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Failure mode can primarily affects the

A. Magnitude
B. Consequences
C. A&B


If the material of construction and internal/external conditions are the same

A. Inspection results can be related from one equipment can be related to the other equipment
B. We cannot do that, since we do not know about it
C. Need to consult Equipment Engineer for final decision


Deterioration for specific process equipment is not available, this can be sourced from

A. Published data
B. Experience with other similar equipment
C. Previous inspection data
D. All the above


Potential hazards identified in a pha will often affect the

A. Probability of failure side of the risk equation.

B. Consequence of failure side of the equation

_______Depict ways in which the system failures rep- resentedin the event trees can occur.

 A. Event trees
 B. Fault trees
 C. Logic trees

___________deals with total risk than with risk involve only with the equipment.

A. Qra Quantitative Risk Assessment

B. Rbi

C. Pha

D. Fta
Some failures may occur relatively frequently without significant adverse safety, environmental,

economic impact. Similarly, some failures have potentially serious consequences, but if the
probability of the incident

is low, the risk may not warrant immediate or extensive action. However, if the probability and

combination (risk) is high enough to be unacceptable, then a mitigation action to reduce the
probability and/or the

consequence of the event is appropriate.

Typically, risk

acceptability criteria are defined, recognizing that not every failure will lead to an undesirable
incident with serious

consequence (e.g. water leaks) and that some serious consequence incidents have very low
probabilities (e.g.

rupture of a clean propane vessel).

If the risk

determined using any approach is below the acceptance criterion specified by the management
of the organization

conducting the analysis, no further analysis, inspection, or mitigation steps are typically required
within the analysis

timeframe as long as the conditions and assumptions used in the analysis remain valid.
RBI step

1.Determined risk value or category associated with an equipment item within a system or
process based on a

consistent methodology.

2.Prioritized equipment ranking based on risk.

3. Development of an appropriate inspection program to address key risk drivers.

4. Consequence of failure analysis

5. Probability of failure analysis

6. Risk Ranking

Qualitative approach requires data inputs based on descriptive information using engineering
judgment, subject matter

expertise, and experience as the basis for the analysis of probability and COF

qualitative approach is less precise than more quantitative approaches, it is effective in screening out

units and equipment with low risk.

qualitative assessments generally are not as repeatable as quantitative assessments.

Quantitative programs are model-based approaches where numerical values are calculated and more
discreet input

data used

Quantitative RBI outlines a methodology for prioritizing equipment risk in a risk matrix or ISO-risk plot

Semi-quantitative is a term that describes any approach that has aspects derived from both the
qualitative and

quantitative approaches

Precision vs Accuracy

is a function of the analysis methodology, the quality of the data, and consistency of application, while
precision is a

function of the selected metrics and computational methods

Risk presented as a precise numeric value (as in a

quantitative analysis) implies a greater level of accuracy when compared to a risk matrix (as in a
qualitative analysis)

damage rate (probability)

magnitude of a failure (consequence)

Quantitative analysis uses logic models to calculate probabilities and consequences of failure

It is important that results from

these logic models are validated by expert judgment.

The primary product of an RBI effort should be an inspection plan for each equipment item evaluated

the plans shall describe the

type, scope, and timing of inspection/examination recommended

The Fitness-For-Service assessment is often accomplished through the knowledge and expertise of the

and engineers involved when deterioration is within known acceptable limits, but on occasion will
require an

engineering analysis such as those contained in API 579-1/ASME FFS-1.

Examples where inspection may not be sufficient to

manage risks to acceptable levels are as follows:

a) equipment nearing end of service life;

b) failure mechanisms (such as brittle fracture, fatigue) where avoidance of failure primarily depends on
design and

operating within a defined pressure/temperature envelope;

c) consequence-dominated risks.
Equipment reliability is especially important if leaks can be caused by

A. Secondary failures, such as loss of utilities

B. Primary failures such as leak due to severe corrosion

C. Tertiary failures due to valve gland packing leak

Reliability efforts, such as reliability centered maintenance (REM), can be linked with RBI, resulting in an
integrated program to

A. Reduce downtime in an operating unit

B. Reduce operating time of a unit

C. To reduce risk by mitigation activities

______________ to be established to judge acceptability of risk could he an objective of the RBI

assessment if such criteria do not exist already within the user's company.

A. Risk criteria

B. Risk plan

C. Risk analysis

___________ is usually not the primary objective of a RBI assessment, but it is frequently a side effect of

A. Reducing inspection costs

B. Increasing inspection costs

C. Increasing frequency of inspection programs

For qualitative RBI analysis it is important to establish a set of rules to assure consistency in

A. Categorization or classification

B. Segregation

C. Ranking

The models are evaluated _____________ to provide both qualitative and quantitative insights about
the level of risk and to identify the design, site, or operational characteristics that are the most
important to risk\

A. Probabilistically

B. Statistically
C. Linearly

D. Logically

Potential source of errors in RBI analysis regarding data quality are the following except

A. If the base line thickness were not performed the nominal thickness may be used for the original

B. If original thickness not available, averaged at thickness readings may be used

C. If the original thickness not available, maximum at thickness readings may be used

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