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Table of Contents

1 Abstract ................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2

3 Mission statement ................................................................................................................... 2

4 Product planning ..................................................................................................................... 3

4.1 Product idea and development process ......................................................................................... 3

5 Marketing analysis .................................................................................................................. 3

5.1 Competitive Analysis .................................................................................................................... 3

5.2 Customer need analysis................................................................................................................. 4

5.2.1 Market research ..................................................................................................................... 4

5.2.2 Survey feedback .................................................................................................................... 4

6 Definition of specifications ..................................................................................................... 6

6.1 Product Specification .................................................................................................................... 7

7 Concept Generation ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.

7.1 Concept Classification Tree .......................................................................................................... 7

7.2 Concept A Roller mechanism: ...................................................................................................... 9

7.3 Concept B Pulley mechanism: ...................................................................................................... 9

7.4 Concept C Swivel mechanism: ................................................................................................... 10

7.5 Concept D Scissor mechanism:................................................................................................... 10

7.6 Concept screening and selection: ................................................................................................ 11

7.7 Concept scoring: ......................................................................................................................... 11

8 Design and testing of Prototype. ........................................................................................... 12

8.1 Testing and Analysis ................................................................................................................... 13

8.2 Design for Manufacturing (DFM)............................................................................................... 13

8.3 Design For Assembly (DFA) ...................................................................................................... 14

8.4 Design For Environment (DFE) .................................................................................................. 14

9 Final Cost Estimation............................................................................................................ 16

9.1 Calculation of N (number of annual purchases) ......................................................................... 16

9.2 Calculation of P (probability of purchase using survey feedback) ............................................. 16

9.3 Calculation of A (awareness x availability) ................................................................................ 17

9.4 Calculation of Q (annual sales) ................................................................................................... 17

9.5 Calculation of Material Cost ....................................................................................................... 17

9.6 Calculation of Overhead and facility Costs ................................................................................ 17

9.7 Calculation of Assembly Cost..................................................................................................... 18

10 Quality Control ..................................................................................................................... 19

11 Risk Analysis ........................................................................................................................ 20

12 References ............................................................................................................................. 22


APPENDIX A: Survey feedback

APPENDIX B: Metrics Linked to Customer Needs

APPENDIX C: Competitive Benchmarking

APPENDIX D: Concept Selection

APPENDIX E: Bill of Materials

APPENDIX F: Overhead and Personnel Costs

APPENDIX G: Assembly cost

APPENDIX H: Rapid entire body assessment

List of figures

Figure 1Product planning process ................................................................................................................. 3

Figure 2 Systematic classification tree for lifting mechanism ...................................................................... 8

Figure 3 Systematic classification top shelf sliding mechanism. .................................................................. 8

Figure 4 Concept A Roller mechanism ......................................................................................................... 9

Figure 5 Concept B pulley mechanism ......................................................................................................... 9

Figure 6 Concept C Swivel mechanism ...................................................................................................... 10

Figure 7 Concept D Scissor Mechanism ..................................................................................................... 10

Figure 8 Trolley design ............................................................................................................................... 13

List of figures

Table 1Mission statement ............................................................................................................................. 2

Table 2 Competitive analysis [2], [3], [4], [5] .............................................................................................. 4

Table 3 Specification .................................................................................................................................... 6

Table 4 Selection criteria based on customer needs.................................................................................... 11

Table 5 Concept scoring matrix [6] ............................................................................................................ 12

1 Abstract

This project is dedicated to redesigning a warehouse trolley with a self-raising shelf mechanism

that aims to address the health issues faced by warehouse employees during long exposure to

currently used trolleys. The repetitive movements involved in their fast-paced work, such as

constant bending over to lift or unload the trolley, can contribute to work-related musculoskeletal

disorders. A self-raising shelf mechanism is a key feature of our innovative design that enables

users to avoid the repetitive need to bend over and consequently reduce the strain on their backs

and minimize developing back soreness. This mechanism has the potential to considerably reduce

the probability of work-related back injuries and contribute to productive and safe work

environments. The mechanism designed for this project can be easily adjusted to the desired

height, allowing operators to easily access and handle products and weighty boxes.

