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The Pyramid of Anubis

Background: The Pyramid of Anubis was once a grand temple dedicated to the worship of the jackal-headed god of
death and mummification. Over the centuries, it has fallen into disrepair, and its dark halls and chambers are now
home to all manner of undead and dangerous creatures.

Goal: The players must descend into the depths of the pyramid to reach the tomb of Anubis and destroy the evil that
lurks within.


Entrance: The players must navigate a series of traps and obstacles to enter the pyramid, including a pit trap and a
wall of fire. They may also have to fight a few undead guardians.

The Hall of Ma'at: This chamber is guarded by a pair of powerful mummies who demand that the players prove their
worthiness by weighing their hearts against the feather of truth. If they fail, they are attacked by the mummies.

The Chamber of Horus: This chamber is guarded by a giant statue of the falcon-headed god, who comes to life and
attacks the players. They must destroy the statue to proceed.

The Tomb of Anubis: The final chamber of the pyramid is guarded by a powerful lich who serves Anubis. The lich
has control over several powerful undead creatures, including mummies and wraiths. The players must defeat the
lich to complete their quest.


Magical Items: The players may find several magical items within the pyramid, including a +1 sword, a potion of
healing, and a wand of fireballs.

Treasure: The tomb of Anubis is said to be filled with treasure, including gold, jewels, and other valuable artifacts.

Experience Points: The players will gain experience points for each encounter they successfully navigate and each
creature they defeat.

Of course, this is just a rough outline, and you can feel free to modify it or add more detail as you see fit. But I hope
this gives you a good starting point for your D&D 5e pyramid dungeon!

The Pyramid of Ra


The Pyramid of Ra is an ancient structure buried deep in the desert sands. It is said to contain great
treasures and artifacts dedicated to the god Ra. However, the pyramid is also guarded by powerful
creatures and traps, making it a dangerous place for any adventurer.


The entrance to the pyramid is hidden beneath the sand and can only be accessed by a narrow staircase
leading down into the pyramid. As the players descend, they will begin to hear whispers and strange
sounds echoing through the halls.
Encounter 1: The Guardian

As the players make their way down the staircase, they will encounter the first guardian of the pyramid - a
mummy. The mummy is a powerful undead creature, and it will attack the players on sight. Once the
players have defeated the mummy, they can continue down the stairs.

Encounter 2: The Corridor of Blades

The next challenge the players will face is a long corridor lined with razor-sharp blades. The blades move
back and forth, creating a deadly obstacle course. The players will need to use their agility and quick
thinking to avoid the blades and make it to the other end of the corridor.

Encounter 3: The Puzzle Room

The third encounter is a room filled with complex puzzles and riddles. The players will need to use their
intelligence and problem-solving skills to solve the puzzles and unlock the door to the next room.

Encounter 4: The Serpent Guardian

As the players enter the next room, they will come face to face

Welcome to the Pyramid of the Egyptian Gods! This ancient structure is said to house untold riches and artifacts,
but beware, for it is also protected by powerful traps, guardians, and riddles. Your players will need all their wits and
strength to survive and claim their rewards. Here is a layout for the pyramid, complete with challenges and dangers:

Entrance Hall: The players enter a large room with walls adorned with hieroglyphics depicting the gods of Egypt.
There is a large statue of Anubis, the god of the dead, in the center of the room. Suddenly, the doors slam shut and
a voice booms out, "Only those who prove themselves worthy may enter the inner sanctum."
Challenge: The players must recite a prayer to Anubis, which they can find on a nearby scroll. This will open the
doors to the next room.

The Corridor of Blades: The players enter a narrow hallway with razor-sharp blades swinging back and forth. They
must dodge and weave their way through to avoid getting sliced.
Challenge: The players must make a Dexterity check to dodge the blades. If they fail, they take damage.

The Tomb of Osiris: The players enter a chamber filled with sarcophagi and statues of Osiris, the god of the afterlife.
Suddenly, a mummy rises from its tomb and attacks!
Monster: Mummy

The Room of Puzzles: The players enter a room with a large mural on the wall depicting the gods of Egypt. There
are four pressure plates on the ground, each with a symbol of a god. The players must step on the plates in the
correct order to proceed.
Challenge: The players must decipher the correct order by reading the hieroglyphics on the mural.

