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Volume 2022, Article ID 5658756, 20 pages

Research Article
Permian Remelting and Maturity of Continental Crust
Revealed by the Daqing Peraluminous Granitic Batholith,
Inner Mongolia

Jialiang Li,1 Jingao Liu ,1 Chen Wu,2 and Di-Cheng Zhu1

State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes and Mineral Resources, China University of Geosciences (Beijing),
Beijing 100083, China
State Key Laboratory of Tibetan Plateau Earth System and Resources Environment, Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Jingao Liu;

Received 18 November 2021; Accepted 4 March 2022; Published 24 March 2022

Academic Editor: Shengsi Sun

Copyright © 2022 Jialiang Li et al. Exclusive Licensee GeoScienceWorld. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution
License (CC BY 4.0).

The Phanerozoic granites in northeast China bear key information for studying the tectonic evolution and crustal growth or
reworking in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). The Daqing granitic batholith widely outcrops as a high-level intrusion
in the Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt, southeastern CAOB. Three types of enclaves in granites have been identified: (1) mafic
magmatic enclaves (MMEs), (2) volcanic xenoliths, and (3) biotite-rich enclaves. The batholith is mainly composed of
peraluminous biotite granite and granodiorite with SiO2 = 63:95 − 69:48 wt.%, A/CNK = 1:15 − 1:27, and 2.54 to 4.30 wt.% of
normative corundum. They exhibit remarkable enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; K, Rb, Th, and Pb) and
depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs; Nb, Ta, and Ti), P, Eu, and Sr, as well as relatively enriched Sr-Nd isotopes
(ð87 Sr/86 SrÞi = 0:70530 − 0:70576, εNd ðtÞ = –0:1 − +0:2). Zircon U-Pb dating suggests that this batholith was emplaced in the
Early Permian (ca. 283-282 Ma), consistent with a period of intensive magmatic activities in northern Inner Mongolia. The
Nb/Ta ratios of MMEs (17.6-20.1) are higher than those of the host granites (11.4-12.5), together with the reaction rims where
biotite crystals cluster around the amphibole cores, suggesting magma mixing between mantle- and crust-derived melts.
Zircons from a biotite-rich enclave define a protolith age of ca. 320 Ma and an anatectic age at ca. 281 Ma. Whole-rock Sr-Nd
isotopic modelling and zircon Hf isotopes reveal that the batholith was mainly produced by remelting of newly accreted
continental crust with minor addition of mantle-derived materials. The geochemical compositions imply that their precursor
magmas originated from a relatively high crustal level (<5 kbar) with crystallization temperatures ranging from 800 to 850°C.
We suggest that the Daqing peraluminous granitoids were derived from partial melting of newly accreted crustal materials at a
relatively shallow crustal depth, associated with a ridge subduction-related heat source. Such mantle-derived magmas through a
slab tear window resulting from ridge subduction provide not only the heat for the widespread crustal remelting and therefore
maturity but also juvenile materials for crustal growth.

1. Introduction [1–3, 6–16]. Peraluminous granitoids are generally thought

to be the products of crustal anatexis during the postcolli-
Peraluminous granites are common in orogens on Earth and sional period when lithosphere is thinned for active rifting
can provide a promising perspective for deciphering the for- [17]. Typical cases include peraluminous granites (e.g., the
mation and evolution of continental crust [1–6]. Lots of leucogranite) in the Massif Central of the Hercynian Belt
efforts have been devoted to a better understanding of the [18] and the Himalayan orogenic belt (e.g., [19–22]).
rock petrogenesis and tectonic environments by the aid of Detailed studies in the Cordilleran peraluminous granitoids
petrologic, geochemical, and experimental investigations [23–26] and the Lachlan S-type granites [3, 5, 6, 10, 12,

