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acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and then let it pass
what is this
tool or technique
The unhooking technique is a technique
used in destressing by separating your
thoughts and feelings to see what they
imply and letting them be what they imply.
the importance of this tool or technique to deal
with stress, disasters and mental health care

It is important because we would confront our

thoughts and feelings rather than run away from
them, it is a healthy way of dealing with feelings
because we evaluate what our feelings/thoughts
are, and when we get hooked by them again, we
just simply unhook ourselves.
Suppose you are drinking tea. When you are
drinking your tea, put your full attention on
it. Notice it with curiosity as you have never d by
encountered such a beverage before. oo k e ,
g et h lin g s
yo u d f ee
e ve r ts a n T EA .
Notice its colour. h en ug h y o u r
W lt th o o n
Savour the smell of it. f fic u C U S
di R E F O
You sip it slowly. just
Let your tea sit on your tongue, feel
it on your teeth and savour the
You drink your tea as slowly as possible, savouring the taste and
noticing the temperature and, you take each sip of your tea in the
same way: slowly, noticing and savouring.
Useful Tip: Whenever you get "Hooked" by difficult thoughts and feelings,
first "NOTICE" and "NAME" them.

For example, you can say to yourself that;

"You notice a feeling of anger"
"You notice a feeling of distress"
"You notice a headache".

Thus, after you NOTICE and NAME that you have been "Hooked" with
difficult thoughts and feelings, just REFOCUS on your TEA.
Unhooking is a kind of type to destress, when you got hooked with difficult thoughts and
feelings, just "Un-hook" by refocusing and engaging on what you are doing, with your full

You can observe the stress is "Pulling You Away" from your values, you have to:

Learn how to focus, engage and pay attention better.

In this technique we can refocus our mind into things around us, we can think more
clearly instead of panicking or acting out of our emotions, and lastly we can honour our
emotions more and talk about it.

u Carmela : ppt
Wanda : question 1 and 2
Anna : question 3
Lance : question 1 presentation
Lindsay : question 2 and 3 presentation

acknowledge your thoughts and feelings and then let it pass

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