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NAME : Muhammad Sofyan

NIM : 230512601004
NAME : Muh.Syahril Aditiya Gusnadi
NIM : 230512600018


Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. If the subjects and verbs do not agree, change the
verbs to match the subjects. If the sentence is correct, just write CORRECT at the end of the sentence.

Example : Willar and his sister is going for a long hike.

Correction : Willard and his sister are going for a long hike.

1. That pack of lies is not going to cause me to change my mind.

2. My favorite team’s colors are orange and black. (CORRECT)
3. Here are two more factors to consider.
4. Neither the rain nor the darkness is going to stop me
5. My staff believes in providing high-quality service.(CORRECT)
6. This is one if the things that bothers me about grammar.(CORRECT)
7. Mary Low asked that he take out the trash.(CORRECT)
8. Either the bikes or the lawn mower goes in that space
9. Oh my, there are not enough desserts for everyone
10. The bag of toys is going to needs family.
11. Neither my brother nor my sister-in-law is taking Mom to the doctor.
12. The conductor, as well as the musicians, is taking the stage (CORRECT)
13. A majority of the community support lower speed limits.
14. My whole family are vacationing in Baja California this winter.
15. Did he say sixty dollars is the cost of going to the ball game?
16. The distance alone, besides the costs involved, is too great to consider moving. (CORRECT)
17. Law and order are the principle he based his campaign on.
18. There a lots of food left.
19. There are a lots of people here.
20. If it was up to me, we would leave earlier in the morning.
21. One in three stressed Americans cope by shopping.(CORRECT)
22. Four years is considered the normal amount of time to earn a bachelor’s degree.(CORRECT)
23. Al and Weli go to the beach to surf with their friends.(CORRECT)
24. If our staff members keep picking at each other, we will not meet our goals. (CORRECT)
25. A lot of things she said were the truth.
26. My problem, which is minor in comparison with others, exists because I dropped out of high
school. (CORRECT)
27. Most of my savings are invested in real estate.
28. She’s one of those professionals who really pays attention.(CORRECT)
29. Some of my goals have yet to be met.
30. All of my goals are being met and surpassed.(CORRECT)
31. None of this is your business.(CORRECT)
32. Nervousness, not to mention lack of sleep, contributes to poor performance. (CORRECT)
33. One-third of the city is experiencing a blackout tonight.
34. One-third of the people are suffering.(CORRECT)
35. The next thing I heard was two shots.
36. Ladies and gentlemen, here are Anne and Tom. (CORRECT)
37. Neither Darren nor Blake is capable of such a crime.
38. Eighty miles on one charge is the maximum range for my electric car. (CORRECT)
39. I wish it were summer and time for vacation. (CORRECT)
40. Her attitude is one of the things that are different.

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