A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9 4

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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 9

I. Objectives:
1. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of variation and radicals.
2. Performance Standard:
The learner is able to formulate and solve accurately problems involving radicals.
3. Learning Competencies:
At the end of the Lesson, the student should be able to:
1. Illustrate situations involving the four types of variation.
2. Perform exercises involving variation between two quantities given by a
mathematical equations.
3. Appreciate the concept of variation in real life situation.

II. Subject Matter:

Topic: Variation
Subtopics: Direct Variations
Inverse Variations
Joint Variations
Combined Variations

III. Learning Resources:


Instructional Materials:
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Traditional and Creative Visual Aids
 Projector/Monitor
 Whiteboard
 Marker

IV. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities

• Greetings

Good morning, Grade 9 students.

Good morning, Ma’am!
Before we start our session for this day, let us
first have our opening prayer.

• Opening Prayer

Class president will you please lead the opening

(The class president will be leading the
Thank you for that wonderful prayer, President. prayer)

• Classroom Management

Again, Good morning class. Before you take

your seats kindly pick up the pieces of paper
under your respective spaces and put it in the
trash bins after our class. Arrange your chairs
properly and seat quietly.

(Students will make sure that their learning

Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION
URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

spaces are clean and their chairs are well-

• Checking of Attendance

Class monitor, kindly check the attendance for

today’s session.

(The class monitor will check the attendance

Thank you, class monitor. of the class)

B. Motivation

Do you want to play a game, 9- ____?

Yes ma’am! We want to play

Our game is called “Mind Rebuster”

I know you are familiar with this game, right?

Yes, ma’am!
In this game you only have to guess the word.
You need to add the two or three illustrations 1. In this game you only have to guess the
with separate term to form the exact word. The word. You need to add the two or three
illustration will be display on the flashcard and illustrations with separate term to form the
you have 15 second to formulate the exact exact word.
word. When you already know the answer, you 2. The illustration will be display on the
can raise your hand. And write your answer on flashcard and you have 15 second to
the board. If the you got the correct answer, formulate the exact word.
you will receive a prize. 3. When you already know the answer you
can raise your hand.
Are you ready? 4 write your answer on the board
Are my instructions clear? 5. If the student got the correct answer,
he/she will receive a prize.
Let us start!
Yes, Ma’am!
Round 1: Guess the word.

Round 1: A student trying to guess every

illustration to formulate the exact word. A
Round 2: Guess the word. student knows the answer raise his/her
hand to write the answer

Round 2: A student trying to guess every

illustration to formulate the exact word. A
student knows the answer raise his/her
Round 3: Guess the word. hand to write the answer .

Round 3: A student trying to guess every

illustration to formulate the exact word. A
student knows the answer raise his/her
hand to write the answer.

Round 4: Guess the word.

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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

Round 4: A student trying to guess every

illustration to formulate the exact word. A
student knows the answer raise his/her
hand to write the answer

Round 5: Guess the word.

For the Round 5: A student trying to guess every

illustration to formulate the exact word. A
student knows the answer raise his/her hand
to write the answer
students who win, here your prize. Thank you
for your active participation 9 -____!

C. Presentation of the Lesson

What can you say about the activity? (Students answer may vary)

Do you have any idea what is our topic all It’s all about variation

You are right! It’s all about variation


_____, will you please read what variation is?

(A student will read the definition)

Variation is defined any change in some

quantity due to the change of another
quantity with a constant.

Variation comes from the word vary means

change or to change.

I have example here to explain further what

variation is.


Ice cream = P10 each

If customer A bought 4 ice creams, what is the
total amount of the 4 ice cream? If customer A bought 4 ice creams the total
amount, she buy is 40 pesos.