2 Introduction

The significance of effectiveness, safety, and employee well-being cannot be stressed in today's

fast-paced and demanding industrial workplaces. Ergonomic warehouse trolleys play a critical role

in optimizing these processes while prioritizing the health and comfort of workers. These trolleys

have been designed to increase productivity by reducing physical stress, and the chance of injury.

Ergonomic trolleys help users maintain good posture and lower their chance of developing

musculoskeletal illnesses. These trolleys boost efficiency, safety and promote worker satisfaction,

productivity, and operational efficiency, benefiting both employees and warehousing businesses


3 Mission statement

Industrial workplaces require ergonomic trolleys to lower the risk of MSDs, enhance worker

comfort and productivity. Employers should consider purchasing lifting trolleys because they can

reduce fatigue, injuries, and raise a company's "days without accidents" score.

Table 1Mission statement

4 Product planning

4.1 Product idea and development process

The idea is to develop a two-story trolley that has the potential to facilitate the work of warehouse

employees. In the current market, most warehouse trolley manufacturers focus on providing

ergonomic solutions for their products. The top trends, including easy access to stories, and

mechanisms to shift between levels of a multi-story trolley and adjust them at a desirable height

are extremely crucial to providing a safer and more productive workspace. This project attempts

to design a simple but efficient mechanism that allows the operator to easily lift the bottom shelf

(in a two-story trolley) without creating detrimental pressure on his/her spine [1].

The following product development process stages are performed by the team for this project:

Figure 1Product planning process

5 Marketing analysis

Market analysis is a methodical way to learn about the industry and its trends so that products can

be created effectively. Market research is a crucial component of every business strategy. A

company can use market research to identify and comprehend the intended markets and consumers

for its products. It can also be used to get feedback from end users regarding their experiences with

the items.

5.1 Competitive Analysis

Comparing four products from the current market served as the basis for the competitive analysis.

Global Industrial™ • 500 lb. Capacity • Lightweight and stout
Utility Trolley w/ 2 233
Shelves & 5" Casters • 3" deep, leak-proof top tray • Heavier duty than Rubbermaid
• Open Sides for Quick Access to Shelves • Enough space
40"w Bus Trolley, 3
139 • Double Handles for Steering from Either
Shelves - Black • Difficulty accessing the bottom level
• 3 Shelves, • Practical
KLETON, Order • Bigger than expected to go through
656 • 1200 lbs. Capacity
Picking Trolleys the narrow aisles
• All-welded design with Picking list holder
• 500 lb. Capacity
Metro® Utility Trolley • Wheels wobble if pushing while
647 • Injection-molded polyethylene and light
w/3 Shelves empty
• NSF Certified

Table 2 Competitive analysis [2], [3], [4], [5]

5.2 Customer need analysis

5.2.1 Market research

A succinct market analysis was required to comprehend the requirements and needs of our

potential clients. We moved forward with a list of ten questions that covered a broad range of

needs, issues, and possible features. These responses helped guide our development of a product

that would satisfy all the requirements. Market analysis is a crucial element in staying competitive

with rivals. Market research provides data to detect and analyze market demands, market size, and

competition. Focus groups, in-depth interviews, ethnography, and other qualitative and

quantitative methods are all included in market research approaches.

5.2.2 Survey feedback

A survey was given out to get information on client needs. The purpose of this survey was to

ascertain consumers’ attitudes about an ergonomic warehouse trolley design and how they behaved

towards a multipurpose product. The information gathered from a total of 40 replies is available

in Appendix A.

The target market, function, problems encountered, and preferred aspects of the product are shown

in this data. Approximately 87% to 95% of users agree that their performance will improve with

less fatigue, as illustrated in Figure, and 37.5% of respondents regard the shelf rising function to

be useful. It's vital to remember that 77.5% of users of traditional trolleys found that they had back

pain after using them for a while. This demonstrates the superiority of our product over the

competition, considering that worker health is also crucial to the expansion of an industry.

