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The Extraterrestrial Project​​

Kat, Jillian, Tyler → Group C

- Creating an alien out of something we fear

- Spiders, cockroaches, heights, snakes, dogs, injections, thunder/lightning, germs, isolation
- Kind of like a crazy AI-like thing where the alien thinks they are doing good but in actuality is
harming humanity
- Loyalty and friendship to the point of obsessiveness
- Physical from is able to shift itself to “please” the person they desire to make happy
- Form is shadowy humanoid but as soon as you see it, it transforms into what you love most and
then kills you
- Has to get comfortable with you first
- Obsessed with this idea of “utopia”
- Giving people what they want will focus them on that instead of going off and fighting wars
ultimately bringing world peace
- People pleaser alien

Did you provide your extraterrestrials with a physical form?

- Shadowy figure

A planet with characteristics that make sense with that form?

- Destroyed and in shambles from their own war

A culture-- technology, history, values/norms, spirituality/religion, personality features, means of

communication, food/reproduction etc.?
- Ultimately making everyone happy and pleasing everyone
- “Missionaries”
- They’re like mute monks
- They used to be more human-like but after their war, they transformed and became missionaries
and go to other planets to instill peace and happiness
- The aliens had a war of their own that destroyed their planet. Hoping that never happens to
another planet again, they go to others to bring peace and happiness, but are so obsessed with it,
unknowingly bring chaos along with them.
- Communication: telepathy- eventually this ability/technology is granted to humanity, but it

- In its most simple form:
- Telepathy
- The ability to move through and like a shadow
- “You can never hear them coming” (completely silent)
- Not restricted by gravity can “float” and move around unhindered by the forces of gravity as well
as through walls and the ground
- Shadow walking can move through shadows as well


Kat’s Midnight Thoughts:

Okay I think I know how to fix this:
- it’s currently 130 in the morning and my brain won’t shut up but i think i figured out a way to fix
our problem with the whole shape shifting thing. levy said it was too similar to the martian, to cut
the shape shifting part of the extraterrestrial. and at first i was confused on how to do that. it was
the whole point of the alien. but i had an idea
- i am still trying to figure out the fine line between what is considered fantasy and science fiction,
but i think when it comes to aliens, that line is blurred. we are creating a race of creatures that are
not bound by our planet's boundaries and our physical boundaries. what might be considered
fantasy and magic for us could be completely normal for them.
- so to add culture and religion what about this: during their war, all was destroyed but one temple.
their god. and when a group of these pacifists — the extraterrestrials who start the vision of the
missionaries — visit this temple and the god gifts them the change they undergo and the means to
carry out what they crave to accomplish: spread peace
- but as a punishment, the god takes away their sense of being, their voice. they essentially become
mist. but they are also given a gift. each “monk” is given an amulet/locket/SOMETHING that
holds some sort of dark matter the god is capable of manipulating. the god tells them to use it for
good, for if they don’t, the matter will kill them.
- so when they arrive on the different planets in their misty form, they are nothing but a shimmer of
light. if you focus, you can see the outline of them, but most will never see them, not with what
they provide. they enter the world, and with this dark matter, try to please the people of war torn
worlds. though their efforts go too far.
- their telepathic talking and the visions of those they love and that which makes them happy but
can never truly have breaks the minds of others. they wreak havoc instead of distributing peace
- the god is angry with this.
- so they go from planet to planet, desperately trying to accomplish their goal and leaving only
havoc in their wake


Many gods- but only one survives
-God of Pleasure? Balance? Hope? Giving?

The backstory:

- There is a war between the gods and the extraterrestrials

- The extraterrestrials end up killing all of their gods including a minor god that is overlooked
- To end the war, the minor god sacrifices themselves
- They are split into many parts, their body distributed between everyone
- The extraterrestrials realize their mistake. They’ve killed all their gods, destroyed their home, and
basically destroyed their culture
- To prevent any other civilizations from making their same mistakes, they become missionaries
and go to different planets to create peace and happiness using the abilities from the pieces of the
god that sacrificed themselves
- Extra terrestrial- misty being with dark matter core or core of god/dess
- They gave up their physical form to maintain the core/pieces of their dead god/goddess
- Civil War instead of war between the gods and the extraterrestrials!!!!
- NOT just a two sided thing: different “factions” worshiped different gods
- When the gods saw the destruction between the factions, they decided to intervene
- It was not a good idea
- They all ended up being killed but the minor god/goddess saves the day
Why was there a war?
-religious reasons= different ppl focused on different gods which caused issues
-gods were apart of the same pantheon and yet people needlessly had issues with each other

- They are not very advanced people
- They were a very religious people before they decided to go to war for INSERT REASON HERE
and never needed to create technology

Their Reasonings:
- So the god’s physical body is only temporary
- They are able to kill the god’s physical form but their soul is still preserved
- After the goddess’ final sacrifice, the extraterrestrials realize they can cut the gods into small
pieces and gift them to other worlds that are more deserving
- But before they can gift the other planets a part of their god, they have to make sure they are
prepared. They have to make sure they are peaceful people who will treat the god with the respect
and kindness- they did not
- They are not very good at this
- BUT, from each section of the god’s soul, the same god grows, so they are able to be in multiple
places at one time.