The Chamber of Serpents: The players enter a room filled with snakes. There are also two large statues of the
goddess Wadjet, who is associated with snakes.
Challenge: The players must make a Wisdom check to avoid being charmed by the snakes. If they fail, they will be
compelled to approach the statues.

The Hall of Ancestors: The players enter a room with dozens of mummies and skeletons lining the walls. Suddenly,
they animate and attack!
Monsters: Skeletons and Mummies
The Puzzle of the Sphinx: The players enter a room with a large statue of a sphinx. The sphinx speaks and poses a
riddle to the players.
Challenge: The players must solve the riddle to proceed. Failure results in the sphinx attacking.

The Chamber of Ra: The players enter a room with a large statue of Ra, the sun god. Suddenly, the room begins to
fill with scorching hot sunlight.
Challenge: The players must find a way to extinguish the light source before they are burned to a crisp.

The Room of Shadows: The players enter a room filled with shadows. There is a statue of Ma'at, the goddess of
truth and balance, in the center of the room.
Challenge: The players must use light sources to dispel the shadows and reveal hidden symbols on the walls. They
must then use these symbols to unlock the next room.

The Inner Sanctum: The players enter the final room, where they find a large treasure trove. However, the god Set
appears and demands that they prove their worth one final time.
Challenge: The players must defeat Set in combat to claim their rewards.

Monster: Set, god of chaos and storms

Congratulations, you have completed the Pyramid of the Egyptian Gods!

Room 1: Entrance Hall

As you enter the pyramid, you find yourself in a large room with a high ceiling. The walls are covered in intricate
carvings of the gods Sobek, Bastet, Osiris, and Sekhmet. The floor is covered in sand, and you can see a large door
at the other end of the room.

Room 2: The Guardian's Tomb

As you approach the door, you notice two statues of the god Sobek on either side of it. Suddenly, the statues come
to life, and you find yourselves facing two large crocodile-headed guardians. Defeat them to move on.

Room 3: The Water Puzzle

You enter a room with a large pool of water in the center. On the far wall, you can see a carving of the goddess
Bastet. You must find a way to drain the water and reveal the hidden passage behind the statue.

Room 4: The Hall of Traps

As you enter this room, you notice pressure plates on the floor. You must navigate through a series of traps,
including swinging blades, falling rocks, and poison darts, to reach the other side.

Room 5: The Mummy's Tomb

You enter a room with a sarcophagus in the center. As you approach it, you hear a faint whispering. Suddenly, the
mummy inside the sarcophagus comes to life and attacks you.

Room 6: The Puzzle of the Spheres

In this room, you see several colored spheres on pedestals. You must move the spheres to their corresponding
colored pedestals to unlock the door.

Room 7: The Hall of Mirrors

As you enter this room, you see mirrors covering every wall. You must navigate through the hall, avoiding traps and
finding the correct path to the other side.

Room 8: The Offering Room

In this room, you see a statue of the god Osiris holding out his hand. You must offer the correct items to the statue
to unlock the door.
Room 9: The Cat's Chamber
As you enter this room, you see several statues of the goddess Bastet. Suddenly, you hear a loud meowing, and
several large cats attack you.

Room 10: The Final Chamber

As you enter this room, you see a large statue of the goddess Sekhmet. Suddenly, the statue comes to life, and you
find yourselves facing the final boss. Defeat her to complete the pyramid.

Congratulations, adventurers! You have successfully navigated through the pyramid dedicated to the gods Sobek,
Bastet, Osiris, and Sekhmet.

Room 1: Entrance Hall

As you enter the pyramid, you find yourself in a large hall with statues of Sobek lining the walls. A riddle is
inscribed on the wall in front of you:

"I am not alive, but I grow;

I don't have lungs, but I need air;
I don't have a mouth, but I need water to live.

What am I?"

The answer is "fire." Once the riddle is solved, the door to the next room opens.

Room 2: The Crocodile Pit

As you enter this room, you notice a deep pit in the center filled with water. You can hear the sound of
crocodiles splashing around in the water below. The door behind you shuts and locks. The only way
forward is across the pit. You must use your wits to cross without falling in and becoming a crocodile's

Room 3: The Puzzle Room

In this room, you find a puzzle on the floor. The puzzle is a series of tiles with different symbols on them.
You must arrange the tiles in the correct order to open the door to the next room. The symbols are related
to Sobek and the Nile.