To effectively analyze customer needs, it is important to gather relevant data and employ various

research techniques. Below is the step-by-step approach used to conduct customer needs analysis:

Design for Ergonomics: For tasks requiring frequent forward bending, customer demands for an

ergonomically designed trolleys that lessens back pain and encourages better posture.

Prevention of Back Pain: 77.5% of respondents who reported experiencing back pain most of the

time indicate the need for a trolley that helps prevent back soreness during prolonged usage, even

though the remaining respondents have not experienced it.

Capacity for Handling Weight: The need for a trolley with the ability to handle a variety of loads

is highlighted by the wide range of weights lifted during different activities.

Shelf-raising Mechanism: Customers' high demand for the mechanism indicates the need for a

dependable and an effective mechanism that makes lifting tasks more efficient.

Fatigue: The mechanism, according to most respondents, is crucial in reducing fatigue. As a result,

a trolley that reduces physical strain and exhaustion during lifting activities is required.

Value and Cost: Even though a sizable portion of respondents are willing to pay a higher price

for the ergonomic trolley, others are unsure of the price or are unwilling to pay for it. This suggests

balancing the perceived value and price of the product.

Other additional features: Device holders, hand brakes, safety features, and color preferences

were among the additional features that customers requested. These suggest that the design of the

trolley needs to be more useful, convenient, and safe. Customers expressed concerns regarding

cost, complexity, durability, weight handling capacity, and maintenance.

In conclusion, customers are looking for an ergonomic warehouse trolley that can handle a variety

of weight loads, prevents back pain, reduces fatigue, and has additional features.

6 Definition of specifications

The survey also provided the team with customer need statements. From this, the team established

metrics and units, as shown in the table below:

Table 3 Specification

Once the metrics were established, the metrics were then linked with the needs as shown in

Appendix B

Hence this permitted our team members to collect the data for the competitive benchmarking. The

information is provided in Appendix C.

6.1 Product Specification

An ergonomic trolley with a modular frame and an easy-to-use, secure, and durable operating

system is the product. It has functional top and bottom shelves that make loading and unloading

simple and less stressful on the back. It can be sold as a complete trolley or as a part that can be

installed in existing trolleys to help achieve recycling and sustainability goals. Trolleys that are

made specifically for each customer will be available following the initial sales and marketing

campaign. The basic version adheres to the specifications of the existing trolley.

Load Capacity: There are a variety of trolleys available, the first version can carry 800 pounds.

Mechanism: Utilizes a basic scissors lift mechanism with a capacity of 800 pounds; depending on

the requirements of the customer, other options include hydraulic or pneumatic mechanisms.

Material for Trolley: Steel in 5-inch sheets; based on cost-effectiveness and product life cycle,

customized materials are available for bulk orders.

Shelf Locking and Adjustable Height: The locking mechanism ensures stability and prevents

unintentional movement, and the height-adjusting mechanism for the bottom shelf is a lever with

male and female threads.

7 Concept Generation [6]

7.1 Concept Classification Tree

The classification tree enables the exploration of conceptual solutions for two different features

[6]. The team decided on the following solutions based on the tree:

Figure 2 Systematic classification tree for lifting mechanism

Lifting Mechanism: We opted for a manual mechanism over hydraulics, pneumatics, and electric

motors due to simplicity and low maintenance requirements.

Figure 3 Systematic classification top shelf sliding mechanism.

Top Shelf Sliding Mechanism: We chose a manual guided movement to save costs and reduce

downtime compared to motorized systems, eliminating expenses, and charging time associated

with electric motors.

7.2 Concept A Roller mechanism:

Figure 4 Concept A Roller mechanism

The trolley's Roller-Guided Mechanism makes it simple to lift the bottom platform. Horizontal

rollers on the top shelf allow smooth sliding for accommodating the raised bottom shelf. Using

rollers and guide channels on the frame, the bottom platform is moved manually to the desired

height. Brakes on the rollers guarantee simple adjustment and secure the platform at ideal height.