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2 Lithosphere

27–29] imply that peraluminous granites can also be gener- Hutag Uul block in southern Mongolia [68], Late Cambrian
ated in subduction-related tectonic settings. Compared to to Late Silurian (ca. 498-420 Ma, [33]) subduction-accretion
collision-related peraluminous granites, subduction-related complexes associated with some accreted Precambrian
counterparts usually show a wider range of SiO2, higher blocks (e.g., Xilinhot complex) [41, 47], and Carboniferous
FeOT and MgO, and more depleted isotope compositions to Early Permian arc rocks [46, 50, 51, 53, 61, 64, 69]. The
than potential crustal sources and generally have mafic mag- final closure of the Paleo-Asian Ocean in the Late Permian
matic enclaves (MMEs) [2]. The pivotal question is whether to Early Triassic resulted in formation of the Solonker Suture
these characteristics of the MMEs mirror the involvement of Zone [31, 32, 34, 39, 46, 70–72].
mantle-derived materials (e.g., [10, 12]) or originate from Proterozoic metamorphic complexes occur discontinu-
ineffective removal of restites [1, 30]. ously along a NEE direction in the study area, which consists
The Xing’an-Mongolia Orogenic Belt (XMOB) of the of amphibole plagioclase gneiss, biotite granitic gneiss, and
southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) was mica schist, and are considered as Precambrian basement
constructed by convergent processes between the active [41, 73, 74]. Paleozoic strata are dominated by Carbonifer-
southern margin of the South Mongolia terranes to the ous sedimentary and Permian volcanic-sedimentary strata,
north and the northern margin of the North China Craton both of which are generally overlain by Mesozoic-Cenozoic
to the south (Figures 1(a) and 1(b); [31–41]). It mainly con- volcanic-sedimentary strata and intruded by Mesozoic intru-
sists of ophiolite blocks/fragments, Paleozoic to Mesozoic sions (Figure 1(c); [73]). Recent zircon U-Pb ages and geo-
volcanic-sedimentary sequences and sedimentary strata, chemical data from the Early Permian volcanic rocks in
and igneous plutons of varying compositions and ages from the Xi Ujimqin area, i.e., Dashizhai Formation, show a
the Early Paleozoic to Mesozoic [33, 34]. It is strikingly char- bimodal distribution in terms of composition, with mag-
acterized by the massive generation of juvenile crust in the matic emplacement occurring at ca. 305-274 Ma [2, 50,
Phanerozoic [42–45]. Especially, in this region, there are 64, 69, 75, 76]. Granitoid plutonism developed extensively
voluminous Late Paleozoic granitic intrusions with depleted in the study area from the Carboniferous to Jurassic
Nd-Hf isotopic signatures [46–54]. Most of them contain (Figure 1(c)). An ENE-trending Late Carboniferous calc-
hornblende and are geochemically characterized by metalumi- alkaline granitoid belt is distributed in the northwest part
nous compositions, thereby are generally thought to be I-type of the study area [55, 59] that is considered as the northeast-
granitoids [46, 47, 49, 51, 53]. Geochronological and geochem- ward extension of the Baolidao arc rocks in Sunidzuoqi [46,
ical studies demonstrate that these granitic plutons were 47, 53]. Especially, the Late Carboniferous S-type peralumi-
mainly emplaced in the Late Carboniferous to Early Permian nous granites (333-322 Ma) were also reported in this belt
and originated from juvenile sources with some assimilation [52]. To its southeast, the Early Permian to Jurassic granitoids
of ancient materials [46, 47, 49, 53, 55]. However, the S-type are predominant [51, 54, 61, 63] and usually occur as batho-
granites do occur in the region, and they generally formed in liths with several exposed areas more than 100 km2
a postorogenic setting during the Mesozoic (e.g., [42]). Paleo- (Figure 1(c)). Additionally, some subigneous rocks with dis-
zoic S-type peraluminous granites in XMOB however have tinct geochemical features also formed in northern Mongolia,
been rarely studied previously (e.g., [52, 54]). In this contribu- such as the fore-arc basalts and boninites in the Diyanmiao
tion, we conducted a comprehensive study on the representa- area (336-328 Ma; [77]), the ophiolitic melanges in the
tive Late Paleozoic peraluminous granitoids and relevant Hegenshan-Xi Ujimqin areas (318-295 Ma; [35, 69, 78]), the
enclaves in northern Inner Mongolia by means of petrology, MORB to OIB-type basaltic rocks in the Daqing-Xi Ujimqin
whole-rock major- and trace-element and Sr-Nd isotopic areas (315-274 Ma; [66, 79]), and adakites, high Mg diorites,
analyses, zircon U-Pb geochronology, and zircon Hf isotope Nb-enriched basalts, and associate rocks in the Xi Ujimqin
analysis. Our study aims at revealing their origin and charac- area (295-280 Ma; [36]).
terizing crustal growth and maturity in the accretionary oro- The Daqing pluton intruded into the Carboniferous
genic belts. to Permian volcanic-sedimentary strata, and the pluton
itself was subsequently intruded by Jurassic granitoids
2. Geological Setting and Samples (Figure 1(c)). The rocks of the Daqing pluton include
granodiorite and biotite granite (Figures 2(a)–2(c)) that
The northeast-trending XMOB extends for more than typically show a fine- to medium-grained granitic texture.
2000 km, from southern Mongolia through Inner Mongolia These rocks are composed of plagioclase (45-55%), quartz
to the Great Xing’an Range of northeast China (e.g., (15-25%), K-feldspar (10-20%), and biotite (5-12%)
[31, 33, 34, 38–41]). (Figures 2(d) and 2(g)). Accessory minerals contain apatite,
The XMOB is mainly composed of three subunits from zircon, and Fe-Ti oxides. Three types of enclaves were iden-
south to north, that is, the Southern Accretionary Orogen, tified in the host granitoids, including MMEs, biotite-rich
the Solonker Suture Zone, and the Northern Accretionary enclaves, and volcanic xenoliths. MMEs are rounded
Orogen (Figure 1(b); [33]). The Southern Accretionary Oro- (mostly 1-10 cm in diameter; Figures 2(b) and 2(c)). They
gen between the North China Craton and the Solonker consist of amphibole, biotite, and plagioclase with little
Suture Zone is characterized by an Early Ordovician to Early quartz and Fe-Ti oxides (Figure 2(e)). Plagioclase is euhe-
Silurian (ca. 488-438 Ma) subduction-accretion complex and dral and amphibole is anhedral with a light-brown color.
arc-related igneous rocks [32, 33, 39, 41, 67]. The Northern Some display clear reaction rims with the host granitoid,
Accretionary Orogen consists mainly of the Early Paleozoic where amphibole core is surrounded by the red-brown

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Lithosphere 3

Figure 1: (a) Simplified geological sketch map of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) showing the main tectonic subdivisions
(modified after [44]). The location of Figure 1(b) is indicated as a rectangle in Figure 1(a). (b) Simplified tectonic map of the
southeastern CAOB showing the main tectonic subdivisions and the location of Figure 1(c) (modified after [33, 34, 39, 40]). Light gray
zone represents the Northern Accretionary Orogen and the Hutag Uul block, whereas the dark gray zone represents the Southern
Accretionary Orogen [33, 34]. (c) Simplified geological map of the Xi Ujimqin area (modified after [56]). Data sources: [34, 51, 52,
54–66]; this study.

biotite crystal cluster (Figure 2(f)). These are indicative of ciences, Beijing (CUGB), following the methods described in
the reaction between MMEs and the K-rich peraluminous Zhang et al. [81]. Zircon 91500 was used as the external stan-
melts. Biotite-rich enclaves occur as rounded blocks of 5- dard for correcting elemental fractionation and mass discrim-
10 cm in diameter in the interior of the batholith ination for U-Pb analyses. Zircon standard GJ-1 was analyzed
(Figure 2(b)). They are similar to the host granitoids in as unknown samples that were inserted between 91500 and
mineral assemblage but have variable size and high vol- samples. The weighted mean 206Pb/238U age for GJ-1 was
ume of red-brown biotite with a few quartz and feldspar 598:5 ± 4:0 Ma (2SD, n = 12), which is within error of the rec-
crystals (Figure 2(h)). Volcanic xenoliths occur locally in ommended value [82]. U-Pb data off-line reduction followed
the outer edge of the batholith, probably being trapped those procedures detailed in Andersen [83], Ludwig [84],
from the top of the magma chamber. They are generally and Liu et al. [85].
angular, of varied size (~20-30 cm in diameter), and show In situ Hf isotope analyses were determined by multi-
sharp contact with the host granitoids (Figure 2(c)). In collector-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer
addition, the volcanic xenoliths contain similar mineral (MC-ICP-MS) coupled with a NewWave 193UC excimer
assemblages with the wall rock volcanics in the upper laser ablation system in the Milma Lab, CUGB. The detailed
crust, indicating that the Daqing pluton is a high-level analytical processes were described by Wu et al. [86]. During
intrusion [80]. these analyses, the 176Hf/177Hf of the Plešovice standard zir-
con was 0.282483 ± 20 (2SD, n =12), within the error identi-
3. Analytical Methods cal with the recommended value of 0.282482 ± 13 (2SD)
reported by Sláma et al. [87].
3.1. Zircon U-Pb and Hf Isotope Analyses. Zircon U-Pb dat-
ing was analyzed by laser ablation inductively coupled 3.2. Whole-Rock Geochemical Analyses. Major elements were
plasma mass spectrometry in the Mineral Laser Microprobe analyzed using XRF in the Institute of Geology and Geo-
Analysis Laboratory (Milma Lab), China University of Geos- physics, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing. Analytical

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4 Lithosphere

Biotite granite
Granodiorite MME


Biotite-rich enclaves

(a) (b)

Biotite granite

Miarolitic Bt
Qz Pl

Volcanic xenolith
1.0 mm

(c) (d)


Bt Bt
Amp Qz
Ap Bt

Ap Pl

Reaction rims between

MME and granodiorite
0.2 mm 1.0 mm

(e) (f)

Biotite granite
Biotite granite

Bt Biotite-rich enclaves

Bt Bt

1.0 mm 1.0 mm
(g) (h)

