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1. Personal Information
Student Name : Ven. Hkemeindasara Date of Birth :
Student ID : 2018MA1E003 University Reference :
Start Date : 07 May 2018 End Date : 31 March 2020
2. Programme Information
Programme of Study : Master of Arts in Pali and Buddhist Studies
Teaching Institution : Shan State Buddhist University
Awarding Institution : Shan State Buddhist University
Mode of Attendance : Full-time
Language of Instruction : English
3. Award Information

Qualification Awarded : Master of Arts

Overall Marks : 69%
Classification : Pass with Merit
Date of Award :
4. Assessment Information
Academic Sem. Course Code and Name Cr Mrk Attempt
Year No.

2018-2019 1st PLL30 Pali Language and Literature 40 PG

TBM30 Theravada Buddhist Meditation 20 71 1

2nd PLL30 Pali Language and Literature 40 68 1

BIM30 Buddhism in Myanmar 20 60 1
BPS30 Buddhist Psychology 20 74 1

3rd ISP30 Independent Study Project 20 67 1

2019-2020 1st DIS30 Dissertation 60 PG

2nd DIS30 Dissertation 60 PG

3rd Dissertation 60 70 2
Title: How the Buddha Taught Social Ethics to Children in the
Context of Theravada Buddhism

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Total Credits : 180
Overall Marks : 69%

…………………………………………………… End of Transcript …………………………………………………….

Transcript printed on 09 July 2021 Registrar

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Shan State Buddhist University Transcripts

The transcript must not be released in any form to another individual, organisation or institution except to assigned
officials within your own organisation, or external organisation or institution who applies for a justifiable business use
for the information. Prior written consent of the student must be obtained before releasing the information to other
parties. The information provided here is for the evaluation of respective student’s academic record. Should you
require further explanation or detailed information please feel free to contact SSBU Registrar office.

Academic Credit
The University applies credit weightings to its programmes and its courses are often taught on a modular basis through
a trimester system in an academic year. In general, one credit is equal to a one-hour lecture plus tutorial lesson for a
non-language course, or a two-hour lecture plus tutorial lesson for a language course. Attempt number (Attempt)
indicates the frequency in which a student is required to re-sit final examinations and/or revise major assignment(s) of
a course within stipulated time. The total credits of our full-time programmes for which students must, on average,
satisfy at least a general pass (please see the mark scales below for grade classifications) are as follows:

Academic Programme Total Credits

Bachelor of Arts 360

Postgraduate Diploma 120
Master of Arts 180* or 360
*Offered only to students of 2018-2019 academic year.

Mark Scales
All marks and notations shown in a final academic transcript have been ratified and approved by the SSBU
Academic Board and the Registrar. It is mandatory for course examiners to comply with the following
designated classification boundaries when accruing final agreed marks on all formally assessed work:

Bachelor Programmes

First Class : 70-100 %

Upper Second Class : 60-69 %
Lower Second Class : 50-59 %
Pass : 40-49 %
Fail : 0-39 %

Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s Programmes

Distinction : 70-100 %
Merit : 60-69 %
General Pass : 50-59 %
Condoned Fail : 40-49 %
Fail : 0-39 %

Other Notations

AD : Credits earned by audit status

EX : Exemption status granted
IC : Incomplete
PD : Pending: results not available at the time of transcript preparation
PG : In progress: a course continues to subsequent semester(s)

For authenticity the academic transcript must be printed on official Shan State Buddhist University transcript
paper and bears both the Registrar’s signature and the official University hologram or seal.

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