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Note this is the pre- Brian/Bum Lee as Karen/Tigress

formatting and pre- pro Additional thanks to:
edits version of Lucid
Orpheus Press: Design
Sea of Dreams. Consultants
Completed Version
coming soon. Matt Sanders: KS consulting

Readings and influences:
Lucid: Sea of Dreams would
never have been possible without Talking shayd podcast, esoterica
the feedback, encouragement, and youtube, etc.
enthusiasm of the wonderful
playtesters! Thank you!

Lindsay Belton as Theo/Meruit Special thanks to all the

wonderful and patient
Liezel Nel as Cathy/Calypso Dreamers who backed this
project on Kickstarter in 2021,
John C. “What did I do?” Park as without you none of this would
Jake/Mr. Debonair have ever been possible. Thank
Robin Fjärem as Pomeroy/Gruff.
Check out his awesome games at

Ezra Anisman as Lucy


Shira Anisman as
Emma/Spaceworm McGee

River as

- Gatherings
Table of Contents - Ysla’s Tea Party
- The Weaver’s realm
- Escher’s Pearl
Part 1: Enter the Sea of - Far Away
Dreams page 4
Part 5: Beings page 21
Part 2: Character
Creation page 5 - The Mazzikim
- The Shedim
- The Shamir
Part 3: Guidelines page 8 -The Naggar Tura
- Rogue Entities
- Roles
- Attribute checks
Part 6: Running Lucid
- Pooling dice
- Determining difficulty page 24
- Opposed rolls
- Combat order -Core Principals
- Lucidity 0
- Final Act -Tips for running the game
- Pooling Lucidity
- Rest and healing -Session Zero
- Rewards and Character
Advancement -Using…

Part 7: Snatched, a starter

Part 4: Setting page 11 scenario page 32

The Waking World

Minding the Gap

The Sea of Dreams:

- Dreamscapes
- Memescapes

Part 1: Enter the Sea
of Dreams You wake up and grasp for your
phone. It’s time to make a few
Introduction calls.

You struggle against the Mazzik

in a battle of wills, as the The Gist:
ravenous creature seeks to trap
you within your own fears. Damn
emotion eaters! Lucid: Sea of Dreams is a
tabletop roleplaying game for a
You conjure up a playful melody game master/facilitator, referred
to soothe yourself and keep the to as the Guide, and a group of
beast at bay. players. Players create characters,
known as Player Characters, or
One of your companions reaches PCs, who are lucid dreamers, able
out a speckled tentacle, to explore the amazing realms of
unleashing a torrent of jelly The Sea of Dreams, including
candies and banishing the Dreamscapes, realms of collective
creature back to wherever fear is stories known as Memescapes,
from. realms of pure emotion, and many
other unique locations and meet
Time is ticking. You delve deeper the many beings who make these
into the dream until you find places their home. PCs balance
yourself on the verge of their day-to-day life in the
memories. Waking World with nights spent
traversing The Sea of Dreams.
There is a house, and a man
outside flipping burgers. You chat Lucid uses 10 sided dice ( d10 for
with him, gleaning whatever you short) this zine also calls for the
can of his location and motives, use of other types of dice noting
while your companions d+number to indicate the number
investigate inside. of sides.

"I think we found the address, and

the kid," a companion announces,
floating back to you.

Create characters as a group!. See
Part 2 Character chapter 5 for more details on
Creation running a session zero.

Arbor tried in vain to rub the Who are the PCs?

sleep from their eyes as they
closed another tab on their You are Dreamers (capital D),
computer. Nothing. Nothing could you escaped your dreams,
explain what they had become. becoming Lucid. A Dreamer can
The night had begun with a access The Sea of Dreams and
normal dream, now half remember it in their waking life.
remembered, something about
sour soup in Safta Ruth’s kitchen? How did you Go Lucid?
Then from nowhere inhuman Chance? The influence of
voices in chorus “Merrily merrily powerful parties with mysterious
merrily merrily~ life is but a…” motives? Were you mentored by
Safta Ruth’s soup spilled and the an experienced Dreamer? Or…?
kitchen faded away
Establish as part of character
“ dream~” creation or leave open for use
guides discretion.
Arbor saw a cloaked figure
rowing away in a little boat on a
dazzling stream, they called out to What are your Goals?
it but the figure did not turn. In Dreamers are a diverse lot. What
Arbor’s mind a chorus of voices motivates your Dreamers to travel
spoke “Welcome to the Sea of The Sea of Dreams? Personal
Dreams, Camphor”. Their body gain? A thirst for knowledge? A
had become like a giant tree. drive to bring healing and joy to
Arbor woke in a cold sweat but the world?
though wide awake, could still
feel Camphor’s roots and bark in
their bones.

Who are your Dreamers in the Intuition
Waking World? The PC’s Intuition score
represents their ability to
A curious student? A stay at perceive, and tap into
home parent? A bored lawyer? information, be it from within
themselves or from the collective
Discuss as a group. unconscious.

Used to:
Gather information, perceive the
world, gain insight into
The secret identity a Dreamer motivations, distinguish truth
takes in the Sea of Dreams,. from falsehood, and determine
Dreamers can shapechange, and encounter or combat action order.
certain locations may also force
shapechanges. If a Dreamer loses
a shape they have assumed they
A PC’s Resistance score
return to their default: their
represents their ability to remain
themselves under pressure or
What does the shape and name of
your Avatar say about the PC? Used to:
Resist opposing Intuition or
Example Avatars Influence checks when another
Avatars can be anything, from creature, or a dream, tries to
colorful animals, to mythological manipulate the PC in any way
creatures, human or humanoid contrary to their will or desire.
forms, clouds of gas, or
collections of objects. Influence
A PC’s Influence score represents
their ability to exert their will
Attributes over others and their
A new PC starts with 9 points, to Used to:
be divided by the player between Transform the environment,
3 Attributes (maximum 5 in any change form. create things within
one Attribute to start), as follows: the dream (including to) attack
and persuade others.

