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CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF STAFFS services had become a matter of concern.

TURNOVER High cost and time overruns, and poor

IN ETHIOPIAN ROADS quality of project outputs are a result of poor
CONSTRUCTION PROJECT performance of supervision services mainly
SUPERVISION SECTOR due to lack of leadership and managerial
Tadele Amsalu qualities, lack of distinct managing
(BSc in Civil Engineering) functions, high turnover, conflict of interest,
Practicing Professional Highway Engineer - fraud and corrupt practices, unfair advantage
STADIA Engineering Works Consultant Plc., and competition among supervision firms,
Ethiopia and adversarial relationship among parties.
Employee turnover has become one of the
1. INTRODUCTION most imperative problems in the sector.
Extremely huge demand in part-time works
According to a study by Ethiopian
has left the employees with huge
Economic Association (2006/7),
opportunities to work on several projects
construction activities have continued to
and to several companies at same
flourish in Ethiopia in the last few years,
time.Currently, most of these road projects
mainly due to the huge infrastructure
supervision staffs are leaving projects and
projects undergoing by government
organizations prematurely due to unknown
including major road, telecom, and power,
reasons. Though the Ethiopian Roads
condominium house building, real estate
Authority through its modernization
development, growing construction works
program has started to implement measures
due to increased investment in social,
to control this high staff turnover, the causes
manufacturing, and service sectors in the
and effects of the supervision staffs turnover
country. Road construction is the major sub-
are not adequately dealt with. Hence, this
sector which takes the lion’s share of
study was opt to identify major causes of
construction expenditure on the construction
project supervision staffs turnover and its
industry. In order to effectively tackle
effect on the performance of road projects
poverty, the improvement of infrastructure
that will help in developing
mainly road transportation sector has
feasiblesupervision staffs retention strategies
become one of the major objectives of the
within the road construction projects in
Ethiopian government since the mid-1990.
Ethiopia.Consequently, this study attempted
The Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA),
to answer the following basic questions:
being delegated by the Ethiopian
Government launched a Road Sector 1) What are the major factorscontributing
Development Program (RSDP) to administer for staffs’ turnover in road construction
implementation of the Growth & project supervision sector?
Transformation Plan (GTP) on the road 2) What are the effects of supervision staffs’
transportation sector. turnover on road projects?
3) What areas of improvements could be
According to Ethiopian Roads Authority
proposed as a retention plan to reduce
(ERA), Modernization Document for
project supervision staffs turnover?
Contract Management Implementation
(2014), in spite of the fact that the road
sector has made tremendous achievement in
the past few decades in Ethiopia, declining
in the quality and efficiency of consultancy

2. LITERATURE REVIEW the organization’s general performance.
Dysfunctional turnover could be further
2.1 Employee Turnover classified into avoidable turnover (caused
In today’s competitive and dynamic by lower compensation, poor working
business world, managing human resource is condition, etc.) and unavoidable turnovers
considered to be an integral part of any (like family moves, serious illness, death,
organization as it defines the overall etc.) over which the organization has little or
success. It is often believed that an no influence (Taylor, 1998).
organization is only as good as its people 2.2 Employee Retention
(Templer & Cawsey, 1999). Every
organization strives to have high The Harvard Business Essentials (2002)
productivity, lesser turnovers and maximum defined retention as the converse of turnover
profitability. being voluntary and involuntary. Retention
is a voluntary move by an organization to
Employee turnover is the rotation of workers create an environment which engages
around the labor market, between firms, jobs employees for long term (Chaminade,
and occupations, and between the states of 2007). The main purpose of retention is to
employment and unemployment (Abassi & prevent the loss of competent employees
Hollman, 2000). from the organization as this could have
Types of Turnover adverse effect on productivity and service
delivery. However, retention of high
Heneman and Judge (2009) have described
performing employees has become more
four types of employee turnover under two
challenging for managers as this category of
categories: voluntary being initiated by the
employees frequently move from one job to
employee, or involuntary, being initiated by
another as they are being attracted by more
the organization.
than one organization at a time.
Involuntary turnoverare because of the
On the other hand, many scholars underline
decision of management (e.g. dismissal for
that there are sensible reasons why a certain
gross misconduct),which is further divided
level of staff turnover should be encouraged.
into Discharge Turnover aimed at an
When turnover is too low, fresh blood and
individual employee, due to discipline
new ideas are lacking and an organization
and/or job performance problems and
can quickly find itself turning into an ageing
Downsizing Turnoveroccurring as part of an
machine, unable to cope with change. Some
organizational restructuring or cost-
staff turnover has benefits, and can help
reduction program to improve organizational
increase productivity by ensuring better
effectiveness and increase shareholder
matches between jobs and workers,
eliminates low performers, as well as
Voluntary turnoverare those caused by the offering more flexibility to promote and
employee out of his/ her own choice (e.g. to develop valued staff (Loquercio et al.,
take job in other organization for better 2006).
salary) which is also further distinguished
into Functional turnoversthe resignation of 2.3 Determinants of Employee
substandard performers and Dysfunctional Turnover
turnovers refer to the exit of effective Unfortunately, identifying why employees
performers i.e. is of greatest concern to the voluntarily leave is easier said than done.
management due to its negative impact on People who are dissatisfied with their jobs

