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Coordination of the IB

Modals of probability: Interpreting Art

Fernando Elizondo 37770
Sophie Robles 37766
Nicole Parra 37643
Carlos Duarte 37577


Tijuana, Baja California February 1st of 2023

What is art?
Art could encompass diverse forms of human expression, ranging from visual arts like
painting, sculpture, and photography, to performing arts such as music, dance, and
theater, as well as literary works including poetry, novels, and essays. It must serve as a
medium through which individuals communicate ideas, emotions, and experiences,
transcending linguistic and cultural barriers to evoke profound responses and
interpretations. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, art must reflect and shape societal values,
beliefs, and perspectives, fostering exploration, reflection, and connection within and
across communities.
1st piece

What ideas were they trying to share? What I noticed at first glance, and what I think
it could be is like a type of fight that is happening because there is a lot of elements, and
there’s not like a main one i could identify, my point about a fight is probably valid,
there’s what I think must be a broken sword in the ground with a hand.
What do they mean? The meaning of the painting might be demonstrating the chaos
that is provoked in a big fight, and all the things that the war does to other people and
so on.
Is it art? Why or why not. It must be art, it has different meanings depending on the
interpretation and I think that’s what art is, either way it's such a cool painting to see and
2nd piece

What ideas were they trying to share? I feel like it may be that each color is a
different emotion, blue = sadness, black = chaos, and many other colors, that's a reason
I think it may be referring to the author's emotions at the time.
What do they mean? They must be referring to the author's emotions, that's the reason
I get.
Is it art? Why or why not. It is art, while I interpret the colors as emotions, some other
people could interpret it as a whole other thing, and I think that’s a beautiful part about

3th piece
What ideas were they trying to share?
They must have been trying to picture a different perspective of a village in the middle of
a shimmery night, something warm and still.
What do they mean?
He must have wanted to showcast the simplicity of the village and the feeling that came
to him, meaning, while it might be inspired by someplace, the painting is still a piece of
Is it art? Why or why not.
It should be considered art because of the technique and change of meaning of the
4th piece

What ideas were they trying to share?

The artist must have wanted to convey deep anguish, sadness but he could also have
wanted to picture a disturbing emotion because of the distorted expression which talks
more about the piece or the artist’s thoughts while making the piece.
What do they mean?
The piece might have a much deeper meaning such as anxiety or something likely to
picture an existential human suffering because of the colors and the landscape.
Is it art? Why or why not.
I could say that for the majority of people we consider it as art and it must be like that
because of its appearance of being a painting but it also might be caused by its
meaning as I mentioned previously.
5th piece

What ideas were they trying to share? The artist probably wanted to show that a
person can change a personality even if their face or actions remain the same, it
must be because of the color changes that the painting presents.
What do they mean?
Is it art? Why or why not.
6th piece
What ideas were they trying to share? They might have wanted to picture a different
and more contemporary view of art as they cut out an image and mix a painting and a
piece used to showcast it.
What do they mean?

Is it art? Why or why not.

It could be, considering all its pictures and the meaning, that it is quite controversial.
Give reasons for your interpretations based on the colors and the general structure of
the piece.
If you know the art, you may use what you know to make interpretations. If you don’t
know the piece, you can’t do research. Focus on what you can perceive only.

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