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Cha Kritodakah. Snátvá Visháalgangáyám Vishálákshi Tato Vrajeta.

Lalitá Tirthe Lalitámarchayettah. Snátvá Bhawáni Tirthe yo Bhawánim Paripoojayeta.
Mangalám Cha Tatobhyachya Bindutirthakritodakah. Tato Gachchhenamahálakshmim
Sthiralakshmisamriddhaye. Imám Yátrám Narah Kritvá Kshetresminmuktijanmani.” This
means on the first day of Vásantika Navarátra, worship the goddess Mukh Nirmalika Gauri
(pure faced Gauri) whose temple is located at Gáya Ghat. On the second day worship
Jyeshtha Gauri (eldest Gauri) whose temple is situated near Jyeshtheshwara. Third day is
dedicated to Saubhágya Gauri (The good fortune Gauri) who is located near the Gyánvápi
(the well of knowledge). On the fourth day worship the Shringár Gauri (the elegantly decked
Gauri) whose temple is in the Vishwanátha temple. Fifth day is dedicated to Vishálákshi
Gauri (the wide-eyed Gauri), whose temple is situated at Meer ghat near the
Adivishweshwara (original Vishweshwara) temple. The sixth day is for worshiping Lalitá
Gauri (Amorous Gauri), whose temple is located on Lalitá Ghat. The seventh day of
Vásantika Navarátra is dedicated to Bhaváni Gauri (being Gauri) and her temple is situated
in the premises of the Ráma temple located near the Annapurná temple in Vishwanatha
street. The eighth day is for worshiping Mangalá Gauri (Auspicious Gauri) whose temple is
located at Ráma ghat, and on the ninth day it is time to worship the Mahálakshmi Gauri
(Great prosperity Gauri). Her temple is located at the Lakshmi Kunda, in the Luxa area.
Rámanavami is also observed on the same day, which is a festival of the Kshatriyas (The
ruling caste among Hindus).

About five months from here, occurs the second Navarátra known as the Sháradiya (related
to autumn) Navarátra in the Àshwina Mása (October-November). This is the time of
worshiping the Navadurgás (The Unassailable goddesses). As per the Durgá Saptashati –
“Prathama Shailaputri Cha Dwitiyam Brahmchárini. Tritiya Chandraghanteti
Kooshmándeti Chaturthakam. Pancham Skandmáteti Shastham Kátyáyaniti Cha.
Saptamam Kálarátri Mahágauri Chashtamam. Navam Siddhidátri Cha Navadurgá
Prákirtitáh. Uktanyetáni Námáni Brahmnaiva Mahátmaná.” Meaning worship Shailputri
(Mountain’s daughter) on the first day and Brahmachárini (The Chaste) on the second day.
Worship Chandraghantá (moon shaped bells) on the third,

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