are more likely to leave, but the sources of for staying. Advancement opportunities and
dissatisfaction are many and varied. The organizational prestige were more common
survey data collected from 262 U.S. reasons for staying among high performers,
organizations revealed the five top reasons and extrinsic reward was more common
high commitment/top-performing employees among low performers.The use of financial
gave for leaving (ranked from high to low) inducements has been recognized as
were pay, promotional opportunities, work extremely important in retaining employees
life balance, career development, and health and it has been considered an important
care benefits. (Dessler, 2013). reward to motivate the behavior of
employees (Brewer, 1996).
In order to produce human resource plans
that address labor turnover problems, 2.5 Impacts of Employee Turnover
organizations need to differentiate between
‘push’ and ‘pull’ factors. The former relate Since turnover warrants heavy replacements
to factors within the organization (e.g. poor and training expenses, organizations are now
line management, inadequate career recognizing employee retention as an
opportunities, job insecurity, dissatisfaction important issue that merits strategic
with pay or hours of work) that weaken the attention (Glen, 2006). Besides, high levels
psychological link between an individual of employee turnover lead to low
and their employer (IRS, 2001a). Once an performance and ineffectiveness in
individual has decided to look for another organizations, and result in a huge number
job they are likely to base their decision on of costs and negative outcomes (Ingersoll &
‘pull’ factors, i.e. the attractions of the new Smith, 2003). Curtis and Wright (2001)
job or organization in relation to their opined that high turnover can damage
existing circumstances. quality and customer service which provide
the basis for competitive advantage, thereby
2.4 Determinants of Employee inhibiting business growth. Turnover often
Retention ends up in valuable talent moving to
competing entities (Stovel & Bontis, 2002).
Employee retention and employee turnover
are two faces of a coin, giving emphasis that Turnover is not only destructive to
both concepts are inseparable and each from organizations, it is also costly. Every time an
the point of view of research is impractical employee quits, a replacement must be
to study in isolation or independently. The recruited, selected, trained and permitted
main purpose of retention is to prevent the time on the job to gain experience. Bliss
loss of competent employees from the (2007) and Sutherland (2004) contend that
organization as this could have adverse organizations lost productivity, social capital
effect on productivity and service delivery and suffer customer defection when a
(Samuel & Chipunza, 2009). Williams, productive employee quits. Knowledge,
(2000) stated that ‘today’s high performers skills and contacts that a departing employee
are like frogs in a wheelbarrow: they can takes out of the organization constitutes a
jump out at any time’. huge loss. These attributes are, in most
cases, lost to a competitor organization that
The study by Hausknecht (2008) revealed may use this to gain competitive advantage.
that job satisfaction, extrinsic rewards,
constituent attachments, organizational As per a study by Justin (2013), the major
commitment, and organizational prestige effects of employee turnover in the
were the most frequently mentioned reasons construction industry are increased work
load;training and development cost; low
morale; lower productivity; management health
frustration; customer service; poor condition,
family issues,
performance; and costs. weather
2.6 Conceptual Framework condition,
As depicted on the various literatures review locations, etc.)
discussed under this chapter, staff turnover
is multidimensional and that no single factor
Figure: Formulated Conceptual Framework
would cause it. Thus, analysis of
(Source: Literature Review)
relationship between the various potential
causes of staff turnover i.e. independent 3. RESEARCH METHODS
variables that would instigate undesirable
This research adopted descriptive type of
employee turnover and its subsequent
research method to gather information about
effects i.e. the dependent variable is
the prevailing causes of project staffs
formulated under figure below which shall
turnover on road projects and explanatory
be tested within the scope of this study
research method to analyze the effects of
project staffs turnover on road projects
performance. Furthermore, the study used
Compensation both qualitative approach to identify the
• Pay Satisfaction current major causes of project supervision
• Lack of Fringe Performance: staffs turnover and quantitative approachwas
Benefits • Poor also applied to analyze the trend of staffs
Job Context Performance
turnover causes and its effect in the
• Job Satisfaction STAFF • Lowered
Ethiopian road construction.
• Job Security TURNOVER Productivity
Job Opportunity Employee The target population of this research refers
• Perceived Behavior: to project staffs who are currently engaged
Alternative • Low Morale
on road projects that are being implemented
of staffs by the Ethiopian Roads Authority
• Increased
Career throughout the country. Accordingly, as per
work load
Development the latest ERA database published on
• Career Training and February 09, 2018 (,
Promotion development
there are 65 ongoing road construction
Organizational projects that would make the target
Damaged population 780 project staffs.The
with corresponding sample size recommended by
Environment Saunders (1959) at a 95 confidence level
• Work-Home and 5% margin of error is 278 accounting
Life Balance
• Influence of co-
35.6% of the target population which is
workers representative enough to generalize the
• Non-Conducive characteristics being observed.The study
work used stratified random sampling techniques
relationship to achieve representation of the respondents
• Relationship on the basis of categories of staff’s as per
with Supervisor
• Unavoidable
their engagement on projects.
conditions (such