7.3 Concept B Pulley mechanism:

Figure 5 Concept B pulley mechanism

The pulley mechanism comprises a handle, pulleys, cables, and a locking mechanism integrated

into the trolley's design. Four pulleys positioned near the top shelf, facilitate synchronized lifting

of the bottom platform's corners when the top shelf is pulled out. The locking mechanism maintains

the platform at the desired height, ensuring stability during use.

7.4 Concept C Swivel mechanism:

Figure 6 Concept C Swivel mechanism

The trolley utilizes a bicycle pedal-inspired swivel mechanism, enabling the top and bottom

platforms to interchange vertically. A diagonal rotating member connects to a central vertical

member midway, the diagonal rotating member fixed with the platforms to enable their vertical

interchange. Support arms above and below the diagonal member ensure stability during vertical


7.5 Concept D Scissor mechanism:

Figure 7 Concept D Scissor Mechanism

A scissor lift mechanism with interlocking supports and joints powers the trolley. The bottom

platform is raised or lowered as the structure is expanded or contracted by a lever. The height is

adjusted by a threaded mechanism, and a locking mechanism maintains stability and prevents

accidental movement.

7.6 Concept screening and selection:

The team identified a set of selection criteria as shown in Appendix D to create a selection matrix

that was used to choose the ideal concepts out of the four concepts explained previously, the

concepts were ranked based on the net score and then we proceeded toward concept scoring [6].

Table 4 Selection criteria based on customer needs.

Here the selection matrix uses +, -,0 to establish a relationship with the existing reference trolley

+(better than the reference), -(worse than the reference), 0(same as the reference)

The concepts can be identified as given below:

A - roller mechanism, B - pulley mechanism, C - swivel mechanism, D - scissor mechanism

7.7 Concept scoring:

In concept scoring, we gave weightage to each selection criterion based on their level of influence

on satisfying the customer needs. A score of 1 to 5 was given to each concept for the corresponding

selection criteria. These scores were then converted into weighted scores then the sum of the

weighted scores for each concept was used to determine the rank of the concepts [6].

The team proceeded to use concept D as it had the highest rank based on the pre-established

selection criteria.

Table 5 Concept scoring matrix [6]

8 Design and testing of Prototype.

The process of prototyping for the trolley was done after doing the dimensional analysis of the

trolleys and mechanisms to lift the shelves available in the market. After that, SolidWorks was

used to generate each shelf and the supporting parts of the assembly. After the shelves were

designed, the scissor mechanism was designed which includes rolling and sliding parts. Design

tolerances were introduced while designing the whole product. We were unable to manufacture a

realistic prototype of the cart due to the higher costs of prototyping of material. We used the CAD

design to make and assemble the whole cart so we can test it for our weight requirements.

The following steps were involved in the prototyping.

• The trolley shelves, supports and handles were designed based on trolleys available.

• Trolley wheels were selected, and all trolley parts were assembled.

• Designed the mechanism to lift the lower shelf of the trolley.

• A basic layout of the trolley was formed which is shown below.

• Checked the functionality of each part separately and assembly form to verify our results.

Figure 8 Trolley design

8.1 Testing and Analysis

The trolley was tested using 600 lbs. weight on the top and bottom shelves and it was deemed

sufficient to handle the applied load for our material, which is stainless steel. The mechanism was

designed, and it was tested separately on ANSYS by applying mesh and constraints to the

mechanism so it could not just fail under our prescribed loading condition and have a life cycle of

at least 10 years with a factor of safety greater than 1

8.2 Design for Manufacturing (DFM)

Design for manufacturing is the basic strategy in designing where we design anything by

considering manufacturing as a part of the complete design procedure. For DFM the cost of tooling

and manufacturing, which included processes such as welding and assembling of the product, was

considered after taking the Bill of Materials generated during the design step into consideration.

