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Settings: House of Kyla's Grandmother, Kyla's Street

Plot: Kyla just woke up; her parents are always busy. She posted about her birthday on
the internet and was seen by her two friends who asked if they should come. She asked
her parents for a simple celebration, but her mother didn't agree. Feeling stressed, she
dreamt that her followers were criticizing her online. Suddenly waking up, Kyla always
stays alone at home due to her parents' work. She imagined different ways to end her
problems, but her thoughts were interrupted by her mother announcing a surprise outing.
Unbeknownst to her, they had prepared a surprise birthday celebration at her
grandmother's house. Her grandmother believed that not everything should be rushed,
and one must be patient and not lose hope.

Characters: Kyla, Mr. & Mrs. Hilarious (Kyla's Friends)

Conflict: The problem in the story is overthinking, feeling unloved by her parents, and
the influence of social media on her life, leading to unnecessary thoughts.

Resolution: We should be understanding of everything happening in our lives, externally

and internally. We should broaden our minds and comprehend each challenge that comes
our way.

Relevance: This relates to our lives, urging us not to think negatively. On the other hand,
we can say, "I shouldn't have done this if it hadn't caused harm."

More Than Friends

Settings: Capones Island, Anawangin Cove

Plot: A group of friends joyfully embarked on a trip to Capones Island, enjoying their
time together. While Mae and John were having a conversation, Migs, feeling jealous,
arrived with them at Anawangin Cove, their accommodation. Their tour guide, Mang
Ramon, advised caution due to the unknown behaviors of the others present. Afterward,
they went swimming, and Mae invited John, causing Migs to feel jealous again, brewing
a potentially harmful plan. They had dinner, tensions rising. They played a truth-revealing
game, leading to John confessing his feelings for Mae. Migs, consumed by anger, saw
John with Mae and lashed out, planning to harm John.

Migs, in a fit of rage, attacked John, causing him to fall unconscious. Mae and
Migs discussed the incident, suspecting Mang Ramon's involvement. When Mang Ramon
was confronted, he seemed uneasy. Eventually, John woke up, furious at Migs. In a
drunken state, Migs contemplated being discovered by Mae, and in a moment of panic,
he choked John. Mae intervened, asking Migs to admit his actions.

The following night, Migs planned to fight John, but Mae stopped him,
challenging John's protective instincts. This angered John, leading to a physical
altercation. Migs, feeling cornered, left for the sea, contemplating suicide or drowning.

Characters: Miguel (Migs), Mang Ramon, John, Mae

Conflict: The conflict revolves around jealousy, imagined situations, and emotional

Resolution: Perhaps, for me, contentment should prevail. If someone doesn't reciprocate
your feelings, accept the truth without chasing or involving others. Sometimes, that's
where it ends. There's a saying: "If someone doesn't want you, don't force what's

Relevance: This relates to those in relationships or going through similar situations,

reminding us to be observant and understanding. Maybe there's something meant for us,
but perhaps we're not yet ready for it.


Settings: School, House, Bar, Damohan, Crime Scene, Walking Street

Plot: Aya had a dream where she was fetching her sister Mia, but upon waking up, she
found Mia missing. Her mother mentioned that Mia had already returned. Aya got ready
for school and work but suddenly felt lost and unsure. Worried about missing children
and realizing her sister was still absent, she called Mia but got no answer. As she felt a
headache coming on, she fell asleep again and dreamt of going to a bar, where she found
someone who looked like Mia but wasn't her. Her mother took her away. It dawned on
her that her sister had been missing for a long time. They sought medical help, but the
situation didn't improve. The doctor advised constant care, support, and companionship
for Mia to recover. Aya also realized that her father and sister had passed away due to
assault and an accident. After Mia's recovery, Aya visited her, and everything gradually
improved, and the situation didn't recur.

Characters: Aya Larosa, Mia Larosa, Mother, Doctor, Doctor Delacruz, Melli Anteta
(Principal), Teachers, Aya's Co-worker, Mia's Friends
Conflict: The story revolves around experiencing trauma and dwelling on things that
shouldn't be dwelt upon, leading to health repercussions and the difficulty of accepting
what happened.

Resolution: The resolution suggests accepting what happened and engaging in self-
distraction to forget past experiences.

Relevance: This relates to our tendency to constantly dwell on thoughts and refuse to
accept our own experiences. It also reflects how some individuals may have trauma from
various situations.

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