flower, I could
pluck that flower and take it away with me
I could admire it.

LITTLE PRINCE: But what do you do with the stars? You

pluck the stars from heaven.

BUSINESSMAN: No, you can’t. But I can put them in the


LITTLE PRINCE: Whatever does that mean?


LITTLE PRINCE: Whatever does that mean, monsieur?

BUSINESSMAN pushes a paper on LITTLE PRINCE’s chest

BUSINESSMAN: Whatever it means is whatever it means. Now

use your yapping and turn it into counting!
Be useful to me and my stars!

LITTLE PRINCE takes the paper, looks down at it, and sighs.

LITTLE PRINCE: The grown-ups are certainly odd.

LITTLE PRINCE folds the paper and places it in his pockets.

LITTLE PRINCE then walks away

BUSINESSMAN notices LITTLE PRINCE walking away.

BUSINESSMAN: Wait! Where are you going!? My paper has all

my stars in them—!

BUSINESSMAN clutches his head.

BUSINESSMAN: Oh no! I lost my count! I have to

start all over again!

The scene ends with BUSINESSMAN hastily going back to looking at

his papers.

Spotlight slowly turns off

Scene 6: (Lamplighter)

The lights should be dim. The ambience is quiet.

Lamplighter theme song plays.

The scene starts in a CAVE. The only light source should look
like it’s from the LAMPLIGHT in the middle of the stage.

LAMPLIGHTER is staring at the lamplight intently.

His hands are hovering the lamplight.

LITTLE PRINCE: Good morning!

LAMPLIGHTER: Good evening.

LAMPLIGHTER turns off the light on the lamplight.

LITTLE PRINCE: Good evening...? Why have you just put your

LAMPLIGHTER: Those are the orders. Good morning.

LAMPLIGHTER turns on the light on the lamplight.

LITTLE PRINCE: What orders?

LAMPLIGHTER: The orders are that I put out my lamp. Good


LAMPLIGHTER turns off the light on the lamplight.

LITTLE PRINCE: But why have you just lit it again?

LAMPLIGHTER: Those are the orders.

LITTLE PRINCE: I don’t understand.

LAMPLIGHTER,: There’s nothing to understand. Orders are

orders. I should obey them at all times.
LAMPLIGHTER turns on the light on the lamplight.

LAMPLIGHTER,: I follow a terrible profession. In the old

days it was reasonable. I put the lamp out
the morning, and in the evening I lit it
again. I had the rest of the day for
relaxation and the rest of the night for

LITTLE PRINCE: And have the orders changed since that


LAMPLIGHTER: The orders NEVER change! That is the

tragedy! From year to year the planet has
turned more rapidly and the orders haven't

LAMPLIGHTER: From year to year the planet has

turned more rapidly and the orders haven't
Changed! Good morning!

LAMPLIGHTER turns on the lamplight.


LAMPLIGHTER: Then I have to light my lamp and put it out

Cause the planet turns every minute!

LITTLE PRINCE: That’s very funny! A day lasts only one

minute, here where you live!

LAMPLIGHTER: It is not funny at all! While we have been

talking together a month has gone by.

LITTLE PRINCE: Can’t you ignore the order to rest? You

very tired.
Lamplighter looks at the floor and says in a fragile voice

LAMPLIGHTER: I can’t ignore the order. But I always want

to rest.

LITTLE PRINCE: You are very unlucky.

LAMPLIGHTER,: Yeah, I'm unlucky. Good evening...

LAMPLIGHTER turns off the lamplight.

The light dims and focuses on LITTLE PRINCE.

LITTLE PRINCE faces the audience

LITTLE PRINCE: That man doesn’t seem odd to me unlike

other grown-ups. Maybe because he is
thinking of something else besides himself.


LITTLE PRINCE: That man could have been my friend. But

planet is indeed too small for the two of

The lights turn dim.

Transition to the next scene.

Scene 7: (Geographer)

The lights shine on the side, where the GEOGRAPHER is.

The scene starts in a LIBRARY.

(The props here are similar to BUSINESSMAN’s scene, except there
are more books lying round the table)

GEOGRAPHER is nowhere to be found here.

LITTLE PRINCE stops in the middle of the stage and looks around.

LITTLE PRINCE: This is another place where grown-ups

live in. But where is the one inhabiting it?

LITTLE PRINCE snoops around the table.