Primary data was collected through a self- perceived better conditions being offered
administered questionnaire of 35 questions by other companies.
which are assessed by using a 1-5 Likert  Regarding to the influence of co-
scale to understand respondents’ degree of workers, 143(58.2%) of
agreement with each statement. Data’s respondentsagreed that the perception of
obtained through these questionnaires was their co-workers significantly influence
coded and analyzed using statistical package their attitude towards their employers
for the social science software (SPSS), thus and 156(63.4%) of the respondents’
descriptive statistics of frequency, agreed that commitments are affected by
percentage, mode were applied to gather sudden resignation of their co-workers.
information about the prevailing major
causes of project staffs turnover on road  Respondents agreed on desire for further
projects and inferential statistics of bivariate studies or upgrading of educational
analysis and multiple logistic regression backgrounds accounts 201(81.8%),
were applied to check association of agreed on desire to be self-employed
independent variables with the dependent 203(82.5%), closer care to their family
variable. 195(79.4%) and continuous illness or
deteriorating health conditions
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 209(84.9%) play major driver roles in
From the expected 278 sample size, a total their decision to quit or stay their jobs.
of 246 project supervision staffs filled and  On the other hand, majority of the
returned the questionnaire making the respondents, 224(91%) believe that they
response rate of 88.5%., it is believed that are satisfied with their current job aspect
the data obtained from the respondents will and 202(82%) of them felt that they are
be sufficient enough to represent the study secured and comfortable with the
population and come up with realistic existing working environment at their
findings. job. Majority of the study group (94.3%)
4.1 Descriptive Analysis on Causes of agreed that good working environment
Project Staffs Turnover has a major driving role that would make
one to either stay or leave on his/her
The summary of analysis and interpretation current job.
of the data gathered from the respondents
are presented below:  Majority of the respondents 181(73.6%)
somehow indicated their agreement on
 Most of project staffs respondents the existing balance between work and
183(74.4%) were not comfortably personal life at their current job.
satisfied with their current salary/pay Importance of giving sufficient home
while majority of them 211(85.8%) life time while out-stationed due to work
believe that attractive salary plays a on projects was agreed by majority of
major driving role in their decision either the respondents i.e. 209(85%). In line
to stay or leave their job. with this, most of the study group
 A large number of project staffs (61.4%) agreed that an imbalance
respondents 185(75.2%) agreed that they between work and home life plays a
can easily get another job if they leave major driving role on one’s decision to
their job either voluntarily or involuntary either leave or stay on his/her current
and 208(84.6%) of them express their job.
intention to quit their job due to

4.2Summary of Major Causes of  177(72%) of the respondents felt that
Staff Turnover resignation of co-workers created
significant impact on their morale at
On the basis of descriptive analysis of data their current job.
gathered through distributed questionnaires,
factors causing project supervision staffs  182(74%) of the study group indicated
turnover were arranged by the study group that it requires extra cost and time to
from the most significant reason to the lesser train/develop and acquaint new
significant reasons as presented below. replacement staffs at their project.
 More than two third of the respondents
Percentage 184(75%) reflected that productivity
becomes lowered during the time
Unconducive work… 1.50% elapsed to acquaint new comers with the
Due to unavoidable… 2.60% job at their project.
Due to lack of career… 3.00%  Majority of the study group 206(84%)
Due to geographic… 3.20%
faced increased workload to cover up
jobs left by resigned co-workers at their
Due to lack of fringe… 3.20%
Due to lack of job security 3.80%

