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Creating a 10-page homework sheet for a Year 1 level involves keeping tasks simple, age-appropriate,

and varied. Below is a sample homework sheet covering a range of subjects such as math, language
arts, and creative activities. Adjust the difficulty level based on the specific curriculum and abilities of
the students.


# Year 1 Homework Sheet

**Week Beginning: [Date]**

## Math

1. **Counting Fun:**

- Count the objects in each box and write the correct number:

- 🍎🍎🍎🍎🍎 📝

- 🚗🚗🚗 📝

- 🐶🐶🐶🐶 📝

2. **Number Bonds:**

- Fill in the missing numbers in the number bonds:

- 2 + __ = 5

- 4 + __ = 7

3. **Patterns:**

- Complete the pattern by drawing or coloring the missing item:


## Language Arts
4. **Sight Words:**

- Write the sight words three times each:

- **I, like, to, play, and**

5. **Letter Recognition:**

- Circle the letter 'b' in the following words:

- bat, sun, bag, cat

6. **Reading Fun:**

- Read the short sentences and draw a picture to match each one:

- "The cat is big."

- "I can jump."

## Creative Activities

7. **Draw and Write:**

- Draw a picture of your favorite animal and write a sentence about it.

8. **Nature Hunt:**

- Go on a nature hunt in your backyard or a nearby park. Draw or list three things you find.

9. **Coloring Fun:**

- Color the picture and write the name of the object:

- [Picture of a tree]

## Science

10. **Seasons:**

- Draw a picture for each season (spring, summer, fall, winter).

## Parent-Child Activity

11. **Cooking Together:**

- Choose a simple recipe to cook or bake with your child. Write or draw the steps involved.


Feel free to customize this homework sheet based on the specific requirements of your Year 1
curriculum and the preferences of the students and parents. Ensure that the activities are engaging
and promote a positive learning experience.

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