He grabs a book and he examines it.

GEOGRAPHER isn’t seen by the audience, but her light-hearted

voice is heard.

GEOGRAPHER: You shouldn’t touch another person’s

belongings, young man!

LITTLE PRINCE drops the book in surprise.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh, je suis désolé!

LITTLE PRINCE picks up the book and tries to check if it’s

He looks around for the GEOGRAPHER

LITTLE PRINCE: I apologize for touching your

Where are you?

GEOGRAPHER: You’re fine. And as for your question...

I am... right here!

Light finally shines on GEOGRAPHER.

GEOGRAPHER is on the other side of the stage.

GEOGRAPHER is wearing an outfit that resembles maps (color

palette of brown, slight green and blue), and glasses. She is
holding a book.

GEOGRAPHER walks over to the table (where LITTLE PRINCE is).

GEOGRAPHER: I see that a happy explorer like you had

to visit my place. Are you enjoying your

LITTLE PRINCE: I am hardly enjoying something that I

understand. Why do you have a lot of books
and papers? I know someone who also has a
of papers, but his reason for that is
he’s counting stars.

GEOGRAPHER, gasps: Counting stars, how peculiar!

LITTLE PRINCE: I know! He said the stars are his

it’s his idea first.

GEOGRAPHER: If that’s the case, then does that make me

have no profession?

LITTLE PRINCE: What’s your profession, madame?

GEOGRAPHER: I am a Geographer. There are countless

geographers out there before me, and
geography isn’t my first idea, but I am
a geographer.

LITTLE PRINCE: What’s a geographer?

GEOGRAPHER: A geographer is a scholar who knows the

location of the seas, the rivers, the towns,
the mountains, and the deserts.

LITTLE PRINCE: That is very interesting. Here at last

is a
grown-up who has a real profession!


GEOGRAPHER: Thank you.

GEOGRAPHER opens up a roll of paper and places it on the table.

GEOGRAPHER: You seem like a wonderful explorer. Have you

seen any new land sites recently? Any new
mountains, new rivers?

LITTLE PRINCE: How about you? You’re a geographer.

Have you
got any mountains that I can explore?

GEOGRAPHER: I couldn’t tell you that.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh. Okay. Any oceans?

GEOGRAPHER: I couldn’t tell you that either.

LITTLE PRINCE: Um... Any towns, and rivers, and


GEOGRAPHER, smiling: I couldn’t tell you that either!

LITTLE PRINCE: Why can’t you tell me anything? Is

it another one of your ‘matters of

GEOGRAPHER: Correct! A geographer like me doesn’t


GEOGRAPHER: I am not the one who goes out to count the

towns, the rivers, the mountains, the seas,
the oceans, and the
deserts. I am much too important to go
loafing about.

GEOGRAPHER: I don’t leave my desk, but you do. You are

explorer, which is why you should tell me
more about the places you have explored,
instead of me telling you places to explore.

LITTLE PRINCE: Well... I have explored many planets.

even then, I still love my own planet.

GEOGRAPHER: Wonderful! What does this planet look like?

GEOGRAPHER readies to draw on the paper

LITTLE PRINCE: My planet is very small.

GEOGRAPHER: Unreal. There is no such thing as a small


LITTLE PRINCE: But there is. My planet only has two

volcanoes, one of it is extinct, and they
don’t even reach past my ankles.

GEOGRAPHER: Unreal! Come and tell me a more reasonable

planet, my dear.
LITTLE PRINCE: Why don’t you believe me? You have not
my planet before.

GEOGRAPHER: I have not seen it, because it is impossible

for me to have seen it. In fact, it is even
impossible for me to draw a map of that

GEOGRAPHER: Now tell me something else that I can draw.

LITTLE PRINCE, excited: My flower!

GEOGRAPHER: I don’t draw flowers, my dear.

LITTLE PRINCE: Why is that? The flower is the most

thing on my planet!

GEOGRAPHER: I don’t draw flowers because they are


LITTLE PRINCE: What does ephemeral mean?

GEOGRAPHER: Geographies are books concerned with matters

of consequence. They are never ephemeral—
they never become old-fashioned.

GEOGRAPHER: Mountains don’t change positions. It’s the

same with oceans too, they never empty
themselves with water. In short, we write of
eternal things.

