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One For All



JAPANESE NAME ワン・フォー・オール



USER Yoichi Shigaraki


Second user

Third user

Hikage Shinomori

Daigoro Banjo


Nana Shimura

Toshinori Yagi

Izuku Midoriya
Katsuki Bakugo


QUIRK RANGE Melee and long-range




Episode 2 (Named)


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Tomura Shig… Hikage Shino… En

The %rst person cultivates the power, and
then passes it on to another. The next
re%nes it and passes it on again. In this way,
those crying out to be saved and those with
brave and true hearts link to form a
crystalline network of power!



One For All (ワン・フォー・オール, Wan Fō

Ōru?) is the transferable Quirk that is possessed
by its ninth and current host, Izuku Midoriya.

In the past, it was originally used by Yoichi

Shigaraki, and later, its other previous hosts: two
unnamed users, Hikage Shinomori, Daigoro
Banjo, En, Nana Shimura, and Toshinori Yagi.[1] It
was also brieJy used by Katsuki Bakugo.[2]



The origin of One For All.

Long ago, All For One, a man with a Quirk that

allows him to steal other people's Quirks and
transfer them to others, forced a Quirk on his
seemingly Quirkless younger brother, Yoichi. This
Quirk allowed him to stockpile power within his
body. However, unbeknownst to either of them,
Yoichi already had a Quirk with no other ability
than to transfer it to another person. The
transference Quirk and the power stockpiling
Quirk merged to form One For All.[3]

After discovering this about his newly developed

power, Yoichi tried to defeat All For One due to
his strong sense of justice, but given the
massive diQerence in their strength, he failed.
He decided to entrust the Quirk to future
generations of Heroes, hoping that they would
be able to cultivate One For All and one day put
a stop to All For One. He passed it on to the
Second User, a resistance leader who had
helped free him from the prison cell where his
brother was keeping him.

The fourth, Sfth, and sixth users passing down One For All.

All For One sought out One For All, and as a

result, almost all of the users of One For All
fought him and were killed by his hand, but not
before they each had the chance to pass on the
Quirk to a successor so that it could reach the
future and elude the villain.[4] The fourth user,
Hikage, believed that he would not be able to
defeat All For One and decided to use his "turn"
with One For All to seclude himself and train the
Quirk to be as strong as possible. However, after
eighteen years, his body unexpectedly started
to deteriorate. Though he blamed it on an
unknown disease at the time, in reality,
possessing One For All and his original Quirk had
dramatically shortened his lifespan, forcing him
to pass it on shortly before dying. All For One
attempted to steal One For All twice, Srst from
the Sfth user, Daigoro, and then from the sixth,
En, but failed both times. This failure was
because the Symbol of Evil couldn't muster the
hatred to overcome the fragments of the
wielders' consciousness.

The seventh user, Nana, was the last holder

killed by his hand, while her apprentice and heir
to One For All, Toshinori, fought All For One
twice, winning both battles but suQering
signiScant injuries in the process. Despite his
injuries and the pleading of his friend/sidekick,
Sir Nighteye, Toshinori continued Sghting for
another six years before picking a successor,
putting the Symbol of Piece's tenure as One For
All's wielder at 40 years.

After much deliberation in choosing a successor

and being scheduled to teach at U.A., which
would help Toshinori Snd one, he encounters
Izuku, a Quirkless boy just like he was. Impressed
with Izuku's drive to become a hero and his
selJess spirit, Toshinori chooses him to become
the ninth and current wielder.

While the Quirk was initially perceived as

primarily a source of tremendous power, things
started to change as Izuku became more
accustomed to the Quirk, and it reached the
"point of singularity". Not only did the
consciousnesses of the previous users gain a
more physical form within a vestige realm that
could communicate with each other and Izuku,
when prior they were only echoes seen in
dreams, but also the Quirks of the predecessors
emerged from One For All's core, allowing Izuku
to use them.

This sudden growth led to Toshinori researching

the users' past to Snd any information to aid
Izuku. It was here when he discovered the
autopsy behind Hikage's death, and while he
was unsure about it at the time, Toshinori
speculated that he'd been able to continue
using One For All for so long because, unlike
most of its other wielders, he was Quirkless.

Due to this revelation, according to Yoichi, Izuku

might be the last user of One For All, as it can
only be handled by someone who was originally
Quirkless, considering said population has
dramatically decreased through the generations.
The Quirk has been passed down through nine
generations, growing stronger. Currently, One
For All is one of the most powerful Quirks in
existence; however, it proves very di]cult to
master fully.

Willpower of the past holders standing against All For One.

