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Assessment on the Environmental Effect of Deforestation in Brgy.

Can-abong, Borongan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the course Applied


Arante, Althea Gabrielle C.

BS Biology 2



1.1 Background of the Study

Deforestation refers to the decrease in forest areas across

the world that are lost due to agricultural croplands,

urbanization, or mining activities. As a result of growing urban

sprawl, forests are now developed for homes and other

infrastructures. Illegal loggers also build roads to access more

and more remote forest which leads to further deforestation (Nunez,

2022). Forest loss is caused by permanent land use change for the

production of commodities (Curtis et al., 2018).

The alarming rate at which forests are being destroyed

contributes greatly to the planet’s ongoing loss of biodiversity.

In Krogh’s (2020) study, it is estimated that 34% of the planet’s

tropical rainforest have been completely destroyed from

deforestation, leaving just 36% of tropical rainforests intact and

30% partially degraded. Furthermore, according to World Wildlife

Fund, forests cover 31% of the land area on the planet. In

addition, according to The Human League, forests provide a home to

millions of diverse flora and fauna around the world. They play a

vital role in the world’s carbon cycle by balancing greenhouse gas

emissions, making the air in the atmosphere breathable, and

protecting against climate change. With fewer trees around to take

in the carbon dioxide, greenhouse gas accumulates in the atmosphere

and accelerate global warming.

As stated in The State of the World’s Forests (2020), the

conversion of the land to agriculture and the unsustainable levels

of exploitation, much of it illegal, continue to pose a threat to

forests and biodiversity. Hence, the results of deforestation are

clearly seen in the polluted rivers, the regular flooding of

previously non-flood areas, the landslides that occur every after

rainstorm, heavy and not, and global warming. In addition, the

soil is weakened and degraded by deforestation, leaving the soil

prone to erosion. Thus, making the area more susceptible to natural

disasters like landslides and flood. These consequences have an

impact on both the environment and the inhabitants of it. Some of

these environmental effects are now happening at Brgy. Can-abong

due to the continuous loss of trees.

The continuous exploitation of natural resources in the

forests has caused drastic environmental damage. Therefore, the

goal of this study is to assess and to raise awareness on the

environmental effects of deforestation in Brgy. Can-abong.

1.2 Objectives

I. To assess the environmental effects of deforestation and

how it can affect the locals of Brgy. Can-abong, and;

II. To establish awareness on the continuous environmental

degradation due to deforestation in Brgy. Can-abong.

1.3 Significance of the Study

This study aims to supply crucial and important information

regarding the environmental effects of deforestation. Through this

study, Brgy. Can-abong would have the consciousness and awareness

on the continuous illegal loggings and other activities that could

lead to depletion of forest resources in the said barangay.

Furthermore, this study will deepen the current understanding on

the environmental effects of deforestation and how it could affect

the community of Brgy. Can-abong.

Specifically, this study will benefit the following:

 The Local Community: This study will raise awareness on the

effects of deforestation in Brgy. Can-abong. This study will

also encourage the local community to take action and be more

involved in protecting and conserving the forests’ resources.

 The Local Officials: This study will serve as method to reach

out the barangay of officials of Brgy. Can-abong to take an

initiative to control the growing deforestation in the said

barangay, as the environmental effect is now very evident.

And to act as leaders in fighting for the forests of Brgy.


 The Researcher: This study will help the research to have a

deeper understanding on the environmental effects of

deforestation particularly on the researcher’s barangay.

Through this study, the researcher will have the idea on how

deforestation happens. In addition, the researcher will be

able to use this knowledge to help the barangay disseminate

information about the effects of deforestation to the

environment and to the local community.

 The Future Researcher: This study will serve as a guide for

the future researcher conducting the same topic. Results of

this study will help the future researcher to find research

gap and focus on that. This will also help the future

researcher to have the basic knowledge regarding the

environmental effects of deforestation, not just in Brgy.

Can-abong, but also globally.

 People Involved in Deforestation: This study will serve as a

way to reach the people indulging deforestation for personal

gain. This study will help them understand how their actions
affects not just the forests and the environment, but also

the people on the said barangay. Furthermore, this study will

serve as an eye opener for the people involved to stop

deforestation as the trees continues to deplete and

deteriorates as time goes by.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses on the environmental effectS of

deforestation in Brgy. Can-abong. As time goes by, a lot of locals

settle in Brgy. Can-abong, and for that to happen they need space

for their future homes and businesses, choosing to cut down trees

for spaces. Furthermore, the study shall be limited and shall not

explore any more other than the environmental effect of

deforestation to the said barangay.


Krogh, A. (2020). State of the Tropical Rainforest. Rainforest

Foundation Norway. Retrieved from




Curtis, P. G., Slay, C. M., & Hansen, M. C. (2018). Classifying

drivers of global forest loss. Retrieved from

Nunez, C. (2022). Why deforestation matters—and what we can do to

stop it. Retrieved from


Youmatter. (2020). What Is Deforestation? Definition, Causes,

Effects and Solutions to Stop it. Retrieved from


Environment. (n.d.). Deforestation and Its Effect on the Planet.

Retrieved from

World Wildlife Fund (WWF). (n.d). Deforestation and Forest

Degradation. Retrieved from




The Human League. (n.d.).Effects of Deforestation on Humans and

the Environment. Retrieved from


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