memory, like one of jumping
rope. Get creative!
A new PC has 3 slots for Items.
Items are distinct manifestations A new character has 5 Lucidity
of the character’s Influence. Items points. This score represents the
can be used to assist on Attribute character’s ability to remain
checks or, when appropriate to the Lucid. Upon taking damage or
item, used without need for a being afflicted by certain negative
check. Items can include sights, effects, the character’s Lucidity is
smells, feelings, objects, etc. reduced. In the Waking World
Lucidity can be used as a
Example Items reflection of the PCs lifeforce
Items can be either corporeal or reduction to 0 results in losing
concepts. Some examples consciousness, or even death.
include: scents, like the smell
of cinnamon. objects, like a small
silver key or an axe. A happy

A roll greater than equal to the
Part 3: Guidelines check difficulty, is counted as a
In the widower’s dream, under
the shade of a Carob tree, you On a roll of 10, the die
curse your luck. A teal “explodes.” Count 1 success and
refrigerator with gleaming eyes reroll that die.
grins at you mockingly “Tell me
all the laws…. while standing on
Pooling Dice
just one foot! Then I’ll let you
pass in peace.” it whines.
With the approval of the Guide,
Players can add one extra die to
You can feel the dream
an Attribute check for appropriate
holding your foot in place. You
use of one of their Items.
exert your Influence and yank
your foot free “Hey! That’s not
When making a group check, or
how the story goes!” the
assisting another Character, one
refrigerator shouts indignantly.
Player makes the check and adds
Now it’s your turn to grin.
one extra die to their pool.
“Sorry friend, I didn’t make the
At the Guide’s discretion, extra
dice may also be added to the
pool when considering factors
Playing the Game that aid the Character, such as
environmental items or effects. Or
Guides, adjust and adjudicate the when the PC has a particularly
rules for better story, remember good idea that takes motivations,
fun (for guides and players) is emotions, or beliefs into account.
number one!
Determining Difficulty
Attribute Checks
The base difficulty for an
When the Guide calls for an Attribute check is
Attribute check, roll d10s (ten Average: 3. The Guide may adjust
sided dice). Roll a number of dice the difficulty as follows:
equal to the Attribute score being
used for the check Challenging: 4–5. The Character
is restrained or otherwise

impaired, or the check violates the On an opposed roll, roll the
premise of the location appropriate Attribute checks; if
(Dreamscapes). the number of successes of the
Resistance check is equal to or
Very Challenging: 6–7. Multiple greater than the opposing roll, the
factors impair the Character; effect is nullified.
and/or the check violates multiple
aspects of the location If the number of
(Dreamscapes and Memescapes). Influence/Intuition check
successes exceeds the opposing
Absurdly Difficult: 8. The Resistance roll, then it is
Character attempts to make large- successful.
scale changes to a Dreamscape.
When attempting to reduce the
Nigh Impossible: 9. The Lucidity or Attribute scores of an
Character attempts to make large opponent, the number of
scale (temporary) changes to a successes of the Resistance check
Memescape. is subtracted from the number of
Influence successes; the
Intuition rolls: difference is the amount reduced
from the target’s Lucidity or
An unopposed roll (for gathering Attribute score.
information or locating things)
adjusts the difficulty as shown Other Effects
above and results based on the
number of successes. Attempts to restrain, confuse, or
affect a target in ways other than
The PC gains more information Attribute or Lucidity reduction
per success, and more successes can be Resisted each turn by the
correlates to more pertinent target.
information being gleaned.
Action Order

Opposed Rolls When in a time sensitive scene

(combat etc.) roll an Intuition
Influence and Intuition checks check; turn order flows from
may be opposed by the Resistance highest number of successes to
of the target or location. lowest.

Lucidity zero Character Advancement

If a Dreamer’s Lucidity is Guides may choose to award one

reduced to 0, they wake up or face point per session, objective, or
other consequences including milestone completed, or at their
death or coma. discretion throughout a campaign.

Dream Entities that are reduced to Points can increase Attributes,

0 Lucidity are dissolved Lucidity, or Item score at a cost of
(sometimes temporarily). the total of the new value,
i.e., Improving Intuition 3 to
Final Act Intuition 4 costs 4 points.
All improvements must be made
When reduced to Lucidity 0, sequentially, e.g., a Player cannot
Dreamers get one final optional jump from Intuition 2 to 4
Influence check before they are without first paying the cost for
removed from the Dream. 3.

Pooling Lucidity

At any time characters may

donate their Lucidity to another
character; for every 2 points of
Lucidity they sacrifice, the target
may regain 1 point of Lucidity.

Rest and Healing

Lucidity and Attributes restore

fully after waking.

Due to the wonkiness of time

between the Waking World and
The Sea of Dreams, once a
Dreamer loses all their Lucidity,
they cannot effectively return to
The Sea of Dreams until the
following night.

Dreams has a way of fading from
Part 4: Setting the Waking World.
“There is no up ,there is no down Likewise, the natives of The Sea
off to the pearl we go. of Dreams, who once could
casually step into the Waking
what goes ‘round must come World as easily as stepping over
‘round off to the pearl you know” the threshold from the street into a
home, now find themselves shut
-song key to Escher’s Pearl out.

Many would have you believe

The Waking World that it is impossible for entities
from The Sea of Dreams to make
The Waking World is where the the crossing. A comforting
PCs live their lives, eat, breathe, thought. But there are rumors of
work, and play. Lucid: Sea of massive chicken prints near busy
Dreams assumes a Waking intersections, of dancing shadows
World parallel to modern earth, in ruins and on rooftops, and of
but any other settings are beings whose very existence will
workable. mean the discontinuance of yours,
should you be unlucky enough to
behold one. Perhaps The Gap is
Minding the Gap growing narrower once more, or
perhaps whatever was keeping the
Long ago the space between the two worlds apart is weakening.
Waking World and The Sea of
Dreams was thin and narrow. And then there are those who
Some beings even remember a claim that the Waking World is
time when travel between the two itself a dream. If true, pray that
was simple. But something whatever dreamed up our world
changed, now The Gap divides. never wakes.
Most never experience The Sea of
Dreams beyond their own Dream
Pearls. Memories of dreams
often wriggle out of their minds.
Even when spoken, or recorded,
information about The Sea of