To steal One For All, All For One decided he

needed someone with highly malicious intent,
powerful enough to overpower the will of both
the wielder and the other consciousnesses
within One For All. He groomed Tomura Shigaraki
for that purpose and Slled him with hatred. Then,
All For One transplanted his original Quirk onto
Tomura and seized control of the younger villain.
Using Tomura's will, All For One attempted to
steal One For All from Izuku but was thwarted by
Yoichi and Nana. Knowing that Tomura's body
was still incomplete, All For One retreated and
began to wait for its completion.

Very few were informed of One For All's true

nature, fearing what villains would do if they
found out that the world's most powerful Quirk
could be transferred, as well as discourse
among fellow heroes and the general public.
Before the start of the series, other than the
users, All For One, and his conSdant Kyudai
Garaki, the only known people who knew the
truth were Nana's partner Gran Torino,
Toshinori's sidekick Sir Nighteye, U.A. staQ
Principal Nezu and Recovery Girl, and police
detective Naomasa Tsukauchi. After Izuku nearly
gave away the secret to Katsuki Bakugo out of
guilt, the latter managed to deduce most of the
truth, with the rest explained to him by

However, after the Paranormal Liberation War,

the name of "One For All" was leaked to the
public when people overheard Endeavor
mentioning it during his Sght with Tomura.
Initially unaware of what it meant, people were
able to piece together that it is related to All For
One due to the similar name.[5]

In the aftermath of the War, Toshinori was

confronted by Best Jeanist and Hawks about
One For All and how it was connected to Tomura
chasing after Izuku during the battle, so
Toshinori discloses everything to Endeavor,
Hawks, and Best Jeanist. Izuku and Toshinori
also proceed to reveal the truth to Izuku's
mother, Inko, and Izuku himself writes
personalized letters to each of his classmates in
Class 1-A about the secret before leaving U.A.

At a press conference, Endeavor, along with

Hawks and Best Jeanist, deny knowing anything
about One For All to protect Toshinori and Izuku,
[6] however, the public continued to question the
heroes, as more information started to leak out.
While unaware of its transferable origins, many
civilians have deduced that One For All is an
extraordinary power that Izuku possesses, which
is why Tomura is targeting him; this is then
conSrmed to the civilians seeking sanctuary at
U.A. High School. Most of the signiScant Heroes
now know the truth, as they use this knowledge
in their planning for the Final War to defeat the
Villains for good.

Due to the relationship between One For All and

All For One, Izuku is given the primary role in
directly dealing with Tomura and All For One's
vestige, having trained and mastered the Quirk
enough to unlock all the Quirks of the users and
use their power to achieve an equivalent of 120%
of One For All's power. It has become so
powerful it helped disrupt All For One's forceful
merger with Tomura, allowing him to strike back
at his master and attain full use of the All For
One Quirk itself. Proclaiming he does not need
One For All, Tomura's goals fully diverge from his
master as he proceeds to face down Izuku to
destroy him and his Quirk for good, aiming to
remove the one person capable of halting his
quest for global annihilation.



One For All is a transferable Quirk that can be

passed on from one user to the next.[1] Its name
comes from its nature: being 'one' Quirk for 'all'
people. For the Quirk to be transferred, the
recipient must ingest a sample of the
predecessor's DNA (ex: a strand of hair or a drop
of blood).

The origin of One For All is itself a powerful will

that refused to submit to All For One. For this
reason, One For All cannot be stolen by any
means. The Quirk can only be transferred to
another person if the current wielder intends to
pass it on, as demonstrated when Stain
ingested some of Izuku's blood but did not
inherit the Quirk. However, according to All
Might, while One For All cannot be stolen, it can
be forcibly transferred, as the recipient need not
agree to inherit the Quirk in the Srst place.[3]
Since One For All can't be forcibly taken, it is one
of the only Quirks that can be used in combat
against All For One, as any user of All For One
would be able to steal most other Quirks.

Izuku using One For All to destroy a giant robot with only one

One For All also allows the user to stockpile an

enormous amount of raw power, allowing them
to signiScantly enhance their physical abilities to
a superhuman level, resulting in unbelievable
strength, speed, agility, and durability.

The user can focus the stockpiled power into a

single body part or spread it evenly throughout
their body, although focusing the energy puts a
tremendous strain on the part of the body
where the power is concentrated. The user can
also control the percentage of the power they
activate. One For All can even grant the user an
exceptional strength boost to their given Quirk if
they have one.

