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Miriam Safa


The Discipline of Nursing

Evidence of Learning #1

Ted Talk: Learning the discipline of care not just the profession of nursing - Madelyn Blair

Without a doubt, nurses are in high demand due to the current staff shortage. Initially, I

thought that it was because not many people were interested in the profession, or that some

thought that the job was extremely taxing. Nursing is not easy, so it made sense to me that many

individuals would avoid such a career. However, that is not the case. According to Madelyn

Blair, there are a plethora of nurses; instead many decide not to continue working. This is

because of a warped mindset in which one lets the job impact you in negative ways.

Many pursue the nursing profession usually to complement their excitement to solve

puzzles, learn about human anatomy, and/or to simply help people. While it is great that a person

is engaging in a career that they are passionate about, there is a fine line between just getting the

job done and treating the patient as an object. Many nurses attend work and view their shifts as a

checklist rather than establishing a bond with the patient. Seeing the patient as a task is

dehumanizing, and does not fulfill the purpose of nursing. This attitude is the main precursor to a


After watching this informational Ted Talk, I learned that simply learning how to do the

job is not enough- you must learn “how to be in the job.” Nursing burnout is very common, but

that is easily preventable if you allow yourself to view this profession as a community of support

both physically and mentally.

In order to be the best nurse one can possibly be, it is crucial to participate in self-care

practices that will help you treat the patient to full recovery. They are not just a diagnosis, or a

duty, but a real person who will appreciate a nurse that genuinely focuses on all aspects of their

health, and not just their physical conditions.

It is my newfound understanding that learning how to be a nurse goes beyond the

classroom. Being compassionate and excited to help others can not be taught. These aspects must

remain engraved in your mindset, despite the troubling times a nurse can experience in the

medical field.

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