Figure 2: Field occurrence (a, b, and c) and photomicrographs (d, e, f, g, and h) of the host granitoids and enclaves from the Daqing
batholith, northern Inner Mongolia. Amp = amphibole; Bt = biotite; Kf = K-feldspar; Pl = Plagioclase; Qz = quartz; Ap = Apatite.

precisions are better than 2%. Trace elements were done on and Mineral Resources (Radiogenic Isotope Geochemistry-
a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spec- RIG lab), CUGB. Precision for all trace elements was esti-
trometry at the State Key Laboratory of Geological Processes mated to be 10% and accuracy is better than 5% for most

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Lithosphere 5

283 Ma 280 Ma 281 Ma
+7.7 Granodiorite 292
280 Ma +5.6
+6.7 +7.9
280 Ma +6 . 9 281 Ma
280 Ma 284

Biotite granite

+8.2 +7.3
282 Ma +8.8 0.044
+8.7 +5.3
–13.5 +7.2
enclave 0.043
Mean = 282 ± 2 Ma
320 Ma 287 Ma 281 Ma 282 Ma 268 MSWD = 0.26, n = 14
U-Pb spots Hf spots 100 𝜇m
0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.39 0.41
(a) (b)

0.055 0.054
20DQ-07 20DQ-12
Biotite-rich enclave 330
0.053 330 0.052

0.051 0.050


0.049 0.048


0.047 0.046

0.045 0.044
0.043 270 Mean = 283 ± 2 Ma 0.042 Mean = 281 ± 2 Ma
MSWD = 0.45, n = 14 MSWD = 1.7, n = 12
0.041 0.040
0.27 0.29 0.31 0.33 0.35 0.37 0.39 0.41 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Pb/235U 207
(c) (d)

Figure 3: (a) Representative CL images of zircons. Concordia diagrams of U-Pb zircon data: (b) Granodiorite; (c) Biotite granite; and (d)
Biotite-rich enclave.

elements based on repeated analysis (n = 6) of the standard zircon dating using LA-ICP-MS. The zircon crystals are all
materials (GSP-2 and AGV-2). euhedral to subhedral and show clear oscillatory zoning in
Whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic compositions were con- Cathodoluminescence (CL) images and high Th/U values
ducted using Thermo-Finnigan Neptune plus MC-ICP-MS (typically > 0:1; Figure 3(a); Table DR1). These features are
in the RIG lab, CUGB. The treatment processes followed consistent with an igneous origin [88]. Thus, the U-Pb
Li et al. [50] and reference therein. Instrumental mass frac- zircon ages represent the timing of crystallization of these
tionation was corrected using 86 Sr/88 Sr = 0:1194 and 146 Nd/ magmatic rocks.
Nd = 0:7219, respectively. The average measured 86Sr/88Sr The two granitoid samples (DQ-01 and DQ-07) yield
ratio of the NIST SRM987 standard and 143Nd/144Nd ratio identical weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of 282 ± 2 Ma
of the Alfa Nd standard were 0:710246 ± 14 (2SD, n = 15) (MSWD = 0:26) and 283 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 0:45), respec-
and 0:512420 ± 14 (2SD, n = 15), respectively. These values tively (Figures 3(b) and 3(c)). One analysis (spot_05) on zir-
are consistent with the long-term values of 86Sr/88Sr con from sample DQ-07 gives an older 206Pb/238U age of
(0:710250 ± 27, 2SD) and 143Nd/144Nd (0:512423 ± 23, 323 ± 3 Ma, interpreted as zircon inheritance. For the biotite-
2SD) obtained in this lab. rich enclave sample (DQ-12), the analyses of twelve zircons
yield a mean 206Pb/238U age of 281 ± 2 Ma (MSWD = 1:7) that
4. Results is identical within error to the ages of the two host granitoid
samples mentioned above. Also, one inherited zircon of DQ-
4.1. Geochronology. Three samples (DQ-01, DQ-07, and 12 has a 206Pb/238U age of 320 ± 2 Ma (Figure 3(d)) that is
DQ-12) collected from the Daqing pluton were selected for the same as the inherited zircon (spot_05) of DQ-07.

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6 Lithosphere

18 6

16 Foid
Syenite 5
14 ries
e se
Na2O+K2O (wt.%)

12 Syenite 4 S
Foidolite e
alin ies

K2O (wt.%)
Alk line e ser
10 Foid
art onite a l k a -al kalin
Monzodiorite Monzo Q nz Sub calc
-nite mo 3
8 Foid Monzo
Gabbro -diorite
6 2
Monzo series
-gabbro aline
K ca lc-alk
4 Mid-
Gabbroic 1
2 Olivine Gabbro diorite Diorite
Low-K tholeiite series
0 0
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 40 50 60 70 80
SiO2 (wt.%) SiO2 (wt.%)
(a) (b)
3.0 1.0
I-S line
2.5 0.9
FeOT/(FeOT + MgO)
2.0 0.8

1.5 0.7

1.0 0.6

0.5 0.5
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
A/CNK SiO2 (wt.%)
(c) (d)

Granodiorite (282 Ma) MMEs

Biotite granite (283 Ma) Early Permian S-type granites
Biotite-rich enclave (281 Ma) Early Permian I-type granites

Figure 4: (a) Total alkali (K2O+Na2O) vs. silica (SiO2) (TAS) diagram [90]; (b) SiO2 versus K2O [91]; (c) A/CNK versus A/NK [A/
CNK = molecular Al2O3/(CaO + Na2O + K2O), A/NK = molecular Al2O3/(Na2O + K2O)] [92]; and (d) FeOT/(FeOT + MgO) vs. SiO2
diagram [93]. Data for Early Permian S- and I-type granites are from Li et al. [51], Liu et al. [56], and Wang et al. [54], unless specified.

4.2. Whole-Rock Geochemical and Zircon Hf Isotopic Data. (1.99-2.30 wt.%) (Figure 4(b)). MMEs have relatively low
Whole-rock major- and trace-element, Sr-Nd isotopic, and SiO2 (61.01-62.59 wt.%) and high Fe2O3T (7.19-8.22 wt.%).
zircon Hf isotopic data for the Daqing pluton (including As illustrated in the chondrite-normalized rare earth ele-
granodiorites, biotite granites, biotite-rich enclaves, and ment (REE) diagram (Figure 5(a)), all the Daqing pluton
MMEs) are provided in Tables DR 2, 3, and 4, respectively. rocks show strong light REE (LREE) enrichment relative to
The granitoid samples are characterized by moderate to high the heavy REE (HREE), while in the primitive-mantle-
SiO2 (63.95-69.48 wt.%), Al2O3 (14.70-15.93 wt.%), K2O normalized trace element diagram (Figure 5(b)), they are
(3.39-4.06 wt.%), and K2O/Na2O ratios (1.0-1.2) and enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g., Rb
medium total alkaline concentrations (Na2 O + K2 O = 6:16 and U) and depleted in high field strength elements (HFSEs;
-7.47 wt.%), plotting predominantly in the granodiorite field e.g., Nb, Ta, and Ti).
(Figure 4(a)). These rocks are typically high potassic calc- The Daqing pluton rocks show limited variations in
alkaline, peraluminous (A/CNK = 1:15 to 1.27; where A/ whole-rock (87Sr/86Sr)i (0.70530-0.70576) and εNd(t) (–0.1
CNK refers to the molar ratio of Al2O3/(CaO+Na2O to +0.2) isotopic compositions (Figure 6(a)). The previously
+K2O)) and these samples straddle from magnesian to dated zircons have initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.282744-
ferroan fields in the FeOT/(FeOT + MgO)-SiO2 diagram 0.282845, with corresponding εHf(t) values of +5.2 to +8.8
(Figures 4(b)–4(d)). Normative corundum ranges from (Figure 6(b)). The 323 Ma zircon grain from biotite granite
2.54 to 4.30 wt.%, similar to typical S-type granites [89]. (DQ-07) gives an initial 176Hf/177Hf of 0.282821 (εHf ðtÞ =
Biotite-rich enclaves display similar concentrations of major + 8:8). For the biotite-rich enclaves from the host biotite gran-
elements and A/CNK (1.13-1.20), except for lower K2O ites (Figure 6), they also have similar isotopic compositions