If that makes sense to thursday us…

(Haldalótë (Hiding Flower) + quen (Person))
(Tulya (To Lead) + mo (Man who does))
(Quildolor (Quiet Dream) + o (Man who does))
(Lemya (To Remain) + rë (Woman who does))
(Oia (Everlasting) + ien (Feminine))
(Thámo (Helper) + issë (Woman who does))
(Ceuta (To Renew/Refresh) + issë (Woman who does))
(Manca (To Trade) + indë (Woman who does))


1. Year Zero: war between different factions begins as avatars/hosts of the “main” gods fight for


Tulyamo Haldalótëequen Quildolorno Oia

God of Time and Guidance Goddess of Destiny God of Dreams and Visions Goddess of Eternity

- “Avatar”
- How does it start?
- Oia’s avatar takes away the eternity of all the other gods if Oia is not the leader of the
four factions
- Oia host wants to be on top takes away the eternity of every god which causes the other
avatars to war
- Makes the avatars vulnerable
- The powers of the gods drain the avatars and causes their eventual death by overuse of
their powers
- Lemyarë is a goddess of hope and has no avatar and no faction and is the only surviving
- Oia takes away eternity of the other gods and then sends assassins from faction to try and
kill other avatars and Haldalótëequen is killed along w her avatar and this starts the 13
year war
2. Year Thirteen:
- war ends with Tulyamo, Quildolorno, and Oia die (along with their avatars)
- Lemyarë remains in a devastated world
- various followers from all 4 factions become avatars of Lemyarë and she gives up her
physical goddess form so that she can have so many avatars

- The followers looked like and now they look like light-based characters w a “flicker”
flame of hope
- Before: humanoid figure with wings and many eyes (kind of like biblically accurate
angels) if they are an avatar- their eyes are sewn shut
3. Earth time
- They come to earth and only appear to those who are in despair
- They try and talk w them telepathically
- The information they relay brings ruin to the human mind

How they go crazy

- The extraterrestrials speak telepathically now because of the higher knowledge possessing a part
of Lemaryë within them
- However, when they pass on their knowledge to the humans, they gain that ability of telepathy
too. BUT, the only thing keeping the extraterrestrials sane is the piece of the goddess inside of
them. Without it, insanity rapidly spreads across the human race

- What is the process of them taking in Lemyarë after the war???
- What is the process of becoming an avatar? Black Panther-esqe ritual???
- What is their planet called and where is it located in the universe?
- What do they come in if they are not an advanced civilization? Spaceships? Something else?

Assignment: design an extraterrestrial life form. (The Issieds)


1. Is your extraterrestrial species 'original'? Not a knock-off of familiar ones from films, TVs, etc.

2. Did you provide your extraterrestrials with a physical form? A planet with characteristics that make
sense with that form? A culture-- technology, history, values/norms, spirituality/religion, personality
features, means of communication, food/reproduction etc.?

3. Did you create a 'contact' moment with humans? This description need not be long, but it should be in
character: having created your new life form, can you predict/anticipate what they would do (and how,
for that matter) when they meet us?

3. Did you address how your extraterrestrial species interacts with/exemplifies class lessons? Use the
"Some Things About Aliens" powerpoint, which you have on canvas, as a guide.

Reminders about length/depth of assignment from syllabus:

"Group Creative Assignments: there are two such assignments in the syllabus. You will be placed on
collaborative storytelling teams, in groups of 3-4 (science fiction and fantasy are particularly good genres
for collaborative work), and will be given class time to work on your projects, and workshop with others.
Your format is optional: you can write a prose text, construct a powerpoint, make a model, etc. For
guidance, imagine a presentation that would take 15 minutes for your entire group to make; or a 1500
word essay; or a developed 15-20 slide powerpoint (these guidelines are for the whole group, not
individuals). You should expect to share your work with others in the class, or have it shared; and you
will receive individual, not group, grades on your work."

PLANET NAME: Pax-Afferentes XIII

Images for the different gods:


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