Due to lack of… 5.40%

4.4 Summary of Major Effects of
Due to easily available… 8.20%
Staff Turnover
Due to dissatisfaction of the… 10.40%
In this regard, effects of project staffs
Due to unbalanced work and… 12.00%
turnover were arranged by the study group
Due to influence of resigned… 15.40% from the most significant effect to the
To get better pay/salary lessersignificant effects as presented below.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Figure: Major Reasons /factors Contributed for Frustration of project
Project Staffs Resignation according to their staffs due to…
Significance.Source: Own survey, April 2018 6.50%
4.3 Descriptive Analysis on Effects Incurred extra
of Staff Turnover training and…
Descriptive analysis and interpretation of the relationship with…
findings with regards to effects of staff Lowered
productivity of…
turnover on the basis of data gathered Increased workload
through the distribution of questionnaires 18.70%
due to vacated jobs
are summarized below: Resulted poor
performance of…
 Majority of the respondents, 226(92%)
agreed that turnover of project staffs 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%
created significant impact on the project Figure:Major Effects of Project Staffs
performance i.e. quality, cost, and time Turnover according to their Significance.
of projects. Source: Own survey, April 2018

who needed closer care to their
4.5 Analytical Association of Causes families were 1.6 times more likely to
of Staff Turnover with its Effects exert effects on staffs turnover as
Association between dependent and compared with those who were not in
independent variables was checked needy of closer care to their family
analytically using bivariate analysis and [AOR=1.6, 95CI:1.32-4.32].
multiple logistic regressions as shown • Lack of fringe benefits, work-home
below. Hence, the following factors were life balance, and desire to further
found to be statistically and significantly studies were observed to be
associated with effects of staffs’ turnover at statistically significant at p-value of =
p-value of < = 0.05: 0.2 in the bivariate analysis while
being insignificant at p- value = 0.05
• Project staffs who were not satisfied in the multiple logistic regression.
with their salary/pay were 1.9 times
more likely to exert effects of staff 5. CONCLUSIONS AND
turnover as compared with those RECOMMENDATIONS
satisfied with theirsalary [AOR=1.9,
95CI:1.23-4.67]. 5.1 Conclusions
• Similarly those project staffs who are On the basis of the research objectives
not satisfied with their job were 1.8 derived from research questions, findings
times more likely to exert effects of and subsequent interpretation, the following
staff turnover as compared with those conclusions are madewith regards to major
who are satisfied with their job causes of project supervision staffs turnover:
[AOR=1.8, 95%CI:1.21, 3.43].
• The influence of co-workers plays a
• Regarding to the perceived alternative detrimental effect on other project
of employment opportunity, those staffs perception towards their
staffs with perceived alternative job employers and result with
opportunity were 2.1 times more likely dissatisfaction leading to resignation.
to exert effects of staff’s turnover as
compared with those without having • There exists highly perceived
perceived alternative job opportunity alternative employment opportunity
[AOR=2.1, 95CI:1.16-3.72]. with “better conditions” offered by
• Influence of co-workers is also found other companies which resulted ease
to be one of the most significant factor of voluntarily job quitting.
which exert major effect on staffs • The prevailing compensation system
turnover with p-value of 0.000: those such as pay/salary offered to the
project staffs who were agreed about ongoing project supervision staffs is
the presence of influence of co-worker not mostly attractive. Hence, most of
were 2.9 times more likely to exert the project supervision staffs leave
effects of staff’s turnover as compared projects looking for better offers.
with their counter parts [AOR=2.9,
95CI:1.69-4.93]. • The project supervision staffs are
• Closer care to family (children, largely satisfied with their job and
parents, spouse, relatives, etc.) plays a job security exists adequately.
major driver role in decision to quit the However, it was noted that job
job: in this study those project staffs satisfaction would be among the

