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Prince Jessrell M.

Armocilla BSABE-1B


1. Absolute coordinates - It is a way of inputting points which are based on

AutoCAD’s origin.
2. Annotations - Text, dimensions, tolerances, symbols, notes, and other types of
explanatory symbols or objects.
3. Annotation Scale - A setting that is saved with model space, layout viewports,
and model views.
4. Array - A series of objects arranged in a rectangular or polar (circular) pattern.
Can be 2D or 3D.
5. Assembly - An object made from components or subassemblies.
6. Associative Dimension - A dimension that automatically adjusts its size and
value when the associated geometry is modified.
7. Attribute - An object that is included in a block definition to store alphanumeric
8. Balloon - An annotation tag, typically circular, usually containing a number or
letter that represents the object's value in the accompanying text or BOM.
9. Base View - A 2D view projected directly from a 3D model.
10. Block - A generic term for one or more objects that are combined to create a
single named object.
11. Block Definition - The name, base point, and set of objects that are combined
and stored in the block definition table of a drawing.
12. Block Instance - A named compound object that is inserted in a drawing and
displays the data stored in a block definition.
13. BIM - A process supporting the generation and management of a digital
representation of a physical model.
14. Callout - An annotation typically comprised of a leader line and a balloon.
15. Center Point - The exact center of a circle, arc, equilateral polygon or ellipse.
16. Chamfer - When the corner between two connected lines is replaced by a
short line.
17. Clean Screen - It is display on which you draw your drawing and it is of full
18. Coordinates - A set of magnitudes represented as x, y, and z, coordinates that
determine the relative positioning of an object within the drawing space.
19. Crosshairs - This terminology is used for your cursor which is used to move
in your drawing area.
20. Cross Section - A 2D, cut-through view of a 3D object.
21. Database - It is basically, one large database containing all information which
one needed to reproduce objects, when file is opened.
22. Dialog Box - It uses a dialog box method to get information from user.
23. Dimension - A graphical object indicating on a drawing, the sizes of the object
and the other details essential for its construction and function. The basic types
of dimensions are Linear, Radial, Angular, Ordinate, and Arc Length.
24. Definition Point - A node located at the end of an extension line
corresponding to the location on the object being dimensioned.
25. Draft - Typically used to describe the 2D and isometric line drawings created
from 3D objects and engineering drawings.
26. Drawing Template File - The preset values are used for frequently used
settings. The file containing preset values has an extension of DWT.
27. Dynamic Block - Dynamic blocks contain rules and restrictions that control the
appearance and behavior of a block when it is inserted into a drawing or when
it’s later modified.
28. Exploded drawing - A 2D visualization of a disassembled assembly.
29. Extents - It is outer boundaries of objects that has been drawn.
30. Extrude - A technique of dragging a 2D dimensional boundary, face or polygon
into a 3D object, either along a single axis or with a taper.
31. Field - A specialized text object set up to display data that may change during
the life cycle of the drawing.
32. Font - A character set, made up of letters, numbers, punctuation marks, and
symbols of a distinctive proportion and design.
33. Grips - Grips are used for small handles on objects which allow for quick
34. Island - An enclosed area within another enclosed area. Islands may be
detected as part of the process of creating hatches, polylines, and regions.
35. Layer - A logical grouping of data that are like transparent acetate overlays on
a drawing.
36. Limits (Grid) - It is a setting to make an artificial boundary on your drawing.
When limits are turned on, it limits you to drawing in that area.
37. Model Space - The space where user models their objects is called Model
38. Node - A type of object snap that locates point objects, dimension definition
points, and text origin points.
39. Object - One or more graphical elements, such as text, dimensions, lines,
circles, or polylines, treated as a single element for creation, manipulation, and
40. Object Enabler - A tool that provides specific viewing and standard editing
access to a custom object when the ObjectARX application that created the
custom object is not present.
41. Origin - The zero 'starting point' of an object or block.
42. Parametric Drawing - A feature that assigns constraints to objects,
establishing the distance, location, and orientation of objects with respect to
other objects.
43. Perspective - A view that mimics the 'real world view'. Displaying objects as
smaller when they are further away.
44. Properties - Properties that are common between a selection of objects.
45. Regenerate - A command to refresh the current drawing references and
46. Ribbon - The panel that is displayed along the top of the workspace, it
provides you with quick access to the most frequently used commands.
47. Schematic Diagram - An image that represents a complex item in a simple
way, typically electrical wiring or similar.
48. Text - The generic term for textual annotations in a drawing. Text can be
defined as either Multiline Text (MTEXT) or Single Line Text (TEXT or DTEXT
for Dynamic Text).
49. Vertex - A point at the junction of a polyline, polygon or vertices.
50. WCS - A fixed coordinate system that differences the location of all entities in a
51. AUDIT – Check and remove errors from your work
52. CLOSEALL – Close all of the open windows in AUTOCAD
53. CO/COPY – Copy objects or text
54. DI/DISTANCE – Find the distance between two point in a drawing
55. I/INSERT – Insert (existing block or drawing as a block)
56. LIST – Access the properties of the different objects within a drawing
57. OOPS – Restore the last object you deleted
58. OP/OPTIONS – Open the options window (contain the settings for AutoCAD)
59. PASTECLIP – Paste copied objects from clipboard into your work
60. PREVIEW – See how your work will be presented when printed
61. QSAVE – Autosave the files you’re working on
62. RECOVERALL – Recover and repair a corrupted or damaged drawing
63. RO/ROTATE – Rotate an object
64. SAVEALL – Save all the open drawings in AutoCAD
65. SP/SPELL – Perform spell check on selected text
66. BCOUNT – Count the number of blocks in your drawing
67. DS/DDOSNAP – Open the Drafting Settings window
68. L/LINE – Create a simple line
69. LA/LAYERS – Open the Layer Properties Manage Palette (which allows you to
tweak the settings for layers)
70. HIDEOBJECTS – Hide selected objects in a drawing
71. HIGHLIGHT – Highlight a selected object in a drawing
72. A/ARC – Create an arc
73. REC/RECTANGLE – Create a rectangle
74. POL/POLYGON – Produce a polygon
75. ISOLATE – Hide all objects in a drawing except the one you have selected
76. SKETCH – Draw a freehand sketch within a piece of work
77. ST/DDSTYLE – Open the text style window
78. F/FILLET – Add rounded corners to the sharp edges of objects
79. COPYBASE – Copy an object according to a base point
80. MI/MIRROR – Produce a mirror copy of an object
81. BASE – Alter the base point of a drawing without changing its origin
82. B/BLOCK – Create a block
83. BREAK – Create a break (or gaps) in objects at one or two points
84. GROUP – Group multiple objects into a single unit
85. BURST – Explode a block but retain its attribute settings and layer definition
86. CHA/CHAMFER – Add slanted edges to sharp corner of objects
87. SC/SCALE – Change the scale of an object
88. UNITS – Alter the unit settings of your drawing
89. PURGE – Remove unused objects from a drawing
90. AR/ARRAY – Make a rectangle, polar or path array
91. PL/PLINE – Make a polyline
92. DIVIDE – Divide objects into multiple equal parts
93. TR/TRIM – Trim a shape or line
94. 3DALIGN – Align a 3D object with another 3D solid
95. HELIX – Create a helix
96. SURFPATCH – Fill open areas of a surface
97. SURFTRIM – Trim surfaces within a piece of work
98. TORIENT – Change the orientation of text
99. SCALETEXT – Change the scale of text
100. OVERKILL – Remove overlapping or unnecessary objects from your work

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