powerful thoughts and emotions
The Sea of Dreams held within, are magnets for the
inhabitants of The Sea of Dreams.
Close your eyes.
When a Dreamer uses Influence
Take a deep breath, in and out. or Intuition in a Dreamscape, they
Relax your body until you feel it are Resisted by the Dreamscape.
melt away.
Dreamscapes are multilayered.
Before you is a churning chaos: The threshold between the outer
bits of thought, sensations, half- and inner layers of a dream can be
baked imaginings that travel on as simple as a passageway, a
an unseen and fickle current. locked door needing a key, or
Below you, a nearly endless contingent on the completion of a
expanse of glittering pearls specific puzzle, riddle, or task.
stretches as far as the eye can see,
among them swim massive Dreams do not science. They
worms, devouring everything in operate on the logic, beliefs, and
their paths. Hanging above you experiences of the sleeper.
are thick, luminous clouds of Dreamers will be at a
collected imaginings. disadvantage when they act
outside of the logic of the
This is the collective unconscious: Dreamscape.
this is the Sea of Dreams.
Dig deeply enough, and one can
Dreamscapes find memories, hopes, and fears,
as well as the avatar of the sleeper
Lustrous pearls—billions of - it is equally possible to help or
them—bob gently, like apples in harm them within their dream,
water. Each one is home to whether by intent or misstep, so
someone's dreams. tread carefully.

Dreamscapes share the force of Some Dreamers say when they

will of their progenitor. Like a help a sleeper they can often see a
body with its white blood cells spark of light rise up and out of
that fight off foreign entities, the dream before disappearing.
Dreamscapes manifest their own
defenses. Dreamscapes, and the

A few known Memescapes
Thick, roiling clouds of light drift
about The Sea of Dreams. The Halls of the Mountain King:
Ruled over by the lonely troll
This is where thoughts and ideas king Dovregubben, the land is a
coalesce into pocket worlds and mashup of stark wilderness and
realities. dark, late 1800s cityscapes.

Realms of myth, of madness, of Paradigm: Everything in this

stories and collective memories realm links to the song “In the
brought to life, Memescapes are Hall of the Mountain King.”
many and varied. Each one is a While this realm does not
collection of shared thought, transform visitors physically, it
strengthened and fortified by fills all who enter with a sense of
beliefs both past and present. The urgency.
stronger the belief the more
resistant and resilient the By night, the streets are stalked
Memescape. by the killer M. The Shadowy
Court of Criminals seek M’s
Each Memescape operates by its arrest for trial. Living cheese
own rules, forcing interlopers into crackers encourage visitors to
shapes that match the paradigm of have a bite. But be careful: a
that realm. The borders between nibble could turn you into one of
these realms are often as chaotic their number. It is rumored that
as The Sea of Dreams itself. Dovregubben will gift the mighty
song of the Mountain King unto
The merchants of the Other anyone who can find a cure for
Worlds Trade Consortium, the his loneliness.
Radanim, and the Librarians of
House Wise have chronicled Eeee:
hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Known to outsiders as Elemeno,
Memescapes, but many more it is a realm where the letters L-
remain hidden. M-N-O are forbidden. Sights and
sounds alike seem blurred or
distorted here.

Paradigm: This is the realm of

muddled words and blurry text. It

removes the LMNO’s from the adventurers to their doom. Could
names of all who enter. you break this curse?
Meanwhile tensions rise between
The Dread Duke Dysexia has the city's various guilds and
begun a war of conquest on religious groups, the court
parallel Memescapes, sending physician seeks to mend fences as
Wrd Jube foot soldiers to spread well as bodies but could use some
confusion, jumbling up words help.
wherever they go. The “Eeee
Turis Bard” badly needs help with Psychic Reservoirs
their “Wece t’ Eeee” campaign.
Meanwhile the “K–P,” rebel Realms of emotion swarming
movement seeks to overthrow the with Mazzikim. A Psychic
dastardly duke. Reservoir is keyed to a particular
feeling: hope, fear, loss, rage, joy,
Scheherazade’s Yarn: etc. These realms are perilous, but
promise great insight for those
Bandits swoop upon caravans who can make it to their cores.
crossing the sands while
courtiers’ scheme in their lavish The Reservoir of Conviction:
palaces. The ordinary folk go
about their days, hoping for a A frozen icy expanse punctuated
lucky break -a ring with a Jinn, a by pillars of ice the size of trees
cave full of treasure, or a berth on and patrolled by the translucent
a voyage to strange places polyhedral forms of conviction
where fortunes can be made. Mazzikim.

Paradigm: This realm is a mashup When entering the Reservoir,

of every story from 'One Dreamers are immediately
Thousand and One Nights'. assaulted by visions of the deeply
Operates on folklore logic. held convictions of those in the
Waking World. It is Challenging
Raiders have grown bolder. to resist such visions, and can
Some within the palace seek only be accomplished by thinking
to curb their predations. Others of one’s own convictions and
are in on the profit. Rumors of holding onto them. Failure will
buried treasure and magical result in being swarmed by a
artifacts have led flood of Mazzikim.
countless excited would-be

Delving deeper is Very curious. In exchange for news of
Challenging. A Dreamer must Dreamers’ exploits, she happily
present 2 convictions from people answers any question Dreamers
other than themself. Failure in have, to the best of her ability.
present this offering will result in
immediate loss of all Lucidity and Guests at the tea party
possibly becoming frozen, yet
another pillar of ice in an infinite Roll a d8
1- Princess Space Crusader. Full
If successful, however, the body armor bedecked and
Dreamer(s) may parley the great bedazzled. Pink Apron blowing in
Emunah, the heart of the realm, the breeze with only the
and seek one boon: occasional bloodstain. Needs
assistance to find her crew. Ysla
Such as a rod of unbreakable mutters fanfiction.
conviction, a window into the
convictions of any being in the 2- A monstrous mass of wood.
Waking World, or an amulet for The trunk of a hazelnut tree.
protection against conviction Swears it knows a thing or two
Mazzikim about the Shedim but won’t
divulge unless properly
Ysla’s Tea Party: tempted.

