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Germany 1
Britain, US, Sweden 2
France (including Vichy and Free French) 3
Italy 4
Russia, Turkey, Spain 5

EXPLANATION: When fleets of different categories engage in fleet combat, the higher ranked fleet
adds the difference to its fleet combat dice roll, and the lower ranked fleet subtracts the difference from
its fleet combat dice roll. If a force is composed of two or more nationalities, the lowest nationality
DRM applies.


Roll Result
< -2 No effect.
-2 Movement of armor units is reduced by one during exploitation.
-1 Movement of armor units is reduced by two during exploitation.
0 Movement of armor units is reduced by three during exploitation; airdrops prohibited.
1 Overruns and exploitation movement are prohibited.
2 No offensive options.
3 No limited offensive options.
4 Infantry and replacement units are subject to a -1 DM (EXCEPTION: Finns and Swedes).
5 Armor units are treated as infantry units.
6 Defensive air support is restricted to the hex in which the air factors are based.

-6 Russian modifier
-2 Axis variant 19
-1 (Axis only) Each successive winter since DoW between Russia and Axis

A. The effects of a result include the effects of all lower results as well.
B. Winter results only apply on the Eastern front east of the Nazi-Soviet Pact line, as well as in all of
Finland and Sweden.
C. Results of 0 or less apply to all Allied and Axis units.
D. Results 1-6 apply only to Axis units.
E. German and Italian SR capabilities inside Russia are reduced by the modified winter die roll (20.11,
-2 Axis control of Moscow or Leningrad (two for each).
-1 Axis control of Stalingrad or Grozny (one for each).
-1 For every 10 unbuilt Russian ground/air factors.
-1 If Axis forces control any hex in Britain.
-1 If the Axis moved first in the current game turn.
+/-1 For every 25 BRPs Russia is above or below 75 (Spring); 50 (Summer); 25 (Fall); 0 (Winter).
+1 If the Allies moved first in the current game turn.
+1 For each IC controlled by Russia.
+1 If the US is at war with the Axis.
+1 If the Western Allies have a ground unit in a bridgehead in France, Belgium, or Germany, or
control a port in France, Belgium, or Germany.

EXPLANATION: Check at the end of each Russian player turn. If the net result is zero or less, Russia
offers to surrender. Units not yet in the Russian force pool are not considered “unbuilt units”.


-2 Axis control of London.
-1 Axis control of Birmingham, Manchester, Gibraltar, Malta, Suez, or Baghdad (one for each).
-1 If an “8+” diplomatic result for Russia is in effect.
-1 If there is no supplied Russian armor or infantry unit west of the 1944 start line.
-1 For every 10 unbuilt British ground/air factors (including Free French units).
+/-1 For every 25 BRPs Britain is above or below 75 (Spring), 50 (Summer), 25 (Fall), 0 (Winter).
+/-# Ratio of Allied/Axis fleet factors (4:3 +/-1, 5:3 +/- 2, 2:1 +/-3, 3:1 +/-4, etc.). American,
Russian and Italian fleets only count if that country is at war.
+1 For each major power other than Britain at war with the Axis.
+1 If USAT is between 30 and 39 (inclusive).
+2 If USAT is 40 or higher.
+1 For every 5 Allied ground/air factors in Britain, including Ulster.
+1 If there is a Western Allied armor or infantry unit in Germany.
+1 If there is a Russian armor or infantry unit west of the Nazi-Soviet partition line.
+1 If Allied variant 11 has been played.

EXPLANATION: Check at the end of each game turn. If the net result is zero or less, Britain offers to
surrender. Units not yet in the British force pool are not considered “unbuilt units”.

CLARIFICATION: Russian units in Persia or Turkey are west of both the 1944 start and the Nazi-
Soviet pact lines.
Surrender Level Max Concessions 9 FF AF 4-5 2-5 3m3 3-4 1-3 R
0 0 10 20 4 1 1 7 3 6
-1 2 9 18 4 1 - 7 3 6
-2 4 8 16 3 1 - 7 3 6
-3 6 7 14 2 1 - 7 3 6
-4 8 6 12 2 1 - 6 3 5
-5 10 5 10 1 1 - 6 2 5
-6 12 4 8 1 1 - 5 1 4
-7 14 3 6 1 - - 5 1 4
-8 16 2 4 1 - - 4 - 3
-9 18 2 2 1 - - 3 - 2
-10 20 2 2 1 - - 2 - -

EXPLANATION: The British surrender level is determined by reference to the British Resistance
Table (75.2). The maximum concession level refers to the British Concession Table (75.433). Force
pool levels do not include Dominion forces and commandos (Allied variants 11 and 16).


1 Malta, Lebanon/Syria, Libya, Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, Palestine/Cyprus or Transjordan (one
for each).
2 Ulster or Ireland (two for each).
3 Egypt, Iraq/Kuwait, Gibraltar or Scapa Flow (three for each).
4 Scotland (hex rows C to F).
5 Central England, including Birmingham and Manchester (hex rows G to J).
6 Southern England, including London (hex rows K and L).
1 Neutralization of a conquered or associated minor country or minor ally worth 5 or 10 BRPs.
2 Neutralization of a conquered or associated minor country or minor ally worth more than 10
2 Axis control of a conquered or associated minor country or minor ally worth 5 or 10 BRPs.
3 Axis control of a conquered or associated minor country or minor ally worth more than 10
1 For each 10 BRPs of indemnity imposed by Germany, to a maximum of 30 BRPs.

EXPLANATION: This table sets out the value of territorial and economic concessions which may be
demanded by Germany when Britain surrenders. The same values are used if Germany returns British
territory which is under Axis control at the time of surrender. An area which contains an American unit
may not be the subject of a territorial concession. Germany may not demand concessions in excess of
the value generated by the British Surrender Table (75.421).

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