As it was a simplistic design and did not include anything which can be reduced except the

material or the processes to produce the trolley structure which would consequently increase the

cost of the tooling, so we used the method of casting welding and assembly to optimize the cost

and produce the trolley the same way it is produced in the market. [7]

8.3 Design For Assembly (DFA)

Design for Assembly is a practice where anything which is to be designed is designed considering

the assembly at the end to reduce the time taken for the assembly as well as the cost of the

assembly. The major cost of assembly in our product is from the lifting mechanism and it can be

reduced by using fewer replaceable parts. For that purpose, the immovable parts were given

permanent joints and a combination of two joints in one rather than using more parts and making

the service of the whole trolley difficult.

By using DFA we achieved the following results:

• The overall costs of the trolley were reduced.

• The mechanism stability increased.

• The maneuverability and functionality of the trolley remained the same.

8.4 Design For Environment (DFE)

Design for the environment's primary goal is to minimize or eliminate a product's impact on the

environment throughout its entire lifecycle without sacrificing quality or cost [6]. The DFE is

analyzed in five major stages of the product life cycle which are listed below. [6] [7]

• Materials: Most of our components are bought from suppliers which employ environmentally

friendly methods and materials. [8]

• Manufacturing: We intend to implement quality control to minimize waste and damage to the

trolley, which contribute to the reduction of environmental dangers.

• Distribution: The procurement of materials and delivery of the finished product at this stage of

product development consumes a lot of fuel. Accurate production planning aids in bulk ordering

and distribution of required materials for the distributor, lowering overall fuel consumption.

• Use: Except for parts that are broken and need to be replaced, we do not have any replacement

parts during the lifespan of the trolley.

• Disposal: We made a policy to return the carts after their serving time to recycle the working

components. Additionally, used cardboard and other environmentally friendly materials in our

packaging to eliminate the use of plastic.

We can guarantee that the ergonomic warehouse trolley not only addresses the health concerns of

workers but also minimizes the product's overall impact on the environment by incorporating these

Design for the Environment principles into the design and lifecycle of the product. [9]

8.5 Design Review

The design of the product was done on a computer aided design of CAD software Solid Works

due to its powerful and user-friendly interface and ease of assembly. After the concept generation

a few redactions of the design were made while the teammates were taken into the loop to work

out the best possible ready to be manufactured prototype of the cart.

The basic concept design of the cart was created for the shelf and other parameters of the adjustable

cart's design. The cart manufactured by Uline was used as the reference for every geometric

parameter of our designed cart. We used Bottom-Up design approach to create the mechanism

installed in the cart and some design improvements were included as we designed such as using

permanent joints or rivets at some locations where the stress is lower and to aesthetically and

ergonomically improving the design while not losing the functionality of the mechanism. After the

completion of the design of the mechanism part each part was assembled, and we got our final


After getting the final mechanism, the cart shelves were designed to support the installation, shelf

removal mechanism and increase the product's stability. After that slots and handles and wheels

with the weight bearing capacity of 600lbs were installed in the cart. At the end we had our final

design which was ready to go into production phase.

9 Final Cost Estimation

9.1 Calculation of N (number of annual purchases)

In 2022, the subsector of Warehousing and Storage (NAICS code 493) in Canada had a total of

4,939 establishments, as stated by the Canadian Industry Statistics [10]. Assuming, in 2023, we

have 5,000 warehouses. Considering, 60% of the warehouses (3,000) are interested in this kind of

product and are aware of the product. Generally, warehouses having heavy picking tasks will be

more interested in buying the product so we calculated by considering only 25% of the final value

will buy the product i.e., 750. Considering on average each warehouse gives an order for 50

trolleys. Therefore, N= 750*50 =37500, N=37500

9.2 Calculation of P (probability of purchase using survey feedback)

Since we considered 25% people will buy the trolley so 𝐹𝑑𝑒𝑓= 25%. Considering 15% will

probably buy the product so 𝐹𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏=15%. Taking, 𝐶𝑑𝑒𝑓=0.4 & 𝐶𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑏=15%.