LITTLE PRINCE: My flower is ephemeral. She has only four

thorns to defend herself against the world,
and those thorns don’t change.

LITTLE PRINCE: My love for her doesn’t change either. But I

have left her on my planet, all alone!

LITTLE PRINCE places the book down and goes to leave.

The light on GEOGRAPHER disappears.

Only LITTLE PRINCE is left on the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE: Why are grown-ups so odd? MAtters of

consequence, ephemeral things. They confuse

ALL Character’s song plays.

Scene 8: (All)

The spotlight will shine on the entire stage.

The scene starts in the THRONE ROOM again. This time, the table
is here.

In the middle of the stage is BUSINESSMAN and GEOGRAPHER in

front of the table.

On the left side is KING with his item.

On the right side is CONCEITED MAN.


The two will sing a song that tempt the little prince to stay by
their side

Verse 1: KING will convince LITTLE PRINCE

Verse 2: CONCEITED MAN will convince LITTLE PRINCE

Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE sings about not wanting to be



The two will sing about wanting to make LITTLE PRINCE help them
in their profession.

Verse 1: BUSINESSMAN pressures LITTLE PRINCE to count stars

Verse 2: GEOGRAPHER tells LITTLE PRINCE to be her explorer

Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE sings about not wanting to be



He will sing about how tired he is.

Verse 1: Duet with LITTLE PRINCE.

Ending Chorus: LITTLE PRINCE sings about not wanting to be


ALL Character’s song ends.

Light abruptly turns off after the beat drop.

Actors will transition to PART 3

Characters in PART 3:
Pilot…. Eryn Puhawan
Little Prince…. JR Opitan
Fox… Shane Cabacaba
Snake… Eiderf Marr
Roses 1… Christine Arquitola
Roses 2… Eli Clacio
Roses 3… KC Mirandilla

Part 3: Earth

Scene 1: (Snake)

It’s dark. This is where the actors and scenes transition.

PILOT will be narrating behind the stage.

PILOT: Our LITTLE PRINCE had been through so many planets.

He met so many people, grown-ups whom he
felt annoyed with, felt sympathy with, and grown-ups
who made him feel even more confused.

PILOT: But our prince is ever so curious.

PILOT: If he asks a question, he needs it to be answered.

PILOT: And so he finally reached his last place.

PILOT: This is the place where he met those he’ll come to

love. And this is the place where our LITTLE PRINCE
will meet his demise.

The LIGHT slowly turns on.


The scene starts in the desert.

There’s a big rock nearby. This is where the SNAKE is hiding.

Wind blowing to signify the emptiness.

LITTLE PRINCE in the middle of the stage.
He steps forward cautiously.


“Hello—-Hello—-Hello!” answers the echo.

LITTLE PRINCE pauses. He looks around for whoever spoke.

LITTLE PRINCE: Good Morning?!

“Good Morning—-Good Morning—-Goodmorning?!” answers the echo.

LITTLE PRINCE steps forward, looking even more unsure.

LITTLE PRINCE: Who are you?

“Who are you—-Who are you—-Who are you?” answers the echo.

LITTLE PRINCE begins to show signs of curiosity.

LITTLE PRINCE: Will you be my friend? I’m all alone.

“I’m all alone—-I’m all alone—-I’m all alone,” answered the


LITTLE PRINCE starts to show signs of disappointment.

LITTLE PRINCE: This is not like the other planets. Everything is

dry, hard, and sharp. And the people repeat after
my words too. They have no imagination.

LITTLE PRINCE kicks the dirt, feeling nostalgic.

LITTLE PRINCE: Where I live, I had a flower who always spoke
first… She loves her words too much, so she
doesn’t repeat after me at all.

LITTLE PRINCE sniffles. He looks around the place with a pout.

But he pauses when he hears something.

Insert snake’s hissing sound.

The lights around LITTLE PRINCE becomes dim.

Lights will focus slowly on SNAKE who emerges on the rock.

SNAKE: Gooooood Morning~

LITTLE PRINCE flinches. He turns to look at SNAKE, who’s on the

right side of the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh! Good Morning! I didn’t see you there. Can you
tell me what planet I landed on?

SNAKE makes a hissing sound as he grins.

SNAKE: You are on the planet Earth, little


LITTLE PRINCE: What’s an ‘Earth’?

SNAKE: An ‘earth’ is where you stand right now.

LITTLE PRINCE looks down at his feet.

