Act 1

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Name: Fields, Kristel Kao T.


1.Why is it important to study the life and works of RIZAL?

Studying Jose Rizal's life and works is crucial for a number of reasons. Rizal,
often regarded as the national hero of our country, Philippines, embodies the
spirit of resilience, patriotism, and intellectual enlightenment. His legacy
serves as a source of inspiration, a call to action, and a reminder of the
enduring struggle for justice, freedom, and cultural identity. Rizal's
contributions transcend time and borders, making his life and works a beacon
of hope and a testament to the power of ideas to shape the course of nations
and individuals alike.

2.How will the writings of RIZAL become significant in the present time?

The writings of Jose Rizal continue to be important today. They explore

cultural identity, emphasizing the importance of preserving one's heritage in a
globalized world. Rizal's advocacy for education remains relevant, promoting
knowledge as a tool for empowerment. His writings address social justice and
human rights, guiding those striving for a fairer society. Lastly, they inspire
patriotism and civic responsibility, encouraging active participation in shaping
a nation's destiny. In conclusion, Rizal's timeless themes provide valuable
insights in our rapidly changing world, offering wisdom and inspiration for
modern life and society.

3.How did RIZAL contribute to the nationalism?

The national hero of our country, Philippines, José Rizal, made significant
contributions to Filipino nationalism. His novels, "Noli Me Tangere" and "El
Filibusterismo," exposed Spanish colonial injustices, sparking nationalistic
fervor. Rizal championed education as a means of empowerment, advocating
for schools and knowledge dissemination. His non-violent, intellectual
approach to nationalism influenced peaceful activism globally. Rizal's
personal sacrifices, including exile and execution, inspired unity and
determination among Filipinos, laying the foundation for independence.

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