Every rogue dream entity knows 3- Frida Kahlo in oil paint with a
Ysla, and Ysla knows of most monkey. She seems eerily
strays. Dreamers know Ysla the familiar.
Owl is a dream entity of
mysterious origin. She can be 4- Hooper, a fading imaginary
found atop a large checkered friend. Hooper hopes to be
blanket drifting around The Sea reunited with Amy, the girl who
of Dreams. Her blanket is a safe first dreamed him up.
harbor in the turbulent sea.. Her
perpetual tea party not only boasts 5- Eliyahu, a… Dreamer?
fabulous tea cakes and finger He peppers Ysla with questions
sandwiches, but is also a bed of about Gloom Mazzikim while
the most current news from recounting tales of all the homes
around The Sea of Dreams. Ysla
cannot lie, and she is eternally

he has visited and wine he has Ysla’s Secrets:
sipped in the Waking World.
Ylsa knows much more than she
6- A bottle of hot sauce that only lets on. While not hostile to
speaks in rhyme. It bides its time. Dreamers she will easily trade
But pay it some mind. It has a any information shared with her
plot only the wise can divine. to anyone else who asks, careful
what you tell her.
7- Queen Oyster, A large frumpy
mushroom lady reading Ysla will not willingly share
“Backpacks and other human much info on the Shedim, she is
rituals” very curious about the an exiled one of their number, a
Waking World. Lilin. Part of her banishment stole
her ability to visit Dreamscapes,
8--Cap'n Cuppycake, with a hook, leaving her thirsty for any and all
big hat and eye patch, he's a true knowledge of the Waking World,
pirate with a taste for cupcakes! sleepers, and their dreams.
Will you join his crew?
If questioned about her origins or
Ysla’s Special Teas: Shedim she truthfully replies that
she would rather not discuss the
Ysla gives a special cup of tea to matter.
Dreamers who share juicy/useful/
or personal news. Each cup of tea Far Away:
acts as a one use temporary item:
Memories of The Sea of Dreams
Intuity: Light and floral. Your flee the minds of the sleepers.
mind clears, calm as a placid Memories of what lies beyond
mountain lake you feel silently escape even the minds of most
connected to all things. Dreamers. Knowledge that is
unknowable, realms far beyond
Resisty: Earthy and resilient with the Waking World that the
a hint of brown rice, you feel Dreamers call home. To
grounded in yourself. remember these parallel worlds
on foreign shores of The Sea of
Influeteance: Strangely tangy like Dreams is Very Challenging. But
an otherworldly citrus your for those few who are able to
imagination opens and bubbles. remember those stolen memories,
the rewards can be great:

The ability to awaken in distant heart of the Pearl one can still
Waking Worlds. cross the boundary into the valley
where the wise ant Queen
Escher’s Pearl: Harmana holds her court in a
giant’s shattered tooth.
Ruled by the mysterious MCs,
Escher’s Pearl is a city for The Reptile Room:
Dreamers within The Sea of
Dreams. Run by the affable Lyle-Lyle, a
man with a crocodile head, the
The only way to reach the city is Reptile Room is a classy lounge
for a Dreamer to sing the song of in the Pearl.
Escher’s Pearl.
The Reptile Room trades in
Laws of Escher’s Pearl: distilled emotions and curated
-No unauthorized editing of the
Pearl. Lyle-Lyle accepts Items,
memories, and sensations on
-No theft. barter, or Waking World
-No harming others.
Patrons include (roll several):
The Courtyard: All Dreamers
arrive via the courtyard. The 1-Cumulon, a roughly human-
guards, appearing as giant ants, shaped cloud, is drinking to forget
remind visitors to be humble and what he saw in his brother’s
mind the city’s laws. dream.

Secrets of the Ants: 2-A gaggle of monk-headed birds

from the Otherworld Boutique
Most Dreamers assume that the lamenting the success of Radanim
Ants of Escher’s Pearl are fellow merchants in Elemeno.
Dreamers under the employ of the
MCs, in truth however the Pearl 3- Joust, dressed in full plate,
was built over the Valley of the lectures her silent apprentice
Ants long ago and dragged into Patience on the (fanatical)
the Sea of Dreams. Deep in the

mission of the Rose Knights to
exterminate all dream entities.

4- Meruit the black cat and

Calypso the blue octopus discuss
outbreaks of Gloom Mazzikim.

5- The Fabulous glam rocker

Jethro plays a glamorous tune
while the affable Spaceworm
Mcjee approaches other patrons to
ask about their troubles.

6-Dicey, the chaotic fun-loving

gambler, on the surface appears as
a humanoid robot in a trenchcoat.
Secretly a collective of 8
dreamers with crablike avatars
piloting to mixed success. Who
wants to make a wager?

7- McRaz the talented green

gecko cowboy warms his drink by
shooting blinding rays of light
from his toes.

8-Frumka the Ace seeks

companions for a raid on some
dangerous ideas.

Lyle-Lyle’s secret:

Has mastery over his own mind,

and is perpetually aware of both
the Waking World and The Sea of

Tetrahedral Cathedral: -Information on dreams,
Memescapes, Shedim, and
Among the winding streets of Mazzikim.
Escher’s Pearl, there is one spire
that impossibly remains visible in -Items from famous Memescapes.
the city’s twisted skyline no
matter where you are. The -Rare fragments and byproducts
Tetrahedral Cathedral appears of the Mazzikim.
like a spear of earth and stone, a
ziggurat temple grasping -Shedtech (auction only).

Entering into a grand hall, you

will be greeted by the concierges Concentric Rinds Writers Guild:
Otys and Mynt.
Need a fantasy or a nightmare
The Cathedral acts as an cooked up? The experts at the
intermediary between freelance CRWG have you covered.
“specialists'' (mercenaries) and Unscrupulous rogues commission
their clients. A list of bounties can nightmare creatures to haunt their
be found near the entrance. enemies. Others pay the skilled
writers to create
Otherworld Boutique and the Items, Memescapes, or entities
Caravanserai of the Radanim: needed for much kinder purposes.

