Classifies The Diff Kind of Angle

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Pasacao National High School
Sta. Rosa Del Norte, Pasacao, Camarines Sur 4417

Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

Classifies the different kinds of angles
Grade 7
Feb. 12, 2024
The learners demonstrate understanding of key concepts of geometry of shapes, and sizes, and
geometric relationships.


The learner is able to create models of plane figures and formulate and solve accurately authentic
problems involving sides and angles of a polygon.


Classifies the different kinds of angles (M7GE-IIIa-3.)


At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a) identify the parts of an angle;
b) illustrates and classify the different kinds of angles; and
c) determine the measure of an angle using a protractor.

A. Topic: Classifies the different kinds of angles
Sub-topic: acute angle, right angle and obtuse angle
B. References: Mathematics 7 Quarter 3 – Module 2 Angles
C. Materials: Laptop, printed material, Manila Pepper, Marker and PowerPoint
Presentation guided by this lesson plan.
D. Skills to Develop: critical thinking, reading comprehension and analyzing.
E. Values to be integrated: collaboration, Receptiveness and adaptability
F. Methodology: 3 I’s
G. Time allotment:
H. Concept:
Angles can be classified based on their measure and relationship to other angles. In terms
of measure, there are acute (<90°), right (90°), obtuse (>90° but <180°), straight (180°),
reflex (>180° but <360°), and full (360°) angles. In terms of relationship, complementary
angles (sum = 90°), supplementary angles (sum = 180°), vertical angles (opposite and
congruent), corresponding angles (congruent on parallel lines), and alternate angles
(congruent on parallel lines). Understanding these classifications enriches our
understanding of geometry and angle interactions.


Time Teaching Hints Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity IM’s
A. Preliminaries PPT
a) Greetings Good day, class. It is nice to finally
meet you. I’m Resa Mae Dacian;
you can call me ma’am (riri, resa),
your student teacher from CBSUA Good morning teacher
taking a secondary education major Resa!
in math.

I’m excited to create good and

unforgettable memories with you
all. I hope this third quarter may be
full of learning and great
experiences for me and also for my
future students. We’re good ma’am.
How are you today?

It is good to hear that you are fine

and jolly

Now, please stand up and let us

have first a prayer

b.) Prayer In the name of the father, and of

(Student will pray)
the son, and of the holy spirit.

“Praise be thy name of our lord,

Jesus Christ”
“Now and forever, amen.”

c.) Securing Now, before you take your seat,

cleanliness arrange your chair properly and
pick up the sheet of paper under
your chair. (The students are seated.)

d.) Checking the

Ms. Beedle, kindly check the
attendance of your classmates.
Thank you Okay, teacher resa!

e.) Classroom
So, to make our classroom fun,
interesting and avoid distraction. Classroom rules:
Let me remind you of our The 5 P’s
Classroom Rules. Everyone, 1. Be Prepared
please read.
2. Be Positive
3. Be Productive
4. Be Polite
Thank you, Ms. luces. I hope you 5. Be Participative
are aware of our classroom rules
until our class is ended.

f.) Passing of
assignment Last meeting, did I give you an
None ma’am

Alright, so I have here an Activity.

Draw and label the following, lets
see if you can still recall our last
topic about the concept of rays, a
colinear, the opposite rays and etc.
INTRODUCTION Let’s see if you can illustrate the
B. Recall and Motivation following.

1. Ray BA
2. Ray BC
3. BA and BC are opposite rays

So how are you going to illustrate

these following?
(student raise their hand)


Alright very good. 2.

Now I have a question for you Can 3.
we write or label ray BA as ray AB?
Or Ray BC as Ray CB?
(Student raise their hands)
Some say yes, some say no.
How do you say so?
Can we write or label ray BA as ray
Yes, ma’am because it just
AB? Or Ray BC as Ray CB?
the same.
No ma’am because the ray
BA has endpoint B. that’s is
Very good that’s is right. Ray BA
why ray BA cannot be called
cannot be called as Ray AB why?
as ray AB.
Just like what you have said the
end point of the Ray BA is B and
once you wright it as ray AB the
end will be now A. is that clear?
Yes ma’am
Alright, given in this figure. The
opposite ray of ABC. Can you make
this figure as a non-collinear?
Yes, ma’am!
as you can see by the given figure,
points ABC are collinear points,
when we say collinear are those
points lying on the same line. Now
how are you going to make these
points non-collinear?
Student try to answer

Alright very good.

so, if we want to make that figure
as non-collinear. The result will be
like this.
As you can see that point ABC are
C. Lesson proper
not lying on the same line. So, this
is an example of non-collinear.
Where as you can see in the figure
it creates rotation.
So based on a given picture,
Student raise their hands
Who can guess our topic for today?
a.) Presenting of the I guess it’s all about ANGLE
Very good out topic for today is all
about angle but before we proceed
to our new discussion, let us be
b.) Setting the guided by the following objectives.
objectives Everyone, please read. Students reading the
Alright, that’s our objectives that we
need to attain in this afternoon.
Okay, once again when we have a
INTERACTION three point that is non-collinear, we
can form an angle

So, what do we mean by angle?