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Lithosphere 7

1000 1000

100 100

Rock/Primitive Mantle

10 10

1 1
La Ce Pr Nd Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Rb Ba Th U Nb Ta K La Ce Pb Pr Sr P Nd Zr Hf Sm Eu Ti Gd Tb Dy Y Ho Er Tm Yb Lu

(a) (b)
Granodiorite (282 Ma) MMEs
Biotite granite (283 Ma) Early Permian S-type granites

Biotite-rich enclave (281 Ma) Early Permian I-type granites

Figure 5: (a) Chondrite-normalized REE patterns and (b) primitive mantle- (PM-) normalized spider diagrams. The chondrite and PM
values used for normalization are from Sun and McDonough [94].

10 20 Early permian Late Carboniferous

Early Permian basalts gabbro basalts
5 Late Carboniferous S-type granites
Early Permian rhyolites
Triassic granitoids
εHf (t)

Early Permian
Late Carboniferous rhyolites
εNd (t)


I-type granites Late Carboniferous CHUR


I-type granites Late Carboniferous

le a

S-type granites
rra y

Proterozoic gneisses –15

–15 –20
0.702 0.704 0.706 0.708 0.710 0.712 0.714 0.716 0.718 210 230 250 270 290 310 330 350
(87Sr/86Sr)i Age (Ma)
(a) (b)

Granodiorite (282 Ma) Late Carboniferous S-type granites

Biotite granite (283 Ma) Early Permian I-type granitoids
Biotite-rich enclave (281 Ma) Triassic granitoids

Figure 6: (a) εNd(t) versus (87Sr/86Sr)i, and (b) Zircon εHf(t) versus U-Pb age for the Daqing plutons. Also shown is the hyperbola of simple
mixing between underplated basalt, as represented by sample XL04-32 [64] and the lower-crustal rock, as represented by the average
compositions (the solid star) of the five Proterozoic gneiss samples (Sr = 242:2 ppm, Nd = 12:1 ppm, ð87 Sr/86 SrÞi = 0:709428, εNd ðtÞ = −7:65)
[74]. Data for the Triassic granitoids, Early Permian volcanic rocks, gabbros and I-type granites, Late Carboniferous basalts, I-type and S-type
granites, and Proterozoic gneisses in the area compiled from Chen et al. [46, 47], Liu et al. [74], Zhang et al. [64], Wang [95], Hu et al. [49],
Shi et al. [53], Li et al. [51], Wang et al. [54], and [52, 59, 69, 79].

(i.e., whole-rock ð87 Sr/86 SrÞi = 0:70528, εNd ðtÞ = +0:1, and zir- 5. Discussion
con initial 176Hf/177Hf ratios of 0.282749-0.282843, with εHf(t)
values of +5.3 to +8.7). In contrast, the 320 Ma zircon grain 5.1. Early Permian Magmatism to North of the Solonker
gives a much lower initial 176 Hf /177 Hf = 0:282194 (εHf ðtÞ = Suture Zone. Our new zircon data indicate that the Daqing
− 13:5), dramatically different from the inherited zircon of pluton formed in the Early Permian, with 206Pb/238Pb
DQ-07. mean ages of ~283-282 Ma (Figure 3). The Qianjinchang