SNAKE: The ‘earth’ has multiple continents, and you are
in one of its continents. This one contains the
world’s longest river and the world’s largest

SNAKE: You’ve landed on Ssss–sahara, Africa, little


LITTLE PRINCE: And there are no people here?

SNAKE saunters closer to LITTLE PRINCE.

SNAKE: You are in the desssssert. Of course, there are

no people here. Earth is quite big.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh. It is very empty and lonely. Don’t you get
lonely without people around you?

SNAKE: Well... even when you are surrounded by people,

you can still get lonely. You sss-see, that’s how
it works here.

SNAKE: Earth is a very lonely place.


LITTLE PRINCE sits down by a rock. He gazes at the sky.

SNAKE stands beside him, hands on his hips.

LITTLE PRINCE: There are less stars in this planet. I wonder if
the stars get lonely when they can’t see each

SNAKE: Do you feel lonely, my dear?

LITTLE PRINCE: ...I don’t know. Look up there.

LITTLE PRINCE points up.

LITTLE PRINCE: That’s my planet. It is very small.

SNAKE: It’s lovely. What have you come to earth for?

LITTLE PRINCE: I’m having difficulties with a flower.


Somber music starts to play.

LITTLE PRINCE looks at SNAKE for 5 seconds.


LITTLE PRINCE: You’re a funny creature. You can’t be thicker

than a finger.

SNAKE: Oh? You think so? (smiles) I may look tiny to

you, but I’m more powerful than the finger of a
LITTLE PRINCE: (smiling) You are not powerful. You don’t even
have feet. I’m sure you can’t travel that far.

SNAKE: Maybe so. But I can carry you farther than any
ship could take you.

SNAKE gradually crouches to touch the LITTLE PRINCE’s ankle.

SNAKE: Anyone who I touch can go back to the land from

which he came from.

SNAKE stops himself from touching LITTLE PRINCE’s ankle.

SNAKE: But you are innocent. You are too sweet and
naive, and you come from a star…

SNAKE: The harsh world of Earth may become too much for

SNAKE slowly stands up. He reaches to pat LITTLE PRINCE’s head.

SNAKE: You move me to pity. That’s why I can help you.

If someday you grow too homesick for your own
planet... perhaps I can give you what you need.
Perhaps, with one touch—

LITTLE PRINCE shakes his head and stands up.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh, I understand what you mean. But can I ask a

SNAKE: Sssshooot, little sweetling.

LITTLE PRINCE: Why do you talk in riddles?

SNAKE smiles mysteriously. He circles LITTLE PRINCE.

SNAKE: The same reason why people come look for what I
can give. It’s because I can solve the problem
that they face.
The lights slowly turns OFF.

Scene 2: (Fox)

There is an apple tree on the left side of the stage. From under
the apple tree, there’s a huge trail of bushes hiding the roots
of the tree.

This is where the fake rose garden will stand, and this is where
the FOX is hiding.

When the light turns ON, the focus is on LITTLE PRINCE.

LITTLE PRINCE walks over to the bush.

He sees the fake roses, and he becomes surprised.

LITTLE PRINCE: (cautious) Good morning...?

ROSES are slightly swaying. Their answer is unanimous.

“Good Morning,” recorded voices of the roses

LITTLE PRINCE narrows his eyes at them.

LITTLE PRINCE: What are you...?

“We are roses,” recorded voices of the roses

LITTLE PRINCE: Roses? You... all of you are roses? Every

single one of you?

The sound of the record ROSES laughing.

“We are roses!” recorded voices of the roses

LITTLE PRINCE reels in surprise. He starts to back away.

The lights on the fake roses disappear, and everything focuses

on the panicking LITTLE PRINCE instead.

Emotional song plays.

LITTLE PRINCE: They are roses, they said! But she is a rose
too! She is the only rose in my planet. But
if she sees that garden... she would be

LITTLE PRINCE: If she sees that... If- if she sees that...

LITTLE PRINCE clutches his chest, and he holds his head with his
other hand.

LITTLE PRINCE: I thought that I was rich with a flower that

was unique in all the world.

LITTLE PRINCE: But all I had was just a common rose. A

common rose, and three volcanoes that come
up to my knees--and one of them perhaps
extinct forever...

LITTLE PRINCE: What... kind of prince am I?

FOX song starts here.

