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An Alliance Support System For Anyone (Short Version) By Lucus


I believe the goal of the Alliance is to eventually make the UAP subject become excepted
globally in a credible way so they could come openly to Earth and invite Earth to join
their group. The evil Omegans who are parasitic imperialist rebels from peaceful
Confederation worlds have infiltrated the Earth like a parasite infiltrates and manipulates
its host. The Omegans have largely infiltrated the military (Please see ‘Project Terra
Status Report’ and ‘An Overview of the Omegan Situation’ from the excellent TerraKor
Files site) and planed to use the Earth military to attack peaceful groups including the

The Alliance has successfully trapped the Omegans into what I call a M-T-C cycle.
Undercover Omegan operatives behind the scenes influence the Pentagon and other
military organizations. Undercover Alliance operatives behind the scenes have influence
in the Congress and other areas.

The Alliance has put the Pentagon and other corrupt government groups into a situation
of being discredited (Manipulate), the more the Pentagon spokes people or other military
spokesperson lie or get caught in lies or corruption the more they are trapped because
they further discredit themselves (Trap), and the more they discredited the more their
image can be controlled (Control) to the benefit of the Alliance. The Alliance can use the
Congress to show the UAP movement is on the side of the people which it is. The
Alliance is on the side of the people, the Omegans are on the side of galactic parasitic

An Alliance Support System for Anyone:

While we cannot hope to defeat the Omegan’s through physical combat, (anyone who
tries so will die) anyone can help the Alliance indirectly to be more successful in trapping
the Omegan’s in an MTC cycle. Here is one way to do so:

A: Support politicians, credible scientists, news organizations like NewsNation and the
Hill and series like the Chosen that encourage the teachings of Jesus because the
teachings of Jesus are closest to the teachings of the universe. (Please see the excellent
‘The Arkay Files’ from the TerraKor Files site.)

B: Do prayer and meditation. Science show both remote prayer and meditation can have
an influence on people even at remote distances. Please see the study: ‘Does prayer
influence the success of in vitro fertilization-embryo transfer? Report of a masked,
randomized trial’ K Y Cha et al. J Reprod Med. 2001 Sep. and the study from the U.S.
Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs: ‘Transcendental Meditation Program
and Crime Rate Change in a Sample of Forty-Eight Cities’ (From Journal of Criminal
Justice, Volume 4, P 25-45, 1981, Sloan T Letman, ed.) NCJ Number 85219. M C
Dillbeck; G Landrith; D W Orme-Johnson Date Published 1981. On bad days try to
increase your breathing, relaxation, prayer, and meditation even more. This will help to
keep you free of the Omegan parasitic influence especially if you are a targeted
individual who is being harassed by undercover Omegans using directed energy weapons
and gangstalking.

C: While not getting directly involved in people’s lives due to their Non-Interference
Directive, the Confederation brothers do have registering discs to read thoughts and they
do help with incarnating people into their worlds with their memory intact in their next
life (please see: ‘Inside the Spaceships’ by Adamski) with their soul transfer machines
(please see: ‘From Threads of Light To You’ by Menger) This is useful so anyone can be
friends with the Alliance in the next life and support and work with them. I used to
recommend getting in contact with undercover Confederation operatives, however it
turned out to be dangerous because in my case they turned out to be undercover Omegans
therefore proving brother Bob’s theory correct that the undercover Omegans are indeed
posing as undercover Confederation operatives in order to discredit them (please see:
‘Questions & Answers – 20080907’ from the TerraKor Files site). Also the real
Confederation does not come from Venus or other local planets that was memory
manipulation against Adamski and others by the Omegans to discredit their message
(please see: Spurious Contacts Files from the TerraKor Files site). In my humble opinion
the Confederation represents God’s Mercy, the Alliance represents God’s Justice, and the
Earth people represent God’s Faith as represented in Mathew 23:23.

D: Practice brother Arkay’s excellent advice as can be found in ‘The Arkay Files: The
Birth of the Alliance’ (I recommend you check it out and read what brother Arkay says)
which is similar to Romans 5:3-5: “…suffering produces endurance, and endurance
produces character…” to stay positive in negative situations. More good advice comes
from brother Darrin-Sen who states with understanding of the current situation on Earth
to do our best to be positive while acknowledging from ‘Questions From A
Correspondent’ from the TerraKor Files’: “The gentlest man cannot live in peace if it
does not please his wicked neighbor."

The more prayer and meditation we do the more it scientifically supports the Alliance a
little bit more and their operations run a little bit smoother in trapping the Omegans in
what I call a M-T-C cycle.

I personally know the Alliance are involved with the UAP movement behind the scenes.
How I know who is involved from the Alliance I will never exactly reveal however
anyone can read between the lines in the news of the day as brother Bob says in ‘An
Overview of the Omegan Situation’ to see the conflict between the Omegans and the
Alliance and the influence of both groups behind the scenes.

Permission to post links to the TerraKor Files granted by brother Bob during message
communication on the now closed TerraKor Files guest book in 4-21-2018.

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