What about if customer B bought 8 ice creams,

what is the total amount she buy? If customer B bought 8 ice creams the total
amount, she buy is 80 pesos

Very good!
Ice cream = P10 each
Customer A bought 4 ice creams (40 pesos)
4 × 10 = 40
Customer B bought 8 ice creams (80 pesos)
8 × 10 = 80

Customer A bought 4 ice creams, customer B

bought 8 ice creams. From 4, customers B buy 8
ice cream there is a change but the variation
comes from the effect in the price. So, 4 ice
creams is equal to 40 pesos. From 40pesos it
Tel. No. (6345) 458 0021; Fax (6345) 458 0021 Local 211 COLLEGE OF EDUCATION
URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

becomes 80 pesos. There is variation occur

Again, when we are going to define any variation

it is define by any change of some quantity due
to the change of another quantity. And the last
key word of variation is the constant. In the
given example what is our constant? 10 pesos

Very good! Our constant is 10 because it does

not change. The number of ice cream and total
amount change but the prices remain the same.
Customer A and B have the same amount of ice

Do you have any question? None Ma’am!

Now let’s proceed to the types of variation

Variation has 4 types:

Direct Variation
Inverse Variation
Joint Variation
Combined variation

What are the 4 types of variation again? Direct Variation

Inverse Variation
Joint Variation
Combined variation

Very Good! Now, let’s proceed to the first type

of variation. That is? Direct Variation

Direct Variation

Can anyone read the definition of Direct

Variation? (A volunteered student will be reading the

Direct variation exists between any two

variables when one quantity is directly
dependent on the other. y = kx

Thank you, ____________.

Direct Variation is the relationship between two
variables where one of the variables is a constant
multiple of the other. Since the two variables are
directly related to each other it is also termed as
directly proportional.

Direct variation is a type of proportionality

wherein one quantity directly varies with respect
to a change in another quantity. This implies that
if there is an increase in one quantity then the
other quantity will experience a proportionate
increase. Similarly, if one quantity decreases
then the other quantity also decreases.


Y = kx
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

Where, k is the constant value. K can be a

positive or negative but it cannot be a zero.

If y varies directly as x, and y is 20 when x is

4, what is the constant of variation for this
To fully understand the concept of Direct relation?
Variation, I have an example here.

_______, can you read the example problem?

Y is equal to 20 and x is equal to 4.

Given that y varies directly as x,

Y = kx

What are our given?

By substitution,
20= 4k 5 is the constant variation.
Dividing both side by 4,
20/4 = 4k/4

So, what does 5 means?

Next example, if y varies directly as x, and y is 350= 70k
equal to 350 and x is 70, what is the value of the
constant variation?
______, can you substitute the given to the Dividing both sides by 70,
formula? Given that y varies directly as x. 350/70 = 70k/70

Thank you, ____. 5 is the constant variation.

_______, can you solve the value of k?

Thank you.
Now that you have understand the concept of
direct variation. Let’s proceed now to the next
type of variation.

Inverse Variation

Consider the values of table A. Make a graph of

the table. Observe the graph.

Table A.

x 80 60 40 30 20
y 6 9 12 16 24

As you said about the graph for Table A, as the As the value of x decreases the value of y
value of one variable increases, the value of increases.
another variable decreases, or vice versa. In
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

mathematical terms, we call this as Inverse


______, can you please read the definition of

Inverse Variation?

Inverse variation is the relationships between

variables that are represented in the form of
y = k/x, where x and y are two variables and
Thank you,_____. k is the constant value.

Inverse variation means that a variable is

inversely varying with respect to another
variable. It represents the inverse relationship
between two quantities. Hence, a variable is
inversely proportional to another variable.


As per the inverse variation formula, if any

variable x is inversely proportional to another
variable y, then the variables x and y are
represented by the formula:

Xy = k or y=k/x
Where k is any constant value.

Let us solve this example.

______, read the example 1.

If x varies inversely with y, and x = 10 and y

= 4, then what is the value of constant of

Solution: Given, x varies inversely with y.

Let the constant of variation be k.
X = k/y
Or k = xy

What are the given values in the problem?


By substitution, X is equal to 10, and y is equal to 4.

K = 10×4

So, the value of our k is?

Hence, the constant variation is 40. 40

Another example, if x varies inversely with y,

and x is 12, y is 3 what is the value of constant

___________, can you substitute the given value

to the formula?

