Tugas M12 Muhammad Sofyan

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NAMA : Muhammad Sofyan

NIM : 230512601004


Underline the subjects once and verbs twice. Correct the capitalization of nouns if needed. Your answers
should be collected on 4 December. Please answer by using any color ink but black. (TIDAK BOLEH

1. The overturned truck blocked both lanes.

2. He appears to be deep in thought.

3. The Metropolitan Museum of Art is a New York city landmark.

4. She will fly part of the way and then drive fifty kilometers to get there.

5. Honesty is the best policy.

6. (You) Get over here quickly!

7. From the bottom of the cave, the stalagmites rose ten feet high.

8. Through the mist, the bridge appeared.

9. I will just be watching the Boston Marathon, but my wife will be running in it,

10. Behind the door is a coat rack.

11. Joe has been helping out with the chores.

12. He should have been more gracious.

13. He depends on her in times of need.

14. (You) Watch your step.

15. The insurance agent gave her sound advice.

16. On the table was her purse.

17. In the newspaper, an interesting article appeared.

18. (You) Look before your leap.

19. Across the road lived her boyfriend.

20. We are forced to inhale and exhale this smog-filled air.

21. In the gutter, I found a shiny new dime.

22. Around every cloud is a silver lining.

23. How long have you been living in new Delhi?

24. They must have given up eventually.

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