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8 Lithosphere

peraluminous granitic batholiths were dated previously, 5.3. Remelting of Upper Continental Crust in the Early
giving comparable zircon U-Pb ages (283-271 Ma; [54, Permian. The Daqing pluton rocks have high potassium
56, 63]). This along with previous studies in this area contents, strongly peraluminous (Figures 4(b) and 4(c)),
(see below) suggests that the Early Permian was an impor- and normative corundum (2.54-4.30 wt.%), which mark the
tant period of magmatism to north of the Solonker Suture key features of peraluminous S-type granites [2, 89]. Granitic
Zone [32, 34, 39, 40, 51]. The occurrence of one ca. gneisses and metasediment enclaves appear universal in
323 Ma inherited zircon detected from the Daqing biotite granites of crustal origin and can be restites of their sources
granite indicates that Late Carboniferous rocks were or xenoliths entrained from wall rocks by magmas ascending
involved in the formation of the Early Permian granitoids. to the surface [1, 9, 80, 103]. Volcanic xenoliths have been
Previous studies revealed that there are several types of observed in the Daqing batholith and contain similar min-
Early Permian igneous rocks formed along the northern eral assemblages with the wall-rock volcanics in the upper
side of the Solonker Suture Zone, including the ~301 Ma crust (Figure 2), which suggests that Daqing granites are a
quartz diorites, granodiorites (281-274 Ma), ~273 Ma mon- high-level intrusion. Biotite-rich enclaves in the Daqing plu-
zogranites, ~270 Ma migmatites, and~276 Ma A-type gran- ton have variable biotite contents and may be the residues of
ites in the Linxi-Xilinhot areas (Table 1; [34, 51, 55, 58, partly melted source rocks (Figures 2(c) and 2(h)). How-
61, 63, 79, 96]). The age span of 300-270 Ma is also con- ever, biotite-rich enclaves are geochemically felsic and lack
temporary with the Dashizhai Formation bimodal volcanic refractory mineral phases (Table DR2 and Figure 2(h))
rocks (305-274 Ma; Table 1; [50, 60, 64, 75, 76]) and the and therefore do not seem to be the residues [9, 80].
Baya’ertuhushuo gabbros (275-274 Ma) to the northeast Nevertheless, zircons from the biotite-rich enclaves
of the study area [79]. Detrital zircons from Permian to document a magmatic protolith age of 320 ± 2 Ma and a
Triassic sedimentary rocks in the region also show a dom- subsequent anatectic event at 281 ± 2 Ma. This 320-Ma
inant age mode (280-270 Ma; [97, 98]), probably origi- protolith age is consistent with the 323 ± 3 Ma inherited
nated from Early Permian arc magmatism to the north zircon from the host granitoids. Similar ~320 Ma inherited
of the Solonker Suture Zone. These observations demon- zircons are also observed in the S-type Qianjinchang granitic
strate a prolonged Early Permian magmatic “flare-up” batholith [54] and I-type Bedashan and Shahutong granitic
occurring in the XMOB. The Daqing peraluminous granit- plutons [51]. Furthermore, the lack of inherited zircons in
oids were emplaced during this peak magmatic activity the biotite-rich enclaves and host granites as well as the
(~280 Ma; [35, 50]), possibly resulting from partial melting other granitic batholith is all indicative of “hot” granites
of crustal materials at a middle-high level owing to a high [101]. These, combined with the 333-317 Ma granitic rocks
geothermal gradient. [50, 52] and the ~320 Ma peak in detrital zircons from
sedimentary rocks [97, 98], suggest the presence of
5.2. Temperature-Pressure Conditions of the Daqing Pluton Carboniferous granitoids in the upper crust in this region.
Formation. Geochemical compositions can be used to The ca. 281 Ma anatectic age in the biotite-rich enclaves is
probe the physicochemical conditions and the source- identical within error with the crystallization age of the host
region characteristics of magma [21]. Compositions of granitoids (ca. 283-282 Ma). CL images display that the
the Daqing granitoids were derived from dehydration- protolithic zircons of biotite-rich enclaves are strongly melt-
melting of various kind of crustal rocks at low pressure corroded and recrystallized, and their zircon Hf isotopic data
(<5 kbar; Figures 7(a) and 7(b)), consistent with the com- exhibit strongly enriched zircon Hf isotopes (Figures 3(a)
positions of these granitoids plotted in the Qz-Ab-Or and 6(b)), indicating that they originated from midcrustal
phase diagram (Figure 7(c)). The occurrence of the miaro- levels either within or somewhat above the sources of the
litic cavity also indicates that the pluton formed in a low- host granitoids (e.g., [104]). This confirms the timing of the
pressure setting (Figure 2(c)). Thus, the primary magma of anatectic event of the continental crust at 283-281 Ma and
Daqing granitoids originated from the middle-high crustal an important relationship between remelting of ~320 Ma S-
level (<15-20 km; [21]). The crystallization temperature of type peraluminous granitoids and generation of the Daqing
these peraluminous granitic magmas can be estimated by peraluminous granitoids. That is to say, the biotite-rich
methods of zircon saturation thermometer and Ti-in- enclaves must be restites from partial melting of the upper
zircon thermometer [99–101]. Of note, those zircon grains continental crust. This is also supported by evidences
having obviously high-Ti contents have been precluded. In containing zircon Hf isotopes, whole-rock geochemical,
addition, a recommended value (αTiO2 = 0:6) has been and Nd isotopic compositions: (1) The Nd-Hf isotopic
used in the Ti-in-zircon thermometer given the activity compositions of the Daqing peraluminous granitoids
of TiO2 in rutile-free granitoids [100]. Calculating Ti-in- overlap those of the biotite-rich enclaves in this study and
zircon temperatures for the 283-282 Ma zircons gives a Late Carboniferous S-type granitoids (εNd ðtÞ = −0:3 − +2:8)
mean value of 812 ± 32°C (N = 30). An average zircon sat- in the study area [52] (Figure 6); and (2) The striking
uration temperature of 814 ± 18°C (N = 9) is acquired from enrichment in Th, U, and Pb and depletion in Nb, Ta, Ti, Sr,
whole-rock compositions of the host granitoids (Table DR and Eu (Figure 5) suggest that the primary magma of the
2). Thus, the Daqing peraluminous granitoids crystallized Daqing pluton is characteristic of the melts originated from
mainly at approximately 800-850°C, similar to the estima- upper crust [105]. The Daqing peraluminous granitoids have
tion of the crystallization temperatures of the other coeval high CaO/Na2O (>0.3) and low Rb/Sr and Rb/Ba ratios
granitoids (Figure 7(d); [51, 54, 56]). (Figures 7(e) and 7(f)), implying that they were produced by

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Table 1: Summary of geochronological and geochemical data for the Early Permian magmatism to north of the Solonker Suture Zone.

Sample no Pluton/formation Rock suite Locality Geochemistry Petrogenetic type Ages (Ma) References
11XL-5.2 Beidashan Granodiorite ca. 50 km northwest High-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous to 277 ± 3
I-type granite [51]
11SH-3 Shahutong Granodiorite of Linxi weakly peraluminous 275 ± 3
XL04-35 Dashizhai Basaltic andesite ca. 25 km northeast Low-K tholeiite Bimodal volcanic 281 ± 3
XW04-40 Dashizhai Rhyolite of Xilinhot High-K calc-alkaline rocks 279 ± 3
ZL45-1 Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro ca. 50 km northwest N-MORB-type 275 ± 2
MORB with arc signature [79]
ZL45-2 Baya’ertuhushuo Gabbro of Zhaluteqi gabbro 274 ± 2
ca. 10km southeast
MX Xilinhot Alkaline-feldspar granite High-K calc-alkaline, weakly peralkaline A-type granite 276 ± 2 [61]
of Xilinhot
XW01-b7 Xi Ujimqin Granodiorite 274 ± 1
ca. 20km south
XW03-b7 Xi Ujimqin Biotite granite High-K calc-alkaline, peraluminous S-type granite 282 ± 1 [56]
of Xi Ujimqin
XW09-b6 Xi Ujimqin Biotite granite 271 ± 1
PM102-25 Qianjinchang Quartz diorite Medium-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous I-type granite 301 ± 1
D4013 Qianjinchang Biotite granodiorite High-K calc-alkaline, peralkaline 283 ± 1
ca. 25 km south
Shoshonitic, metaluminous to weakly S-type granite [54]
PM102-15 Qianjinchang Biotite syenogranite of Xi Ujimqin 280 ± 1
PM102-30 Qianjinchang Diorite dykes Middle-K calc-alkaline, metaluminous I-type granite 280 ± 2
ca. 40 km northeast

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S10T Huhede Granodiorite Medium-K calc-alkaline,weakly peraluminous Adakite 295 ± 2 [36]
of Xi Ujimqin
05FW155 Qianjinchang Granodiorite 274 ± 1
ca. 30 km south High-K calc-alkaline,
05FW161 Qianjinchang Granodiorite I-type granite 275 ± 2 [63]
of Xi Ujimqin metaluminous to weakly peraluminous
05FW162 Daqingmuchang Monzogranite 274 ± 4
HT06-1 Dashizhai Rhyolite 275 ± 1
ca. 20km south Bimodal volcanic
HTM03-1 Dashizhai Rhyolite High-K calc-alkaline 278 ± 1 [60]
of Xi Ujimqin rocks
JG21-43-18 Dashizhai Rhyolite 274 ± 1
NM10-30 Dashizhai Rhyolite 279 ± 3
NM10-37 Dashizhai Rhyolite 292 ± 3
NM13-88 Dashizhai Rhyolite ca. 30km northeast Medium-K calc-alkaline to the shoshonitic Bimodal volcanic 282 ± 2
NM13-91 Dashizhai Rhyolite of Sunidzuoqi rocks 286 ± 2
NM13-113 Dashizhai Rhyolite 281 ± 3
NM10-43 Dashizhai Andesite Low-K tholeiitic to medium-K calc-alkaline 289 ± 5
10 Lithosphere

