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Cristian Elias Navarro Real


1. The Ordinary World
Personal narration:

I had a perfect life, the perfect family, the perfect girlfriend, the perfect group
of friends, I had it all. Life was easy, chilling the boys, getting the best grades
in school, dates with my girlfriend, and dinner with the family, But I was an
idiot because that was about to be different.

Application of theoretical framework:

In this stage, the hero lives the “perfect life”, or at least what he thinks is
perfect, here we can find some of the fears and ideologies of the character. (I
just want to set it clear that some of the things in this work are science fiction).
My fears are revealed as the idea of not feeling comfortable with a life with
“problems”, this would affect my journey, later, because I will try to keep all as
it was, but I will have to understand that things sometimes have to change.

2. Call for adventure

Personal narration:
It was the first of November, and I got an E-mail from the university of my
dreams in Germany, it says that I was the winner of a 100 percent
scholarship. I ran and told my parents about it, but they didn’t even blink,
instead of a “congratulations” they told me to pack my things, we are moving
out of the country.
We were just living, and I wasn´t even able to say bye to my girlfriend or my

Application of theoretical framework:

In this stage, something happens that disrupts the comfort of the hero´s
ordinary world, this is a challenge that I must confront, the challenge of a new
life, trying to figure out what happened with my parents and why they bring me
to this new place. This represents my fear of huge changes in my life.

3. Meeting with the Mentor

Personal narration:

We arrived at a small village called Cardilan, At this point, I had no idea what
was happening, I didn´t know what was going to happen to my scholarship,
my friends, my girlfriend, and my life.
On the road, I heard my parents talking about a “money problem”, so I started
expecting the worst.
The next week after our arrival I started school, I this new terrible place. I was
just thinking about my parents’ problems with “money”, I knew it was
something bad.
Just one person could help to understand what was happening because my
parents didn´t even talk to me, so I call my uncle Rafa, he was a bad person
in his time, but now he was just a regular worker, maybe he could answer my
questions and help me with this horrible situation.

Application of theoretical framework:

this stage was a bit difficult, but I tried to explain how I find someone to give
me advice and answer my questions, some who will prepare me for the
journey, and act as a mentor this person (uncle Rafa) imparts wisdom that
may change the hero´s mind.

4. Crossing the Threshold

Personal narration:

I called my uncle; he told me the whole truth about my parents and the
problem they were involved in. After the call, I knew the only person who can
help them, was me. My uncle was going to be my “computer man”, he just
could help in the distance.
In the call, he explained to me that my parents ask for a favor from a friend of
theirs in Germany, so I could get the 100 percent scholarship, but he was a
bad guy and wanted a huge amount of money, but my parents refused to pay
that, and now, he was after me in exchange.
I know they do this because they want the best for me, but I have to help
them, even if this means that I have to change my lifestyle and leave my
comfort zone.

Application of theoretical framework:

This is one of the most important stages, the hero leaves the ordinary world
for the first time and crosses the threshold into adventure. This step is
inevitable, but it gives a sense to the whole hero´s journey. From this point,
I’m out of my zone and I will have to face the fears that I mentioned earlier in
order to accomplish the mission.

5. Test, Allies, and Enemies

Personal narration:
The call with my uncle revealed me the name off the gangster who was
looking for me and that is the reason why we moved so quickly, his name is
Bruno. I knew I was the only one who could do something because he was
looking for me.

It´s been a few weeks since I get the information about Bruno from my uncle. I
met this girl, Lyssa, she is so gorgeous, intelligent and intense, I also met a
guy call Dave, he is now a very good friend of mine, and I have a lot of trust
with him I told him about the situation I was going through and he helped me
investigate this Bruno guy, he discovered that they're looking for him in many
places, and that he was coming to town.

The question here was, how was I going to make that gangster leave me
alone, the only way was to put him behind bars.
I knew that if I wanted to catch him, I had to get to know him better, before he
caught me. So, after talking with Dave, we found that Bruno has a daughter
studying at our school, remember the girl I mentioned at the beginning? Yes,
I know it's cruel to use her, his father is playing against me and my parents, so
I did what I have to do.
Application of theoretical framework:

In this stage the hero learns the rules of a new world, in this case the tests of
strength and will of the hero is the fact that he has to play with feelings of a
girl to achieve his goals and put the whole situation in his favor. He also finds
two Allies, Dave and his uncle, also the enemy, Bruno.

6. Belly of the Whale (or Approach to the Innermost Cave)

Personal narration:

I've been talking to Lyssa, trying to get to know her better so I can understand
her family and therefore understand Bruno, but I'm starting to feel a strange
feeling towards her and I'm not sure I can continue with this; it goes against
every principle of mine team bold person like this, more because I am aware
that she has truly developed feelings towards me. Allison announced the call
that I must pass, I cannot allow something to happen to me or to my parents,
but now I do not want something to happen to her either.
I have also distanced myself a lot from my parents, it makes me feel alone,
but I do it to protect them as much as possible just as they try to protect me. I
don't know if I can really deal with this situation, I´m bottoming out.

Application of theoretical framework:

In this stage, the heroine counters the first obstacle after leaving on the
journey. this step is the end of the departure stage. in this case the hero feels
like he's bottoming out, it's the first time he really finds a real obstacle and he
doesn't know if we could do this.

7. Road of Trials
Personal narration:

I found out that Lisa's father, Bruno, is coming to town in a week, it will be my
time, I need to devise a plan to lock him up so that the police can't catch him.