K = xy
Thank you. _____, can you solve the value of k? K = (12)(3)

K = 36
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

36 is the constant value of variation.

Joint Variation.

In mathematics, one quantity y is said to vary

directly with another quantity x if you can write
an equation y = kx, where k is a constant.

But, what does this have to do with joint


Anyone wants to read the definition of Joint

Variation? (One of the students will read the definition)

Joint variation is the term used when one

quantity varies directly with two or more
other quantities.
Well, joint variation is the term used when one
quantity varies directly with two or more other
quantities. So, joint variation is just like direct
variation, just with more variables! If y varies
jointly with x and z, then we can write an
equation y = kxz, where k is a constant.

To further understand the concept of Joint

Variation, let us solve these examples.

Example 1:

The variable x is in joint variation with y and z.

When the values of y and z are 4 and 6, x is 16.
What is the value of x when y = 8 and z =12?


The equation for the given problem of joint

variation is: x = Kyz where K is the constant.

For the given data

16 = K ( 4 ) ( 6 )

4 2
K= or
6 3

So substituting the value of K the equation


2 yz

Now for the required condition

x= 3
x = 64

Hence the value of x will be “64”

Did you get it, class? Yes, sir.

Now let’s move on to our next example, but this

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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

time you will be the one who will answering the

problem. Got it?

Example 2: (One of the students will read the Problem)

Who wants to read the Example 2?
A quantity x varies directly with the square
of y and inversely with the cube root of z.
If x = 6 when y = 2 and z = 8,
find x when y = 1 and z = 27.4?

A quantity x varies directly with the square

of y and inversely with the cube root of z. If x =
6 when y = 2 and z = 8, find x when y = 1
and z = 27.


What will be our equation for the given problem

of joint variation? (One of the students will answer)

ky ²
√3 z

ky ²
√3 z
(One of the students will answer)
That’s right, now what will be our next step? Substitute the value of x, y and z to find the
value of the constant k.

Substitute the value of x, y and z to find the

value of the constant k.

That’s right, can you show us the substitution on

the board and solution to find the value of the (The student who answers the question a
constant k? while ago will show the solution)
k 2²
6= 3

6 = 2k

Precisely, now what will be our next step after (One of the students will answer)
we get the value of the constant k? We will substitute the value of the constant
in our equation for the relationship.

(One of the students will answer)

Exactly, can you show us the substitution in our 3 y²
equation? X =
√3 z

Now what will be our next step after we (One of the students will answer)
substitute the value of the constant k? Find the value of x, when y = 1 and z = 21
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

That’s right, now can you show us on the board

the complete solution in able for us to get the (One of the students will answer)
value of x 3(1)²
X= 3
√ 21
Hence, the value of x is equal to 1.

Combined Variations

Can you please read what combined variation is?

(A student will read the definition)
Combined variation is another physical
relationship among variables. This is the kind
of variation that involves both the direct and
inverse variation.
Thank you! When we say combined variation, in
one variation we use the two variations which is
direct and inverse variation.

The statement “z varies directly as x and

inversely as y” means

kx xy
y= k=
z z

As you can see our first statement is direct

variation, then our second statement is inverse.
So, we use two variations.
In our equation where is the direct variation?
the kz in the numerator
Excellent! What about the inverse?
the variable y in the denominator

Very Good! And to solve for k our formula is

k= where k is constant.

Before we are going to solve the problem using

combined variation we should know how to translate
statement into mathematical equation using k as the
constant of variation.

Example :
1. D varies directly as a and inversely as b The direct is ka

What is direct variation and inverse variation? The inverse is b

Very Good! D =

What about the next example? Who want to (A student raise her hand)
translate the statement into mathematical equation
on the board?

Yes! Miss_______ (A student will go in front and write the

2. T varies directly as x and inversely as the mathematical equation of the given
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

square of z. statement)
T= 2

Correct! It’s T = 2

Since you already know how to translate the

statement into mathematical equation let
proceed to the example of combined variation.