The Radanim and their rival Faction Offices:

monk-headed birds of the
Otherworld trade consortium Dreamers are a varied bunch, and
trade in goods and information while many choose to operate
from up and down The Sea of alone, or with a small group of
Dreams.. They accept Waking companions, others form broader
World currency (at exorbitant coalitions around a common
prices) and will barter for rare purpose. Many Dreamer
dream goods. organizations have offices in the
Pearl, as it is a neutral meeting
Both organizations sell many ground of sorts. Their true
things including: headquarters are often outside of
the Pearl in bastions of their own

making. Some factions are
administrative, like the Dreamer’s
Part 5 Beings
Bank that facilitates anonymous
transactions of Waking World The foul Shibbeta wraps its hands
currencies. Others are around your throat as you
philosophical like the radical struggle to breath “Did you wash
Rose Knights dedicated to your hands?” you try to nod and
destroying any and all dream choke out an affirmative hoping
entities, and the Librarians who to call off the assault.
archive information about the Sea
of Dreams. While others are “With soap?” it hisses.
practical in nature, the Gilded
Glove, a group dedicated to Oh hell.
manipulating sleepers' dreams for
profit in the Waking World, and You wake on the floor, and rub
their enemies the Ghost Dogs your sore neck.
who seek to limit Dreamers from
influencing dreams. The Mazzikim:

The harmers. Swarming,

skittering things, some say the
Shedim created them for their
own alien purpose, and others
suspect that they were born of the
memories of the dead. Still others
hypothesize that they crawled out
of the frothing heart of The Sea of
Dreams itself.

Although their origins are

unclear, their purpose is not.
Mazzikim are instinct-driven
creatures, each type drawn to a
particular type of emotion like
moths to a flame.

They feed off of and perpetuate

this emotion, wherever it can be

found, though most often in the once a man, a cutthroat
dreams of sleepers. businessman, age softened his
bitter heart and he dedicated his
Even those Mazzikim that last days to helping others, on his
perpetuate emotions typically deathbed, the Reservoir of Hope
considered positive can cause reached out to him. Now Gruff
great harm. There are many types brings hope to the hopeless and
of Mazzikim, including: great great harm to nightmares.

Joy Mazzikim: One fluttering Joy Sinat, the hateful. Sinat is

Mazzik brings warmth and powerful and ancient. It relishes
happiness, and a swarm of Joy in factionalism and sows discord
Mazzikim brings exuberant joy. wherever it goes. Sinat smells of
They are fickle and flighty things. smoke and blood.

Gloom Mazzikim: fall into the The Shedim:

web of a Gloom Mazzik at your
peril in the absence of joy they Known as the enigmatic natives
will consume and fill their prey of The Sea of Dreams. Their
with a gray and terrible gloom. shifting inky forms bear a passing
humanoid resemblance, marked
Greater Mazzikim: by their chicken-like feet.

Though not necessarily larger or It is Challenging to communicate

stronger than their kin, a Greater with the Shedim; their minds and
Mazzik is a thinking creature with ways of being are alien. The
a unique personality. There Shedim harvest many lost things
numbers include: from The Sea of Dreams to make
their materials.
Greed in a pinstriped suit: This
aspect of Greed wants what all Trade with the Shedim is highly
Dreamers have: the ability to profitable, their technology is
traverse freely on both sides of unparalleled.
the gap. To achieve this goal,
Greed will stop at nothing. Shedtech:

Gruff, protector of the small, Shedim often trade Sleeper Salts,

crusher of nightmares. Gruff was a weapon feared by Dreamers, as

it renders one into a sleeper. They Shibbeta who strangle any who
occasionally trade the highly eat food touched by unwashed
sought after Anchor, which is hands, the rival Mara Maravitz
invisible, small but too heavy and who steal children and Mara
grants things permanence in The Marrovich who steal tongues and
Sea of Dreams. Rarely they trade of course the Lilin who are
in Wards to keep all manner of particularly prone to visit dreams
things at bay. and “get to know” sleepers.

Shedim possess many They are fond of fruit jams and

technologies that they do not strongly dislike iron.
trade willingly. Like their
shimmering powder that blurs The Shamir:
Intuition and hides them from
view, and their lures for The Shamir resemble worms,
Mazzikim. their bite can pierce the barriers of
even the most resistant dreams
Secrets of the Shedim: and Memescapes.

The Shedim hail from the great Sometimes the size of a grain of
wilderness of the Shedlands, a barley, other times so vast they
place Far Away. Many Shedim stretch for as far as the eye can
believe that the Waking World of see.
the Dreamers is a well
hidden Memescape. The Shedim Awesome and frightening to
are not as uniform as they may behold, the Shamir serve a vital
seem, consisting of dozens if not purpose in the ecology of The Sea
hundreds of tribes and factions of Dreams. Through their
with varying degrees of closeness disruptions ideas spread.
to other beings of the Sea of
Dreams . Those most often The Naggar Tura:
encountered by Dreamers are the
inky servants of Shed King The mountain cutters. These
Ashmedai. mysterious birds resemble
Hoopoe. When they grasp the
Shedim are many, and varied. mighty Shamir in a wool cloth it
Their number include the Shedim shrinks down to its smallest size
shel beit ha-kisse who haunt and is tame. Naggar Tura use
privies and washrooms, the

Shamir to carve out spaces for
their nests.. They complain that
Part 6 Running
Shedim have been stealing tame Lucid
Shamir for purposes unknown.
Core themes:
Rogue Entities:
Belief, emotions, and
By Shamir, by chance, or by motivation:
intention, some entities from
Dream/Memescapes find Lucid explores belief, emotions,
themselves far outside their native and character
realm, and take up residence in motivations. Provide
the open Sea of Dreams. opportunities for PCs to explore
their own and consider others’.
The self-styled “Nightmare
Prince” Falling Down. plots Encourage your players to think
vengeance on the Waking World about where NPCs are coming
with her heralds, the Red Sisters; from and remember to award
Ring, Around, and the Rosy. The extra dice to the pool when they
enigmatic Rower sits in a tiny do.
boat upon a sparkling stream.
Rumor has it The Rower was Imagination and exploration:
crafted by Dreamers long ago to
awaken sleepers.The Jabberer on Dreamers can wield their
the other hand is ancient and imaginations in incredible ways,
terrible, imprisoned for many encouraging creative problem
years it has recently claimed its solving by offering open ended
freedom. A flesh cloud of ears situations and seeing what players
and mouths, the Jabberer hears come up with.
all, and utters everything said in
the Waking World in a Take advantage of the freedom
maddening cacophony. the setting provides to create
vivid, fun, funny and emotionally
powerful worlds for your players
to enjoy and explore.

