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Seven Dimensions of


Approaches and Strategies in Teaching

Values Education
Seven Dimensions of Human


The foregoing are core and related values about the human person and to his/her holistic development:


Based on the foregoing philosophy of the human person, the supreme and overarching value that
characterizes education is human dignity: the value person is of in nite value. (Art. II, Sec. II; Art. XIII,
Sec. I)

Being physical (made of matter), human must maintain health and harmony with nature.

Being spiritual (capable of higher concerns and of rising above the material), human must cultivate a
global spiritual which, essentially connects him with God and the whole Earth community.

Being intellectual (gifted with mind, the faculty of knowing), human must constantly search for the
truth. He seeks knowledge that would transform society and the world. At the same time he maintains a
tolerant and open disposition of the mind.

Being moral (endowed with the faculty of freely choosing and loving), human must go out to others
and in fact to all humanity in love.

Being social (living in a community), human must help build peace and justice in our society, through
the pursuit of family solidarity as well as the common good and well-being of the larger society. They
must also cultivate respect for human rights and active non-violence.

Being economic (bound to concerns of production and consumption), human must help achieve the of
a more human and sustainable development for the community.

Seven Dimensions of Human

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Seven Dimensions of Human

Being political (relating to the conduct of political a airs within the nation and the world), human must
cultivate his sense of nationalism and globalism. For the former, love of country and national unity are
foremost concerns while for the latter, global solidarity and peace are the fundamental goals.

The foregoing are values pertaining to the person as self; indeed, the human being must achieve integral
self-development by cultivating his human faculties to the fullest possible. In fact, however, these values
are actualized in society.


PHYSICAL Health and Harmony with Nature

Holistic Health
Physical Fitness
Reverence and Respect for Life
Environmental care

INTELLECTUAL Truth and Tolerance

Love of Truth
Critical Thinking
Openness and Respect for Others
Future and Orientation
Scienti c Orientation

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Seven Dimensions of Human

MORAL Love and Goodness

Honesty and Integrity
Personal Discipline
Compassion (Caring and Sharing)


Love of Country
Heroism and Appreciation of Heroes
Appreciation of Cultural Heritage
Freedom and Responsibility
Civic Consciousness and Active Participation
Committed Leadership
National Unity
International Understanding and Solidarity
Appreciation of World Heritage
Cultural Freedom
Global Peace

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Seven Dimensions of Human

ECONOMIC Sustainable and Human Development

Balance between Economic and Social Development
Protection of the Environment
Wise Use of Resources
Responsible Consumerism
Productivity and Quality
Economic Equity
Work Ethic
Entrepreneurial Spirit

SPIRITUAL Global Spirituality

Faith in God
Inner Peace
Religious Tolerance
Unity of all


Family - Peace and Justice

Respect and Love for One’s Family
Family Solidarity
Responsible Parenthood
Social - Respect for Human Rights
Concern for Common Good
Social responsibility and Accountability
Creative Goodwill
Appreciation of Diversity
Active Non-Violence

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Seven Dimensions of Human

Values Education for the Filipino
1997 Revised Version of the DECS Values Education Program
UNESCO National Commission of the Philippines Education Committee Project

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