LITTLE PRINCE is staying in place, feeling his overwhelmed

FOX hides, watching LITTLE PRINCE sing.

Verse 1: about hearing something

FOX stumbles out of her hiding spot.

LITTLE PRINCE looks surprised, and FOX freezes in place.

FOX song ends.

LITTLE PRINCE: Hello there.

FOX: ... Hello

LITTLE PRINCE: Who are you? You are very pretty to look at.

FOX: I am Fox.

LITTLE PRINCE remains still.

LITTLE PRINCE: Come and play with me, Fox… I feel so

FOX: Oh, I cannot play with you, I am not tamed.

LITTLE PRINCE turns around and still saw nothing.

LITTLE PRINCE: What does tamed mean?

FOX will quickly transfer/hide to another apple tree.

FOX: You’re not from around here, what are you

looking for?

LITTLE PRINCE: I am looking for the humans here. What does tamed

FOX: Humans... (shivering) Humans are humans. They

have guns, and they hunt things like me. They
also raise chickens, which seems to be their only
interests. Are you looking for chickens too?

LITTLE PRINCE: No. I am looking for friends. But what does tamed

FOX: Tamed It means to establish ties. Tame me, and

you will know what establishing ties mean.

FOX starts to circle around LITTLE PRINCE.

She is still cautious.
Every time LITTLE PRINCE makes one small move, FOX starts to
flinch and turn back to her hiding spot (bushes)

The rest of FOX;s scene is a song.

Verse 1-Chorus:
Song ends.

After the song sequence, LITTLE PRINCE and FOX are sitting
beside each other.
FOX is lying on LITTLE PRINCE’s knees.

FOX: You will go? Do you have to?.

LITTLE PRINCE: Yes, I have to.

FOX: Ah. I shall cry.

LITTLE PRINCE: It’s your own fault. I never wished you any sort
of harm; but you wanted me to tame you…

FOX: Yes, that is so.

LITTLE PRINCE: But now you are going to cry!

FOX sits up slowly and stares at LITTLE PRINCE.

FOX: Yes, that is so.

LITTLE PRINCE: Why do you act so calm about this? You are hurt,
and you’ll get nothing out of me taming you.

FOX: The color of the wheat fields.


FOX: I will think of you when I see the color of the
wheat fields. I will remember your smile when I
see the light of the sun. I will remember our
friendship when I look at everything around us.

LITTLE PRINCE: I can’t understand...

FOX: Right now. You can’t understand right now. But

when you walk away from here, go and look at the
roses again.

FOX: You will see then that your rose is unique

in the entire world. And when you see it, you
will understand my present of a secret.

LITTLE PRINCE: What present?

FOX slowly comes back to where she was hiding earlier.

FOX: Humans have forgotten this truth, but you must

not forget it. You become responsible, forever,
for what you have tamed. Just like how you are
responsible for me, and for the rose you have
left on your planet.

FOX: My dear friend, you must not forget. What is

essential is invisible to the eye.

FOX falls back into the bush and hides from the audience.

Lights will focus on LITTLE PRINCE.

LITTLE PRINCE: What is essential is invisible to the eye...

LITTLE PRINCE’s solo starts.

The fake roses rise up from the bushes again.

Spotlights will be ON and will focus on the roses and on the


Verse 1-Chorus: Insert

LITTLE PRINCE sings and gestures at the roses.

At the end of the song, the lights will slowly dim.

Then spotlight will be only focusing on the LITTLE PRINCE

LITTLE PRINCE: Because she is my rose.

The spotlights shortly turn OFF.

Music stops.

Scene 3: (Pilot/Prince)

Lights will focus on PILOT.

The scene starts in the DESERT again. But this time, there’s a
stone edge (this is where SNAKE will hide the entire time)

PILOT and LITTLE PRINCE stand in the middle of the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE is sitting on the ground, examining the box of

sheep drawing.
PILOT is standing beside him, thinking.

PILOT: Your memories... are very pleasant to hear. You

have been through a lot.

LITTLE PRINCE gazes up at the PILOT.

LITTLE PRINCE: My memories makes it all worth it.

PILOT: And I can carry on your memories with me, too.

Don’t worry, little fellow, the flower that you
love won’t be in danger. I will draw you a muzzle
for your sheep, and give your flower a fence so
she can be protected.

LITTLE PRINCE: Will you keep that promise?

