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[Happy House] NodeMCU 0.96인치 ESP8266 C타입 개발보드 CH-340G [CMODULE-21] Happy House 4

NodeMCU 0.96인치 ESP8266 C타입 개발보드 / CH-340G / 와이파이 모듈 / 마이크로 USB / ESP-12E / 아두이노 , 마이크로파이썬

상품번호 15207618

판매가(VAT 별도
포함) 9,000원 (9,900원)

평균준비기간 [해외] 1주일

제조사 Happy House


수량 1

보유 재고 소진 시 배송까지 최대 1주 정도 소요될 수 있습니다.

총 상품금액 (VAT 별도
포함) 9,900원
(VAT 포함

BOM 리스트 장바구니 바로구매

위 상품 이미지는 참조용 대표 이미지이며,
정확한 사양은 데이터시트에서 확인하셔야 합니다.

네이버 ID로 간편구매 구매 찜


[머니결제혜택]최대 3%적립 + 소득공제

카테고리 인기상품

ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 Heltec ESP32+LoRa(SX1262) LILYGO® TTGO VGA32 V1.4 LILYGO® T7 S3 V1.1 개발보드 LILYGO® T-Lite W5500용 이더
Development Board… 개발 보드 863-928MHz (WI… 컨트롤러 넷 모듈
[DFR0895] LORA 32)

Product Features:
1.This is an ESP8266 0.96 OLED board with all the features of a traditional ESP8266 module.
2.Seamless integration with 0.96" OLED displays eliminates the need for wires and test boards.
3. The board uses I2C to connect to the OLED display via the SDA (D6/GPIO14) and SCL (D5/GPIO12) pins.
4. The module is paired with a display template, and with this board, various information and data can be
5.Display function with high resolution 128x64 of SSD-1306 driver and compatible with I2C and SPI interfaces,
you can use Type-C or Micro USB interface to connect, you can choose the interface according to your needs.

Product Description:
The board integrates an ESP8266 NodeMCU and a 0.96-inch OLED screen, providing all the functionality of a
traditional ESP8266 module with the same size and peripheral ports, as well as higher-performance
development tools and high-definition data display. It supports multiple programming modes and features an
ESP8266 chip with an 80MHz main frequency and 4MB of flash memory, enabling it to easily handle a wide
range of tasks and applications with a complete network protocol stack and security mechanisms. Its low power
consumption and high performance make it suitable for beginners and professionals to develop and apply IoT

Product Parameters:
Operating voltage: 3.3V
Input Voltage: 7-12V
Digital I/0 pins (DIO): 16
Analog input pin (ADC): 1
SPI:1 1
Flash:4 MB
Clock speed: 80 MHZ
Microcontroller: Tensilica 32-bit RISC CPU Xtensa LX106
Module size: 59mm*31mm
Small module for smart installation in your loT project, on-board CH340-based USB-TTL for plug and play

0.96-inch SD1306 OLED Parameters:

OLED self-luminous, no backlight
Screen material: glass, need good protection
Size: 0.96 inches
Color: yellow blue
Voltage: 3.3V-5V DC
Viewing angle: >160°
High resolution: 128x64
Driver lC:SSD1306
I12C interface:
SCL:I12C Serial Clock
DA:l2C serial data
Operating temperature: -30°C~70°C
Module size: 25mmx 17mm

Pay attention to the wiring according to the diagram, do not connect the wrong.
This document only represents the product knowledge and parameters of the editor at the time, and any later
changes without notice.
The supply voltage should not exceed the maximum withstand voltage of the module, otherwise it is easy to
damage the module.

Product List.
1X Module
2X Pin

c ESP82660.96"OLEDModule





02 21Q1





관련 자료가 없습니다.


Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics

[디바이스마트 바로가기]
해당 자료는 영문 위키피디아를 참고하였습니다.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), previously Science, Math, Engineering and Technology
(SMET), is a term used to group together these academic disciplines. This term is typically used when addressing
education policy and curriculum choices in schools to improve competitiveness in science and technology
development. It has implications for workforce development, national security concerns and immigration policy.
The acronym came into common use shortly after an interagency meeting on science education held at the US
National Science Foundation[when?] chaired by the then NSF director Rita Colwell. A director from the Office of
Science division of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists, Peter Faletra, suggested the change from
the older acronym METS to STEM. Colwell, expressing some dislike for the older acronym, responded by
suggesting NSF institute the change. However, the acronym STEM predates NSF and likely traces it's origin to
Charles Vela, the founder and director of the Center for the Advancement of Hispanics in Science and Engineering
Education (CAHSEE). In the early 1990's CAHSEE started a summer program for talented under-represented
students in the Washington, DC area called the STEM Institute. Based on the program's recognized success and his
expertise in STEM education, Charles Vela was asked to serve on numerous NSF and Congressional panels in
science, mathematics and engineering education; it is through this manner that NSF was first introduced to the
acronym STEM. One of the first NSF projects to use the acronym[citation needed] was STEMTEC, the Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math Teacher Education Collaborative at the University of Massachusetts Amherst,
which was founded in 1998.

Other variations
STM (Scientific, Technical, and Mathematics; or Science, Technology, and Medicine; or Scientific, Technical, and
eSTEM (environmental STEM)
iSTEM (invigorating Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics); identifies new ways to teach STEM-
related fields.
STEMLE (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Law and Economics); identifies subjects focused on
fields such as applied social sciences and anthropology, regulation, cybernetics, machine learning, social
systems, computational economics and computational social sciences.
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-평점전체- 작성자, 제목, 내용 검색 상품리뷰 쓰기

번호 후기 평가 작성자

등록된 상품리뷰 게시글이 없습니다.

검색 0개/총 93,588개


- 문의유형 - 작성자, 제목, 내용 검색 상품문의 쓰기

번호 상태 문의 작성자

등록된 상품문의 게시글이 없습니다.

검색 0개/총 39,618개


배송정보 택배발송
택배사 : 롯데택배 1588-2121 또는 기타 택배
배송지역 : 전국 (제주 및 도서산간지역은 3,000원 추가 운임이 발생하며 일부 지역은 +@ 추가 비
용이 발생 됩니다.)
배송기간 : 영업일 기준 평균 1~3일 소요되며, 택배사 사정에 따라 달라질 수 있습니다. (주말/공휴
일 배송기간 제외)
무료배송 : 총 결제 금액이 배송비를 제외하고 66,000원(vat포함) 이상인 경우 무료배송 처리됩니
주문 후 상품의 품절ㆍ 단종 및 고객 변심 등 부분 취소로 인하여 최종 결제 금액이 66,000원 이하
가 되는 경우, 2,700원(롯데택배 출고기준/VAT포함)의
기본 배송비가 발생될 수 있습니다.
유료배송 : 롯데택배 출고 기준 2,700원(vat포함)
무료/유료 배송의 경우 : 직배송, 타 택배 이용시 유료배송 비용은 변경됩니다.
부피 및 무게가 10KG 이상, 총 합의 길이가 1.2M 이상 또는 배송 사정으로 인해 롯데택배 이외 타
택배로 출고될 수 있으며,
운송수단에 따라 배송비는 선불 또는 착불(고객 부담) 발생될 수 있습니다.

퀵 / 고속 / KTX / 방문수령

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