Room 4: The Hall of Mummies

This room is filled with mummies of ancient warriors. They are armed and ready to defend the pyramid.
You must defeat them to proceed.

Room 5: The Sand Trap

As you enter this room, the floor begins to give way beneath your feet. You must quickly jump from one
platform to another to avoid falling into the sand trap below. If you fall in, you will be buried alive.

Room 6: The Chamber of Sobek

In this room, you find a large statue of Sobek. You must offer him a gift to proceed. The gift must be
something that represents the Nile or Sobek himself.
Room 7: The Hall of Mirrors

This room is filled with mirrors that reflect your image back at you. You must navigate through the room
without becoming disoriented and losing your way.

Room 8: The Secret Door

In this room, you must find the hidden door that leads to the treasure room. The clues to finding the door
are hidden in the hieroglyphics on the walls.

Room 9: The Treasure Room

You have finally reached the treasure room. It is filled with gold, jewels, and ancient artifacts. But beware,
the room is also guarded by the most powerful mummy in the pyramid. You must defeat him to claim the

Room 10: The Escape

You have the treasure, but now you must escape the pyramid. The exit is guarded by a trap that will seal
the entrance shut forever. You must disable the trap before you can leave.

Good luck adventurers, and may the gods of the Nile guide you on your journey through the Pyramid of

Welcome to the Pyramid of Sobek, a D&D 5e dungeon set in the heart of the desert. As the players approach the
pyramid, they can feel a sense of foreboding emanating from its walls. Inside, they will face challenges that will test
their mettle, as they search for the treasures hidden within.

Room 1: Entrance Hall

As the players enter the pyramid, they find themselves in a large, empty room. In front of them is a set of stairs
leading down. However, they notice that the stairs are covered in sand, and as they step on them, they trigger a
trap. The sand gives way, causing the players to fall into a pit filled with spikes. The players will need to use their
wits to avoid the trap and make it to the other side.

Room 2: Crocodile Pool

As the players make their way down the stairs, they find themselves in a room filled with water. In the center of the
room is a large pool, and in the pool, there are several crocodiles. The players will need to find a way to cross the
pool without being attacked by the crocodiles. They may be able to use the pillars in the room as a bridge, but they
will need to be careful not to fall into the water.

Room 3: Statue Room

In this room, the players find several statues of the god Sobek. The statues are positioned in such a way that they
seem to be pointing in different directions. The players will need to decipher the clues hidden in the room to
determine the correct path to take.

Room 4: Sand Room

This room is filled with sand. The players will need to use their strength to move through the sand and reach the
door on the other side of the room. However, as they move through the sand, they trigger a trap that causes sand to
fall from the ceiling, burying the players. They will need to use their skills to dig themselves out of the sand and
continue on.

Room 5: Hieroglyph Room

In this room, the players find a set of hieroglyphs on the wall. The hieroglyphs contain clues to the puzzles in the
next room. The players will need to decipher the hieroglyphs and use the clues to solve the puzzles.

Room 6: Puzzle Room

This room is filled with puzzles. The players will need to use the clues from the hieroglyphs to solve the puzzles and
unlock the door to the next room. The puzzles may include sliding tiles, matching symbols, and manipulating levers.

Room 7: Mummy Room

In this room, the players face off against a group of mummies. The mummies are slow, but they are tough and can
take a lot of damage. The players will need to use their skills and weapons to defeat the mummies.

Room 8: Obstacle Course

This room is an obstacle course that the players will need to navigate. The obstacles may include swinging blades,
falling rocks, and collapsing floors. The players will need to be quick and agile to make it through the course.

Room 9: Treasure Room

In this room, the players find the treasure they have been searching for. However, the treasure is guarded by a
group of monsters. The players will need to defeat the monsters to claim the treasure.

Room 10: Final Boss Room

In the final room, the players face off against the guardian of the pyramid, a giant crocodile. The crocodile is tough
and can deal a lot of damage, but it is slow and can be outmaneuvered. The players will need to use all of their skills
and abilities to defeat the crocodile and emerge victorious.

That concludes the Pyramid of Sobek

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