The Skeletal System Reviewer

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THE SKELETAL SYSTEM REVIEWER - Bone growth that occurs due to weight lifting at

(Based on Ma’am Lo Chapter Test) age 40

Axial skeleton – the skull, vertebral column, and

thoracic cage

Foramen magnum – large hole located in the base of

the occipital bone that allows the spinal cord and brain
to connect

External acoustic meatus – found in the temporal bone

Femur – thigh bone

Glenoid cavity – found in scapula where the head of the

humerus fits

Gout – the disease in which uric acid accumulates in the

blood and may be deposited as needle-shaped crystals
in the soft tissues of the joints

Synarthrosis – immovable joints

Calcium and phosphorus – most important minerals

stored in bones

o Humerus (2) – Arm
1. Supports the body
o Radius (2) – Forearm
2. Protection for internal organs
3. Facilitate movement o Ulna (2) – Forearm
4. Storage of minerals o Metacarpals (10) – Hand
5. Hematopoiesis production o Phalanges (28) – Fingers
o Femur (2) – Upper Leg
Hemopoiesis – blood cell formation
o Tibia (2) – Lower Leg
Yellow narrow is a storage area for fats. o Fibula (2) - Lower Leg
o Metatarsals (10) – Foot
Flat bones – thin, flattened and typically curved bones
such as ribs and sternum. o Phalanges (28) – Toes
o Clavicle
Sharpey’s fibers – type of fiber connecting the
periosteum to the underlying bone SHORT BONES
o Scaphoid (2)
Foramen – round or oval opening hole through a bone o Lunate (2)
which contains blood vessels and/or nerves o Triquetrum (2)
Tuberosity – large rounded projection on a bone o Hamate (2)
o Capitate (2)
Simple fracture – fracture where the bone breaks o Trapezoid (2)
cleanly but does not penetrate the skin o Trapezium (2)
o Talus (2)
Appositional growth – increase in bone diameter
o Navicular (2)
o Cuboid (2)
o Calcaneus (2) 2. Fibrocartilage callus formation
o Medial Cuneiform (2) 3. Bony callus formation
o Intermediate Cuneiform (2) 4. Bone remodeling
o Lateral Cuneiform (2)
Compound structure – the broken bone is exposed to
FLAT BONES the outside
o Sternum
Communited fracture – where bone is broken into
o Ribs
many fragments
o Skull
o Scapula Greenstick fracture – a fracture that is common in
children, whose bones have relatively more collagen in
SESAMOID BONES their matrix and are more flexible
o Patella
o Pisiform Compression fracture – a fracture that is common in
o 1st Metatarsal bone osteoporotic bones
o In the distal 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones
Squamous suture - suture found between the parietal
and temporal bone
o Hip
Fontanels – fibrous connection between the bones of a
o Vertebrae fetal skull
o Skull
o Ears Hyoid bone – the only bone of the body that does not
o Atlas directly articulate with any other bone
o Coxal bone
Sella turcica – part of sphenoid bone
Articular cartilage – type of tissue that covers the
epiphysis of bones and reduces friction in the joints Transverse foramina – found in the cervical vertebrae

In adults, the function of the yellow marrow is to store Atlas – first cervical vertebrae
adipose tissue.
Ribs (superior to inferior): true ribs, false ribs, floating
Epiphyseal plate – indicates that bone length is ribs
Three bones of sternum: manubrium, body, xiphoid
Canaliculus – tiny canal connects central canals to process
lacunae in compact bone
Forearm bones: Ulna and radius
Osteoclasts – bone cells that respond to parathyroid
hormone (PTH) to destroy bone matrix and release Coccyx – tail bone
calcium into the blood
The distance between the female ischial spines is
Fossa – boney marking; a shallow, basin-like depression greater than the male.
in a bone often serving as an articular surface

Haversian canal - The canal that runs through the core

of each osteon contains blood vessels and nerve fibers.

Lacunae – small cavities in bone tissue where

osteocytes are found

Hyaline cartilage – forerunner of long bones in the


Fibrous membranes - It is involved in the formation of

the flat bones of the skull, the mandible, and the
Intercondylar fossa – structure found on the femur
The factor that determines where bone matrix is to be
remodeled is stresses of gravity and muscle pull on the Articulations permitting only slight degrees of
skeleton. movement are amphiarthroses, whereas articulations
permitting no movement are called synarthroses.
Four stages in the healing of a bone fracture:
1. Hematoma formation Carpals – wrist bones
Ossification – bone formation Osteoblasts – cells that can build bony matrix

Hematopoiesis refers to the formation of blood cells Epiphyseal plate – area where bone growth takes place
within the red marrow cavities of certain bones.
Plane joint – wrist joint
Articular cartilage covers the epiphysis of long bones.
Ball-and-socket joint – shoulder joint
The arrangement of lamellae around central (Harversian)
canals forms osteons. Hinge joint – elbow joint

Isolated osteoclasts respond to the parathyroid hormone Knuckle joints – condylar joint
Pivot joint – joint between atlas and axis
The master gland of the body (pituitary gland) is housed
in a saddle-like depression in the sphenoid bone called STRUCTURES OF A LONG BONE
the sella turcica.
1. Diaphysis – a.k.a shaft; makes up most of the
The last two pairs of ribs are called floating ribs bone length
because they have no anterior attachments. o Composed mostly of compact bone
o Protected by the periosteum
The zygomatic bones form the cheekbones. 2. Metaphysis - The regions between the diaphysis
and the epiphyses
The spinal cord passes through the cavity called 3. Epiphysis – ends of the long bones
“vertebral foramen”. o Consists of a thin layer of compact bone
enclosing an area filled with spongy
The intervertebral discs that cushion the spine and bone
absorb shock are composed of fibrocartilage. o Protected by an articular cartilage
4. Periosteum – outside covering of the diaphysis
In anatomical position, the lateral lower leg bone is the 5. Sharpey’s fibers – secure periosteum to
fibula. underlying bone
6. Endosteum – thin CT membrane lining the
There are seven cervical, twelve thoracic, and five
inner cavities of bone
Plumbar vertebrae.
7. Articular cartilage – covers the external surface
Spinal curvatures that are present at birth are called of the epiphyses
primary curvatures (the thoracic and sacral o Made of hyaline cartilage
curvatures) and those that develop later are secondary o Decrease friction at joint surfaces
curvatures (the cervical and lumbar curvatures). 8. Epiphyseal plate – a flat plate of hyaline
cartilage that cause the lengthwise growth of
Plane, hinge, and pivot joints are all types of synovial bone
joints. 9. Yellow marrow - Used for stored energy and
cell production.
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease that 10. Red marrow - the site of blood cell production
affects membrane around joints. 11. Arteries - Supply bone cells with nutrients
12. Medullary cavity – cavity of the shaft
Gouty arthritis (Gout) – disease resulting from
accumulating of uric acid crystals STEPS IN THE REPAIR PROCESS OF A SIMPLE
Osteoarthritis – disease of the aged in which articular
cartilage is affected 1. Hematoma formation – caused by rupture of blood
Bursitis – inflammation of bursae associated with 2. Formation of fibrocartilage callus – growth of new
synovial membranes capillaries; masses of repair tissues (calluses) close
the gap between broken bones.
Rickets – diseases of children in which bones fail to 3. Formation of bony callus – replacement of
calcify fibrocartilage by spongy bone.
4. Bone Remodeling
Fractures – bone breaks

Osteoclasts – cells that can dissolve the bony matrix

Lamellae – layers of calcification that are found in bone

Canaliculi – small channels that radiate through the

matric of the bone

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