P=Fdef*Cdef + Fprob*Cprob = 0.25*0.4 + 0.15*0.15 = 0.1 + 0.0225 = ~ 0.13 (approx.)

9.3 Calculation of A (awareness x availability)

As per the survey it is computed that 60% of people are aware of the product and we will assume

that due to any material, assembly, or manufacturing issue we take an average of 55% of the buffer

amount. A= 0.60 * 0.55 = 0.33, A = 0.33

9.4 Calculation of Q (annual sales)

Q is given by Q= N * P *A = 1609 approx. Considering Q =1500 as a 10 % reduction in the final

value due to market hindrance and new product launch.

9.5 Calculation of Material Cost

In this section, the material cost of every raw material based on current market rate of palin carbon

steel to be 40-50$ /cwt used to produce the desk has been calculated which is shown in Appendix

E. The values have been taken by taking references from online retail websites.

Material Cost = BOM Cost * Q =438*1500=6,57,000 CAD.

9.6 Calculation of Overhead and facility Costs

In this section, the overhead cost and facility cost has been calculated, shown in Appendix F. The

approximate value has been used to calculate the cost by considering rent of the production

building, factory supplies not directly associated with products, the average salary of various

employees and Utilities for factory e.g.,

Overhead Cost+ Facility Cost = 5,17,000 CAD.


9.7 Calculation of Assembly Cost

For the carts' assembly cost, 48 working weeks were considered for a full year. To assemble a

full cart 08 personnel are required in the assembly team who can take up to 3 hours to assemble

the cart from start to finish. Each worker skilled in welding and other processes involved in the

assembly cost might cost between 15.25 CAD to 25 CAD per hour. So, the total cost of the

assembly was calculated to produce carts for a complete year. The packaging cost was also

included in the assembly cost, and it includes the cost of the personnel involved and the

packaging material used for the carts to be ready to be delivered to the buyers. Which is given in

the Appendix G. [12], [13]

9.8 Total Production Cost

Cmaterial + Cmanufacturing + Coverhead + Cfacility + Cpackaging = 14,42,000 CAD.

Total units assembled in a year = 1500

So, per unit cost= 14,42,000/1200 =970 CAD.

9.9 Calculation of Manufacturer Profit Margin

Considering profit margin of Manufacturer to the cost =15 % (assumed), Cman = 1115 CAD

9.10 Calculation of Distributor Profit Margin

Considering profit margin of Distributor to the cost = 15 % (assumed), Cdist = 1283 CAD.

9.11 Payback Analysis

9.11.1 Payback Quantity

Production cost per year/ Cmfg = 14,42,000/1283 =

Payback Quantity: 1125 units/ year.

9.12 Break-Even Analysis

The principle of break-even analysis is when an expense is equal to the revenue generated. I.e.

total cash spent = total cash received.

(Estimated unit production-payback quantity) * Cmfg.

(1500-1125) *1115= 418125 CAD.

9.13 Payback Period

Production cost per year/annual cash flow 14,42,000 /418125 = 3 years 5 months.

9.14 Return of Investment (ROI)

It’s a ratio that compares the gain or loss from an investment relative to its cost.

Final Value-Initial Value/Initial Value = (1115-970/970) *100= 14.95%.

10 Quality Control

The quality control process for our warehouse trolley production involves putting procedures in

place to make sure the trolleys meet the appropriate standards and specifications. Important

components of quality control for creating warehouse trolleys include the following [14]:

Inspection of Raw Materials: Examine raw materials thoroughly for quality standards, such as

their type, durability, and strength [14].

Load Testing: In real-world warehouse conditions, conduct rigorous load tests to evaluate weight

capacity, fracture strength, and durability [14].

Documentation and Traceability: For ongoing improvement and traceability, document and

trace all quality control inspections, test results, and corrective actions [14].