Figure 7: (a) Al2O3 + FeOt + MgO + TiO2 versus Al2O3/(FeOt +MgO + TiO2); (b) CaO+ Al2O3 versus CaO/Al2O3 [21]; (c) CIPW-
normative Qt-Ab-Or diagram with low pressure melt compositions at 1, 5, and 10 kbar [102]. (d) Plot of A/CNK and temperature
calculated by zircon saturation thermometry [99]; (e) Plots of Al2O3/TiO2 versus CaO/Na2O; (f) Rb/Sr versus Rb/Ba; The Himalayan
leucogranites [20, 22] and the Lachlan S-type granites [12]. The LP stands for reaction at low pressure (≤5 kbar) and the HP represents
the reaction at high pressure (12-15 kbar).

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Lithosphere 11

partial melting of plagioclase-rich and clay-poor psammitic nental crust to reach such a high temperature for
sources [22]. However, the spatial-temporal relationship dehydration-driven melting of biotite without additional
between the Daqing peraluminous granitoids with ca. heat energy. For the Daqing peraluminous granitoids,
320 Ma orthogneiss restites and ca. 323 Ma wall-rocks (e.g., mantle-derived magma underplating may provide both heat
volcanic xenoliths and biotite-rich enclaves; Figures 2(b) and material [21]. The restite model cannot interpret the
and 2(c)) indicates that the Late Carboniferous S-type overall higher FeOt and MgO contents than experimental
peraluminous granitoids (333-323 Ma; [52]) were the main melts from metagreywacke, thereby causing the Daqing
source for the Daqing peraluminous granitoids. It granitoids staying away from the metagreywacke field but
dramatically differs from the Lachlan S-type granites that plotting within the amphibolite field (Figures 7(a) and
were tightly associated with sedimentary country rocks and 7(b)). The MMEs provide convincing evidence of invasion
high-grade metasedimentary enclaves from midcrustal levels of mantle-derived magmas into the Daqing peraluminous
(e.g., [104]). As mentioned above, Sr-Nd-Hf isotopic melts, similar to peraluminous granites of mixing origin
compositions of the Late Carboniferous granitoids are worldwide [2, 6, 10, 12, 89, 111]. For whole-rock Sr-Nd iso-
consistent with the Daqing peraluminous granites (Figure 6). topic modelling, the 280 Ma Xi Ujimqin tholeiite [64] and
In short, remelting of the upper continental crust, consisting Proterozoic gneisses [74] were chosen as the two compo-
of Late Carboniferous granitic rocks and minor clay-poor nents (mafic magma and ancient crustal material, respec-
sediments, was the main process to form the Daqing tively) because of the close temporal-spatial relationship
peraluminous granitoids. with the Daqing granitoids, and an input of approximately
50% juvenile mantle-derived parental magma is needed
5.4. Magma Mixing and Contribution of Mantle Component. (Figure 6(a)). However, incorporation of such a large pro-
Several mechanisms have been proposed to interpret the ori- portion of mafic magmas cannot lead to the observed high
gin of MMEs in granitoids, including (a) restites [103, 106]; SiO2 contents of the Daqing pluton. Instead, juvenile crustal
(b) accumulation of early formed minerals [107–109]; and materials (Late Carboniferous I-type and S-type granites)
(c) magma mixing (e.g., [48, 110, 111]). The MMEs in the under the Baolidao arc (Figure 6(a); [46, 47, 52, 53, 95])
Daqing granitoids are spindle shaped, or ellipsoidal, and may have supplied large amounts of materials for the gener-
exhibit typical magmatic textures (Figures 2(a), 2(b), 2(e), ation of the Daqing granites. It must be emphasized that the
and 2(f)). The lack of metamorphic textures, for instance melting proportions of the Late Carboniferous S-type gran-
the metacrystal texture [80], suggests that the MMEs are ites are more likely than those of the I-type granites based
not restites (e.g., [106, 112]). The random distribution of on their peraluminous characteristics and melting depth.
these enclaves and the lack of cumulate textures in the Thus, the Daqing pluton can be mainly formed by remelting
MMEs (Figures 2(a) and 2(b)) indicate that they are unlikely of the newly accreted continental crust with minor involve-
to be cumulates of the host granitoids [113, 114]. Of note, ment of the mantle-derived magmas. These characteristics
the MMEs show reaction rims with the host granodiorites resemble the coeval Early Permian volcanic rocks and I-
(i.e., red-brown biotite crystals cluster around the amphibole type granites but are different from the Triassic granitoids
cores) (Figure 2(f)), suggesting the reaction between the with relatively higher εNd(t) values in the area (Figure 6(a);
MMEs and K-rich peraluminous magmas [2]. The MMEs [51, 64]), indicating more contribution of old crustal compo-
and host granitoids in the Daqing batholith have Nb/Ta nents in these Early Permian peraluminous magmas; zircon
ratios of 17.6-20.1 and 11.4-12.5, respectively, which are in Hf isotopes show the same scenario (Figure 6(b)). In addi-
accordance with the Nb/Ta ratios of primary mantle or tion, some Early Permian granitoids in the study area exhibit
chondrite reservoir (17.5) and continental crust (11-13), higher zircon δ18O values (6.29-8.13‰) than normal mantle
respectively [94, 115]. The igneous microtextures and acicu- zircon O isotopic values (δ18 O = 5:3 ± 0:3‰), further indi-
lar apatites in the MMEs imply a quenching process of hot cating significant contribution of supracrustal materials [51].
basaltic magmas injected into relatively cool granitic melts In a word, the Daqing peraluminous granitic batholith
(Figures 2(e) and 2(f); [116, 117]). Furthermore, the pres- represents remelting of the upper continental crust that is
ence of coeval mafic rocks and subduction-related I-type dominated by the Carboniferous granitic rocks and minor
granitoids near the study area indicates contemporary sediments owing to the addition of heat and material from
mantle-derived magmatism (Figures 1(c) and 6; [50, 51, mantle-derived magmas.
54, 64, 66, 75, 76, 79]). Therefore, the MMEs in the Daqing
granitoids most likely are the derivate of mantle-derived 5.5. Petrogenetic Type: I-, S-Type Granite, or Others? Based
basaltic magma intruding partially crystallized crust- on previous studies, the peraluminous, silica-rich rocks
derived felsic magma [110]. could be produced by (a) dehydration-triggered melting of
Resembling the Lalchan S-type granites, the Daqing per- quartz amphibolite [118]; (b) differentiation of less alumi-
aluminous granitoids have lower Al2O3/TiO2 ratios than the nous phase from metaluminous melts [119, 120]; (c)
Himalayan leucogranites (Figure 7(e)), which can be water-saturated or volatile-absent melting of alumina-rich
ascribed to decomposition of biotite rather than muscovite metagreywacke and/or metapelite [11, 13, 15, 21, 121, 122],
at relatively high temperatures [21, 22]. This is consistent and (d) partial melting of mixing between basaltic rocks
with the high crystallization temperature (800-850°C; and metasediments [2, 89, 118].
Figure 7(d)) of the host granitoids and biotite as the only Compared to quartz-amphibolite-derived melts in previ-
mafic mineral (Figure 2). Of note, it is difficult for the conti- ous studies [118], the Daqing peraluminous granitoids are