The time came, I invited Lisa out, so that her father would be attempted to fire
and be able to lock him up in a place for the moment the police arrived. we
were having dinner in a restaurant near the school, I had already called the
authorities. Bruno called Lyssa and told her that he would pick her up in 5
minutes, after that time I saw black van, I couldn't contain my fear and I
explosively got up from the table screaming catch him catch him!!!... And he
managed to escape, I ruined the plan, and no longer knew what to do.

Application of theoretical framework:

This is the first step of the initiation stage, these are the trails that he wrote
undergoes and the beginning of the change in some aspect of the hero, in this
case the hero learns from the mistakes that he made (screaming, let his
feelings overpowered him).

8. Encounter with the Goddess

Personal narration:

After that failure, Lyssa stopped talking to me , and I understand, now I miss
her. The only good thing I got out of that situation is that I net the police
commander and now he know what is happening and will help me.

Application of theoretical framework:

in this stage the hero meets the alleys that will help them through the journey,
so in this case the hero meets the police commander, who's going to be one
of the characters that will help him during the journey.

9. Woman as Temptation
Personal narration:

There is a big problem and that is that I miss Lyssa, I think I fell in love with
her, I don't know if I can continue with this and put her father in prison, I know
that she doesn't love him and that sometimes it hurts him, but still It's his
father and I'm not sure of anything anymore.

Application of theoretical framework:

In this stage we see the temptation that arise to try to get the hero to abandon
the journey, In this case is that he loves Lyssa, and he doesn´t want to hurt
their relation more.

10. Reconciliation with the Father

Personal narration:

I was walking home after school when I got a call. It was Bruno on the phone,
telling me that he knew what I had done, and that I should start being careful.
From now on everything has become more real.

Application of theoretical framework:

One of the major turning points of the story where the hero faces the ultimate
reason for the journey. The hero might face a villain or even their own doubt.
In this case the hero has to face Bruno, the enemy. I investigated Lyssa's
location, I assumed Bruno was with her, I talked to the commander, we
cornered him and captured.

11. Apotheosis
Personal narration:

Now that I captures Bruno, I have to fix all the damage I made, I have to fix
my family, and I have to get Lyssa.

Application of theoretical framework:

one of the major turning points of the story where the hero
faces the ultimate reason for the journey. The hero might face
a villain or even their own doubt. In this case the hero now
knows that he has to fix the damage.

12. Ultimate Boon

Personal narration:
I have seen my parents very worried; they are afraid, they have even fought
and I feel that the family is beginning to separate, I cannot allow that to
happen. I want to be a happy family again. Get the perfect life that we used to

Application of theoretical framework:

The final step of the initiation stage, this step is where the
hero fulfills the reason for their journey. In this case the hero
sees how his family is “dying”, so he remembers the reason of
the mission.

13. Refusal of the Return

Personal narration:

With Bruno behind bars, it's time for me to talk to my parents and give them
the news, so that they know everything or at least a little about what
happened, that they know that we are now safe and we can continue with our
lives as they were before, although I'm not sure that can continue like this.

Application of theoretical framework:

The first step of the return stage, the hero is initially reluctant
to return to their mundane life. He tries to put things in order to return
to his normal life, but after everything he has lived, he doesn't know if he can
handle it.

14. Magic Flight

Personal narration:

When I thought I could get Lyssa back, everything changed, I tried to go back
to my normal life, but now she wanted revenge for her father, I had to get rid
of the girl I was in love with.

Application of theoretical framework:

Though the hero has answered their call and completed the
reason for their journey, they are still chased by others. In this
step, the hero works to evade those chasing them. In this
case, now he was traying to avoid Lyssa, because she was
looking for revenge.

15. Rescue from Without

Personal narration:

I called my uncle, I told him what was happening, and he showed up to help
me, I hadn't seen him in person for years. Lyssa broke into my house to
kidnap me, but my uncle helped me defend myself and stop her, so I can take
her to the authorities.

Application of theoretical framework:

Again an outside source or mentor works to guide them home

and rescue them from those chasing them. The uncle of the
hero helps him to stop Lyssa.

16. Crossing the Return Threshold

Personal narration:

When they put her in prison, and there was no one to persecute me anymore,
it was time to go back to my city, with my parents and to that "perfect" life.
Knowing that it couldn't be the same.

Application of theoretical framework:

The hero crosses back into their mundane world, he know that nothing would
be as it was.

17. Master of Two Worlds

Personal narration:

When I got back, I found out that my life wasn't as perfect as I thought, and
that I didn't have friends as loyal as Dave was, and that while my old girlfriend
was great, she wasn't the same as Lyssa. I took the scholarship from
Germany and embarked on the trip, in search of something different that
would make me feel what I felt in the town with the people.

Application of theoretical framework:

Since the hero has been on the journey, they need to learn to
balance their mundane life and the world they experienced on
the journey. Now the hero doesn´t feels the same, he would
change the way of his life in order to do what makes him feels
full of live and full o good people.

18. Freedom to Live

Personal narration:

A year has passed since what happened in Cardiland, now I study in

Germany, and I have met wonderful people.

Application of theoretical framework:

The hero acclimates back into their mundane life and

lives peacefully. Now he found wonderful people and
although he already knows that not everything is
perfect, that´s how he likes to feel it.

Activities in class:

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