The core of One For All has grown in strength

from being passed from user to user, and the
Quirk Factors of all of the previous users have
merged into the core. The current user, Izuku
Midoriya, can access the Quirks of the previous
One For All users. The Quirks have signiScantly
strengthened since their original users used
them due to the nature of One For All's core
stockpiling power and rising force from user to

Izuku feels the previous users of One For All.

In addition to the Quirk Factors merging with the

core, One For All carries "shades", or vestiges, of
all previous users. Within One For All is a
subconscious realm where the prior users can
manifest, as fragments of their very
consciousnesses are engraved into One For All.
[7] Originally, according to All For One, like organs
and cells, Quirk Factors were said to contain the
raw spirits, or the "individuality", of their users,
which is then merged into One For All;[8]
however, the validity of this statement is
brought into question by Yoichi, using the
Quirkless Toshinori as counterevidence.[7]
Initially, the "vestiges" are merely masses of light
that vaguely resemble their templates. However,
upon the template's death, the said vestige
becomes solid and conscious, able to converse
with the other vestiges and current wielder of
One For All. It was initially believed that these
"vestiges" can only be embedded into One For
All if the user possesses a Quirk; however,
Toshinori proved this to be false since he didn't
have a Quirk or a Quirk Factor to have his
consciousness copied into, Toshinori instead
was able to imbue a piece of his consciousness
inside of One For All. This embedment allows the
fragment conscious to fully interact with the
other users and shares with them everything
the real Toshinori knows, which is how the other
vestiges were able to learn about the life-
shortening side-eQect of One For All on those
who already wielded their own personal Quirk.[7]

Vestiges of the previous One For All users.

The subconscious realm within One For All was

originally a barren landscape surrounded by
darkness, and vestiges of the previous holders
could only share brief visions with one another.
However, after Tomura and All For One
attempted to steal One For All, they drew the
vestiges out by sheer force, stabilizing the
traces within and allowing the current and
previous users of One For All to communicate
freely. The realm took the form of the ruins of a
conference room with chairs, one for each
holder, though the second and third users
initially chose not to sit and stand in the corner
with their backs turned. The realm resembles
the room where Yoichi was locked away by All
For One, where the stockpiling Quirk was forced
on him, and where the Second and Third users
eventually rescued him, the birthplace of One
For All. It also seems to have some connection
to One For All's counterpart Quirk, All For One.[9]

After being stabilized, the previous users can

now fully interact with Izuku whenever they
wish, freely manifesting as spirits to give Izuku
advice on their Quirks and how to use them
best.[10] It is also suggested that One For All has
a phenomenal ability to allow users to sense
other predecessors when they had the Quirk, as
if they had a telepathic link to the deceased or
former users within the subconscious realm,
even long after their deaths, such as All Might
sensing the other users, as well as himself,
within Izuku despite giving up his Quirk.[7] Izuku
felt the wary dangers of Tomura being usurped
by All For One, and his crying self deep within
the psyche and desired to save him in some
way, and Nana and the other former users were
able to telepathically sense these emotions
because they are now synched with him inside
of One For All.[11] Furthermore, since One For All
and All For One are counterparts to each other,
the vestiges of the previous users resonate with
the other Quirk and can peer into each other's
inner workings, as shown when the earlier users
of One For All were able to see All For One within
Tomura during their subsequent encounter, and
vice versa.[12]

One For All draws power from the cries of help of

those in need, as they are like a direct order to
the user.[13] It alters the user's appearance
diQerently. For All Might, it signiScantly enlarges
his muscles and overall body mass to make him
look like a completely diQerent person, similar to
a giant. For Izuku, using One For All causes the
empowered part of his body to glow, with vein-
like lines crossing through each other. His body
also generates crackling, green energy that
resembles lightning bolts when he activates
"Full Cowl". However, it is still being determined
what the usage appearance of One For All
looked like for its previous handlers.
Occasionally, while drawing on One For All
heavily, a visualization will be shown of the
power passing between users, represented as
glowing sparks.

One For All itself can be duplicated, but since it

is an accumulation-type Quirk, the power stored
inside cannot be reproduced as shown when
Neito Monoma did not gain any substantial
increase in strength after copying it.[14]


Izuku training to handle the extreme power of One For All.

When One For All is transferred, the new user's

body is not naturally suited to it as they usually
would be with a Quirk they were born with (ex:
someone who breathes Sre doesn't burn their
mouth while using their ability). In addition, One
For All is a lot to handle; if one's body can't take
the power, then one's body could be blown
apart. Because of this, the successor must
undergo intense and rigorous physical training.

Even after inheriting the Quirk, it takes time for

the new user to adjust to One For All and learn

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