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12 Lithosphere


Rb (ppm) 1000


Ba (ppm)
100 Hb
Pl Hb Pl
Kf Bt

10 10
10 100 500 10 100 500
Sr (ppm) Sr (ppm)
(a) (b)
45 12
ign A
40 10 eo ddi
us tio

(Fe2O3T+MgO+TiO2) (wt.%)
co n
mp of
35 8 en

30 6

25 4

20 2

15 0
60 63 66 69 72 75 60 63 66 69 72 75
SiO2 (wt.%) SiO2 (wt.%)
(c) (d)

Granodiorite (282 Ma) MMEs

Biotite granite (283 Ma) Early Permian S-type granites
Biotite-rich enclave (281 Ma) Early Permian I-type granites

Figure 8: Fractional crystallization vector diagrams (a) Rb-Sr and (b) Ba-Sr; (c) SiO2 versus Zr/Hf [124] and (d) Fe2O3T + MgO + TiO2 [89]
for the Daqing peraluminous granitoids in northern Inner Mongolia.

K2O rich and CaO poor. Compared with highly fractionated over SiO2 contents for the Daqing peraluminous granitoids
I-type granites [119, 120, 123], the Daqing granitoids have a cannot be simply attributed to progressive partial melting
relatively narrow range of SiO2 (64.0-69.5 wt.%) and high or differentiation process but may indicate heterogeneity of
K2O contents, K2O/Na2O ratios (>1.0), and A/CNK >1.1 source region, ineffective separation of restites, selective carry-
(Figure 4). The weakly negative trends of MgO, Fe2O3T, ing of peritectic minerals like garnet [125], or mixing of mafic
TiO2, Al2O3, total alkali contents (K2O + Na2O), and P2O5 melt with crust-derived felsic magma. However, the Daqing
versus SiO2 seem to be caused by fractional crystallization granitoids are short of the Al-rich minerals (e.g., muscovite,
of a small amount of plagioclase, biotite, apatite, and Fe-Ti cordierite, garnet, and sillimanite). Instead, biotite is the only
oxides for the Daqing granitoids, as supported by the trace mineral phase that is strongly peraluminous and marks the
element Sr-Ba-Rb covariations (Figures 4(a), 8(a)–8(b), and peraluminous signature in the Daqing pluton (Figure 2). As
9). However, the field relationships, geochronological data, mentioned above, the Daqing peraluminous granitoids mainly
and geochemical features do not support that these S-type originated from melting of the newly accreted crust with
granitic plutons originated from a common primary magma minor mixing of mantle-derived materials. Furthermore, syn-
chamber by variable extents of fractional crystallization. Fur- chronous “hot” I-type granites were also emplaced in the study
thermore, the decrease of Zr/Hf ratios and (Fe2O3T + MgO area and have similar Nd-Hf isotopic compositions (Figures 4
+ TiO2) for peraluminous granitoids with increasing SiO2 and 6; [51, 54]), suggesting that the melting ratios of the Late
cannot be ascribed to a closed-system fractionation process Carboniferous I-type granites are more than those of the S-
(e.g., [89, 124]) but may indicate source heterogeneity or type granites. Therefore, we argue that the Daqing peralumi-
magma mixing (Figures 8(c) and 8(d)). Like S-type granites, nous granitoids are better classified to be transitional between
irregular variations of CaO, K2O, Mg#, and Rb (not shown) I- and S-type granites.

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Lithosphere 13

2.5 1.6

MgO 1.4 TiO2


1.5 1.0

1.0 0.6


0.0 0.0
CaO Al2O3



0.0 14.0
Fe2O3T P2O5




0.0 0.00
60 63 66 69 72 75 60 63 66 69 72 75
SiO2 SiO2

Granodiorite (282 Ma) MMEs

Biotite granite (283 Ma) Early Permian S-type granites
Biotite-rich enclave (281 Ma) Early Permian I-type granites

Figure 9: Harker diagrams showing variation of other major element oxides versus SiO2 for the Daqing granitoids, MMEs and biotite-rich

5.6. Geodynamic Implications. During the Paleozoic, tec- 70, 78, 126]. In the Late Carboniferous to the latest Early
tonic evolution of the XMOB was controlled by the Permian, the Paleo-Asian Ocean still appeared to the south
Paleo-Asian Ocean between the South Mongolia terranes of the active continental margin of the South Mongolia
and the North China Craton [31, 32, 39, 41, 46, 51, 70]. [34, 39, 46, 50, 51, 70, 75]. The collision between North
By the end of the Carboniferous, the XMOB constituted China Craton and the South Mongolia terranes in the
a vast complex that accreted along the southern margin Middle Permian led to the final closure of the Paleo-
of the South Mongolia terranes, as a result of the north- Asian Ocean and termination of accretionary orogenesis
ward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean [40, 44, 51, in the CAOB [50, 51, 98].

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14 Lithosphere

Early Permian Ridge subduction

Northern Accretionary Orogen

Paleo-Asian Ocean

Upwelling asthenosphere
through a slab window

Continental crust Xilinhot A-type granites

Continental lithosphere Linxi I-type granites
Accretion prism Dashizhai bimodal volcanic rocks
Oceanic crust
Baya’ertuhushou gabbroic intrusions
Oceanic lithosphere
Melts from subducted slab
Xi Ujimqin boninite-adakite-
Fluids from subducted slab
high-Mg diorite-Nb-rich basalt
Daqing S-type granites

Figure 10: Schematic diagram illustrating underplating of upwelling asthenosphere through a slab window into the Baolidao arc during
ridge subduction and melting of continental crust to generate different types of granites, including the Daqing granitoids.