Example 1
If r varies directly as s and inversely as the
square of u, and r = 2 when s = 18 and u = 2
find s when u = 18 and r = 4.
To solve this, the first thing to do is translate the
statement into mathematical equation. What is
the mathematical equation of the given ks
statement? r= 2

Correct! its r = 2 next we are going to solve
for k. to solve this we input the given.

r= 2
u k (18)
k (18)
22 18 k
Simplify 4
18 k
4 2 18 k
Cross multiplication 1 4
2 18 k
1 4 18 k =8
18 k =8 Divide both side by 18
To solve for k what the next thing to do? 18 k 8
18 k 8 18 18
18 18 8
8 18
8 9
What is the lowest term of k = ?

Very Good! Our constant od variation is .
Next we are going to solve the s since we already ks
r= 2
have the constant of variation. Let’s start. u

ks 4
r= 2 s
u r= 9
r= 9 4
2 s
u 4= 9
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

4= 9 4
2 4= 9
4= 9

[ ]
4 4
9 4
4 4=
Multiply both side by denominator to cancel 4 4

[ ]
4 4=
9 4
9 [ 4 4
16= s
9 9 ]
4 4
To get rid of , multiply both side by
9 9 S = 36
9 [
16= s
4 4
9 9 ]
S = 36

Our s is 36 when u=2 and r = 4

D. Generalization

So, to wrap up our lesson for today's class, can

someone share the knowledge that you get about
the topic we've tackled today? (Students will share their
reflection/realization about the topic.)
Thank you, it is very important for every student
to learn these topics so that we can use them for
future purposes and we can also teach other's
very well.

Lastly, can someone share the key equations of

our topic today. Direct Variation

Inverse Variation

Joint Variation

Combined Variation
Excellent, I believe that you are truly engaging
with our class today.

E. Application

Real-life examples – encountered daily

Now, let’s move forward to another kind of

examples we’re in we will be integrating some
worded problems that we humans or students
facing these kinds of variation in to our daily live

Will anyone give some examples that they have

encountered in their daily lives which has (Students answers may vary depending upon
something to do with variations? their explanation on how it becomes an
example of a variation)
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

Great! Those examples that your classmates have

provided are also considered mathematical
problems which may be related also to different
kind of variations.

Moving forward, here are some examples that

you might facing and seeing in your

Will you please read the problem no. 1,

Example 1:
Looking at two buildings specifically
College of Education and College of Arts and
Sciences, at the same time, the length of the
buildings’ shadows (s) varies directly as their
height (h). If a 3rd story building has 15m
long shadow, how many stories high would a
building that has a 32m long shadow be?
Thank you! Based on our problem what kind of
variation is need to use for us to solve the
problem? Direct Variation

Yes, you are all right! We need to use the direct

variation, since we have found the key word “(s)
varies directly as their height (h)”
y =kx
What is again our equation for direct variation?

Good, however in our problem it was stated that

“s varies directly to h”, what would be our s =kh
variables now, using direct variation

Correct, will anyone give the value of our s and h (Students will raise their hands)
in the first data mentioned?

Yes, you _________, what is s and h in the given s = 15 meters, and h = 3 stories

Nice, with these two variables now we can solve

and find our k.

To solve for k, we will now substitute the given

values and isolate k, to fin its value. Will you (Students will raise their hands)
now show on the board, how to find k?
Will you show on the board, ___________? 15 m=k (3)

15 k (3 )
3 3

5=k or k =5

Great job! You got the correct value for our k.

Now we will now go back to the real question of
the problem, it is being asked about the height of
a building if their shadows will be 30 meters in

Will now someone, show on the board in finding (Students will raise their hands)
that value that being asked in the given problem?
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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

Since, k =5 and s¿ 30m

Yes you, ___________, show on the board your Then,
30 m=5 h

30 m (5) h
5 5

6=h or h=6

Correct! It means we need to have 6 stories

buildings looking at the same time specifically
COE and CAS to accumulate a value of 30
meters shadows.