PILOT ruffles LITTLE PRINCE’s hair.

PILOT: Yes, I will keep my promise. Once we find a

spring so we could drink fresh water, I will draw
you the muzzle and the fence.

LITTLE PRINCE slowly stands up.

LITTLE PRINCE: You know, my friend the fox told me-

PILOT: I’m sorry my friend, but this situation has

nothing to do with the fox.

PILOT: Because I am about to die of thirst...

LITTLE PRINCE looks at PILOT before fidgeting with his scarf.

LITTLE PRINCE: It is a good thing to have a friend especially

when one is about to die. I, for instance, am
very glad to have had a fox as a friend...

PILOT sighs but smiles anyway.

PILOT: It must be nice to be free, huh? You must not

realize the danger of being thirsty. Maybe a
little sunlight is enough to make you live for
Eternity, but I need to drink something or else
I’ll die.

LITTLE PRINCE will act a little sad.

LITTLE PRINCE: Actually I’m thirsty too. There’s a well

from there. Can you get us some water?

PILOT: There’s a well?! You should have told me earlier!

PILOT rushes to grab her bottle. She turns to LITTLE PRINCE to

say a rushed goodbye.

PILOT: Stay here. I won’t be too long!

PILOT runs away from the stage.

The lights turn dim.
It will focus on LITTLE PRINCE
and the stone edge on the right side of the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE walks over to the stone edge.

LITTLE PRINCE: I know you’re there, my friend. And I’m here to

ask you a favor.
SNAKE hissing noise.

LITTLE PRINCE: I have found the answers to what I was searching

for. The humans on this planet raise five
thousand roses in the same garden. And still they
don’t find what they are looking for.

LITTLE PRINCE: But I found mine. I found what I needed.

LITTLE PRINCE: What is essential is invisible to the eye.

LITTLE PRINCE: My friend, my first friend.

The lights spread. It will show PILOT who’s closing the bottle
of water at the other side of the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE: You told me you can solve all problems. You told
me you can bring me back to the stars.

PILOT stops in place. She is on the left side of the stage,

while LITTLE PRINCE and the stone edge is on the right.

LITTLE PRINCE: If you can bring me back to the stars, then I’m
asking you a favor. I want to see my rose again.
I want to be near my volcanoes again.
LITTLE PRINCE: So please... don’t make it hurt.

SNAKE’s hand will slowly come out of the stone edge. His hand
will roam near LITTLE PRINCE’s feet.

PILOT drops the bottle of water and rushes to LITTLE PRINCE.

PILOT: What are you doing?! Get away from him!

PILOT shoo’s the SNAKE’s hand, making it disappear back to the

stone edge.


PILOT: Just what were you thinking?! You were talking to

a snake! A dangerous creature!

PILOT tugs LITTLE PRINCE away from the stone edge.

She is visibly scared and angry.

PILOT: And what were you saying? To not make it hurt?!

What are you even planning with a creature such
as that!

LITTLE PRINCE doesn’t protest against PILOT’s hold.

LITTLE PRINCE: You must keep your promise.

PILOT: You are hiding something from me–

LITTLE PRINCE interrupts.

LITTLE PRINCE: You promised to draw a muzzle for my sheep.

PILOT: But that’s not important right now–

LITTLE PRINCE: It is important to me! Haven’t I told you before?
I am responsible for my flower. I need to make
sure she is safe when I come home.

PILOT, angry: And how will you come home?!

LITTLE PRINCE stays silent.

PILOT, serious: How will you come home?


PILOT: Please tell me I was just hearing things. Please

tell me you have another way home–

LITTLE PRINCE: The snake told me he can solve all of my


PILOT: How can a mere snake help you?!–

LITTLE PRINCE: The snake told me he can bring me back to the



LITTLE PRINCE: Tonight will be a year for me. Once the sun drops
from the sky, it will be the anniversary for my
descent to Earth.

LITTLE PRINCE: I’m glad I met you, and my fox, and I’m glad I
was able to get the sheep that you had drawn for

PILOT: It wasn’t a coincidence, was it? When you and I

met here.

LAST SONG starts here.

Verse 1: LITTLE PRINCE narrating his journey with PILOT

Chorus: About
Verse 2: Back and forth answers with LITTLE PRINCE and PILOT


Lights only focuses on LITTLE PRINCE and PILOT

PILOT is now sitting on the stage, her notebook sprawled on the


LITTLE PRINCE is kneeling beside her.