The Late Carboniferous Baolidao arc-accretion complex nental crust by asthenosphere upwelling at the boundary
in the Northern Accretionary Orogen has long been between the accretionary prism and continent in the nascent
regarded as an Andean-type active continental margin subduction. Recently, Chen et al. [2] interpreted that 516-
marked by calc-alkaline magmatic activity [39, 46, 47, 53, 505 Ma peraluminous granites in the North Qilian were pro-
78]. Early Permian magmatic rocks mainly contain bimodal duced by melting of crustal materials with the addition of
volcanic rocks, A-type granites and rift-type basalts in the minor mantle-derived magmas during subduction initiation.
region, indicating an extension-related environment [61, In the following discussion, our results provide new con-
64, 66, 79]. Based on the geochronological data and the geo- straints and in combination with other geological character-
chemical features of the granitoids, boninites, adakites, high istics shed light on the Early Permian tectonic evolution in
Mg diorites, Nb-enrich basalts and diverse mafic rocks, three the region.
tectonic models, i.e., ridge subduction [50, 75], slab break-off Episodic slab rollback model for the origin of Daqing
[42, 127], and slab rollback [51, 128], have been proposed to peraluminous granitoids is unlikely the case in the XMOB
interpret the evolutionary history of northern Inner Mongo- because the boninite-adakite–high-Mg diorite–Nb-enriched
lia in the Early Permian. The S-type peraluminous granites basalt suites (328-280 Ma) and ophiolites (360-293 Ma) in
with ages of 283-271 Ma formed in this important period. northern Inner Mongolia suggest a young, hot, and buoyant
Various natural cases and complicated geological histories oceanic crust subducting under the southern Mongolian
make it difficult to investigate geodynamic implications of continental margin during Early Permian time [35, 36, 77,
subduction-related peraluminous granitoids, as reflected by 78]. Other geodynamic models, such as subduction initia-
diverse proposed models [2–4, 89, 129]. For example, some tion, slab break-off, and crustal thickening during continen-
researchers favored that intrusion of hot basaltic magmas tal collision and post-collisional collapse [2, 8, 22], cannot
into thinned back-arc crust associated with repeated, long- explain the genesis of the Daqing peraluminous granitoids
term slab rollback and back-arc extension can promote owing to the age constraints. The ages of the Daqing batho-
melting of preexisting sediments deposited in the back-arc lith emplacement are younger than the ages of subduction
basin to form subduction-related peraluminous granitoids initiation-related fore-arc basalts and boninites (336-
in the circum-Pacific orogens [3, 4]. Based on coupled 328 Ma, [77]), but contemporaneous with the N-MORB-
petrological-thermomechanical modelling, Gorczyk et al. type gabbros, OIB-type basalts, A-type granites, Dashizhai
[124] suggested that the Late Paleozoic peraluminous granit- bimodal volcanic rocks, subduction-related I-type granit-
oids in central Chile were formed by local heating of conti- oids, adakite–high-Mg diorite–Nb-enriched basalt suites in

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Lithosphere 15

the northern Inner Mongolia region (Table 1; [36, 50, 51, 60, 6. Conclusions
61, 64–66, 75, 76, 79]), indicating a genetic relationship
between mantle upwelling during active ridge subduction (1) Zircon U-Pb dating suggests that the Daqing pera-
and formation of the Daqing peraluminous granitoids luminous granitoids were emplaced in a period of
(Figure 10) (see more details below). 283-282 Ma, coeval with the mafic rocks and slab
A spreading ridge subduction-slab window model was melt-related magmatism (adakite–high-Mg diorite–
first proposed by Windley et al. [121] who suggested that Nb-enriched basalt) in the XMOB
ridge-trench interaction was probably one of the most fea-
(2) Petrology, whole-rock geochemical and Sr-Nd iso-
sible tectonic processes in the CAOB, similar to the modern
topic compositions, and zircon Hf isotopes all sug-
American Cordillera, from eastern Alaska to the Antarctic
gest that the Daqing peraluminous granitoids are
Peninsula, where ridge subduction and induced slab tear
largely produced by melting of the overlying conti-
windows were considered as a chief mechanism responsible
nental crust with minor underplating or injection
for variations in igneous and tectonic conditions along the
of mantle-derived basaltic magma
Andean active continental margin [130–134]. Above the
slab tear windows, arc magmatism is interrupted and (3) In addition to the orogenesis, large-scale melting of
replaced by a broader intraplate magmatism [134]. In cer- the continental crust can also occur in the oceanic
tain cases, partial melting of young oceanic crust in the slab subduction processes. As the ridge subduction, local
window edges forms magmas of adakite and associated extension of the overriding continental plate owing
rocks [135]. Li et al. [50, 75] suggested that the Late Car- to asthenosphere upwelling through slab windows
boniferous to Early Permian ridge subduction and induced to generate mantle-derived magma, which then trig-
slab windows caused anomalous thermal, chemical, and gered extensive remelting and maturing of the conti-
physical effects on the surrounding mantle and upwelling nental crust and provided juvenile materials for the
asthenosphere and triggered partial melting of the mantle crustal growth
in the southern Mongolian continental margin. This tec-
tonic process promoted massive mantle-derived magmas Data Availability
underplating through a slab window and triggered exten-
sive melting of subducted oceanic crust, mantle, and overly- The data that support the findings of this study are available
ing crust to generate corresponding igneous rocks, i.e., at doi: https://10.6084/m9.figshare.17012465. The source
adakites and associated rocks, diverse mafic rocks, bimodal data are provided with this paper.
volcanic rocks, and A-, I-, and S-type granites in this region
(Figure 10; [34, 36, 50, 51, 54, 61, 64–66, 75, 76, 79]; this Conflicts of Interest
study). Moreover, mafic rocks of 318-295 Ma Hegenshan-
Xi Ujimqin ophiolites show MORB-, OIB-, and IAB-like The author(s) declare(s) that they have no conflicts of
compositional characteristics [35, 69, 78], similar to basalts interest.
formed by ridge subduction in the Alaska [136] and Taitao
peninsula [137]. The Paleozoic peraluminous granites in Acknowledgments
the central Chile and Chinese Altai may be the natural
cases, which suggest about 30-80% melting of continental We sincerely thank Chen Rui for their help in the field
crust during ridge subduction based on the geochemical work and Ningyuan Qi and Haibo Ma for their help in
and numerical modelling [25, 89, 129]. As the Daqing the measurements. This work was financially supported
granitic batholith was the mixed product of large continen- by the 111 Project (B18048), the National Natural Sci-
tal crustal-derived materials and minor mantle-derived ence Foundation of China (Nos. 41730214, 41790451),
magmas, it is thus reasonable to deduce that large-scale and by the Second Tibetan Plateau Scientific Expedition
melting of continental crust was facilitated by the upwelling and Research Program (STEP) (2019QZKK0802). This is
mantle during ridge subduction (Figure 10). This is also CUGB petro-geochemical contribution no. PGC201589
supported by the occurrence of the MMEs, which are the (RIG-no. 17).
products of the mixing between mantle- and crust-derived
magmas [110]. In addition, these Early Permian granitoids Supplementary Materials
in northern Inner Mongolia show the transition from I-
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(+5:2 − +10:7) (Figure 6(b)) ([51, 54]; this study), recording Xi Ujimqin, Northern Inner Mongolia.
obvious crustal growth and maturity in a continental arc
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setting. Ridge subduction thus may have resulted in exten-
element (ppm) concentrations of the Daqing peraluminous
sive underplating of mantle-derived magma owing to
granitoids in Xi Ujimqin, Northern Inner Mongolia.
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could have provided not only sufficient heat for the wide- Supplementary 3. Table DR3: whole-rock Sr-Nd isotopic
spread crustal melting and maturity but also significant compositions of the Daqing peraluminous granitoids in Xi
juvenile materials for the crustal growth. Ujimqin, Northern Inner Mongolia.

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