11 Risk Analysis

The creation of a warehouse trolley with the ability to manually raise its bottom shelf platform

comes with several risks. The design, production, and use of the trolley can all be affected by these

risks. Considering risks involved in product development:

Threats to safety: Dangers of falling objects, entrapment, injuries, and pinch points. Use safety

locks and give clear directions of use.

The Structure's Integrity: Guarantee primary strength and soundness through designing

examination, stress testing, and wellbeing norms.

Operational Complexity: To deal with misuse and accidents, provide extensive documentation,

user manuals, and training programs.

Durability and Maintenance: Inspections and maintenance on a regular basis to avoid

mechanical failures and guarantee safe operation.

Cost and Demand in the Market: Through research and cost-benefit analysis, take into account

production costs and market acceptance.

Testing, risk assessments, adherence to safety standards, expert participation, operator training,

and maintenance protocols are all ways to reduce risks.

12 Future scope

Ever since the introduction of trolleys and their widespread use in industries, especially

warehouses, significant endeavors have been made to enhance their usability and efficiency. The

primary focus for optimization lies in the shelf-raising mechanism, which holds immense potential

to revolutionize the market with its numerous advantages. Looking ahead, there will be a greater

emphasis on improving this mechanism by enabling it to lift heavier loads through the utilization

of more efficient systems like hydraulic, pneumatic, and electrical mechanisms.

Furthermore, there is ample room for further advancements in the materials employed for

manufacturing trolley structures. While current trolleys primarily utilize aluminum and stainless

steel, the platform's strength can be further enhanced by incorporating carbon steel, which provides

a lightweight structure [1].

Additionally, the present-day fast-paced and competitive market compels warehouse owners to

seek ways to expedite their business processes. Consequently, there is a growing demand for

accessories such as device holders. Lastly, redesigning the surface of shelves to enhance grip and

prevent items from sliding will be another area of focus [15].

13 Lessons learnt and Results

• Conducting a survey is crucial for achieving success in the process of designing, developing, and

launching a new product. This step enables the team to examine customer behavior, gather valuable

insights, and establish design guidelines that align with customer expectations.

• As shown in Appendix H, REBA score of 11 i.e., very high risk went down to 3 i.e., low risk,

just by using our trolley which omits the repetitive bending posture to lift items from lower


• We also recognized the importance of budget in the product development phase, as it has a direct

and indirect impact on the overall progress of the development process.

• This project was a great practice to implement the concurrent engineering theories which were

learned during the course.

• We have come to the realization that there is always an opportunity for enhancing existing

products, requiring us to think creatively and push the boundaries of innovation.

14 Conclusion

In conclusion, the redesign of a warehouse trolley with a self-raising shelf mechanism to address

ergonomic concerns and boost workplace productivity was the primary focus of our project. Our

design process was guided by our identification of the primary requirements and preferences of

potential users through market analysis and customer feedback. A functional and cost-effective

design was achieved through careful consideration of Design for Manufacturing principles and the

selected scissor mechanism.

A comprehensive project report that covers the research, analysis, design, and testing processes is

the result of our collective efforts and our mentor's direction. We aimed to provide a solution that

not only meets industry standards but also exceeds user expectations by addressing customers'

specific needs and preferences. We are confident that our ergonomic warehouse trolley has the

potential to improve workplace safety and productivity, which would be beneficial to businesses

in a variety of industries as well as their employees.

15 References

[1 Radin Zaid Radin Umar, Nadiah Ahmad, Isa Halim, Poh Yan Lee, Malek Hamid, "Design

] and Development of an Ergonomic Trolley-Lifter for Sheet Metal Handling Task: A

Preliminary Study," Safety and Health at work, 2019.

[2 Global industrial, [Online]. Available:

] service-utility-cart-40-x-26-5-rubber-



[3 Displays to go, [Online]. Available:

] Open-Sides#product-reviews.

