Rough Ouija Mom Script

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Ouija Board Horror Story


The first and last time I ever used a Ouija board happened years ago. My friend invited me over
to his house to spend the night. It was the weekend, and we didn’t have anything else to do, but at the
time, neither of us could afford a video game console, so we had to make do with board games.

I brought a deck of cards along that we played until we got bored of them, then we moved on
and played some checkers and even some chess, until we were finally sick of all of it and started
watching TV on the couch with my friend’s mom.

Eventually, she went to bed, which meant we had almost the whole house to ourselves to do
whatever we wanted, instead of just my friend’s bedroom. Naturally, it wasn’t long before we got bored
of sitting on the couch, too, so we went around the house looking for stuff to do. We ended up digging
through the junk closet by the kitchen, which was full of stuff like holiday decorations and spare blankets
and childhood toys. Among all that crap was a stack of weird, knock-off board games that my friend
didn’t even know he had.

At the bottom of that stack, though, was an old Ouija board. I’d never seen one in person
before. It gave me the creeps. I would have left it buried in the pile of junk just as soon as looked twice
at it, but my friend’s eyes lit up when he noticed it.

He forgot about everything else and pulled it out, saying we should use it. I argued against it at
first, because I didn’t think we knew what we were getting into, but my friend pointed to a company
logo on the box, the logo of the same company that makes all kinds of board games and convinced me it
couldn’t be that serious if it was made for the whole family.

Reluctantly, I agreed to try it for at least a little while. It was already midnight, so I figured we
would call it a night soon, anyway. We set the Ouija board on his kitchen table and lit some candles
around it. All the other lights were off, and as far as the living were concerned, we were the only ones in
the whole house who were still awake.

We put our hands on the planchette and my friend told me to ask the first question. I was trying
not to take it seriously, so I jokingly asked the open air if my friend was still a virgin. After a few seconds,
the planchette started to move…

At first, I thought my friend was pushing it, but then I knew that couldn’t be the case because it
wasn’t moving towards NO, and he would have definitely lied to protect his ego. Then, he told me to
knock it off, but I told him that it honestly wasn’t me, either.

Slowly, the planchette moved all the way across the board and stopped right on top of the word
YES. We both knew that was the truth, and I knew that I hadn’t cheated, so for the first time I started to
feel legitimately disturbed.
Of course, we laughed it off like it was still the joke it started out as, then I thought for a second
that we would be smart and just quit while we still could, but that’s when my friend moved the
planchette back to the center of the board and said we should keep going. Then, he blurted out
something I never expected him to say.

“Should we become serial killers?”

My jaw immediately fell to the floor, and I looked at him in disbelief. However, before I could
say anything about it, the planchette started to move again. I wanted to take my hands off of it, but it
felt like they were stuck, like they were being dragged outside of my control.

And of course, the board replied once again with a YES. I looked my friend dead in the eyes and
shook my head seriously, basically begging him to stop, but he didn’t. He asked another question.

“Who should we kill first?”

There was almost no delay in the response this time. I watched in horror as the planchette slid
back and forth across the board, spelling the word: “MOM.”

Suddenly my friend ripped his hands away and I did the same, then we were stuck staring at
each other in terrified silence for what felt like hours. Even the temperature in the room seemed like it
had fallen by ten degrees. Finally, one of us broke the spell of quiet.

“We have to do it.”

“What?! Are you crazy? No, we don’t!”

“Yes, we do. The board said so.”

“You’re kidding, right? It’s just a stupid old board game!”

“SH!! Don’t say that! It’s more than that… We have no idea what we just communicated with.
Depending on what it is, we may not have a choice.”

“Are you really going to kill your own mom over that slim chance?”

“I’m not going to. We’re going to.”

“No way, man! Why would I do that?”

“Say we disobey what it said… That means we’ll be haunted by it. That could be a fate worse
than death. And if just you defy it, the next thing I’ll be ordered to do will be to kill you…”

“You’re lying. You’re joking. You can’t be serious.”

“Unless you’re willing to admit you cheated, I’m dead serious. Now, come on. Get up and do this
with me.”

I was left dumbfounded at the table while he got up and grabbed two knives from his kitchen,
then he put one in front of me. The look in his eyes dispelled all hope that he was messing with me. Still,
I didn’t want to believe what was about to happen.
In that moment, I was more scared about what he would do if I said NO. He looked crazy. I went
ahead with it at first, grabbing the knife and following him upstairs, waiting for him to turn around at
any point and say that he got me, but he never did.

We got all the way to the doorway to his mom’s bedroom, where we could see her sleeping. I
realized that if my friend actually did try to go through with this, that I would be the only person who
could stop him. It would be up to me to take him out with the knife if I thought he was really about to do

But then, it was like he’d become frozen. He looked over to me and I was able to see just how
afraid he really was. Second thoughts were all over his face.

(Whispering) “Man, I can’t do this… You go first.”

“Not a chance! I don’t even wanna do this! This was your idea!”

“It wasn’t my idea. It was… theirs.”

(Mockingly) “Who’s? The evil spirit? Get over yourself! That thing’s not real!”

For a moment, I thought I was finally getting to him. But right as we were about take it all back…
that’s when we realized we had already crossed the point of no return. It came like a crash of thunder
over our heads, that voice…

(Booming demonic voice) “HURRY UP AND DO IT!!!”

(Main and friend scream as they charge the bed in fear, imagery cutting away as the murder
takes place. Gore SFX?)

If you heard it, too, you would have known you had no choice, either.

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