PILOT: You’re unfair, little prince. I don't know how to

draw anything except boa constrictors from the
outside and boa constrictors from the inside.

LITTLE PRINCE: Oh, that’s alright. Children will understand.

PILOT: And grown-ups won’t?

LITTLE PRINCE: And grown-ups won’t.

PILOT and LITTLE PRINCE exchange glances, then both of them

PILOT turns back to drawing on the notebook. She is visibly
unhappy while making a pencil sketch of a muzzle.

PILOT gives LITTLE PRINCE the sketch.

PILOT: Here it is. A muzzle for your sheep. Just like I


LITTLE PRINCE takes the sketch and stares at it. His hand is
trembling slightly.

PILOT: You... you are afraid.

LITTLE PRINCE holds the sketch tightly.

LITTLE PRINCE: I shall be much more afraid this evening…

PILOT: Would it be a bad thing to see you smile again?

LITTLE PRINCE: The thing that is important is the thing

that is not seen.

PILOT: Yes I know.

LITTLE PRINCE: The thing that is important is the thing

that is not seen.

PILOT: Yes I know.

LITTLE PRINCE: It’s the same with the flowers. If you love a
flower on a star, you feel happy when you look at
the night sky.
LITTLE PRINCE: It’s the same with the waters. Because of your
kindness, even when I hid something from
you, the water you gave me was like music. You
remember how good it was, right?

PILOT: Yes, I remember…

LITTLE PRINCE: That’s why you shouldn’t be afraid. At night,

when you look up at the stars, you will learn
that I’ll be there, smiling at the memories we

PILOT: Can you tell me what star you live in? That way,
I’d know where I should look for you.

LITTLE PRINCE: I can’t show it. Where I live, everything is so

small. But I think it’s better like that. If you
don’t know the exact location of my star, then it
will just be one of the stars for you.

LITTLE PRINCE: And so you will love all the stars in

the heavens... because all the stars will remind
you of my star.

PILOT: What’s essential is invisible to the eye...

LITTLE PRINCE- Ending song.

LITTLE PRINCE and PILOT is in the middle of the stage.

LITTLE PRINCE is laying on PILOT’s lap.

LITTLE PRINCE: You know--my flower... I am responsible for

her. And she is so weak! She is so naïve! She has
four thorns that has no use to her, but it’s
there to protect herself.

LITTLE PRINCE: She is so weak. She is so naive… (voice quietens)

LITTLE PRINCE: And she is alone…

LITTLE PRINCE falls limp.

PILOT waits for a few seconds of silence. Then she raises his
hand, and releases it.

When PILOT sees LITTLE PRINCE limp and dead, she screams in

Lights turn off.

Scene 4: (Pilot/Grown-ups)

The scene starts with no more props on the stage.

Lights will shine down on the drawings of sheeps only.

PILOT is narrating behind the stage.

PILOT: Not once did he cry out.

PILOT: When he fell limp into my arms, he accepted it, as if

he was waiting for this moment the day he had decided.

PILOT: Maybe it took me weeks, or maybe it took me months,

I carried him in my arms from day to night.
PILOT: I thought that maybe he would open his eyes and show
that innocent smile of his again, the smile that
me see a part of myself that I hid from everyone.

PILOT: But he never did.

Instrumentals play.

Lights will turn dark.

It will open to PILOT taking up the stage

PILOT: It took me a while before I accepted it but while I

repairing my plane, which I did successfully, I always
found the time to look at the stars.

PILOT: I guess I missed him so much, but I could see the

twinkling, as if it was smiling at me.

PILOT: And then I remembered the secret that the Fox told

PILOT: What’s essential is invisible to the eyes.

PILOT starts to walk forward and addresses the audience.

Lights turn dim.

One STAR starts descending from the stage. It’s the only star
with a light on it.

PILOT: I ask for those who had seen the journey of our little
prince. When you see the stars shining bright at the
night sky– when you see it smiling down at you

PILOT: I ask you to love that star with all of your might.
PILOT: He’s an important friend of mine. The only one who
understand me—- as if he had walked through my mind.

PILOT: These traces of the past makes me feel that he’s still
here. I can still hear his laugh that could rival the
warmth and brightness of the sun.
Lights turn OFF.


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