Am - Is - Are - Was - Were Özel

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Complete the sentences with AM / IS / ARE / WAS / WERE

1.We all know that the exercise ………good for our health.
2. What …….. three types of cookies you like to eat?
3. Your birthday …….. on the 12th of June,
4. Whose gloves ……. these?
5. That shirt …….very nice.
6. Why …… bored?
7. Why ……he so excited yesterday?
8. How …….the soup last night?
9. it …..very difficult to find a job.
10. God ….with us
11. How far …..the house from the city?
12. There … guests at the hotel last week.
13. There …….two tables in the living room.
14. There ….not any milk in the fridge.
15. where ….you born ?
15. yesterday , I ….very hungry.
16.The hotel …….not far from here.
17. …….he any better this morning?
18. Sina … her father.
19.What ……seven deadly sins?
20. How many eggs …….there in the fridge?

Fill in am, is, are, was, were:

1 2 3 4
1. Tom __ in the 2. The eggs __ 3. Sugar __ in 4. There __ hot 5. The cookies
garden yester- in the box now. the packet. coffee in the __on the table
day. cup. now.

5 6 7 8

6. Three pota- 7. The butterfly 8. The bread 9. The teapot 10. Three apples
toes __ on the __ very beauti- and knife __ on __ full yester- __ on the branch
table. ful. the table. day. now.

Complete the sentences with the correct words.

1.- Elizabeth’s grandmother ………… very weak. Her birthday ………… last Saturday.

11. I __ at the 12. The bottle 13. There __ 14. Bill __ cry- 15. Paul __ in 2.- Steve ……. in bed at the moment. He …….. very ill. His parents …….. worried.
blackboard yes- __ full of milk two apples there ing now. the boat two
terday. yesterday. yesterday. hours ago. 3.- Tony and Susan ………… happy today. They love dancing.

4.- Carrots ……….. good for everyone. I……… eating a big carrot now.

5.- This red box ……… a present for my girlfriend Sonia. She ………. twenty years old.

6.- Margaret’s dog ………. very sweet. It ……..only one year.

7.-Harry ate a lot of chocolate and drank because he ……….. at a party yesterday.
16. Pam __ on 17. It __ very 18. It __ rainy 19. The books 20. Mona __ a
the floor now. hot yesterday. today. __ new. housewife now. 8.-The young pupils ………… listening to the teacher who …… reading a nice tale.

9.- Harry feels badly today so he ……… going to see a doctor this morning.

21. I __ only 11 22. Helen __ a 23. Polly __ do- 24. Ben __ 25. Mary __ only
years old. secretary last ing her homework reading that four.
year. now. book yesterday.
Fill in the blanks with am, is, are , was or were It 1. ____________ Monday today, and the weather 2.______________ sunny and
Today, I 1. ___________ at home. It 2. ___________Saturday morning and it 3. warm. We 3.___________ in the garden chatting and eating ice cream.
____________ very cold. Last month, my family and I 4. ______________on The last few days it 4._____________ cold and rainy. We 5.__________ inside
holiday in Canada. The weather 5. ____________ fantastic! It 6. _____________ watching TV.
really hot and sunny. We 7. ____________ happy then.
The last vacation 8. _______________ great, but now I 8. ___________ happy to On Christmas last year, my family and I 1._______________ in the mountains.
be back. It 9. ___________ nice to be with all my friends. _ There 2.___________ not many people because the weather 3.____________ bad.
However, it 4.____________ still a lot of fun because there 5._______________ a
Twenty years ago, there 1. _____________ no cars on the street where I lived. lot of interesting things to do.
There 2. _____________ only one bakery in the whole town. There This year, we 6.________________ at home. It 7.______________ cold outside but
3.____________ no Internet at that time, so we sent letters to communicate warm inside. We, children 8.___________ in the bedroom playing board
with friends and family who lived far away. I didn't like to go to school games. Mother 9.___________ in the kitchen preparing dinner.
because, the bus stop 4._______________ far away from my house. She 10._______________ in the supermarket this morning. She spent a lot of
Now, the street in front of my house 5. ________________always very busy. time shopping because there 11._____________ so many things on sale. It
There 6. ____________________ many cars and buses. There 7.___________________ 12.___________ really hard to decide what to buy and what not.
also many shops and there 8.____________ big a department store right next At the moment, Father 13.______________ in the living room. He 14._______
to my house! busy decorating the Christmas tree. He 15.____________ at the market this
morning buying Christmas tree decorations. The whole town
Yesterday , there 1.____________ a police blockade on the road because there 16._____________ very busy this morning, but now it 17.__________ empty.
2.______________ a robbery. I 3.______________ very scared and my parents Everybody 18. _______________ at home celebrating Christmas.
4._______________ worried because it happened in front of my house. This
morning, I heard that the robber got caught and I 5.__________ glad that
finally our place 6.___________ safe!
Complete the sentences with
(( am / is / are )) and (( was / were))
1.My books .........on the desk.
2. My books .........on the desk 2 minutes ago.
3.There ...........some biscuits on the plate. Complete the sentences with am , is , are , was , were
4. There ............some biscuits on the plate 5 minutes ago.
5.My father Shiraz. 1) These shirts ...............on sale today.
6.My father Shiraz last week. 2) she asked me what time it ...........
7.My brother .........soldier. 3) The pain in my side .........worse than it ..........yesterday.
8.My brother .........soldier when he .........22 years old.
4) He ............ a greedy person – keep away from him.
9.My sister ........happy.
5) Selling shares at this time .........a bad idea.
10.My sister ..........happy when she got a good mark.
11.The Bible stories favorite stories. 6) That............. the worst movie I’ve ever seen.
12.The Bible stories favorite stories when i .......9 years old. 7) Your handwriting ............. so bad I can hardly read it.
13. My DVDs ........beside my cell phone. 8) It..........difficult to break bad habits.
14. My DVDs .........beside my cell phone yesterday. 9) Smoking ..............bad for your health.
15.There .........many crimes today.
10) I........ really good at chess when i .........young.
16. There ..........few crimes in the past.
11) We........ shocked to hear the little boy using bad language in front of his mother.
17. Today's cars ...........faster.
12) There ........... not milk in the bottle.
18. Cars ...........slow in the past.
19. Greedy and selfish people ............horrible. 13) We ............ famous for our politeness
20. He .......a kind person. 14) There .......... many birds in the sky.
21. He .......a kind person when he .......young. 15) Do you know How much a plane ticket to IRAN........?
22. It .......a good idea to do some research about life after death. 16) Yesterday, It .........a warm day with a bright sun.
23. He ..........angry with me and i didn't know why. 17) Cola..........not good for your health.
24. He .......a hero in the past.
18) These shoes......... comfortable.
25. Chess favorite game
19) all my hope ......... in the Lord.
26. Chess favorite game when i .......15 years old.
27. What........ the weather like today? 20) What ..........your reasons for doing wrong behaviour?
28. What........the weather like yesterday? 21) My book ........about life after death.
29. The bananas ........still green. 22) what .......... your home address?
30. Classic music favorite music. 23) It ...........a beautiful sight.
31.Classic music favorite music when i ......young.
24) There .............many books about jealousy.
32. There .........two books beside my pen.
25) There ............many problems in life that we can't solve them.
33.There ..........two books beside my pen 2 minutes ago.
26) There ...........truth in what you say.
34.It .......difficult to control yourself when you .........hungry.
35. I.......sorry . I.......late – the traffic ........terrible. 27) I ........glad you worked so well!
28) There .........n’t a cloud in the sky today.

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