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S2 Homework – Copyright

Katherine Figlie Macedo Jorge

1. What is your definition of copyright?

In my understanding, copyright is like a protective shield for creators. It's this legal

thing that says, "Hey, I made this cool thing, and I get to decide who gets to use it

and how." It's like claiming ownership over your creative baby, making sure others

can't just snatch it up without permission. Copyright gives you the exclusive rights

to say, "This is mine, hands off!" But the lecture made me realize that there are

rules and exceptions to keep the creative world spinning.

2. How would you change it, or would you?

In my opinion, the current copyright system is somewhat severe. While I recognize

the need of providing artists with proper recognition and protection for their works,

there seems to be a potential barrier to the free flow of creativity. The principle of

Fair Use, as discussed in the lecture, is admirable, but I believe there is need for

more flexibility to fit the changing world of digital sharing and remixing. A modest

adjust to the existing system could be advantageous, ensuring that artists' rights are

protected while not limiting the dynamic character of creative expression in the

digital age.
3. Why would you change it.

I'd consider changing the copyright settings since the world has changed. With

everything getting digital and everyone being so into sharing and remixing, the

current norms can feel a little bit outdated. I understand that artists deserve

recognition, but there is also a whole new way we create and collaborate now that

has increased its popularity after TikTok and short videos came to our lives.

I'd change it to adapt, not to undermine artists, but to allow this new wave of

creativity ride of innovation to flow without feeling like you're constantly watching

your back for copyright agents. It's about finding that sweet spot where artists get

their fair share yet everyone can play in the same sandbox without too many


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