Secrets and secrets within beings and bind them to one's
secrets: will. They can discover the
backdoor to a person's mind and
Information is power, knowledge enter their waking mind. And
is power, and many things are not more! Create your own!
as they first seem. The identities
of the Dreamers in the Waking Learning and perfecting
World are a closely guarded techniques should be major
secret against hostile or careless milestones for player
Dreamers; entities can use the characters requiring a point cost
PCs' life in the Waking World as well (5-10 points guide’s
against them. discretion).

Similarly, most NPCs and Encourage creativity and

locations should contain hidden empathy:
truths for the players to unravel.
Grant players an extra d10 or two
The Sea of Dreams and all within when they make checks that are
feels familiar but alien. The creative and/or take others’
Waking World is full of secret emotions/motivations into
and hidden connections to the Sea consideration.
of Dreams and its denizens.
Checking in:
Tips for running the game:
Before each session take 5
Secrets as a mechanic for minutes or so to check in with
growth: your players about their PCs
current motivations and beliefs.
Characters can learn secret After each session check in with
techniques through exploration the players to ask how the PCs
and relationships. Including those embodied those motivations and
to ward, target opposing beliefs in the game. Or how their
Dreamers or entities across great beliefs and motivations changed.
distances, target attribute scores,
and to split one's consciousness
between the Waking World and
Sea of Dreams simultaneously.
They can learn rituals to summon

Session zero: with players during session zero
to find out what they are and are
Take time to gather with the not comfortable with. Use the
players and to sort out character lines and veils tool to lay out
creation, PC connections, safety ahead of time what is off limits (a
tools, and other expectations line) or what can be handled
before diving into a session or without detail, ie “off screen”(a
campaign to make sure everyone veil)
is on the same page. Explain the
kinds of vibes you are going for Let players know they can call
and check in with players about pause if play starts to move in an
the kind of vibes they are uncomfortable direction (and you
interested in. can too!). There are tons of other
great safety tools online, see what
Teamwork makes the dream you can find that will work for
work: your group.

Discuss the fact that tabletop Using the Waking World

roleplaying games are a
collaborative experience, Players Ask players what they do during
work as a team, make decisions as the day, try to create a direct or
a group, and are respectful of one indirect link between what is
another. happening in the Waking World
and the Sea of Dreams. Make
PC connections: Waking World NPCs and
conflicts count, including PC
Determine how the PCs know family and friends, they are
each other. Did they meet in the vulnerable, and don't even know
Sea of Dreams or the Waking it.
World? How? If the players want
to handwave this part then default As the Dreamers explore and
to them having met at Ysla’s tea learn more, let them uncover the
party. many hidden links between the
Waking World and the Sea of
Safety tools: Dreams. To a Dreamer, especially
one with higher intuition,
Everyone at your table should be different places in the Waking
able to have a good time, check in World feel different, heavier or

lighter depending on the level of create unique dreams of your
population and psychic angst. own.

A PC in the Waking World is Quick tool for crafting unique

capable of doing anything that Dreamscapes:
their Waking World
body/experience could feasibly The Dreamscape is…
do. So limit rolls to critical
situations. Riding a bike? No roll. roll 1d10
Riding a bike away while pursued
by a furious motorist? Call for 1 a place of learning 2 under the
opposed resistance vs. influence. sea 3 a dark forest 4 a city
street 5 mountains of ice-
Using Dreamscapes: cream 6 a home 7 a
playground 8 a field 9 a
Dreamscapes are your chance to cemetery 0 the open sky
present the weird and wild and
somewhat psychological world of Characterized by…
dreams. If the players are in the
dream of an important NPC, make 1 a golden shimmering
sure that the character's doorway 2 a weeping statue 3
personality, fears, and beliefs uneven gravity 4 certain
shine through. twistiness to it 5 surreal
aesthetic 6 everything
Dreams do not science. proportioned too large 7 colors
Dreamscapes operate by thought that vary depending on the
and belief, bear that in mind when onlooker 8 a thick fog 9 a great
PCs use their influence here. soundtrack 0 scenery that wobbles

Dreams have long been thought to The sleeper is a…

have symbolic meaning and hold
portents for the future, let 1 a busy parent 2 a starry-eyed
elements in the dream foreshadow child 3 a rebellious youth 4
possible future events. an exhausted insomniac 5 a
corrupt official 6 a shell-shocked
Look at internet lists of common soldier 7 an up and coming
dreams and insert elements of the criminal 8 an aged prisoner 9 an
sleepers personality. Alternatively

energetic elder 0 someone the 1 Hairy/fluffy 2 Scaly/spiky 3
PCs know Shiny 4 Melty 5 Swarming 6
glittering 7 iridescent 8 blue 9
Using Memescapes: colorful 0 nightmarish

Memescapes are your chance to 1 Fight! 2 Argue! 3 Pranks! 4

explore diverse worlds, Steal Chat! 5 Follow! 6 Ask for help! 7
from your favorite books or Offer help! 8 Chat? Lies! 9
periods in history, tv shows or Explode 0 complain
movies, or even other TTRPGs.
Memescapes maintain their theme
by limiting your players and Roll 1d6
guiding their creativity. It is very
challenging to violate the 1 a flock of Naggar Tura pursuing
premises of a Memescape. a whale sized Shamir through a
storm 2 a swarm of Paranoia
Using the Sea of Dreams: Mazzikim descending upon a
Dream Pearl 3 Ysla’s Tea Party
Travel in the Sea of Dreams is under attack by a small group of
wonky Rose Knight Dreamers 4 A newly
awakened Dreamer, lost and
The Sea of Dreams is more than confused (or are they?) 5 a
just the space between locations window into the parallel
of interest. It is teeming with memescape version of their
Dreamers and all the other Beings hometown 6 a mysterious jug
introduced in Lucid overflowing with an endless
supply of oil, look closely to see
In the Sea of Dreams the it covered in small, almost
Dreamers encounter human-like handprints.