Alright, that is right. Angle can be Angle is an open figure

an open and closed figure. But not
all open figure or closed figure can
be called an angle or have an

Angle is a figure formed by two
non-collinear rays with a common
endpoint, called vertex

(explaining the parts of an angle)

These angles can be named as

(<ABC) angle ABC, (<CBA) angle
CBA, or < B.

These two rays of an angle are

what we called also the side of an
If I ask you, what are the side of an Student raise their hands
Side BA and side BC
Very good, take note that taking
the side of an angle start on the
Now, what is the vertex? B

Alright, very good. so, these are the

part of an angle.

In this figure side BC is what we

called the initial side. Once it
rotates and stop there, that’s is
what we called the terminal side.

Alright, so an angle we have

terms that we need to remember
when we talk about angle. First of
is the degrees.
Degrees (⁰). The unit used in
measuring the angle.
For example, the measure of an
angle is 75⁰.
In finding if the angle is 75 ⁰. We
use a protractor.
Protractor is the device used in
measuring the angle.
(illustrating how to use protractor)

Now let’s discuss the angle and its


(explaining the exterior, interior
points and point on the angle itself)
Again, what are the interior point of Point D and point E
an angle?
Very good, how about the exterior Point F
What about the points on the angle Point A, B and C

Very good, clap your hands. Students clapping their

Now how can we name an angle? hands
So, I have here three ways on how
to name an angle
(student raised their hands)
Just like what I need previously. Using 3 points. <ABC or
now who wants to try to name this <CBA
angle in three ways? Using the vertex <B
Very good, clap your hands. Using the number or letter <
(providing example) 1
(Student rise their hands)
(students answered)

Who wants to try to answer this

one. Name the angle into 3 ways.

Very good everyone, now pls sit

down. Now let me ask you in vertex
why this angle cannot be named as
It is because vertex is only
applicable in one angle. In this Student guessing
figure, (kase maraming
nagmamayari sa kanya) that is why
we cannot name <X or <vertex in
this figure.

Is that clear? Yes ma’am

How about this one
Student raise their hands
(student answered)

Very good.
It seems that you truly understand
how to name an angle now let’s
proceed to the kind of angle.
There are different kind of angle
depend on its measures or
degrees. Or what we called their

So, in today’s discussion we were

only focus on acute, right and
obtuse angle.
Student raise their hands
(discussing and providing some
example) Yes ma’am
Is that clear?
To test if you truly understand our
lesson. I need a volunteer to
answer this in front.
Student raise their hands
Expected answer

Very good.
So, it seems that you truly
understand our topic for today.
INTEGRATION Let’s have an activity.
I will group you into 3 groups

The activity called ZOOTOPIA

Directions: in this activity each
group will guess at what angle are
Judy Hopps and Nike Wilde
jumping at?
Each group should follow the
1. Name your group with
“MATH” on its first syllable
for example “MATHinik”.
2. Select representative in
each question I will flask in
the screen.
3. I will give a 5 second to
answer each problem.
4. The first group who will get
the answer correctly will
get the point.
The criteria of this game.

Yes, Ma’am
Are you ready?
(The teacher starts presenting

Grading each group

The activity is done

Back to our discussion, is there any None, ma’am

question or clarification?

If that’s so, if you truly understand

our topic or today. Let’s have a
short quiz.
lements” as a structure
formed from one or more sets of
undefined objects, various concepts
which may or may not be defined, and
a set of
axioms relating these objects and

"Elements" is known for its

axiomatic approach to geometry,
and it serves as a foundational
work in the development of the
mathematical system. The
document emphasizes the
relevance of Euclidean geometry
and its axiomatic structure, which
aligns with the principles outlined in
Euclid's "Elements."

Test 1. Evaluation Each student will get ½ sheet of paper (crosswise) and will answer this activity. State
the type of angle (acute, right. obtuse or reflex) for the following:

a) 45˚ = __________________
b) 220˚= ______________________
c) 6˚ = __________________
d) 105˚ = _____________________
e) 185˚ = __________________
f) 90˚ = ______________________
g) 350˚ = __________________
h) 170˚ = ______________________
1. Study the classification of angle in terms of relationship, complementary angles (sum = 90°),
supplementary angles (sum = 180°), vertical angles (opposite and congruent), corresponding
angles (congruent on parallel lines), and alternate angles (congruent on parallel lines).
2. Make an example each

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