Lyric Poetry

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Name: ______________________________ Class: ____ Date: ____________________

Lyric Poetry….Your Way


Your mission, should you choose to accept it (really, you’re still in school….you have to
accept it) is to go on the internet, and find the lyrics to a song that really speaks to you.
The song has to have some sort of message. The lyrics must be (mostly) appropriate, and
should talk about a more serious subject.

Once you have found this song, you are to copy and paste it into a word document. Make
sure you have the title of the song and who sings it. Print it off.

After you have done that, do the following:

1. Define any words you do not know-make sure you write them down.
2. Paraphrase the stanzas.
3. Identify the Speaker
4. Identify the Tone
5. Identify the Mood
6. Give the overall message or theme of the song.
7. Lastly, in a paragraph or two, tell me why this song is meaningful for you.
What do you like about it? When did you first hear it? Why choose this
particular song?

HAND IT IN!!! You will have two days to finish this, so make it good! (It will also be
evaluation…boost your mark anyone?)


Song / 1
Paraphrase / 2
Speaker / 2
Tone/Mood / 4
Theme / 2
Personal Response / 4

TOTAL / 15

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