1 clocks 2 gibbons 3 coins 4 lace

5 stardust bits 6 rodents 7 snakes
8 snack food bits 9 cats 0 FIRES

That are…

Weather in the Sea of Dreams: When combining Lucid with
other systems it helps to have
Whenever the PCs enter the Sea players that are already well
of Dreams or move to another versed in either Lucid or the other
part roll a d8, the result is the system. Juggling two rulesets can
difficulty of using intuition or seem daunting at first but
influence becomes like second nature with a
little practice.
Using Lucid with other systems:
Intuition in particular is a handy
Lucid gives you options. For PCs way to give PCs a chance to
from other systems Lucid opens notice something abnormal and
up an additional menu of problem beyond their average sensory
solving tools and power and capabilities in the Waking World.
another potential source for
conflict and obstacles.

The mighty heroes on a quest to

find the magic ring? Now the dark
lord sends them nightmares while
they seek an entryway to his
cronies' dreams.

Play with how

common/uncommon Dreamers
are, and how they fit the setting.
Were they awakened by magic?
Divine power? Or something

Going Lucid can come later in a

campaign. The PCs seek out the
source of the strange monsters
that have been plaguing the land
only to discover they emerged
from the Sea of Dreams!

Part 7 Sam was

Snatched: a sample

2- Jason was radicalized through
Part 7 Sam was a combination of his own shame
Snatched: a starter and fury and his media diet. He
has stockpiled weapons and seeks
scenario to take revenge on the whole city,
everyone who has “wronged
Content warning: him”, kidnapping Sam is just the
Kidnapping and child
endangerment, potential 3- Noticing a flock of fear
violence. Mazzikim heading towards
Jason’s Dream Pearl post
Behind the scenes: kidnapping, a Mara Maravitz
named Hedek sensing opportunity
Sam, the child of prominent local whispered in his ear “bring me the
journalist couple Terissa and Jo child, that will make the parents
has been taken captive by truly suffer” Jason is working on
disgraced former city council a ritual at the behest of Hedek to
member Jason Carter. Jason narrow The Gap enough for
blames the couple for his life Hedek to drag Sam’s physical
unraveling after they revealed his body into the Sea of Dreams.
corruption to the public.
4- Jason Carter is cruel, and a
Choose or roll 1d4 for Dreamer, he used his powers to
background information lead nightmares to Jo and Terrissa
for weeks, all while orchestrating
1- Mayor Bishop, a sleeper who the perfect subliminal messages
has been contacted by the Greater that allowed him to kidnap Sam
Mazzik Greed-in-a-pinstripe-suit, without a trace. He warded Sam’s
wants Terissa and Jo out of the dreams to hide them from
picture before they uncover his potential interlopers, particularly
embezzlement scheme. In concerned about arousing the
conjunction with Greed they Greater Mazzik Gruff’s fury.
subtly encouraged Jason to deal
with the issue. Neither knew he Setup:
would target Sam, neither care.
Jason has no knowledge of Greed Sam is a kid! Maybe 10 or so.
or the mayor's involvement. Decide as a group how each
character knows Sam. Explain to

the party that one week ago Sam You concentrate on what you
went missing and the PCs have know about Sam's disappearance
decided to find them! and reach out Or you hold out
the memory of Sam’s scruffed up
Ask the party what they do in the teddy bear you had held just
Waking World before they fall hours earlier and reach out…
asleep to get ready to find Sam.
(research online, collect some of If they do not pass a check,
Sam’s personal items for intuitive indicate to the group that for each
reading, talk to the family etc.) of their failures time is ticking
But the weather in the Sea of
Stress to players that time is of Dreams is too wild, you find
the essence, maintain a sense of nothing, time is ticking as you
urgency in order to build tension fumble for another pathway.
and immerse the players in the
scenario. Repeat until success.

Use the text from “The Sea of You lock on, like a carrier pigeon
Dreams” section in Locations to you know where to find Sams’
describe falling asleep and Dream, and like a carrier pigeon
awakening in the Sea of Dreams. you glide swiftly through the Sea
arriving before a gleaming silvery
Finding Sam’s Dream chipped Dream Pearl.

Roll for weather! roll a d8, the Optional:

result is the difficulty of using
intuition or influence. The PCs face a random encounter
in the Sea of Dreams while on
Encourage the PCs to use the their way each time they fail the
information they gathered during check.
the day to try to locate Sam’s
dream, make a group Intuition
check. Award extra dice for
particularly creative information

Part 1: In the Dream of the successful Intuition check can
Missing also be used to let the players
know this hole is the door to the
Layer 1: next layer of the dream.
Dreamscape Resistance score: 1
Layer 2:
Layer 1 is a dark, dank forest, Dreamscape Resistance score 2
filled with birds and buzzing
insects. The mud is thick and This layer is populated by talking
arduous. mice, who live in the walls of a
giant unseen house, in fear of a
First obstacle: monster that reaches through the
walls and eats them.
Roll Resistance vs. The
Dreamscape. Failure leads to The party appears in a cramped
becoming submerged in mud. space; Resistance checks are
Dreamers lose 1 point of Lucidity needed for anyone who is not
per failed check to free mouse- sized, and failed checks
themselves from the mud. result in losing Lucidity equal to
the check failure (maximum of 2
The way to the next layer is lost per check). Dreamers must
through a small hole at the base of succeed on an Influence check to
a distant tree. An Intuition check shrink to an appropriate size.
vs. the Dreamscape’s Resistance
allows the PCs to hear a faint The party is approached by a
sound coming from the hole. group of friendly and curious
mice in stitched- together
If the players seem unsure of how clothing.
to investigate, introduce a wubby:
the PCs spot a small bird sinking Dream mice names:
into the mud. If they free the bird,
it will thank them and complain Felix, Fivle, Lola, Old Man
about the scary sound coming Withers, Smoop, Timothee,
from the base of a tree. Andromeda, Shmarlz.