[4 Global industrial, [Online]. Available:

] shelf-utility-cart-with-chrome-plated-posts-34x27-shelves-



[5 TENAQUIP, [Online]. Available:

] carts-36-h-x-24-w-x-52-d-3-shelves-1200-lbs-capacity-



[6 K. T. Ulrich, S. D. Eppinger and M. C. Yang, Product Design and Development Seventh

] Edition ISBN 9781260043655, New York: McGraw-Hill Education, 2020.

[7 "Design for Environment – Course material".

[8 B. R. Allenby, " A design for environment methodology for evaluating materials.

] doi:10.1002/tqem.3310050409," Environmental Quality Management, vol. 5, no. 1, p. 69–84,


[9 "Müller, K. (2013). Design for Environment. In: Dada, A., Stanoevska, K., Gómez, J. (eds)

] Organizations’ Environmental Performance Indicators. Environmental Science and

Engineering(). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.".

[1 "(".


[1 "

1] rates-and-fees/#2022," [Online]. Available:


[1 "Varila, M., Seppänen, M. and Suomala, P. (2007), "Detailed cost modelling: a case study in

2] warehouse logistics", International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics

Management, Vol. 37 No. 3, pp. 184-200.".

[1 Emmett, S. (2011). Excellence in Warehouse Management: How to Minimise Costs and

3] Maximise Value. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 1119995167, 9781119995166.

[1 D. C. Montgomery, Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, 7th Edition, John Wiley &

4] Sons, Inc..

[1 [Online]. Available: [1]

5] trolleys#:~:text=The%20strength%20of%20carbon%20steel,many%20commercial%20and%


[1 [Online]. Available: [1]

6] trolleys#:~:text=The%20strength%20of%20carbon%20steel,many%20commercial%20and%



APPENDIX A: Survey feedback

APPENDIX B: Metrics Linked to Customer Needs

Metrics linked to customer needs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Self raising platform

Dedicated area for

Load and unload

Lockable wheels
necessary items

Excellent build
Wheel quality

Wheel Brakes

Compact size



1 Trolley is smooth to push •

2 Trolley has brakes •
3 Trolley has space to keep accessory •
4 Trolley has lifting mechanism •
5 Trolley should be maneuverable in tight spaces •
6 Trolley reduces overall workload •
7 Trolley is ergonomic •
8 Trolley have good surface finish •

APPENDIX C: Competitive Benchmarking

Competitive benchmarking

Kleton order picking

Global Industrial™

Metro Utility cart

Addressed needs

40'' Bus Cart

Utility Cart
Metric #



1 Wheel quality 1 3 G •• •• •• •
2 Dedicated area for necessary items 3 2 mm^2 •• • • •
3 Brakes for the wheel 2 3 N •• •• •• •
4 Shelf raising mechanism 6 5 s N/A N/A N/A N/A
5 Compact size 5 4 mm • • •• ••
6 Excellent build quality 8 3 G • •• •• •
7 Lockable wheels 7 3 N • • • •
8 Time to load and unload 4 4 s • • • •

APPENDIX D: Concept Selection

APPENDIX E: Bill of Materials

APPENDIX F: Overhead and Personnel Costs

Facility and Personnel Costs Overhead Costs

Facility Cost (CAD/Annum) Overhead Cost Cost (CAD$/Annum)

Manager 70,000 Rent of the Facility 20000

Production Engineer 65000 Electricity 25000

Product Engineer 65000 Marketing 10000

Machine Engineer 65000 Maintenance 5000

QA 67000 Training 10000

HR 55000 Development 60000

Total Personnel 387,000 Total Overhead 130000

APPENDIX G: Assembly cost

Assembly Cost

Table of Contents Assembly Cost

Working Weeks per Annum 48

Working Days per Week 5

Work hours per day 8

Units Manufactured per day 7

Number of Assembly Team Members 8

Cost per hour 17

Total 262000

APPENDIX H: Rapid entire body assessment

Picking of box from lower platform (REBA score – 11)

Picking of box from upper platform (REBA score – 3)

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