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La Niña

what is it?

What happens?
During La Niña strong winds push warm
water towards Asia, upwelling
increases off the west coast of
America. So, cold nutrient water rises
to the surface in the Pacific, which
pushes the jet stream northward.

Significant events
from 2010-2012 there was significant
flooding as the result from a La Niña

They occur every two to seven years
for a time period of nine to twelve
months but may last for years.

Future events
Currently La Niña has ended but there is
a 50/50 chance that it could return by
summer 2022.

When do they occur

La Niña occurs during the beginning
of Autumn and reaches its peak
during late autumn or winter.
El Niño
El Niño refers to the intense warming of the central and eastern
tropical pacific ocean. Which then causes' a change in the weather
patterns, to increase the heat in the pacific.

Food insecurity, droughts, flooding,
rise of temperatures and diseases are
all associated to El Niño.


Australia's two warmest years for daytime

temperatures in winter were 2009 and 2002,
also spring 2006 and 2002, and summer 1982–
83 and 1997–98 all occurred during an El Niño.

how long does it last

They occur every two to seven years
for a time period of nine to twelve
months but may last for years.

Future events
At the end of 2023 there is an 80%
chance of an El Niño event occurring.
It will form summer 2024 and the
temperature will have risen 0.6 ° C by
march 2024.

When do they occur

An El Niño occurs when surface

water in the Pacific becomes warmer
than average and east winds blow
weaker than normal.

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