Any attempt to look into the hole With little convincing the mice
will only reveal darkness, but if a will offer to lead the party to their
PC enters the hole, they enter the village.
next layer of the dream. A

The Mouse village is warmly lit; Notes on tone:
mice shuffle about industriously,
stacking buttons and bundling The mice and their village create
twine. The village is haphazardly a sense of warmth, but their fear
constructed from household of the Monster should build some
goods, and one end of the village anticipation for the terrible
is conspicuously boarded up and monster. Play on that contrast
cordoned off with yellow warning between the warmth and terror.
Layer 3A:
The mice will warn the party of Dreamscape Resistance score 3
the presence of the monster
“Better watch out, the monsta will The party witnesses a replay of
get ya’, it’ll snach ye up, eat ye Sam’s memory of the
all for supper, crunchity squnch!” kidnapping.

Past the barricade is an inky black Sam stands outside a gas station
maze, at the end of which lies the waiting for their mom to finish
door to the next layer of the paying inside. A towering giant of
dream. a man, face distorted by shadow
save for his cold blue eyes, gets
The party can navigate the maze out from a bright blue pickup
with a successful Intuition check truck and approaches. A giant
vs. the Dreamscape’s Resistance. hand reaches out, fear, then
everything fades to black.
The monster can attack suddenly,
as the Guide sees fit. The party The scene repeats itself.
hears a wretched cracking sound
that steadily grows louder until If the party attempts to interrupt
the monster appears. The monster the memory, they are transferred
is a giant terrible grasping hand to layer 3B
that smashes through the wall,
leaving debris and a cloud of dust Note on memories: the events are
in its horrid wake. from Sam’s perspective and may
be distorted. For example the face
The Monster has 2 points in all of the man, license plate number
Attributes and 5 Lucidity. of any given vehicle etc.

Layer 3B attack. If the PCs cause Sir
Ferdinand to wake up, the party
Dreamscape Resistance score 3 gets a glimpse of Jason Carter’s
face, have each PC roll an
Enter a dark dank basement, filled unopposed intuition check
with crates covered in camo cloth. difficulty 3 to see if they can
Sam is tied to a heavy table in the identify him.
middle of the room .
Optional encounter:
If prompted, Sam will divulge
that the man says a lot of bad The Shamir cometh!
words and is really scary.
Intuition check vs. 3 to detect the
The man enters the basement and coming Shamir and react before it
the party gets a clearer look at his eats Sam’s dream.
face. A successful Intuition check
can trace back to the man’s The Shamir has 5 points for each
dream. Attribute and 10 points of
Lucidity. One successful bite
The party now realizes that Sam from the Shamir will cause its
has been kidnapped and is target to instantly wake.
imprisoned. Stress the urgency of
the situation. When moving The Shamir eats Sam’s dream,
forward. jettisoning the party into The Sea
of Dreams.
If Jason Carter is a Dreamer,
stage a confrontation here The party has the chance to
escape before the Shamir turns its
“They deserve this, they’ll pay for attention to them. Have the party
what they did to me!” describe how they exit the scene.

Jason the Dreamer has 4 in each

stat, his avatar Sir Ferdinand is a
medieval knight with gold armor,
his items are a sword, shield, and
the taste of blood. Jason will first
try to convince the PCs not to
meddle, and if that fails, will

Part 2: The Kidnapper’s Dream trace and is replaced by a sense
of unease.
The party finds the Kidnappers
Dream Pearl, it is tarnished and Who is the owner of the strange
seems…wrong somehow. voice? Another dreamer? A
Greater Mazzik or rogue entity?
Layer 1: And what are they doing in this
Dreamscape Resistance score 3 man’s dream?

The party appears in the stands of (if Greed or the Mara Marrovizt
a race track, before them an array Hedek are involved than the voice
of generic video game characters belongs to one of them
prepare to race in little animated respectively)
cars. There are some spare cars if
any party members want to Perils of the track:
participate in the race.
Intuition check vs. 5 to detect the
A successful Intuition check Mazzikim before they attack.
reveals that the key to the next
layer of the dream is the finish Lurking along the track are 3 Fear
line. (describe it as a feeling of Mazzikim (5 Influence, 2
difference/off-ness) Intuition, 2 Resistance, and 2
Lucidity each). On a successful
The race begins: attack, they trap their target in an
illusion of the target’s worst fear.
If the PCs participate in the race, Each round, trapped characters
have the players roll influence can make a Resistance check vs.
checks vs the dream to determine the Mazzikim’s Influence to
where in the race they are escape. If trapped for 3
consecutive rounds, the target
A strange encounter: begins to attack fellow party
members on their turn.
Midway through the race a
strange voice calls out “Ah, Defeat the Mazzikim and proceed
Dreamers, a bit far from home, to the finish line to cross to the
aren't we?” The voice fades away next layer of the dream.
as its owner vanishes without a

Layer 2: If Jason is working with Hedek
the basement level feels off, the
Dreamscape Resistance score 3 PCs can almost feel their physical
bodies stir, there are strange
The party sees a white shabby markings on the walls and images
house with cracked paint. A man of doors and windows)
of average height and build stands
in the backyard, grilling hot dogs. Wrap up:
The sleeper Jason Carter.
Party decides how they want to
The party can learn the house's rescue Sam, whether that means
layout, address, and the alerting authorities or doing it
Kidnappers name and motivation themselves etc.
either by talking with him or
snooping around the house or a Possible hooks for further play:
combination of the two.
A debt unpaid: The Weaver is
Maintain a sense of urgency. ready to collect the promised
Jason seems nonchalant on the story now the party must venture
surface but is angry and afraid, deep into a memescape and return
and will react with hostility if he with a tale worth telling.
notices anyone entering the
house. A voice from the dark: for what
sinister purpose was the owner of
Inside the house is mostly plain, a the mysterious voice lurking in
bit messy with stacks of Jason Carter’s dream?
magazines and hand written
notes. There are stairs that lead The fall man: Jason Carter is just
down to a locked basement. In the the tip of the iceberg when it
basement is Sam from Jason’s comes to corruption in this city.
perspective, a twisted amalgam of Who encouraged him to take such
Teresa and Jo leering and taunting drastic actions? And to what end?
anyone they lay eyes on.

(if Jason is acting alone then the

house is filled with maps of the
city, weapons and potential
targets, candid pictures of dozens
of individuals.


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