Now moving forward for our second worded

problem that we might encountering on our daily
Example 2:
Will someone read problem no. 2 The time (t) it takes to travel from Arayat
Pampanga to Don Honorio Ventura State
University Bacolor, Pampanga varies
inversely as the speed (v) at which one
travels. If it takes 1.5 hours to travel this
distance at an average of 80km/h, find the
constant k and the amount of time it would
take to drive back if you were only able to
travel at 40km/h due to an engine problem.

Thank you, __________! (Students will raise their hands)

What would be our equation?
What would be our equation, ________? v

Yes, you are right! It is an inversely variation,

because it is clearly stated that time (t) varies
inversely as the speed (v).

In the question, it is asking for the value of k. (Students will raise their hands)
Will you show on the board the solution in
finding the value of k.
May I call _________, to solve it on the board 80 km

t=1.5 hours

To solve for k;


1.5 h=
80 km/h

1.5 h ( 80hkm )=k

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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

120 km=k or k =120 km

Good, the correct answer and value of k is

120km. How about now the value of time that
being asked if the speed reduces to 40km/h due
to engine problem.

Any representative here? Just perform and use

the inversely variation formula awhile back and (Students will raise their hands)
the value of k in solving the value of time.

Okay, you may now go on the board _______, Given:

and show to your classmates on how to find the k =120 km
value of time. v=40 km /h

By substitution:

120 km
40 km/h

t=( 120 km ) ( )
40 km

t=3 hours

Job well done! It means it will take 3 hours to go

back or to drive back to the destination if the
vehicle speed is at 40 km/h only.

V. Evaluation

Activity 1
Instruction. Read the phrases found at the right side of the table. If the phrase states a direct
variation, place D, if it is inverse, place a letter I. If the relationship is neither direct or inverse,
place a letter N.

Answers Phrases
1. The number of hours to finish a job to the men working.
2. The amount of water to the space that water did not occupy in a
particular container.
3. The number of people sharing the pie to number of slices of the
4. The area of the wall to the amount of paint used to cover it.
5. The time spent in walking to the at which a person walks.
6. The time which teachers check the paper to the number of
7. The cost of life insurance to the age of the insured person.
8. The age of the used car to its resale value.
9. The amount of money raised to a concert to the number of tickets
10. The distance an airplane flies to the time traveling.

Activity 2 (Group Activity)

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URL: http://dhvsu.edu.ph CHED Center of Development in Teacher Education
DHVSU Main Campus, Villa de Bacolor, Pampanga E-

Instruction. The class will be divided into 5 groups.

Answer the following problems with your groupmate. Show your solutions and
submit your answer on a sheet of paper

1. Every 3 months, a man deposits in his bank account a savings of 5,000 pesos. In
how many years would he have saved 250,000?

2. Arvee uses 20 liters of gasoline to travel 200 km. How many liters would he use in
a trip of 700 km?

3. Christopher is figuring a way to reach Baguio in a shortest possible time. Using hos
car, he reaches Baguio in 6 hours at an average speed of 70 km per hour. How fast
should he drive in order to reach Baguio in 5 hours?

4. The area of the triangle varies jointly as the base and the height. A triangle with a
base of 8 cm and a height of 9 cm has an area of 36 square centimeter. Find the area
when the base is 10 cm and the height is 7cm.

5. The acceleration a of an object varies directly as the force f exerted and inversely as
is mass m. If the constant variation is 1. Find the acceleration in meter per second
square of a 10 kg object exerting a force of 10 newton.

VI. Assignment
Create 3 real life examples of variation based on what you have experienced for the
past 3 years of your life. It may be on shopping, groceries, etc. provided that one of
each example is in Direct, Inverse, Joint or Combined Variation. No examples should
have the same type of variation.

Concluding Activities

Before we officially end our session for today,

let’s have our closing prayer.
_____, can you please lead the prayer?
(A student will be leading the prayer)
Before you leave the room, kindly pick up the
pieces of paper or trash near your chairs, and you
may put them in the trash bins. Also, make sure
that your chairs are aligned properly.
(Students will make sure that their learning
spaces are clean and their chairs are well-
Okay, that will be all for today’s discussion.
Good day, Grade 9! See you again at our next
meeting. And stay holistically safe!
Good day, sir!

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