main sources of staff turnover when 5.2 Recommendations
perceived negatively.
In light of the above conclusions, the
• Closer care to family (children, following recommendations considered
parents, spouse, relatives, etc.) was helpful to reduce the prevailing project
observed to be another factor which supervision staffs turnover in road projects
is both statistically and significantly being implemented by Ethiopian Roads
associated with effects of project Authorityand minimize its undesirable
supervision staff turnover. Thus, negative impacts:
there should always be a good
balance between work and personal • As the project supervision staffs are
life of the project supervision staffs not offered with satisfactory salaries,
while out-stationed due to work on these staffs still will be dissatisfied
projects. and keep on hunting for new jobs
that pay them relatively well. In
order to resolve this problem, the
In a similar manner, the following supervision consultancy fee should
conclusions are also drawnwith regards be increased and allow a room to
to effects of project supervision staffs provide competitive salaries that
turnover: would be satisfying to project
• The prevailing turnover of project supervision staffs and result with the
supervision staffs created significant desired project staffs’ stability. In
impact on the project performance this regard, ERA, as a financier and
i.e. quality, cost, and time of client, should devise a mechanism to
projects. avoid abnormally low pricing of
supervision consultancy
• Project supervision staffs resignation fees.Besides, Ethiopian Consultants
has also caused undesirably and Architects Association,
increased workload on the remaining Ethiopian Civil Engineers
project staffs due to extra efforts to Association, etc. should work in
bridge vacated job gaps. collaboration towards curbing
• Project supervision staffs turnover abnormal low pricing.
has also resulted lowered • The prevailing highly perceived
productivity during the time elapsed alternative employment opportunity
to acquaint new comers with the job. due to the numerous road projects
• Project supervision staffs turnover being implemented and influence of
has also resulted with extra training co-workers resulted with ease of
and development costs during voluntarily job quitting are the major
replacing the resigned project staffs. causes of the prevailing project
supervision staffs turnover. As long
• Resignation of co-workers created as there is such perceived better
significant impact on the morale of employment opportunity among the
remaining project supervision staffs project supervision staffs and being
and resulted frustration. influenced by resigned co-workers,
these staffs will always tend to quit
the project engagement prematurely
and keep on jumping from one

project to another. In order to curb minimize the turnover rate in this
this problem, the supervision regard.
consultant staffs should be
• Though most of the project
encouraged to stay longer on projects
supervision staffs are largely
till completion of projects through
satisfied with their job, it was noted
proper motivational benefit schemes
that job satisfaction is one of the
such as promotions with clear
major causes of staff turnover when
succession/upgrading plan which
perceived negatively being
will result more number of qualified
analytically very significantly
professionals to respective project
associated factor. As job satisfaction
supervision job categories
is principally an intrinsic
minimizing alternative job
motivational factor, its presence will
opportunities and subsequent
motivate project staffs to perform
jumping from one project to another.
their duties well and be committed to
Besides, introduction of proper
their project job, as well as the
controlling mechanism of such
organization. Thus, the project
premature job quitting i.e.
supervision work itself should be
unjustifiable resignation from current
meaningful, interesting and
assignment as a result of perceived
challenging for the staffs to perform
alternative job opportunity with
and get motivated and such exercise
transparent and consistent penalty.
should be well recognized with
• As the ongoing road projects are meaningful valance.
located along the four corners of the • As construction of roads entails huge
country and most of the project capital which is a very
supervision staffs are married with scarceresource in the case of
subsequent family responsibilities, it Ethiopia, the prevailing turnover of
is prudent to make a provision that project supervision staffs if not
would assure good balance between timely addressed by all concerned
work and personal life of the project bodies, it will result significant
supervision staffs while out-stationed impact on the project’s performance
due to work on such projects. i.e. quality, cost, and time of projects
However, the prevailing road and also lowers productivity. The
implementation follows strict magnitude of such impacts is very
attendance of project supervision significant that would jeopardize
staffs to reside on projects from value for money on such huge
commencement to completion investments.
disregarding the balance between • If the project supervision staffs
work and home life causing turnover rate is not addressed in
difficulty to undertake family time, it would keep on causing
responsibilities rationallywhich has undesirable increased workload and
become a prevalent major cause of frustration on the morale ofproject
project staffs turnover. Therefore, an staffs in particular and subsequent
introduction of home life time at stakeholders at large. Project
reasonable interval of staying on a Objectives become project team
project with varying work schedules culture when it is a shared norm and
among project employees would value of the supervision staffs who

work along. Motivating project
supervision staffs to share the project
vision and enable them perform at
high levels will be tough as long as
the staff turnover rate is high and
project team members are vanishing
all around them.


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